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Personality Test Questions Review

How to Pass a Personality Test

November 2010

Welcome to Personality Test Answers That Get You Hired. I wrote this website after
experiencing anxiety about having to take a personality test as part of a job application.
Since there is an extremely competitive job market these days, employers are enjoying a
"buyers market." There are many, many job candidates for every opening. To help them select
the best candidate, they're implementing the use of pre-employment personality tests, or
psychological tests, as one of the tools they use to help distinguish the good job candidates from
the rest during the job interview process.
If you've read the papers you know that unemployment is rising
nationally, even getting close to 10% nationally. That means more and
more job seekers are applying for the same job you are. How do you
make yourself stand out from the rest? Chances are your prospective
employer has 10-12 other very well qualified job candidates just like
Employers see most job applicants may have very similar qualifications. As a result, they want to
get a deeper look into your personality beyond what standard job interview questions can
provide. One of the tools employers use during the job interview process is the personality test.
So what is a personality test? It is a type of career test that aims to describe aspects of a person's
character that remain stable across different situations. In other words, by categorizing your
personality traits, employers are using a personality questionnaire that claims to be able to
predict which job candidates will fit best for any particular employment position. The companies
that sell these pre-employment testing services will claim that personality tests are accurate. In
reality however many managers will tell you they lost great candidates because those job
applicants scored poorly on the personality test part of the job interview. Don't let this happen
to you.
One very popular personality test used by employers is the Myers Briggs Personality Test - a
personality questionnaire designed to identify certain psychological differences according to the
typological theories of Carl Jung. A growing company that offers employment testing for
companies is Brainbench. Their growth is a direct result of employers increased interest in
testing. Both the Myers Brigss personality test and the Brainbench personality test are often
chosen by employers.
People willingly answer employer's personality test questions as part of the job interview
process. Later, they realize (when it's too late) that they could have been a little better prepared.
Hiring managers will closely scrutinize the analysis from the test. Even the slightest indication
that you may not be a suitable job applicant could prevent you from receiving a job offer.
When you take a personality test during the job interview process,
you'll notice the test will ask the same personality question with
slightly different wording many times. This type of questioning is
designed to test your level of honesty, sincerity and integrity. It's very
common to answer a personality test question one way, then decide to
answer the same type of question a different way after you second
guess your first answer. Pretty soon you end up making yourself seem
like a very indecisive employee, one who is trying to outsmart the pre-employment test. Those
kind of interview answers can cost you the job offer.
There is something you can do to help increase the odds that your results will show you as
"suitable" for the position you want.
Purchase the eBook below, including the free bonus eBook "50 Interview Question Answers
That Get You Hired!" You'll get a solid understanding of what these tests seek to measure and
learn what the best personality test answers are for the type of position you are seeking. If you
ask around many people will advise you not to prepare but to just take the test. Don't you want to
feel prepared? By doing a little research, you'll learn how to answer personality test questions
that will show you're the most suitable candidate for the job.
If this job interview a really good career opportunity for you, it's important to be prepared.
While you may be able to produce a satisfactory result without professional advice, you might
answer just one or two questions "inappropriately" and cause your application to be disqualified.
Is is worth it? Wouldn't you feel better if you knew how employers are going to rate & interpret
your interview answers?
Don't risk questionable results from the job interview pre-employment
personality test.
If we were all the same, the personality test results wouldn't matter. But of course we're not.
Every single person has a different personality, and therefore a different pre-employment
personality test result.
Some personality types can be grouped into some general categories such as introverted,
extroverted, etc. How will the test categorize you? This is important because certain types of
personalities fit very specific jobs. Sales positions, for example, are looking for extroverted, high
energy personality types. Even if your test results predict you to be a great employee, you may
be categorized as the wrong type of employee for that type of job.
Executive hiring managers want to avoid risk.
Today a manager's career can depend on his or her ability to select great
employees during the job interview process. If you're adding a new person
to your "team" you want to be sure that you choose the best candidate for
the job. The conservative corporate manager will take steps to better qualify
each job candidate. The pre-employment personality test is just one tool
during the job interview that helps them do this. In most cases employers
likely put too much weight on the personality test. But no manager is going
to want to risk challenging the results. If they hire you knowing you have a negative personality
test profile, they risk getting fired or losing a promotion. As a result most managers choose the
candidate that fits the profile and represents the least amount of risk.
Why personality tests can be unreliable:
• They only measure different attitudes about things from different people. Your attitude
about something in general cannot be used to predict how you'll react to different &
distinct business situations.
• They cannot predict behavior because behavior is context sensitive. People act differently
in different environments. If you're in sales, and you're way ahead of your quota, you will
almost certainly handle price concession requests differently than if you were way behind
• They associate success with specific personality types. In fact, personality requirements
are different for different jobs. Rarely do any of the tests customize their
recommendations by job type or environment. It's simply "This person may (or may not)
