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Build a robot as you want


A robot is a machine that can move and do certain tasks. Robots are controlled by a computer
program or electronic circuitry. They may be directly controlled by humans. They may be designed
to look like humans, in which case their behaviour may suggest intelligence or thought but they do
not have feelings. Most robots do a specific job, and they do not always look like human.

Evolution Sequence:

First the word 'robot' was derived from 'Czech language' robot. In 1920, the Czech
playwright Karl Chapek performed a play in which the instrument man was depicted performing all
the activities of man. This imagination of Karl Chapek paved the way for the creation of the
robot.The first robots with electronic memory were manufactured in 1954, which only had the
ability to touch, see and measure distance, but in the modern era many types of robots are being


I want to build a robot that helps the farmer in farming. Who will spray, will spread urea and
insecticide because Agriculture is quickly becoming an exciting high-tech industry, drawing new
professionals, new companies and new investors. The technology is developing rapidly, not only
advancing the production capabilities of farmers but also advancing robotics and automation
technology as we know it.

my robots will increase production yield for farmers in various ways.


1. Harvesting and picking

2. Weed control

3. Autonomous mowing, pruning, seeding, spraying and thinning

4. Phenotyping

5. Sorting and packing

6. Utility platforms

Harvesting and picking is one of the most popular robotic applications in agriculture due to the
accuracy and speed that robots can achieve to improve the size of yields and reduce waste from
crops being left in the field. Harvesting and picking robots are becoming very popular among
farmers, but there are dozens of other innovative ways the agricultural industry is deploying
robotic automation to improve their production yields.


Thus it is clear that every task which is difficult, and risky, grueling and tedious to farmers, can be
easily accomplished by robots.

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