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Further Particulars of the Regulations on International Students’ Accommodation

为贯彻执行《山东大学留学生公寓管理规定,特制定本管理规定实施细则》 。
This document describes the Particulars of the Regulations on International Students’ Accommodation.

第一条 留学生公寓入住需要事先按照规定进行预订,得到批准后方可入住。无预订者不得入住。
Article 1 Subject to the Regulations on International Students’ Accommodation, the international students
need to book his/her room in advance. The Student shall move in with an approved reservation; otherwise, the
Student will not be accommodated in the Apartment for international students, unless there is a spare room. In
that case, the student without an advance reservation who still wants to live in the Apartment shall submit an
application to the relevant authority and can then move in with approval of the aforementioned authority. The
maximum period of residence is two (2) semesters. Students who want to remain in residence beyond two (2)
semesters need to submit a new housing application to the administration office one (1)month before the
tenancy is due. Group reservation via agent needs to pay a deposit fee according to circumstances, and part of
the deposit will be charged if they do not check-in after reservation.

第二条 入住时需到管理办公室提交个人护照、入住通知书、并交纳押金及至少一个学期房费。留
学生入住时,须签定《山东大学留学生公寓住宿协议》 ,并仔细阅读附件《山东大学留学生公寓查房单》,
Article 2 Upon arrival the Student should present a passport and the Admission Notice and pay a deposit
fee of six hundred (600) RMB per person and at least one (1)semester’s rent. Before moving in, the
International Student should sign a Tenancy Agreement, read its Appendix on Check list for Furniture and
Appliances in the Dormitory thoroughly and check the room carefully to ensure that the listed furniture and
appliances are not defected or missing; defective or missing items should be reported to the reception desk. An
inventory inspection will be made in accordance with the Appendix when the student vacates the room.

第三条 入住后原则上不予调换房间。但在有空余房间的情况下,如确需调房,需到管理办公室填
写并提交《留学生公寓房间调换申请表》 ,5 个工作日内审核是否批准,如获得批准方可通知本人调换房
将房间恢复原貌,否则缴纳 100 元的卫生清扫费。入住后申请校外住房者,本人须填写申请表,然后按
Article 3 Once moved in, the Student is supposed to live in the room arranged for him/her and cannot
change it without permission. Provided vacant rooms are available, students who need to change room should
fill in a Room Change Application at the administration office. The Application will be checked and examined
within three (5) working days and a decision will be made. Once approved, the Student will be informed by the
administration office of his/her new room assignment. If the Student applies prior to the occupancy of the
pre-assigned room, there is no fee required to change rooms. However, if the Student applies after the
occupancy, the room should be restored to the original state; otherwise, a cleaning fee of 100 Yuan will be
charged. To move out and live off campus, the Student should submit the Application Form for Off-Campus
Accommodation to the relevant offices and police stations and then take the approved materials for moving to
the reception to check out.

第四条 留学生公寓实施门禁制度。门禁规定时间前须按时返回所居住的公寓内。不能按时返回者
Article 4 The night entrance control system will be implemented in the international student apartment.
Every student shall return to the apartment he or she resides before the scheduled time. Those who cannot
return on time should ask the apartment management staff for leave in advance. Those who return late for no
special reason or for multiple times, will be dealt with in violation of accommodation management regulations.

第五条 入住者必须爱护公物,正确使用房间内及公共场所的各类设施、家具,发现设备设施运行
不正常,及时报修。不得人为污染、损坏、私自拆卸、改装设施设备(如污损墙壁、房门和各种设备等) 。
住人员赔偿。办理退房,须提前 3 天提交申请,退房时恢复房间原貌并将房间打扫干净(包括墙壁) ,
住宿人自愿支付清扫费,则需要支付每个房间 100 元)。如押金不足以赔付,则应缴足后方可离开。如
Article 5 Students who live in the apartment should take good care of the public property, use all the
appliances and furniture properly and report any defects of any equipment and facilities. The student shall NOT
deliberately deface, damage, or arbitrarily dismantle or re-fix any facilities and installations (e.g. defacing the
walls,and the door ...). Otherwise, the student responsible shall have to make the required compensation
according to the original price. Should anyone in a double room or a multiple bedded room fail to take
responsibility for any damage inside the dorm, compensation will be shared by all the tenants of the room. For
moving out, the student should inform the reception three days in advance. Before the student vacates, the room
should be cleaned (including the wall)and restored to its original state. Additionally, an inventory inspection
will be conducted by the property management personnel. Students will be charged for items damaged, missing,
and rubbish left behind in the room. Part or all of the deposit will be deducted for offsetting purpose (or the
tenant can choose to pay 100 Yuan per room for cleaning). If the deposit is not enough to cover the damage, the
Student should pay off the balance before leaving. Otherwise, the Student will be called to account or even
prosecuted. When moving out or being disqualified for accommodation, the Student should take all his/her
belongings. Otherwise, things left behind and unclaimed will be deemed as ownerless and will fall at the
disposal of the university.

