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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 10

I. Objective:
At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
 Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed.
 Show situation that depict bias and prejudice

II. Subject Matter:

 Module 2 – Establishing Solidarity
 Topic: Prejudices and Biases
 Lesson 3 – Being Sensitive to Others
 Materials: teacher-made visual, chalkboard, video clip, pictures
 References:
- Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Learner’s Material (page 165 – 169) and Teacher’s
Guide (page 147 – 150)
 Value Focus: Fairness and Equality

III. Procedure/Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities (Daily Routine)

 Greetings:
Good morning class! Good morning sir!
How are you today? (Varied answers)
 Prayer: Who wants to lead a prayer? (students volunteer to pray)
 Checking of Attendance:
(say present as I call your name) Present/absent

 Review:
We had done discussing about the elements of poetry.
1. Rhyme
So, what are the elements of poetry?
2. Rhythm
3. Alliteration
B. Motivation:
4. Imagery
Class, look at the pictures on the board. Describe each 5. Stanza
picture. What have you notice about men and women? 6. Tone

Alright, now let me ask you. POSSIBLE ANSWERS

1. What do they reveal about men and women? • Men depicted as a strong fighters.
• Woman is busy doing house chores.

(varied answers)
2. Should women always be portrayed as doing household
chores and men as warriors? Why?
C. Presentation of the Lesson:

Our lesson for today is about being sensitive to others without being
bias and prejudice.

Class, I have here a scenario posted on the board. I want you to think
whether the scenario is fair or unfair. (Ask student to read and let
them answer.)

1. Teachers favor certain students over others in grading final (varied answers)
performance or task.
2. Not allowing one of your classmates to join your group
because she/he is physically disabled and a waste of time. (varied answers)

Alright, the first scenario shows favoritism and classified as bias. The
second shows discrimination for it tells us unfavorable opinion and
pre-judges others and that’s what we call prejudice.

Bias means a tendency to favor one person, group, thing or point of

view over another, often in an unfair way.

Female teachers give more attention to girls.

Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or

without knowledge, thought or reason. It simply means to pre-judge

It is sometimes assumed that someone who is physically disabled is
also mentally disabled.



I have here a video clip featuring a Filipina actress who claims that
it’s not right to put a label on anyone. Watch it and find out the label
attached to her. But first let us read the guide questions because
after watching a video clip you answer it orally.

Here are the guide questions: POSSIBLE ANSWERS

1. What is the “label” attached to the woman in the video? malandi, flirt,

2. Do you agree with what the woman said? Why? yes, it happened in real life situation

3. When you put “label:” on someone, are you also biased? yes, see others in a negative way or side
(Varied answers)
4. Do you know women in the same situation as the actress?
What comments do you hear from other people about

Transcript of the TV commercial:

“Shame that there is still double standard. Sayang daw ako,

because I am a single mother. If a guy gets a girl pregnant, he’s
right and it’s natural. But if a girl gets pregnant, malandi sya. When
the news spread of my pregnancy, people say, she’s on top of her
game. People make stories like she’s malandi or a woman of the
world. Was I unfairly judged? Yes! But then did it stop me? No, but
does it keep me stronger? Yes! Label is a challenge I accepted. I
want to show people that no matter what happens to you, it
should never stop you from being successful. As an actress, I’ve
never been happiest. And being a single mom and parent give me
purpose. Sayang! I don’t think so! Can you whip it? I did!”- Denise
Laurel, shampoo TV commercial.

(Differentiated Instructions or Activities)

I will divide you into three groups. The first row will be the first
group, second row will be the second group and the last row will be
the third group.

Let us first know the criteria for you to do your task on time.

Content 10 points
Presentation 5 points
Students start working with their task given.
Teamwork 5 points
Total 20 points

For Group 1: Think of professions which show biases / prejudices in

terms of sex. Write it on a ¼ sheet of manila paper.

For Group 2: Create a mini dialogue showing your personal

experience of prejudice or bias.

For Group 3: A comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases.

You will report in front of the class after 10 minutes. You have to POSSIBLE ANSWERS:
choose your leader and take note to the leaders that list your entire
member on a ¼ sheet of paper and then pass it to me. You may start an unfair treatment
judging without adequate prior knowledge
Are you done?

Alright, Group 1 please present your task follow by group 2 and 3.

(feed back or comments to their presentation)

IV. Generalization:
So, again what is prejudice?
Test I Answers
How about biases



V. Evaluation:
Test II Answers
Test I: Direction: Identify if the statement is bias/prejudice. a. Prejudice
Write on 1/8 lengthwise sheet of paper. b. Prejudice
1) Bullying and discriminating someone with a disability. c. Prejudice
2) Posting negative comments in social media about economic d. NOT bias/prejudice (shows unity)
status of a family.
3) Not serving someone in a restaurant or retail store because
of their color of skin or race.
4) She/he won the contest because one of the judges is his
Yes sir!
Test II. Direction: Identify whether the pictures are
bias/prejudice or not.

Student will write their assignment.

Are you done class?
Okay, exchange your paper with your seatmate. Let us check. none

(Gather their papers after checking)


Give at least two examples of personal experienced when you

witnessed bias/prejudice and what you did. Write on a ½ crosswise
sheet of paper.

Are you done copying?

Any question?

If there’s none, goodbye class! Good bye sir.

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