UGC GARP 2020 Good Academic Research Practices

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Guidance Document

September 2020
©University Grants Commission

September 2020

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The expert committee and reviewers provided their

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authors and duly incorporated, where possible, in line
with the scope of this document. The ownership of the
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Patwardhan B., Desai A., Chourasia A, Nag S., Bhatnagar R. 2020.
Guidance Document: Good Academic Research Practices.
New Delhi: University Grants Commission.
Guidance Document
September 2020

Contributing Authors
Bhushan Patwardhan
Anand Desai
Anamika Chourasia
Subhasree Nag
Rakesh Bhatnagar
Message from the Chairman
I am delighted to present the Guidance Doc- research, which will act as good ready
ument on Good Academic Research Practic- references for the audience. This compilati-
es (GARP). This document gives information on also covers guidance from several intern -
on good practices across the research lifec- ationally and nationally recognized model
ycle for quality, impactful, and ethical documents on best practices and framewo-
research. rks of research. The guidance will help prep-
are the Indian academic research communi-
It is important to conduct quality research
ty to be at par with international benchma-
with integrity and focus on publishing the
rks for research quality, integrity, and
outcomes in high-quality journals. This will
help in raising the benchmarks of research
performance and enhancing the reputation I congratulate the Vice Chairman, UGC, the
of individuals, institutions, and the country. knowledge partner Clarivate, and the expert
The University Grants Commission (UGC) is group committee members who have work-
committed to raising the standards of rese- ed tirelessly to conceptualize and compile
arch at institutions of higher education in this document.
India. This document reiterates the values
I hope the academic and research comm-
underlying research integrity to help create a
unity will find the GARP document helpful to
culture of responsible and quality research in
guide them towards quality and ethical
the academic and research community. It
offers practical checklists at each step of the

Prof. D. P. Singh
Chairman, UGC

Knowledge Partner

Clarivate™ is a global leader in providing organizations across the world, rely on the
trusted insights and analytics to accelerate Web of Science to inform and guide research
the pace of innovation and has built some of support, execution, evaluation, and planning
the most trusted brands across the inno- decisions at a global, national, institutional,
vation lifecycle, including the Web of Sci- and individual level.
ence™. Clarivate is on a bold entrepre-
Clarivate has contributed to this report by
neurial mission to help customers reduce the
supporting the literature review and compil-
time from new ideas to life-changing
ation activities of the existing guidelines, and
innovations. Web of Science™ organizes the
p rov i d i n g o t h e r i n p u t s a r i s i n g f ro m
world's research information to enable
Clarivate's experience and expertise as a
academia, corporations, publishers, and
trusted publisher-neutral provider of resea-
governments to accelerate the pace of res-
rch solutions to the academic and research
earch. It is the world's largest publisher-
community worldwide.
neutral citation index and research intellige-
nce platform. It supports over 95 per cent of It is hereby disclosed that Clarivate Analyti-
the world's top research institutions, multip- cs is a provider of scholarly research soluti-
le governments and national research agen- ons including Web of Science, EndNote,
cies. Around 20 million researchers, at more Journal Citation Report, and InCites, among
than 9,000 leading academic and research others.

A document of this nature takes immense Group who made contributions by providing
efforts, time, ideas, feedback and above all, valuable suggestions to develop this guid-
several brilliant minds with motivation to ance document. The UGC would also like to
accomplish something. While sincere efforts thank Mr. Arvind Pachhapur for his continued
have been made to call out majority of the contributions in providing structure and
contributors, it is fair to say that a significant support to this document along with several
number of individuals have made this docu- other stakeholders from Clarivate as the
ment possible. knowledge partner.

A concept note on Good Academic Research The UGC would like to thank expert peer
Practices (GARP) visualized by Bhushan reviewers Raghunath Mashelkar, FRS (For-
Patwardhan, Vice Chairman, University mer Director General, CSIR), Gagandeep
Grants Commission (UGC) was deliberated Kang, FRS (Former Director, THSTI) and Anil
further on by an expert committee. The UGC Sahasrabudhe (Chairman, AICTE) for their
would like to thank Prof. Rakesh Bhatnagar, critique and constructive comments that
Chairman and the members of the Expert helped enhance the quality of this document.

Prof. Rajnish Jain

University Grants Commission.

Message from the Chairman: Prof. D.P. Singh 4

Knowledge Partner: Clarivate, Web of Science 5

Acknowledgements 6

Summary 8

1. Introduction 11

2. Values Underlying Research Integrity 14

3. Framework for Good Academic Research Practices 15

3.1 Research Design 15

3.1.1 Planning 15

3.1.2 Research Questions and Documentation 16

3.1.3 Literature Review 17

3.1.4 Data, Research Methods, and Analytical Approach 19

3.2 Conducting Research 21

3.2.1 Research Execution, Documentation, and Data Storage 21

3.2.2 Checks for Plagiarism, Falsification, Fabrication, and Misrepresentation 22

3.2.3 Collaboration and Authorship 24

3.2.4 Intellectual Property 25

3.3 Dissemination 25

3.3.1 Selection of the Right Medium for Publication 25

3.3.2 Choosing the Right Journal for Publication 27

3.3.3 Translation of Research 30

4. Institutional Research Programme Management 33

4.1 Office of Research Integrity 33

4.2 Governance 33

4.3 Training 34

4.4 Conflict of Interest 35

5. Mentoring the Next Generation 37

6. Conclusion 40

Contributing Authors 42

Appendix 1: Reference Model Documents 44

Appendix 2: References 49
Public trust in research and its output is ments have established several protocols,
essential for a healthy modern society. codes of conduct, norms, and principles to
Although the research enterprise is self- enhance that trust in research institutions,
correcting, this self-regulation occasionally funders, producers, publishers, and products.
needs help. Over the years, research institu-
tions, professional societies, and govern-