succeed." This just doesn't happen in real life.
You Need To Know How Your Interview Answers Will Be Interpreted By
How would you answer the most common personality test question:
"I have never told a lie."
There is a very specific answer to this question that will indicate whether or not you are an
honest person. It's one of the most basic questions from the category "integrity." The more you
know about how to answer this question, the better your chances are of choosing the correct
personality test answer, and landing the job. This question is actually from a whole category of
personality test answers based upon integrity. Each question attempts to trip you up, to see if
your really an honest person or not. Is that fair? Of course not. Of course you would say that
you've told a lie once or twice in your life- right? Or maybe not. You'll get this question and the
appropriate answer in detail when you download the eBook.
You need to prepare, study, and understand the psychology behind career tests.
Why are so many employers using these tests during the job interview process?
The answer is simple.
Companies use of the pre-employment screening test has increased over 300% in the last five
years alone because of complex computer modeling that employs powerful mathematical
algorithms, making the results seem far more accurate than ever before.
But the most important reason employers love these tests are simply because there is little else
out there to evaluate you with.
Your previous employer will refrain from saying anything negative about you because they may
risk litigation (getting sued). Usually your previous employer will only confirm your dates of
employment. This leaves employers with very few ways to evaluate you- your resume, which
you wrote; your references, which you gave them; and your education- here they can at least
verify your degree, and your GPA.
You may be asking yourself "Is it ethical to learn how to take these tests?" Absolutely. You're
not trying to trick the personality test. You're just learning how your response will be interpreted.
Most people will suggest you "just answer the personality test questions honestly." But you're
only human. If you're taking a test for a job interview that can really advance your career, you
can't help but be a little (a lot?) apprehensive when you take a personality test. It's perfectly
normal, but can have a very significant impact on your test results.
Just like practicing a speech, you'll remove your apprehension and nervousness by knowing what
to expect, the type of questions you'll be asked, and how to answer the in a way that gives you
the best chance at landing the job.
Let's take a look at more personality test / career test questions.
We'll begin by putting our questions into segments. For demonstration purposes, let's assume the
segment is "reliability." Here's some questions from this area:
• How thorough are you?
• Do you complete all your assignments?
• Are you the type of employee who always arrives on time?
• How do you handle conflict?
• Are you persistent or do you give up easily?
These are typical personality test questions the employer will have about you. Don't be surprised
to see questions like this:
"Work is the most important thing in my life."
How should you answer? Agree or disagree? If you don't know, it could cost you this job
opportunity. Do you really want to risk it? You may be seen as a workaholic that doesn't know
when to quit. Or you may be viewed as someone with no personal life. Buy the eBook and you'll
know exactly how to answer this question.
Here's another question:
"I would be interested in learning how people handle stress at work."
This is a trick personality test question. Do you want to tell the employer you are so bad at
handling stress that you need help? Or that you're a little on the arrogant side and you think you
can handle any stressful situation? The eBook will tell you the most appropriate answer.
Like any other part of the job interview process, you need to do your
homework. You've already selected a conservative outfit to wear
during your interviews. You've spent hours and hours reading job
interview preparation material, about the company you're applying to,
and researching personality tests. You know what job interview
questions to expect, and how to respond. Your resume is polished and
highlights all of your accomplishments beautifully.
Why would you risk losing the job on the pre-employment
personality test results?
Get my eBook "How to Beat Personality Tests" right now.
Since it's in a PDF document format, you'll be able to download it in minutes, and start to
understand how employers and managers interpret your answers to the personality test you will
take during the job interview process.
You'll go into the test feeling confident, and you'll take the personality test without any
intimidation whatsoever. Ever since I began to research these tests I've been amazed at how
many people really don't understand how personality tests work.
But don't believe me, listen to this, from someone who had to take the Best Buy personality
"I had an interview at Best Buy. Everything went great, but they told me I had to take their
personality test. I was really nervous because a friend from school had taken the same test. He
was so nervous that while taking the test he began to panic, and answered questions many
different ways. Best Buy told him that his personality test results were 'unfavorable' and they
ended the interview process. I bought the eBook 'How Employers Rate Personality Test
Answers." I was able to read it in just a few hours, and it really clarified how these test work.
Needless to say I got the job at Best Buy."
Michelle C.
Minneapolis, MN
You can't go wrong. Buy the eBook to have complete confidence when you take your job
interview personality test- the one that can make or break your career. Read the eBook and get
test results now that will ensure you're a top rated job candidate.
You'll get:
• Sample personality test questions and the correct answers based on the top 50 tests used
by companies today.
• Expert tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you get the best possible personality test
• An understanding of how the questions are grouped by category, and what each category
tells employers about you.
• Each category contains a series of questions with a specific strategy on how to answer
them while maintaining a consistent personality profile.
• The eBook is yours to keep. Download the .pdf file and keep it for future reference and
share with family & friends.
Bonus! Now get two eBooks for the price of one:
Included is the new eBook "50 Interview Question Answers That Get You Hired!" at no
additional charge. 50 of the toughest job interview questions with detailed analysis on how to
answer them to GET HIRED!
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Other Personality Test Resources:

Personality Test based on Jung: Online test based on Jung-Myers-Briggs typology provides your
personality formula, the description of your type, list of occupations, and option to assess ...
Personality Test Center : Personality test and quiz center - free, professionally developed
personality and career tests scored online.
Personality Test : Free online Myers-Briggs and Keirsey personality test that analyzes your
exact type in percentages.
Personality Disorder Test : This is a test to help determine if you have a personality disorder.
Personality Test: The fastest, accurate personality test online! By selecting one of nine images,
you get a free analysis of your personality, try it - it's fun!
Society for Human Resource Management: The Society for Human Resource Management
(SHRM) is the world’s largest professional association devoted to human resource management.
Free Resume Templates : Get a head start writing your resume with these resume templates and
sample resumes.
Wikipedia Job Interview: Information on job interviewing from Wikipedia
ABC News Job Interview Article: Be a Fly on the Wall in a Job Interview. Career Coach and a
Recent College Grad Team Up to Ace an Interview. By SHARYN ALFONSI and MAGGIE
July 2, 2008
Employment Screening: National Association of Professional Background Screeners
Great Career Personality Quiz: Discover the career your best suited for.
Discover your personality type

You must answer all the questions in order to get your results.

1. Would you rather be a

• senator

• scientist
2. You are least likely to waste time

• imagining unrealistic possibilities

• endlessly gathering facts

3. In a workplace environment you would more likely notice the absence of

• clear lines of authority

• teamwork
4. Would you say that you like to
• assume responsibility

• avoid responsibility
5. Where would you prefer to spend most of your time if you were on holiday

• meeting people

• reading and taking lonely walks

6. Would you say that you are most often concerned with

• what is

• what could be
7. Do you admire people who

• can get things done

• are warm and kind

8. Do you tend to

• plan your actions in advance

• let things happen naturally

9. In your opinion most people are

• worthy of real trust

• unworthy of real trust

10. Do you admire people who are

• stable and successful

• profound
11. Do you find it

• difficult to talk about your feelings

• easy to talk about your feelings
12. You know how to make good use of your time

