Critical Thinking Final Exam For Regular Program: Instructions

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Critical Thinking Final Exam for Regular Program 2021

Mekdela Amba University

Mekane Selam Campus

Course Title: Logic and Critical Thinking Final Exam, counts out of 50%
Course code: LoCT 1011 Target Group: Freshman summer students
Credit Hour: 3 Exam date: 28/12/2013 E.C
Time allowed: 1hrs

Name……………………………………………………. IDNO…………………Section

 Write your Name and Id number both on the cover page and answer
 Cheating is strictly forbidden
 Put your answer only on the answer sheet provided
 Switch off your mobile
 Don’t Start to do until the invigilator permits you
 Use your time properly
 Cheek that the booklet has seven pages including the cover page

Exam approval committee

No Name Signature
1 Mulugeta Anbessa
2 Habtamu Fentie
3 Melesse Nibret

Critical Thinking Final Exam for Regular Program 2021

I: Write ‘True’ if the statement is correct and ‘False’ if it is incorrect (1.5 pt).

1. Formal fallacy is found both in deductive and inductive argument.

2. Appeal to force fallacy always involves a threat by the arguer to the physical or
psychological wellbeing of the listener or reader.
3. Informal fallacy is identified by the mere inspection of the structure of the argument.
4. Being smart and intelligent is sufficient for being critical thinker.
5. The acceptability principle holds the view that presents an argument should provide that
are likely to be accepted by mature, rational person and that meet standard principle.

II: Match - Mach column “A” with column “B (1.5 pt).

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

6. Accuracy A. Saying or believing in different things
7. Fairness B. Has logical relation with the ideas at hand.
8. Precision C. Having and getting correct information.
9. Practical Inconsistency D. A matter of being exact, accurate and careful.
10. Completeness E. Free of distorting biases and preconceptions
11. Relevance F. Expressing concepts free of obscurity and vagueness
12. Clarity G. Deep and thorough thinking
H. Saying one thing and doing another
III: Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives(1.5pt)

13. Crimes of theft and robbery have been increasing at alarming rate lately. The conclusion
is obvious: we must reinstate the death penalty immediately. Which fallacy is committed
in the above argument?
A. Appeal to force B. Appeal to people C. Missing the point D. Accident
14. Your argument that I should stop stealing candy from the corner store is not good. You
told me yourself just a week ago that you too stole candy when you were a kid. This
fallacy is
A. Ad Hominem circumstantial B. Ad Hominem Abusive C. Tu Quoque D. vanity fallacy
15. Which fallacy is committed if the first arguer poses harm physically or psychologically
to the second arguer to get acceptance of the conclusion/
A. Appeal to people B. Appeal to force C. Appeal to pity D. Appeal to person

Critical Thinking Final Exam for Regular Program 2021

16. One is not among the features of critical thinkers

A. They make decision based on evidence
B. They seek balance view
C. They are being controlled by their feeling
D. They remain patient with complexity
17. One is among the principles of good argument.
A. If the reasons provided contradict with each other
B. If the conclusion drawn contradict with the premises given
C. If the argument draws invalid deductive inference
D. If the conclusion logically implied by the reason given
18. Which fallacy is committed if Mr. George argue that “all Americans should standup and
oppose this threat to our freedom! We are the oldest freedom loving country on the faces
of the earth!”.
A. Appeal to person B. Appeal to people C. Appeal to pity D. Appeal to force
19. Mekdela Amba university has a lot of problems. Student’s service and facilities are
inadequate. Many of the instructors are inexperienced. It follows that, the university
should be entirely closed. Then which relevant fallacy is committed in the above
A. Appeal to force B. Missing the point C. Appeal to people D. Accident
20. Student: I will expect A grade from you. You know that my father is the best friend of
college dean. What type of fallacy is committed?
A. Appeal to people
B. Appeal to pity
C. Appeal to force
D. Appeal to person
21. Which one of the following is a barrier to critical thinking related with our tendency to
follow the crowd to authority or to group standards of conduct and belief?
A. Conformism C. Superiority bias
B. Group bias D. Self-interested thinking

Critical Thinking Final Exam for Regular Program 2021

22. Which kind of fallacy is it if the arguer distorted the argument and reached another
distorted conclusion?
A. Straw man B. Missing the point C. Red herring D. Vanity fallacy

23. Which of the following statement is true about informal fallacy?

A. They can be easily detected by looking at the form of argument
B. They appear only in inductive argument
C. They can be identified by examining the content of argument
D. They are easier to identity than formal fallacies
24. Among the following one is basic traits of critical thinker.
A. Pretend they know more than they do
B. Regard problems and controversial issues as exciting challenges
C. Regard problems and controversial issues as nuisances or threats to their ego.
D. Are preoccupied with themselves and their own opinions.
25. From following alternative, identity false statement regarding to benefits of critical
thinking. Critical thinking…………………
A. teaches how to raise and identify fundamental questions and problems in the
B. helps to understand the arguments and beliefs of others
C. helps to develop and defend one’s own well-supported arguments and beliefs
D. helps to develop foolish personal decisions (to think about important life decisions
more partially)
26. From the principle of critical thinking, one shows that, an argument reformulated by an
opponent’s, with correctly expressed its strength and without changing original idea of an
A. The principle of Charity C. The principle of suspension judgment
B. The resolution principle. D. The Burdon of proof principle
27. What type of appeal to person fallacy is it if the respondent responds by attacking the
arguer’s personal character instead of attacking the detail of the argument itself?
A. Ad Hominem abusive C. Ad Hominem Circumstantial
B. Tu Quoque D. You too fallacy

28. From the barriers of critical thinking, one is the tendency to see reality as self-centered

Critical Thinking Final Exam for Regular Program 2021

A. Egocentrism C. Sociocentrism
B. Relativist thinking D. Wishful thinking
29. Have you seen the shoes it is Nike. Nike is not for all. I think you are among the few. Are
not you?
A. Appeal to pity C. Appeal to snobbery
B. appeal to vanity D. Bandwagon fallacy
30. The right to speech is guaranteed by the constitution. Therefore, Kukusha should not be
accused of her last week speech. The type of fallacy;
A. Red herring fallacy B. straw man fallacy C. missing the point fallacy D. Accident

iv. - Read the following fallacies and determine the fallacies (errors) committed 2.5(each).

31. Dr. Alemayehu argument about 70-30 policy is not acceptable because He is the member
of ruling party.
32. Dr. Gizaw is asked to report why he has been made a mistake in exam preparation. He
started to talk about the amazing football game he watched through the night.

Critical Thinking Final Exam for Regular Program 2021

Answer sheet

Name ---------------------------------------------IDNO ------------------------------Section---------------

True/false Matching

1.---------------- 6.--------------

2.---------------- 7.---------------

3.---------------- 8.---------------

4.---------------- 9.---------------

5.--------------- 10.---------------


11.------------- 22.------------

12.------------- 23.-------------

13.------------- 24.-------------

14.------------ 25.------------

15.------------ 26.------------

16.------------ 27.-------------

17.------------- 28.-------------

18.------------- 29.-------------

19.------------- 30.-------------

20.------------- 31……………………………………………………………


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