Although the principal player in the research institutions to establish and maintain a
enterprise remains the researcher, the culture of research integrity. This culture must
research enterprise is a dynamic global be supported by robust policies, procedures,
ecosystem with multiple stakeholders with and processes together with a governance
diverse incentives and interests, which are structure to promote these values and
not always aligned. In spite of the diversity of address any transgressions in a timely, fair,
interests, they have a common stake in and transparent fashion. Research culture is
research integrity, based on a set of shared not static; it varies across time and space. It is
values that include ethics, rigour, relevance, informed by local traditions and norms, so
transparency, respect, impartiality, and although this document is based on a set of
accountability (Edwards and Roy, 2017). shared values, these must be interpreted and
implemented in accordance with the local
It is incumbent upon the stakeholders and the

Good Research Practice

This document provides a general framework Research Design:
for enhancing research integrity by focusing
Good research practice begins with problem
on potential threats and good practice at
selection and research design. The proposed
each stage in the research cycle. Typically,
research should address questions, the
research misconduct is defined in terms of
answers to which will contribute new knowl-
fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.
edge, solve challenges, correct errors in the
However, malfeasance manifests itself in
existing literature, or develop new methods
multiple forms and can occur at any stage of
for conducting such research. A good
the research cycle from the initial selection of
research design involves having a well-
the research problem, through to the dissemi-
documented plan outlining the objectives,
nation of the research outputs, to fellow
roles, and responsibilities. Research builds
researchers, decision-makers, and the public
upon the work of others, who must be
at large.

properly identified, and their contributions reviewed and published in high-quality
appropriately acknowledged. A good litera- forums, especially in the current scenario,
ture review helps do that. It locates the pro- with the proliferation of predatory journals.
posed research in the broader research Contributions of all collaborators, funders,
landscape, provides insights into identifying reviewers, and others who have directly or
data sources and research methods, and lays indirectly supported the research must be
out a rigorous and systematic approach to appropriately acknowledged.
analysing and synthesizing the evidence to
Research Management and Training:
support the research claims.
An Office of Research Integrity (ORI)
Conducting Research: can provide institutional support and
Good documentation in the form of labora- structure for creating and sustaining a
tory notes, research journals, or field notes is culture of honesty and ethical research
valuable for keeping track of one's research practice. Although, research integrity and
progress. This record of the processes and ethical practice are based on universal
procedures, including information on data values, the context matters. Each ORI
sources, their quality, storage, and retrieval is should develop guidelines, processes, and
not only necessary to document proper procedures for dealing with suspected and
research practice but also to address ques- actual research misconduct. Penalties for
tions should concerns be expressed about misconduct must be clear and well-
potential misconduct or veracity of results. It advertised; misconduct should be addressed
is the researchers' responsibility to avoid promptly and transparently with tact
plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, or and fairness. Institution-wide research
misrepresentation, and to report such misde- management systems can effectively
meanours if they are observed or suspected. manage, track, and report on research activi-
Research integrity is also enhanced by con- ties and outcomes.
ducting the research in a systematic and
Supervising research and mentoring junior
methodologically rigorous fashion and
scholars and students is an important role for
carefully drawing conclusions that can be
senior researchers. The ORI has the responsi-
traced to the research.
bility of raising awareness about the conduct
To minimize the potential for any conflicts, of research and providing training for
agreements regarding roles and responsibili- research supervisors and their students.
ties, authorship, ownership of intellectual
Research integrity is vital for science to thrive.
property and other arrangements, especially
The values articulated here can form a sound
in collaborative research, must be clarified at
foundation for a research culture that empha-
the outset.
sizes integrity in the daily practice of every
Dissemination: researcher.
It is the researchers' responsibility to dissemi-
nate the research in full. It should be peer-

The integrity of the research enterprise rests
on honesty and trust (OECD, 2015). According
to the US National Institutes of Health,
(, 2018), “Research integrity
It is critical for the advance of scientific
research that the research community pur-
sues novel, influential, and relevant research.
Research quality, benefits, and integrity are
includes: highly interdependent. Therefore, while
maintaining high research quality is vital, it is
4 Use of honest and verifiable methods in
equally important that research is conducted
proposing, performing, and evaluating
in a culture that supports honesty and integ-
rity to ensure the highest standards of ethical
4 Reporting research results with particular practice and behaviour.
attention to adherence to rules, regula-
There is ever-increasing pressure to demon-
tions, and guidelines.
strate societal or economic impact of science
4 Following commonly accepted profes- coupled with the potential for monetary gain.
sional codes or norms.” To seek even the smallest advantage, the
temptation to come close to, and perhaps
Research is, by and large, a self-regulating
cross, ethical boundaries is very strong.
and self-policing process wherein research-
Given the high stakes, there is concern about
ers conduct and present their research
the stability of the ethical foundations
without falsification and fabrication, giving
and integrity of the research enterprise.
credit to other scholars for their ideas when
Wellcome conducted a voluntary survey of
and where such credit is due. However,
respondents from all over the world, but
research also has aspects of competition,
mainly from the UK. The findings (Wellcome
including an emphasis on priority claims.
Trust Research Culture Report, 2020) indi-
Prestige has become associated with
cated that researchers felt intense pressure
research excellence and high achievement; it
to publish, with scant value placed on how
has become a high-value undertaking in
the results were achieved.
which intellectual success frequently leads to
commercial success (Stephan, 2012). This problem of scholarly wrongdoing is