• all of the time

• sometimes
13. If you were asked to organize entertainment

• you would prefer it if other people did it

• you would find it quite enjoyable

14. Reality is in essence

• complex and predictable

• paradoxical
15. Are you inclined to

• be more cool headed

• get excited or lose your temper easily

16. Are you more interested in

• putting things in order

• anticipating opportunities for change

17. When confronted with a sudden question do you

• usually respond first

• wait for someone else to respond first

18. Do you more often prefer to

• classify

• brainstorm
19. Are you more likely to trust

• reason

• feelings
20. When searching for a solution are you more interested in

• the solution itself

• the process
21. In social situations you

• find it easy to communicate

• are more of a listener than a speaker

22. Are you more interested in

• what is real

• what is meaningful
23. Do you value in yourself more that you are

• just and impartial

• merciful and forgiving

24. Do you more often prefer to

• know what you are getting yourself into

• adapt to new situations

25. Are you more interested in

• what is happening around you

• your own thoughts and feelings

26. Would you say that you have more
• astute observational powers

• penetrating insight
27. In all activities objective criticism is

• always useful

• sometimes unsuitable
28. Do you tend to

• take deadlines seriously

• see deadlines as elastic

29. Are you the kind of person who

• easily makes new friends and adapts to a new group

• has difficulties making new contacts

30. Do you worry more about

• current preoccupations

• future plans
31. Do you tend to

• expect something in return when you help someone

• readily help people while asking nothing in return

32. Are you more comfortable

• checking off a "to do" list

• ignoring a "to do" list even if you made one

33. Would you say that you are more in need of

• social interactions
• peace and privacy
34. Are you more likely to rely on

• your experiences

• theoretical alternatives
35. When watching TV dramas do you feel

• personally uninvolved with the characters

• personally involved with the characters

36. Are you the kind of person who

• is usually prompt and on time

• is less aware of time and runs late

37. Would you say that you

• sometimes talk without thinking

• usually think without talking

38. Are you more inclined to

• act directly

• speculate about various options

39. In a debate do you

• stick to your guns

• strive to achieve mutual agreement

40. Are you more interested in

• finishing projects

• starting projects
41. Would you say that you

• know many people

• know few people, but deeply

42. Your desk or workbench at your workplace is

• usually neat and orderly

• untidy and messy

43 When working with others do you tend to

• see their flaws and question their findings

• show your appreciation in order to please them

44. Do you usually

• work first and play later

• play first and work later

45. Which of the following describes you better

• "what you see is what you get"

• "still waters run deep"

46. The notion of an "approximate decision" is

• difficult for you to understand

• easy for you to understand

47. When interacting with people do you tend to

• ignore non-verbal communication

• "tune in" to non-verbal communication

48. Do you tend to be more
• deliberate

• impulsive
49. Are you more satisfied

• with a public role

• working "behind-the-scenes"
50. Which do you tend to notice more

• the facts, details and realities of the world around you

• the meaning of facts and the relationships between them

51. Are you inclined to

• forget to thank or congratulate people

• always show your appreciation to people

52. Would you say that you

• make decisions easily

• find difficulty making decisions

53. Do you tend to

• tolerate noise and crowds

• avoid crowds and seek quiet

54. Do you tend to

• rely on past experiences

• trust your hunches

55. Are you more likely to take

• few things personally

• many things personally
56. Are you the kind of person who

• feels rules and regulations are essential

• dislikes rules and regulations

57. Are you the kind of person who

• communicates with enthusiasm

• keeps enthusiasm to yourself

58. Which do you admire more

• practical solutions

• creative ideas
59. Are you more likely to be motivated by

• achievement

• appreciation
60. Do you more often see life as

• simple

• complex
61. Do you tend to

• be easily distracted

• be able to concentrate well

62. Do you prefer to

• read step-by-step instructions

• figure things out for yourself

63. Are you more inclined to

• argue or debate issues for fun

• avoid arguments and conflicts

64. In most situations you rely more on

• careful planning

• improvisation
65. Would you say that you

• like to be at the centre of attention

• are content being on the sidelines

66. Do you tend to learn new things

• by imitation and observation

• through general concepts

67. Do you tend to notice

• pros and cons of each option

• how an option has a value and how it affects people

68. At work do you like to

• complete meaningful segments before moving on

• multitask and mix work with play

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