Background and Signifance For Prens and Steb

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(1) Conceptual Framework

Medyo gid ko n inga part huhuhuhuhuhuhu dasun lang ni please

(2) Statement of the Study

State the main objective by paraphrasing the title man lng na ah

State the specific objectives uhhhmmm panumduman ko pani kung anu
inclusions ka study ta

(3) Scope and Limitations


The main purpose of this research is to synthesize and evaluate the wound
healing activities of hydratable keratin solid powder from human hair and its in
vitro application on mice (Mus musculus).
The researchers will gather twenty-seven (27) male mice (M. musculus)
at the Yenlen Pet Shop at Libertad, Bacolod City. The human hair will be
obtained from the cuttings of barber and beauty shops in, Bacolod City. Human
hair is a preferred source of keratinous material due to its availability and it is less
prone to cause allergic reactions to a human when tested in clinical trials.
The extraction of hydratable keratin from human hair and the evaluation of its
physical and chemical properties which involves color, odor, texture, solubility,
pH and flammability will be conducted at the Herbanext Laboratory at Brgy.
Taloc, Bago City and Negros Prawn Producers Diagnostic and Analytical
Laboratory. While the in vitro application of the generated hydratable keratin on
mice will be performed at the Senior High School Laboratory of Negros
Occidental High School, Bacolod City. Additionally, the wound of the mice treated
with hydratable keratin will be assessed in terms of its percent wound
contraction, epithelialization, the degree of fibrosis, number of fibroblasts and
fibrocytes, and vascular proliferation. The whole research study will be carried
out in a span of 1month starting from September 10- October 10, 2018.
Data gathered will be analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation as
descriptive tools and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at α= 0.5 as an inferential
tool of the study.
This study can be expected to delimit in the number of its set-ups for
which it will only encompass three (3) set-ups namely the Set-up A which will be
the wound dressing with hydratable keratin, the Set-up B which will be the
commercial wound dressing and the Set-up C which will be the untreated group.
The parameters such as the dermal toxicity, exudate absorption and acute
irritation will also be delimited. Moreover, delimitations can commence in the
manner of sampling that will be used in distinguishing and opting for distinct
journal articles as the main sources of data.

 General/ Main purpose of the study

 Short synopsis of method (pwde nyo lang ni mablanko or indi pagiinclude
danay kay wala pata methods)
 Target population and respondents of the study
 Inclusion criteria for the respondents (one of the most important in scope
and limitations ni)
 Duration and Location of the Study?
 Parameters of the Study or the Variables included in the study
(Independent, Dependent and Controlled Variables)

(4) Significance of the Study

State lang di ang importance ka study, specifically kung sin.o maka benefit
and in what way sila maka benefit


This study is viewed to be valuable to various sectors due to the following
The Medical Field. The medical field specifically the
pharmaceutics would benefit from this study through the body of
knowledge that would be obtained.Explicitly, the wound healing activity of
hydratable keratin extracted from human hair. Moreover, this study would
provide an alternative approach in innovating a wound dressing that is
highly absorbent and does not produce leachate.
The Pharmaceutical Industries. The viability of the study would
provide a new tool for wound healing which is extracted from hydratable
keratin that could lead to the production of a highly innovative wound
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and
Department of Health (DOH). Government agencies such as DOST and
DOH would highly benefit from this study in a sense that it would aid in
ascertaining remedies to persisting drawbacks in existing wound
dressings such as the low absorbency and harmful leachate. Furthermore,
this study would impart a novel idea in the creation of a capable wound
dressing proven by the utilization of human hair which also addresses an
environmental issue.
The Community. The outcome of this study will be beneficial to the
community most especially to consumers or patients for it suggests an
alternative source of medicine in healing their wounds that is eco-friendly,
non-immunogenic and which that does not encourage the presence of
leachate that causes irritation.
Parlor Businesses. This entity will benefit in this study in a manner
that they could make an extra profit from the hair waste their business
produces through selling it to people, company, organizations or
institutions that will synthesize these materials in producing hydratable
keratin. Moreover, through this action, they will be able to lessen the
waste they yield which may contaminate our valuable resources.
Other Researchers. The results of this study would provide
knowledge and references for future researchers conducting similar
studies regarding the wound healing activities of hydratable keratin solid
powder from human hair.

NOTE: This is an excerpt of an experimental research, ang sa aton ya is

descriptive research. Think lng kamo in what areas or kung kay sin.o ni
makahelp ang study ta.


The study could be beneficial for students as well as for the
institution. The valuable feedback gotten from respondents should help
students to realize the benefits of internet in their education. Institutes can
invest more in internet facilities to enhance the academic performance of
their student and produce better results. Note that the relevance of
internet facilities is measured by how effective, sufficient and accessible it
is to students and users. The research will also provide in-depth insight
into the various internet facilities and how students can be able to use
them to improve academic performance.

NOTE: Pwede man paragraph form nga daw amo ni, and actually ang
amo n nga example is an excerpt about influence of internet connection
sa academic performance, may makwa gid kamo di

Note: In your scope and limitations, indicate which sections of the ME are
(5) Definition of Terms

(a) Conceptual Definition- definition from dictionary ni sa or sa web

(b) Operational Definition- ari you make your own definition based sa use
sang “particular word” sang aton nga study


This portion sets forth the distinct variables as well as the crucial terms
employed in the study. Also, the conceptual and operational definitions are
Absorbency. Conceptually defined as the mean volume of water absorbed
by board materials and water-soaked paper. The ability of a substance to
take in water (Taylor, 2014). Operationally, it is one of the parameters that
is going to be used in order to know the ability or capacity of the dressing
to soak up exudates.
Biocompatibility. Conceptually defined as the competence of a
material to execute in a precise operation with an applicable host
(Linsmeier, et al., 2013). Operationally, the ability of the hydratable keratin
to be integrated to the dressing.
Biosynthesis. Conceptually defined as the creation of a complex
chemical compound typically including enzymes to prompt the reaction
and power origin like the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) derived from
common precursors in an existing organism (Irish Institute for
Biosynthesis, 2017).
Degree of Fibrosis. Conceptually defined as the degree of fibrous
connective tissue growth in response to injury (Robertson, 2014).
Operationally, one of the factors to be deliberate in order to determine the
effectiveness of the wound dressing.
Epithelialization. Conceptually defined as a prime constituent of
wound healing utilized as a delineating parameter of a prosperous closure
of a wound (Pastar, I., et al., 2014). Operationally, it is one of the
determining factors in finding out the effectiveness of the dressing.
Exudates. Conceptually defined as a protein-riched fluid that
exudes out of a blood vessel as a result of inflammation (Center, 2013).
Operationally, the absorption of exudates will be used as a parameter to
determine the quality of the wound dressing from hydratable keratin
powder in terms of healing.
Fibroblast. Conceptually defined as cells accountable for the yield
of the building blocks of the extracellular matrix which are collagen,
glycosaminoglycans, and proteoglycans (Williams, 2013). Operationally,
one of the parameters to be measured to calculate the efficiency of the
wound dressing.

NOTE: Define all key words here EXCEPT amidst and other
prepositions and “the” in the title of the study.
Also, ill add terms from time-to-time ha, kay medyo early stage
palang ni ka study ta.



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