compounded by the recent rapid increase in on the other hand, misconduct such as data
the number of research publications in fabrication, falsification of results, mishandling
journals of dubious quality. Research publica- of research subjects, and conflicts of interest
tions across the world have grown at a com- remain much more difficult to detect and
pounded annual growth rate of approxi- police.
mately three percent over the past two
Researchers, funders, publishers, research
centuries (Johnson, et al., 2018:5). This growth
administrators, and other stakeholders in the
in research output has also been accompa-
research ecosystem have to play a prominent
nied by a rise in poor-quality and predatory
role in this context. It is incumbent upon
journals, and lapses in ethical research
them to have clear and unambiguous
practice (Eykens, et al., 2019). Two percent of
policies and procedures for ensuring good
the scientists who were surveyed admitted to
research practices. It is equally important to
having falsified, fabricated, or modified data
have a governance structure to ensure that
(Fanelli, 2009). Retraction Watch, along with
violations of good practice are addressed in a
other similar organizations (Oransky, 2020;
fair, timely, consistent, and transparent
WAME, 2020), aim to, “Promote transparency
and integrity in science and scientific publish-
ing, and to disseminate best practices and Recently, several efforts have been made to
increase efficiency in science.” They main- explicitly define the various components of
tain,“A database of retractions, expressions research integrity and ethical practice (See
of concern and related publishing events” Appendix 1). Research organizations, includ-
from all over the world, identifying well- ing universities, have developed their own
placed and highly-regarded researchers who guidelines for the ethical conduct of research.
have falsified or fabricated data, journals that Good research practice is not a mystery, what
have retracted publications because of bad is lacking is a culture supported by a sound
peer review practices, and funders that have governance structure to ensure that research
stripped researchers of their current funding misconduct is rare. However, procedures and
or barred them from seeking future research processes to address the violations fairly,
support (Fang, et al., 2012). It is important to promptly, and effectively, if and when such
note however, that retractions are often acts misconduct occurs, are lacking.
of “genuine self-correction and transparency”,
To address such concerns and to promote
which serve a valuable purpose in maintaining
academic integrity and publication ethics in
the integrity of the scholarly record (Quan-
Indian universities, the University Grants
Hoang, 2020).
Commission (UGC) created the Consortium
Research misconduct is not uncommon for Research Ethics (CARE) on November 28,
(Brainard and You, 2018). On the one hand, 2018. (UGC Public Notice, 2019). Further, UGC
the ability to electronically scan documents constituted an Expert Group on Good
and with the advances in machine learning Academic Research Practices chaired by
and text analysis, some aspects of research Professor Rakesh Bhatnagar, Vice Chancellor,
misconduct such as plagiarism are becoming Banaras Hindu University to study this topic
easier to identify and potentially curtail. But and to offer recommendations about policies

and procedures regarding integrity in the 4 Develop materials for training on research
conduct, production, and dissemination of integrity, ethical behaviour, and good
academic research. This document reflects research practices. This training will
recommendations from such experts and from provide the substantive knowledge, skills,
similar efforts across the globe. and competencies for a researcher with
regard to research integrity and ethics. The
The focus of this document is on developing
core content of the such training should be
and sustaining research integrity within
mandatory with additional training
an ethical research culture. While this frame-
materials reflecting the local context
work must be operationalized locally, this
being designed simultaneously and
document offers recommendations for
delivered at the discretion of each ORI.
institutions to consider for successfully
enhancing a culture of research integrity. In
particular, institutions can:

4 Create an ORI as the organizational entity

responsible for the implementation of
these guidelines at each institution.

Values Underlying Research Integrity
The Office of Research Integrity, ORI, must
promote the following values in the conduct
and management of research:
Researchers should avoid conflicts
of interest in setting research priorities,
establishing research collaborations,
choosing research questions, and inter-
4 Ethics: Research is conducted in an ethical
preting and assessing the implications of
manner ensuring dignity, rights, safety,
the research results.
and privacy within the researcher ecosys
tem. 4 Independence: Research functions must
be insulated from both the appearance
4 Rigour: Research ensures high quality
and the reality of undue influence of
design, reliable data, the appropriate use
funders or other non-researchers with a
of methods, rigorous and careful analysis,
stake in the outcome of the research. To
and transparent reporting and interpreta-
promote objectivity, researchers should be
tion of the results.
allowed independence in the design,
4 Relevance: In the endeavour of expanding conduct, analysis, interpretation, and
the knowledge-base and understanding dissemination of the research and research
the environment and ecosystem, research findings.
advances the short-and long-term goals of
4 Accountability: Research will comply with
science and society.
both the spirit and the letter of relevant
4 Transparency: Honesty is promoted rules and procedures such as regulations
through transparency in developing, governing professional standards. The
undertaking, reviewing, reporting, ORI will publish and make readily
and communicating research in a fair, accessible such rules, roles, and procedures
comprehensive, and unbiased fashion (All that will ensure that instances of alleged
European Academies, 2017). misconduct or malfeasance are rare. If and
4 Respect: The process of research is when they occur, they are effectively and
aligned with the norms and traditions promptly addressed in a fair and timely
of society and its cultural heritage, fashion with sensitivity towards the rights
with respect for colleagues, research of all concerned.
participants, and the environment. Integrity in research implies that these values
4 Impartiality: Objectivity and lack of bias permeate every aspect and are upheld by all
are the core principles of research. involved in the research enterprise.