第六条 毕业生及应离校者,应在学习结束后 7 日内按规定搬离公寓。如确因特殊情况不能搬离者,

Article 6 Graduates and students who are supposed to leave the university should vacate the apartment
within seven (7) days after completion of their study at SDU. Students who cannot leave for certain reasons
shall apply at the administration office for further stay, and may continue to live in the Apartment after the
application has been approved. The Students who fail to obtain his/her graduation certificate or degree diploma
when he/she is supposed to graduate shall vacate the room at the end of the scheduled time. Otherwise,
Shandong University is entitled to dispose of students’ things left behind once the timeline has been exceeded.

第七条 入住起一周内办理退房,住宿费按实际居住天数和短期入住价格结算;一周后因个人原因
Article 7 If the Student needs to check out within one(1) week from the date of his/her first day of
occupancy, he/she will be charged according to the actual days of occupancy. If he/she moves out of the
apartment for personal reasons after one (1) week from the date of his/her first day of occupancy, the paid
1month accommodation fee and deposit will not be returned except in some force major cases, including major

第八条 入住留学生公寓每次缴纳至少一个学期(约 5 个月)的房费。拖欠住宿费者,每天需缴纳 3‰

Article 8 The student should pay the rent for at least one semester (prom5 months)in advance. the rent is
required to pay on time, otherwise, an overdue fine of 3% will be added and charged to the daily rate. The
university has the right to disqualify his/her accommodation in the apartment and students who evade fees will
be reported to the judicial authority.

第九条 留学生公寓电费采用智能供电系统,先买电,后使用。有人入住的房间,不允许用电额度
Article 9 The apartment for international students is equipped with an advance electricity supply system.
Students are required to pay for electricity before utilization. Zero electricity consumption is not allowed once a
room is occupied; otherwise, the house keeping staff has the right to deny the student’s entry.

第十条 因工作需要(例如,空调、管道、消防设施等的检查和维修)要进入留学生房间,公寓会
都将进入房间施工。遇到紧急情况(例如,火灾、医疗急救、抢险等) ,公寓工作人员可在未通知同学
Article 10 Students who have been given reasonable notice prior, should allow the house keeping staff
access to carry out their duties (such as the inspection and maintenance of air-conditioner, pipes and
fire-fighting equipment). The house keeping staffs shall enter the room to execute their work within the
stipulated time whether the Student is in the room or not. The house keeping staffs shall enter the room without
prior notice to execute their work (in emergency such as fire, medical emergency and other emergency rescues).
Each time at least two (2) house keeping staffs shall enter the room. Should the apartment need renovation
(which usually happens during the summer/winter holidays) according to the arrangements and planning of
SDU, the Student should cooperate and not refuse or impede the staff, when asked to remove his/her
belongings temporarily to other rooms; otherwise, the University has the right to disqualify him/her from
accommodation in the apartment.

第十一条 为加强安全管理和提高房间的利用率,学生因各种原因连续超过 3 个月(含 3 个月)以

Article 11 To effectively manage and improve the utilization of the room, students who won’t reside in the
room for three (3) months or more for any particular reasons must check out. If he/she does not check out, the
management office (Foreign Affairs Service Center) has the right to clean the room and arrange the room for
other students.

第十二条 留学生公寓入住时提供一套床上用品,其他生活用品自备,床上用品的更换自理。公寓
Article 12 Each international student is provided with one set of bedding upon arrival, and he/she is
required to bring other daily necessities when moving in. Each international student is responsible for changing
the bedding and keeping his/her room clean and tidy.

