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The work presented below belongs to Clifford Chance.

This paper is specifically created

to help businesses engaged in the Financial, Energy and Manufacturing Sector.This
paper analyses the impact of recently proposed bills in United States Congress or various
States Assemblies which can directly or indirectly affect the aforementioned businesses.

H. R. 806 titled as Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator Act

Introduced in 1st session of 117th Congress, referred to the Commitee
on Energy and Commerce, Commitees on Financial Services,
Transportation and Infrastructure, and Agriculture.
This Bill amends Title XVI of Energy Policy Act of 2005 and adds new
Subtitle C - Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator.

This bill u/s 1621 mentions some important definitions of words listed in
Subtitle C these are:
(1) ACCELERATOR .—The term ‘Accelerator’ means the Clean Energy
and Sustainability Accelerator established under section 1622.
(2) BOARD.—The term ‘Board’ means the 14 Board of Directors of the
(3) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.—The term ‘chief executive officer’
means the chief executive officer of Accelerator.

This bill u/s 1622 Establishment, clause(a),(b),(c),(d) establishes a

nonprofit corporation, which shall be tax exempted under Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, which shall not be an agency or instrumentality
of Federal Government, which deems that full faith and Credit of United
States Shall not be given to Accelerator, which is to be named as, ‘Clean
Energy and Sustainability Accelerator’.
This bill endeavours reduction of carbon emission through rapid
deployment of mature technologies so it may be assumed that it may
provide incentives to manufacturing firms to deploy new technologies, it
may also penalise firms producing more emission than required
standards. This bill u/s 1623 Mandate clause(4) mentions about
providing support to workers and communities impacted by low carbon
transition economy; so it may ease firms, where government is
supporting firms workers. Under clause (5),(6) it mentions about
supportting the creation of green banks in remote areas where it does not
exists, so it will surely benefit businesses working in those areas, it also
mention about lowering the end cost where possible while transition to
low energy economy; so it may help businesses in lowering the cost of
transition from current technology to new technology.

This bill u/s 1624 mentions about directly financing of qualified projects
in form of
(1) senior, mezzanine, and subordinated debt;
(2) credit enhancements including loan loss reserves and loan
(3) aggregation and warehousing;
(4) equity capital; and
(5) any other financial product approved by the Board.

This bill u/s 1625 mentions about setting-up of an Start-up division

which shall provide startup funding and technical assistance which
would surely serves as a guidance in development of businesses.

This bill u/s 1626 mentions about providing low or zero-interest loan
which may lasts upto 30 years in length to school, non profit corporation
or metropolitan planning organisation seeking financing for zero
emission infrastructure.

This bill in further sections mentions about functioning or budget of of

Clean Energy and Sustanability Accelerator, so it would not be
feasible to explain it here, but the bill creates new hope and challenges
for businesses engaged in Energy and Manufacturing sector, businesses
currently engaged in these sectors need to draw out a comprehensive
strategy at top level of management.

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