Framework for Good Academic Research Practices
To operationalize the above values, this
document develops a multi-part framework,
built around the research cycle, to guide
reflection. This framework is meant to be the
beginning of a living document that must be
interpreted and applied within the specific
researchers and institutions in achieving context of each research institution. The
research integrity and ethical behaviour. framework focuses on three stages of the
research life cycle:
The purpose of this framework is to encour-
1. Research Design
age discussion and debate about ethical
2. Conduct of Research
research practice and not merely to provide a
3. Research Dissemination
set of rules that must be adhered to without

3.1 Research Design

3.1.1 Planning
Responsible conduct of research begins at Ministry of Human Resource Development
the planning stage. The choice of research (MHRD), for example, lists major science and
questions and rationale is a critical starting engineering challenges that may be
point. The creation of new knowledge and addressed by researchers. Similarly, the
translation are important outcomes of United Nations Sustainability Development
research. While translation of research Goals (SDG) are another example where
comes at a later stage, researchers should researchers can contribute towards creating
proactively think about the downstream a sustainable future.
impact. Does the project potentially have
Once an initial objective is identified, it is
positive outcomes for society, industry,
imperative that researchers are familiar with
country, or the ecosystem in general? The
the state-of-art in their domain and under-
Impacting Research, Innovation and
take projects that meet their objectives,
Technology (IMPRINT) initiative of the
keeping in mind potential unintended nega-

tive consequence of the proposed activities. approvals keeping in mind that they might
Researchers should assess the feasibility of need adjustment as conditions change in the
the study given resources in terms of exper- future. All appropriate licenses, participant
tise, facilities, funding, equipment, and other consents, and requisite permissions should
support. be secured before starting the research.
Researchers should ensure they are abreast
Although the outcomes of research cannot be
of all the relevant regulatory and governance
planned or perceived in advance, it is possi-
ble to have a well-documented plan in place
outlining the objectives, roles, and responsi- Research organizations should support
bilities. Researchers must have appropriate researchers with an appropriate research
data management systems in place with governance system within a sound research
detailed and easily traceable records for and project management framework (WHO,
outcomes and milestones, systematic and 2020).
rigorous analysis, any ethical and regulatory

Checklist for planning research

4 Describe the research objectives and rationale

4 Develop a project plan with milestones, roles, and responsibilities
4 Ensure the viability of the study in view of resources expertise, facilities, funding
4 Keep abreast with the relevant regulatory, ethical, organizational, and other guidelines
4 Seek requisite licenses, approvals and permissions in advance

3.1.2 Research Questions and Documentation

Any research activity starts with a research 4 Concise: brief but comprehensive.
question. A good research question should 4 Nuanced: with a research design that
be: matches the complexity of the problem
4 Clear: with sufficient specificity so that it is being addressed.
readily understood. 4 Logical: to ensure that the available
4 Focused: to ensure feasibility given the evidence supports the research claims.
available resources and time frame.

The sound formulation of the research ques- referred to long after the details are forgot-
tion requires: ten. Detailed plans are particularly useful for
4 Consultation with experts. helping newly-minted researchers under-
4 An understanding of relevant theories and stand what is to be done and to describe to
the available data and records. potential funders the nature of the research
4 An understanding of the relevant literature. approach and its feasibility. This planning also
helps prepare for implementation. Careful
Detailed journaling, record-keeping, and planning and documentation also create an
documentation are an integral part of the evidentiary trail that can to referred to in case
research process. They not only help the of a dispute regarding the importance and
researcher to keep track of the process but timing of a researcher’s contributions to a
also serve as a historical record that can be scientific discovery.

3.1.3 Literature Review

Describing the research questions and The essential steps in a literature review
locating them properly in the existing litera- involve:
ture are important aspects of research plan- 4 Framing research question in terms of the
ning. A literature review involves searching existing literature.
and compiling the literature available on a 4 Consulting relevant databases and texts
specific topic. A meaningful literature review, for the search.
however, is much more than a collection of 4 Listing relevant keywords and phrases, as
summaries of papers or an annotated bibliogra- well as known key references.
phy of research manuscripts. It involves using the
4 Ensuring search results are easily retrievable
ideas in the literature to ensure an understand-
and traceable.
ing of earlier research, their methodological
4 Revising the original research question, if
approach, and contributions. A literature
review also serves the important function of
Researchers must carefully ensure that they
preventing the duplication of research and
rely only on high quality and reliable sources.
redundant publication (Martyn, 1964;
Before incorporating search results in a
Garfield, 1993).
review, it is essential to evaluate each refer-
ence for accuracy, authority, objectivity,
currency, and coverage (Goundar, 2012).

Checklist for information for scientific literature review

4 Is the information reliable?

4 Is the information error-free?
4 Is the information factual?
4 Is the information verifiable?
4 What are the professional credentials of the author(s)?
4 Does the author have the subject matter expertise on the topic?
4 Is the information relevant?
4 Is a clear distinction made between facts and opinions?
4 Is the information biased?
4 Is the information current?
4 Does the information meet current needs?
4 Does the information provide in-depth coverage?