第十三条 留学生公寓管理采用计分式管理,满分 10 分,如违反规定入住者将被视情节轻重被扣

Article 13 Accommodation in the international students’ apartment is managed via a scoring system. Any
violation will be recorded in the Student’s profile and points will be deducted from a total of ten(10) points
accordingly. The deduction, which is cumulative, will not be reset during the occupancy and also will be
punished according to the guidance of Implementing the Regulations of Punishment Rules to International Students
Violating the Disciplines of Shandong University. Severe violators (students) whose points have been completely

deducted will be disqualified from the tenancy in the apartment and payment fees made will not be refunded.
Any report on violation of regulations and laws is encouraged and will be rewarded under certain circumstances;
the information of the reporter will be kept confidential. Prohibited behaviors and the corresponding punitive
measures are listed as follows:
Any deeds that violate the regulations and laws in China will be prohibited within this apartment. Once
discovered, the Student involved will be disqualified from living in the apartment and be transferred to the
judicial organs.
(2)违反夜间门禁制度视情况每次扣除 1 分,无故违反者或者多次违反者,每次视情况扣除 2-5 分,
情节严重者,扣除 10 分。
Those who violate the regulations of the night entrance control system depend on the circumstances will lose
1 point each time. Those who return late for no special reason or for multiple times will lose 2-5 points
according to the circumstances, and 10 points for severe violation.
(3)以各种实际行为阻碍公寓管理人员按照规定行使管理权的一次扣 5-10 分;在公寓重大问题或者重
大事故中不服从管理人员指令的,一次扣 10 分,取消入住资格。造成严重后果的,追究相关责任。
If the Student impedes the administration of the Property Management Staff, 5-10 points will be deducted
accordingly; resistance and impediment in dealing with major issues and accidents will incur a 10-point
penalty and the disqualification of the Student involved from tenancy in the apartment. Should the
impediment cause any severe consequences, the Student shall be investigated for legal liability.
(4)住宿人禁止私自交换房间,或者将房间私自转让、转租给别人居住,违者扣 10 分;不得利用公寓
从事任何营利或者非营利的经营活动,违者扣 10 分;不得利用公寓举办各类与学习和生活及学校无关
的组织活动,违者扣 10 分。
Any deeds like exchanging, transferring or subletting the room without permission, or doing business or
non-profit operating activities in the room, or organizing any activities irrelevant to study, daily recreation and
the University arrangement are all prohibited; otherwise, 10 points will be deducted.
(5)由公寓组织的卫生检查不合格者每人每次扣 1 分,房间污染严重者一次扣 5 分,且需恢复原貌,
累计扣 10 分者将被取消入住资格。
Students whose room is below standard according to sanitary inspection conducted by the apartment will
attract a deduction of one (1) point. For those whose room is defaced or damaged, five (5) points will be
deducted and the room should be restored to its original state. Students who accumulate a deduction of total
of ten (10) points will be disqualified from the apartment.

消防器材等,禁止私自改变公寓结构,违反上述规定者,除责令恢复原状外,一次扣除 10 分;室内禁
10 分;不得乱丢烟蒂,违者扣 2 分。酿成火灾者,须赔偿一切损失,严重者将由司法机关追究刑事责任。
不配合或拒绝公寓楼举办各类安全及消防活动的一次扣 5 分。 无故触动消防报警设备的一次扣 5-10 分。
The Student shall strictly comply with regulations on security and fire safety and take strict precautions against
fire and other incidents. The Student shall NOT (a) tamper with or remove power distribution box, fire alarm
equipment or fire extinguishers, (b) change the layout of the room without permission, (c) store any explosives,
inflammable or other illegal items in the room, light the room with naked fire such as candles, torches and
lighters. If the Student commits any of the above, 10 points will be deducted (out of only 10) and he/she is
liable to restore the place back to the original state. 2 points will be deducted for those who throw about
cigarette butts. All losses incurred by fire will be borne by the Student involved and his/her criminal
responsibility shall be investigated by judicial authority according to law. If the Student resists or impedes any
fire safety activities and measures, or tampers with fire alarm equipment, 5-10 points will be deducted.

