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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

College of Education
A.Y. 2020-2021


1. Is Nuclear Energy feasible in our country? Yes or No? Why?

Last October 23, 2020, I attended a forum about Nuclear Energy. Nowadays, some people
when they hear the words “Nuclear Energy”, the things that come to their mind are just fear and
expenses. But listening in the forum with the great speakers make me wondered that, yes... nuclear
energy is feasible in our country because, it will be a great help to all the people of the Philippines.
Government is the ruler of our country; they are the ones who make the rules and
regulations or in short, they are the ones who maintain the order of our country and the people are
the watchdogs in the current issues and problems in our country or in short, they are the ones who
provide opinion or idea on things. All I am saying here is that if the Filipino people are afraid to
have nuclear energy in our country, the government will not be able to promote such a project like
this because people opinion is the voice of our country.
Even though nuclear energy will help the Filipino people in their expenses in electricity, if
this project will be approved by our President, it still cannot be removed the fear of the people,
probably one of the reasons is what happened in Soviet Chernobyl that there was a nuclear
explosion, regarding in this issue the speakers said that there was a nuclear explosion because the
nuclear energy in that area did not contain.
In line with this knowledge and learning about Nuclear energy, will not be visible without
the guest speakers, Former Cong. Mark O. Cojuagco and Dr. Carlo A. Arcilla who shared their
insight about this matter and to those people who, asked some questions to understand it better.
Even with the pandemic we bond together in this kind of forum for the better life of the Filipinos.

2. Give one fake news about the dangers of Nuclear Energy and debunked the error.
The fake news of nuclear energy that being said by the speakers is “Nuclear Energy is
Unsafe”, One of the reasons why people can say this fake news because of their fear, regarding
what happened in Soviet Chernobyl but how about the countries that have nuclear energy already,
prominently in western, people there say “People love their Nuclear plant”. Debunking the error
in this issue is, what happened in Soviet Chernobyl the nuclear explosion will actually happen
because Nuclear energy is not contained, based on the video shown by One of the guest speakers,
there is a comparison there, what will happen if Nuclear energy is not contain and the nuclear
energy is contained, the result is different there will be a nuclear explosion, if the nuclear energy
is not contain and the nuclear energy is safe, if the nuclear energy is contained.


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