Citation analysis is a powerful approach for researcher to relevant literature and so on.
selecting articles for literature reviews. It can This process should help the researcher to
help quickly identify authors and research refine the search to most relevant sources.
articles with substantial research citation Suggestions in the literature for future
impact. Citations analyses also help to identify research are often a good source of ideas and
research that other scholars have found useful novel formulations of research questions.
and have cited in their own work. Citation and
It is not easy to critically and objectively
co-citation analyses can further assist in
analyse scientific literature. A senior
identifying articles and scholars that have
researcher can guide the junior scholar to
been particularly influential in the field. Such
fully understand the multiple paths that
an approach is particularly useful for junior
have led to the current research landscape,
scholars who are not fully conversant with the
the underlying arguments supporting contem-
full breadth and depth of the literature and
porary understanding, and the strengths and
journal quality.
weakness of the methods and data used to
Literature reviews must be thorough. One way support or question those arguments.
of ensuring proper coverage is using the
In describing the current research landscape,
relevant keywords and phrases. To avoid the
the literature review serves a dual purpose:
restrictions imposed by keyword-based
semantic searches, citation-based searches 4 Informs the reader of what the reviewer
are useful. Citation searches that operate on considers to be the relevant antecedents
the premise that two conceptually-related and how they inform the proposed research.
articles will share several references, often 4 Provides an assessment of that work by
reveal hidden connections. pointing to the strengths and weakness of
Conducting a literature review is usually the preceding literature as perceived by the
recursive. Reviewing previous research should researcher writing the review.
lead to further lines of enquiry and take the

3.1.4 Data, Research Methods, and Analytical Approach
Once the research questions have been analyses of natural phenomena, human
clarified, contextualized, and located within artifacts, and objects as well as behaviours
the existing literature, evidence must be and action.
obtained to support or refute the research
The chosen research method needs to be
claims. Typically, this evidence is presented
further detailed out. Researchers must also
through data.
define the target population to collect data
A sound, systematic, and rigorous research from and the sampling strategy to be
practice depends upon the underlying ontologi- employed for choosing a sample from the
cal, epistemological, and methodological target population (Bhattacherjee, 2012). The
assumptions. Hence, the method used to statistical technique for analysing the data
systematically address research problems vary also needs to be defined, based on the
by discipline, the ontological and epistem- research question and the data collected.
ological assumptions, and traditions (Kaplan,
The methods employed to analyse, synthe-
1964). These assumptions and the underlying
size, interpret, and make sense of such data
logic define the various steps that are gener-
vary just as much as the sources and nature of
ally adopted by researchers (Zimring, 2019).
the data. For instance, experiments are quite
Thus, once the research question has been common in natural and physical sciences and
defined, the researcher should prepare a in engineering, however, conducting reliable
research design, which serves as the founda- and robust experiments in the social sciences
tion and scope of the research project. is not always feasible. The prevalent model of
Preparing the research design usually the “scientific method” of reducing research
involves accounting for availability of problems into manageable sub-problems
resources, skills and time. that has been so successful in advancing
research in the physical and natural sciences
Choosing the appropriate research methods
and engineering does not always transfer
is a crucial decision. The methods vary
effectively to addressing research problems in
depending upon the type of research ques-
the social sciences and the humanities
tions, the sources and nature of the data and
(Bhattacherjee, 2012; Donovan and Hoover,
the purpose of the research (Outhwaite and
2013; Latour and Woolgar, 1979). Social
Turner, 2007). Primary data sources are
science research tends to leverage theory-
where the researcher collects the data for the
building wherein a researcher observes
purposes of the research; secondary data are
events, establishes the relationships bet-
those that already exist and could contain
ween events and associated factors influenc-
information that might shed light on the
ing the events, locates the common factor,
research questions. Primary data are often
verifies the explanation in various contexts to
obtained from experiments, surveys, focus
generalize the explanation and finally, con-
groups, interviews, case studies, and other
firms the explanation as a theory. Theory-
sources. Field research often involves
building is perhaps the most difficult aspect
detailed observation, document review and
of social science research because of the

complexity of human systems in terms of the Systematic, rigorous analysis is essential for
dynamic interdependencies and interactions producing consistent, reliable results. Over
among the underlying causes and effects. the last few decades a lot of attention has
The role of feedback and emergence in these been focused on the replicability and
systems makes it difficult to develop theories reproducibility of research (Replicability-
that are generalizable across time and space Index, 2020). For instance, the work on
(Burrell and Morgan, 2017). replicability and reproducibility of social and
behavioural science research has its origins in
Careful data collection, the systematic use
Jacob Cohen’s path-breaking work in psychol-
of rigorous methods, and the proper interpre-
ogy (Cohen, 1962). Following appropriate data
tation of the findings are essential aspects of
analytic procedures ensures confidence in the
research integrity. Through social media and
results and the ability of other researchers to
other forms of data on how people lead their
replicate and reproduce the results.
daily lives, social scientists now have access
to data on almost every form of human
behaviour and action. This abundance of data
makes it important to ensure privacy and
ethical use of data.

A discussion of the full range of available methods is beyond the scope of this
document, however, it is important to keep the following questions in mind:
4 Is the choice of research techniques defensible, for instance, supported by the existing
4 Is the selected method appropriate for the discipline and nature of data?
4 Are the selected methods appropriate for answering the research questions?
4 Will the results obtained by the selected methods be reproducible?
4 Do the selected methods lead to results that can be easily and uniformly interpreted?

Interpretation of results should be confined nied by an assessment of the sources, nature,

to what the data and the analytical methods and magnitude of potential errors and a frank
can support. Ethical research practice requ- discussion of the limits of the data and the
ires that the research findings be accompa- analysis.