接卫星天线和有线电视线,如有违反将责令改正并扣 2-3 分;严重者没收违规电器并扣 5 分;因违规使
用电器造成火灾的,一次扣除 10 分,并按规定赔偿和承担相应责任。
The Student shall not use or keep in the room or the public places any prohibited electric appliances so as to
prevent fire and electric shock. The room is equipped with air-conditioner and telephone. The Student can
keep qualified and reliable desk lamp, radio, charger, computer and hair drier. Any other appliances that are
not listed are prohibited except when the Student submits an application to the administration office and then
gets the consent of the administrative offices. High-power electrical appliances such as electric blanket,
electric stove, electric cooker, electric water heater, electric BBQ grill and electric heater are NOT allowed.
Installing the electric wires, satellite aerial or cable without permit is NOT allowed. Anyone who violates this
regulation is required to remedy the situation and will be subject to a 2-3-point deduction penalty; any
violator that causes bad influence will be subject to a 5-point deduction penalty, and the prohibited electric
appliances will be confiscated; 10 points will be deducted for any violator that causes fire, and he/she is liable
to compensate for the loss as requested and even to take legal responsibility.
违者扣 2 分;经劝阻仍不改正者,视情节轻重扣 3-5 分;因制造噪音引发争执者责任人扣 5 分;引发争
执造成治安和安全事件的一次性扣满 10 分并移交公安机关处理。
The Student shall keep a quiet environment in the apartment and occupy the room in such a way that no
disturbance or inconvenience is caused to any neighbouring tenants. 2 points will be deducted if the Student
engages in such behaviours within the apartment as fighting, playing football, shouting, playing loud music
and making other loud and disturbing noises. As for repeated violation regardless of warnings, 3-5 points will
be deducted according to circumstances. In the case of a dispute over noises, 5 points out of 10 will be
deducted from the Student responsible; 10 (out of 10) will be deducted and the Students involved will be
transferred to the police station if the dispute escalates into offence against public order and security.

(9)走廊和大厅等公共场所禁止吸烟,违者一次扣 1 分;公寓楼内禁止酗酒。酗酒后醉倒在公寓楼内扣 2
分;醉酒随地呕吐者扣 2 分,并责令清扫;酗酒后违反其它公寓管理规定的,双重扣分;根据法律规定,
Smoking is NOT allowed in the corridor, the lounge and other public places of the apartment. Once found, the
Student will bear a 1-point penalty deduction, which is cumulative. Excessive drinking is also prohibited in the
apartment: the drunken Student who passes out or vomits in the apartment will bear a 2-point deduction
penalty and is responsible for cleaning up. If the drunken Student violates other regulations, different
deductions as stated in this document will be borne by him/her. According to laws, drinking cannot justify any
violation or crime, thus making it ill-founded for mitigation or immunity from legal sanction.

(10)公寓楼内禁止以任何理由和任何方式骚扰别人。语言或文字骚扰别人的扣 3 分;恶意敲击别人房门
或者房顶进行骚扰的扣 3 分;制造恶作剧或以其它行为骚扰他人的扣 3 分;达到法律制裁条件的将被交
由司法机关处理并一次性扣 10 分,取消入住资格,所交房费不退。
The Student shall NOT disturb or harass others in any way for any reason. 3 points will be deducted for verbal
or textual harassment toward others, or maliciously knocking at other doors or making noise on the floor, or
prank harassment or harassment in other ways. The Student, who harasses others and violates any laws with a
10-point deduction penalty, will be disqualified to live in this apartment without refund of the accommodation
fee and will be transferred to the judicial authority.

(11)污损或者占用公共场所扣 2-5 分,管理人员有权根据规定清理占用公共场所的物品。占用公共场所

违反消防规定的扣 5 分,造成恶劣后果的扣 10 分;向窗外和公用部位吐痰、倒水、乱扔瓜皮果壳、纸
屑、烟头、酒瓶等的一次扣 3 分,造成恶劣后果的根据情节轻重处理;在走廊或者公共场所摆放个人物
品的扣 1 分;污损墙壁的一次扣 2 分并责令恢复原貌;因个人操作问题而导致公用设施损坏的扣 2 分并
赔偿;利用电磁炉做饭不照看引起烧干起火或者出现烟雾的扣 2 分;使用电磁炉加热非食品的扣 2 分;
恶意损坏公共设施的一次扣 5-10 分并责令赔偿,情节严重的交由公安机关处置。
2-5 points will be deducted for intentionally inflicting damage upon or defiling public property or occupying
public areas, and the staff has right to dispose items occupying public areas; 5 points for occupying public
places and violating regulations on fire safety; 10 points for any serious consequences caused by the
mentioned occupancy and violation. The Student shall NOT spit, pour water, or litter (things like paper,
cigarette butt, bottle, etc); otherwise, 3 points will be deducted and the Student is liable for any possible
damages. The Student shall NOT place his/her personal items in public places like the corridor, or 1 point will
be deducted. 2 points will be deducted for defiling the wall and the Student liable is required to clean it. 2
points will be deducted for damages to public facilities caused by improper operation and the Student
responsible should compensate for the losses: for example, careless cooking with an induction cooker that
causes smoke or fire; cooking or heating non-food stuff on an induction cooker. 5-10 points will be deducted
for intentional damage to public facilities and the Student should compensate for the damages and will be
transferred to police stations if serious consequences are caused.

