Answer To The Question No-1

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Answer to the question no-1

Task Data: Task data is the data that the task needs for finishing. You can add information to a
task straightforwardly, or it can be given on the order data or acquired from an alternate task.
You can show task data in a few different ways utilizing the Task Data tab of the Task editorial
manager. On the off chance that you made the task utilizing the Create Task wizard and you
indicated a specific task to utilize, that task data is shown in the Task Data region.

Behavioral Data: Behavioral data is information produced by, or in light of, a client's
commitment with a business. This can incorporate things like site visits, email recruits, or other
significant client activities. Basic sources of behavioral data incorporate sites, mobile
applications, CRM frameworks, marketing automation systems, help desk for client, call centers
and billing frameworks.
Clients can either be buyers, organizations, or people inside a business, however behavioral data
can generally be tied back to a single end-client. Note that this client can be a known individual
(signed in) or unknown (not signed in).
This sort of data is ordinarily made and put away as an "event," which means a move that was
made, with "properties," which means metadata used to portray the event. For instance, an event
could be "site visit" and a property for that specific event could be "device type." It might assist
with considering event as the "what" and the properties as the "who, when, and where."

Distinguish between Task Data and Behavioral Data: Behavioral data is very important in
advancing your organization's conversion, commitment, and maintenance. With the perfect
behavioral analytics tool, each colleague has the option to acquire the significant experiences
they need to respond to their own inquiries and influence data in manners that didn't appear
previously. Where task data is need to complete any task that was given. Task data represents
the information where the obligations of specific work/s are resolved deeply in detail. In this, the
work prerequisites are portrayed and the sort of obligations that is needed to be conveyed by this
work position is referenced. Task Data emphasizes the actual work acted in a task and the result
or motivation behind each task. Behavioral data basically focuses around the kind of employee
behaviors that will bring about the results. Behavioral data is substantially more than just data.
Where task is that data which tells the criteria of completing a task. Behavioral data permits you
to foresee the future – by expecting your client's requirements and behavior. With behavioral
data consolidated into a pipeline, one can utilize it to make greater choices. And giving a well
finishing to that choice is performed by task data. A few brands will need their choices driven by
business rules, such as building a crowd of people of guests that put a specific thing in their
shopping cart. Behavioral data strengthens an association as one understand their clients at the
individual level. Task data determines that how will your action performed after collecting
behavioral data. Again, what is the measurements needs to gather behavioral data is also one
kind of task data. With behavioral data one can totally change their advertising campaign and
customized suggestions when you start to combine information from your sites, applications, and
devices with big business data. And task data tell what one needs to do for customizing
campaign or advertising etc.

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