3.2 Conducting Research
3.2.1 Research Execution, Documentation, and Data Storage
Robustness of the research results depends journals facilitate in enhancing research
on thorough research execution, systematic integrity. They ask their authors to submit
documentation, and data quality. Careful research data and make them available for
collection of data is necessary not only for other scholars to use who can replicate the
ensuring the quality of the results but analyses and build upon earlier research
also for maintaining records of collection without having to incur the cost of obtaining
methodology. These records are essential for their own data. This ability to replicate analy-
judging data quality and for ensuring that ses also gives the opportunity to correct
future researchers can replicate the results. errors and honest mistakes and detect
potential ethical and moral oversights in the
Proper data management has been enhan-
published research.
ced by the increased computing power and
the almost negligible cost of storage. The Guidelines (Pharmaceutical Inspection Conv-
“open data” movement is part of a wider ention (PIC): Data Integrity Guidance, 2016)
open science effort to make research outputs for data collection are provided:
more robust and reproducible. Scholarly

Checklist for data collection

4 What data were collected and when were they recorded?

4 Did the research involve an experiment?
4 Were the data collected at different levels of analysis?
4 Were the data on the population or a sub-sample?
4 If a subset of the population was used, what were the sampling procedures?
4 Was the sample set representative of the study population?
4 Did the study design match the purpose, for instance, theory development or theory testing?
4 How was data integrity ensured?
4 Was the data-cleansing process properly documented?
4 What were the specific rules used for defining, identifying, and handling outliers?
4 Were data transformations satisfactorily documented and justified?
4 Were the inferences from the data verified and validated?
4 Were the computational procedures and platforms properly documented?
4 Were sufficient metadata and annotations added in the data files to ensure meaningful
4 Were data privacy issues efficiently addressed?

Research data and related files need to be 4 Data integrity and security through periodic
stored securely during all phases of the back-ups and redundant storage in multiple
research process. A researcher needs to media.
ensure: 4 Requirements from funders and other
4 Clear data ownership and accountability. stakeholders with respect to data storage
4 Access restrictions with appropriate and sharing.
protocols to ensure safety and privacy. 4 Appropriate rules for data archiving,
4 Data integrity by using a copy of the storage and retrieval, including the length
original data. of time for which the data would be
4 Careful and reliable data collection, preserved. Data that cannot be easily
storage, and retrieval. reproduced should probably be retained

3.2.2 Checks for Plagiarism, Falsification, Fabrication,

and Misrepresentation
According to the US Office of Science and significant departures from accepted prac-
Technology Policy, “Research misconduct is tices. “Knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly”
defined as fabrication, falsification, or departing from standard practice can be
plagiarism in proposing, performing, or grounds for allegations of misconduct.“
reviewing research, or in reporting research
There are several ways in which researchers
results” (Federal Research Misconduct
knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly mis-
Policy, 2000). The terms fabrication, falsifica-
represent their data and findings. Given the
tion, and plagiarism are defined as:
variety of ways in which research can
4 “Fabrication: Making up data or results. be misrepresented and the creativity of
4 Falsification: Manipulating research researchers in doing so, detecting such
materials, equipment, or processes, or misconduct is not easy. Research misconduct
changing or omitting data or results such and bias has become a focus of academic
that the research is not accurately repre- research (Ioannides, 2020) and a subject of
sented in the research record. study by government agencies (The Office of
4 Plagiarism: The appropriation of another Research Integrity, 2020a) and private orga-
person's ideas, processes, results, or words nizations (UK Research Integrity Office,
without giving appropriate credit (The 2020).
Office of Research Integrity, 2020a). Data manipulation and image tampering,
Research misconduct does not include such as relabeling axes, distorting a visual
inadvertent errors or differences of opi- representation of data, or using the same
nion; however, generally accepted stan- image to suggest that it represents results
dards play a major role in describing from multiple experiments are just a few

examples of the ‘creative’ ways in which 4 Copying someone else’s research ideas.
researchers have misrepresented their res- 4 Redoing other people’s research and repre-
earch (The Office of Research Integrity, 2020b: senting it as one’s own without referring to
Case Summary—Yakkanti Sudhakar). These the original work.
problems have become more common with
The use of automated textual analysis makes
the ready access to software, which allows
detecting plagiarism in the form of copying
researchers to manipulate pictures of slides
text relatively easy, but it is more difficult to
and biological specimens in minor ways to
assess when ideas or results have been appro-
imply changes over time or represent multiple
priated inappropriately. Research often builds
observations when in fact they are simply
past results, ideas, and methods. Because the
variations of the original picture (Cromey,
reward system of science depends on intellec-
tual property claims, it is crucial that research-
Fanelli et al. (2017) have studied biases in ers assiduously attribute credit for the work of
scientific literature and concluded that efforts others. To do otherwise violates conventional
to enhance research integrity are focusing on research norms and constitutes a moral failure
the right kinds of biases, but the type of biases (Merton, 1973).
and their intensity vary by field and location,
As stated by Horkoff (2015), the following basic
suggesting a greater need for focused solu-
practices should be observed:
tions tailored to meet local needs. The authors
suggest that the effort to root out biases “…has 4 In general, a person using another author’s
to be a grass-roots movement. It has to be text, data, methods, ideas, results or formu-
something that scientists believe is good for lations should identify the author and
their science to do. Top-down approaches, document the source.
such as institutions and funding agencies 4 All intellectual property, regardless of
trying to promote best practices, could also format, should be appropriately attributed
help, but it has to be an agreement among all to the original owner.
stakeholders. And scientists must believe that 4 Researchers should neither submit previously
such efforts will help the results and their published results without proper attribu-
science to be more reliable.” (Stanford Medi- tion, nor submit the same manuscript to
cine News Center, 2017) multiple journals simultaneously.
4 Conference presentations may be regarded
Plagiarism is the most common form of scien-
as published material and cited appropri-
tific misconduct (Martin, 2013). Plagiarism in
research entails a researcher using other’s
material in such a way that it presents a mis- 4 References to unpublished work of other
leading picture of being the researcher’s own authors should be identified as a personal
contribution. Thus, plagiarism can concern communication or directly attributed to the
various aspects of research and its contents. author as an unpublished source.
Chaddah (2014) has discussed three types of 4 Reviewers must be particularly careful in
plagiarism: ensuring that the material under review is
treated as confidential until it has been
4 Copying text from another author without published. Using parts or ideas from
appropriate permission or attribution and materials under review without proper