(12)丢弃垃圾要按公寓楼的统一规定放入指定场所。倡导垃圾分类。随意丢弃垃圾一次扣 1 分。
The Student shall not keep or store trash in any part of the Room except in the proper place as determined by
the house-keeping staff and garbage sorting is encouraged. Otherwise, 1 point will be deducted for littering.

(13)公寓楼内不准带入和饲养宠物。违者扣 2 分并清除出去;不听劝阻带入和饲养的扣 10 分。
The Student shall not bring in or keep pets or other animals in the Room or in any other property of the
apartment; otherwise, 2 points will be deducted and the animals will be cleared out. The Student who still
keeps pets within the apartment in disregard of dissuasion will bear a 10-point deduction penalty.

(14)严禁私自更换入门锁具。违者扣 3 分;因更换锁具耽误维修或者造成损失的需按价赔偿。严禁将公
寓内配品及家具搬离公寓,违者扣 3 分并责令改正。
The Student shall NOT change the locks of the room without permission. Otherwise, a 3-point penalty
deduction and the losses incurred (e.g. by the delay of maintenance) will be borne on him/her. Items of
furniture, fixtures and fittings belonging to the apartment are not to be removed from the Room or the Public
places; otherwise, the Student will bear a 3-point penalty deduction and is required to restore the room to its
original state.

(15)来访人员须在 22:30 前离开公寓。公寓内原则上不准留宿他人,除非特殊情况才能得到批准。如果

未经批准留宿他人的一次扣 5 分。
Guests are supposed to leave before 22:30, unless under special circumstances when the application is
approved. Otherwise, 5 points will be deducted.
禁止带领身份不明人员进入公寓楼;违反上述规定的一次扣 2 分。
The Student shall comply with regulations on visiting and shall NOT permit any guests to have access to the
Room in the absence of the Student. Each guest must be registered at the Porters’ Lodge prior to his/her visit.
The Student is required to leave his/her Student ID card at the Porter’s and fill in a Registration Form for
Visiting. When the guest is leaving, the Student should return the Form with the signature of the Student to
the Porter for his/her Student ID card. The guest is NOT permitted to stay overnight or shower in the
Apartment. The Student is prohibited from allowing access of unidentified people to the Apartment. Any
violation of Clause 11.14 will cause a 2-point deduction.

(17)倡导节约用水,保护宝贵的水资源。浪费自来水被发现一次扣 3 分;公寓内不关水龙头造成大水淹
漫的,除赔偿损失外一次扣 5 分。
Student is encouraged to save water. 3 points will be deducted for wasting water; 5 points for flood caused by
leaving the tap running after use and the losses and damages shall be compensated by the Student

(18)入住者需遵守开关门时间;不遵守公寓楼门禁规定的一次扣 1 分;关门时间段如不按规定登记出入
公寓楼的一次扣 1 分。
Student should respect the regulated opening hours. The Student’s entry/exit of the Apartment during the
closing hours must be registered at the Porter’s with proper identification. Any violation will result in a 1-point

Apart from the cases described above, violators who have been certified by relevant departments are also
subject to deduction or punishment.

These detailed rules and regulations will be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations
stipulated by the International Students & Scholars Center of Shandong University. The right to interpret these
regulations shall be vested in the Department of International Affairs of Shandong University. These regulations
(originally in Chinese), as needed, may be translated into different languages and all the translated versions are
subject to the original Chinese version.

These detailed regulations shall come into force on the day of promulgation and are subject to revision if

Department of International Affairs, SDU
International Students & Scholars Center, SDU
Shandong University

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