attribution is not only plagiarism, but is one’s own work, it is usually best to treat it
intellectual theft, which places the entire in the same way as if one was citing another
evaluation system at risk. scholar’s work. Neglecting to take such
4 It is common for a researcher to refer to his precautions is called self-plagiarism.
or her earlier research. Again, when citing

3.2.3 Collaboration and Authorship

Research is increasingly a collaborative and Human Services recommends that
enterprise (Wuchty, et al., 2007; Adams, “before any work on a collaboration is
2013). Team science often brings different undertaken, there should be some common
and complementary perspectives, skills, and understanding of:
competencies to a project. Collaborations,
4 the goals of the project and anticipated
however, add another layer of complexity to
research that is not usually present when a
4 the role each partner in the collaboration
researcher is working alone (Parker and
will play
Kingori, 2016).
4 how data will be collected, stored, and
Many of the topics discussed in other sec- shared
tions of this document are relevant to collab- 4 how changes in the research design will be
oration, particularly those that pertain to: the made
need for clarity regarding the objectives of
4 who will be responsible for drafting
the research project; proper and timely
documentation; specificity regarding
4 the criteria that will be used to identify and
timelines, roles, and responsibilities, espe-
rank contributing authors
cially regarding division of labour; intellec-
4 who will be responsible for submitting
tual property; and the allocation of resources
reports and meeting other requirements
and credit. As with any research task, there is
4 who will be responsible for or have
considerable uncertainty at the outset, so
the authority to speak publicly for the
flexibility is essential with the expectation
that the initial commitments governing the
collaboration are likely to evolve and 4 how intellectual property rights and
crystalize over time. Communication and ownership issues will be resolved
addressing issues promptly as they arise are 4 how the collaboration can be changed and
important to establishing strong and healthy when it will come to an end.“ (The
working relationships. Office of Research Integrity, Roles and
Relationships, 2020c).
The ORI of the US Department of Health

One of the most contentious areas of collab- aged to give priority to the authors in order of
orations is the attribution of credit and their contributions irrespective of seniority.
authorship of the research report and subse- However, there is also the question of a
quent research publications and presentations. corresponding author. Given that this role
involves active correspondence with the
There are several prevalent practices for
journal or reviewers and other researchers,
deciding authorships (National Academy of
assigning it to a senior researcher may be
Sciences et al., 1995)— including, but not
more appropriate.
limited to, authors' names being listed in
order of their contributions with authors that Whatever practice is followed, the collabora-
have higher contributions being listed first; in tors are best placed to jointly reach a consen-
order of author's seniority/influence; in sus and decision amongst themselves. It is
alphabetical order, and so on. In some institu- important to clarify, in advance, the criteria for
tions it is customary to include the supervi- assessing contributions of the individual
sor's name upfront whereas in some institu- researchers and how those criteria will be used
tions it is either appended at the end of the to allocate credit. The collaborators should
authors' list or not included at all. discuss this matter at the onset of the project to
ensure clarity and transparency.
As a best practice for authorship, it is encour-

3.2.4 Intellectual Property

Research in computer science, engineering, tional importance because of the associated
and the life sciences, among other fields, economic value. Assigning intellectual
often yields intellectual property of signifi- property rights, to the extent possible, to the
cant commercial value, which can be pro- stakeholders at the start of the project is
tected by patents, trademarks, copyrights, good research practice. Clarifying these
and other forms of guarantees. The proper aspects of the research outputs at the outset
assignment of intellectual property and decreases the likelihood of problems and
preservation of these rights takes on addi- conflicts arising at later stages of the project.

3.3 Dissemination
3.3.1 Selection of the Right Medium for Publication
Research findings are truly impactful only form of publications. Researchers must
when publicly shared and communicated. present all results, including favourable,
Moreover, researchers earn their property unfavourable, and null findings. The honest
rights by giving away their findings in the reporting of all findings is essential as a

matter of record and to save time for future journals with little or no editorial standards to
researchers, who need not redo the work that ensure research quality is becoming one of
has already been done. the more flagrant examples of academic
misconduct, apart from the commercial
An important aspect of research is its dissem-
exploitation of the research community.
ination. The primary purpose of dissemina-
tion is to inform the larger community of the A 'consensus' definition of a predatory journal
findings of the research activity so that it is, “Predatory journals and publishers are
becomes a part of the scientific knowledge- entities that prioritize self-interest at the
base for other scientists to replicate, test, expense of scholarship and are characterized
challenge, confirm, and build upon. Often, by false or misleading information, deviation
research findings are of interest to others, from best editorial and publication practices,
such as practitioners, policy- and decision- a lack of transparency, and/or the use of
makers, and the public. Seeking proper aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation
outlets and providing the information at an practices” (Grudniewicz et al., 2019).
audience-appropriate level of comprehensi- Researchers should avoid predatory journals
bility and format become important criteria both as an outlet for their manuscripts and as
to ensure that the research reaches the appro- cited references in their research. In this
priate audience in the correct format at the context the UGC guidance document “Public
right time. Notice on Academic Integrity,” draws specific
attention to predatory journals (UGC, 2019).
Peer-reviewed journals are among the key
channels for research dissemination. Some of the typical characteristics of preda-
Researchers often want to reach a broader tory journals are:
audience, beyond their academic peers. 4 Guaranteed acceptance of manuscript
Commonsense should guide the selection of upon submission
outlets such as blogs, the popular press, and 4 No peer-review process
practitioner journals by focusing on those 4 Pay and publish, irrespective of quality of
outlets that are most likely to reach the manuscript or relevance to journal scope
intended audience. While formats might vary,
4 No journal website and/or no clarity on
ethical considerations do not vary regardless
aims and scope of the journal
of the audience or means of communication.
4 Use of misleading and inaccurate self-
Unfortunately, in a “publish-or-perish” world, generated impact factors
publication can become an objective in its 4 No editorial board
own right, encouraging a market for preda- 4 Publication of obviously poor-quality
tory journals and introducing unethical content and/or content that is clearly
publication practices. The editorial policies of outside the stated scope of the journal
publishers of reputable journals are the first Additional guidance on choosing an appropriate
line of defense in ensuring research quality journal for publication is provided in section
and integrity. The recent increase in academic 3.3.2.

3.3.2 Choosing the Right Journal for Publication
Submitting a manuscript to an unsuitable publication opportunities are constantly
journal is one of the most common mistakes arising in the form of online- and open access
that authors make and one of the major (OA) publications. As per the Directory of
reasons for the rejection of a manuscript. Open Access Journals (DOAJ), “Open access
First-time authors or those who are branching journals are journals that use a funding model
out into diverse research areas may be unfa- that does not charge readers or their institu-
miliar with the journals in the field. On the tions for access.” (Directory of Open Access
other hand, seasoned authors, too, tend to Journals, 2020)
publish in the same journals, although new

Checklist for selecting an appropriate journal

4 Do the aims and scope of the journal match that of the research?
4 Has the journal published articles of similar nature?
4 What is the journal peer review process?
4 Does the journal reach the relevant audience?

Criteria for journal selection

Authors should keep the following criteria in mind when choosing a journal as an outlet for their

Do the aims and scope of the journal match those of the research work?
Authors can readily find relevant information on a journal’s homepage under sections such as
“About the Journal”, or “Aims and Scope”. Careful review of this information can help determine
whether their research might be a good fit for the journal. Scholarly journals are diverse in terms
of their content and audience. Their variety can come from several sources, for example, jour-
nals vary by their level of specialization, disciplinary focus, and relative emphasis on contribu-
tions to theory versus applications of theory. In the natural and physical sciences a distinction is
made between a focus on theory versus experiments; in the social sciences a distinction is often
made in whether the target audience is academia or practitioners or some combination. It is up
to the author to decide on the outlet that best meets the current scholarly requirements.

Has the journal published articles of similar nature?
After short listing journals based on their broad aims and scope, authors should consider a more
in-depth search within the journal with keywords from their manuscript to determine whether
the journal has published similar work. An indicator of where a manuscript might be submitted
is to be found among its own cited references. Journals that are most frequently cited might be
good outlets for the work.

What are the journal’s submission requirements?

In preparing a manuscript for submission, it is important to review the “Information for
Authors”. Journals often specify the type of research they publish. Submissions outside the
journal’s scope are often rejected without review. Journals also provide guidance regarding the
length of the article and the limits, if any, on the number of tables and figures. Most OA journals
also charge article-processing fees, which might play a role in determining where to submit an

What is the journal’s intended audience?

International peer-reviewed journals typically tend to have broader readership than regional
journals. The latter may tend to publish articles with geographic or local significance (for
example, endemic disease research) and may lack international readership. Similarly, details of
a niche research topic are more likely to be accepted for publication in specialized journals. On
the other hand, OA journals might be accessed by wider audience, leading to increased
discoverability since there are no subscription fees associated with accessing them.

Recently, several OA journals have been on the receiving end of increasing criticism over the
lack of proper peer review and poor-quality control. A quick check to assess journal quality
might be to determine whether a journal is indexed in reputed citation databases. Although,
potentially subject to manipulation, the presence of respected scholars on the journal’s edito-
rial board is another indicator of journal quality.

What is the journal’s impact factor and rank?

The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is the ratio of the number of citations to the journal’s articles to the

number of total citable articles published in that journal over a fixed period of time. One should
also look at the relative standing of a journal in a given subject category based on JIF. The JIF is a
journal-level indicator that is one of the many criteria that can be used to determine aspects of
journal quality. While there are several journal metrics, the journal “impact factor” invented by
Clarivate Analytics in the 1960s, has been one of the oldest reputed publisher-neutral metric
trusted by researchers and research organizations worldwide (Clarivate Analytics, 2018).

What is the journal’s peer review process?
Peer review process should be independent, rigorous, and unbiased. Authors should assess
whether the journal provides: timely and comprehensive review of the manuscript; constructive
and valuable comments that enhance quality; information on the number of reviewers
involved; an understanding of how closely the editor is involved in the process.

Are there red flags in journal issues?

Diversity of authorship is often a good indicator of journal quality. For instance, the dominance
of a small set of authors, or institutions in the journal is a potential red flag. Similarly, an implied
promise of publication before submission, immediate acceptance of the articles upon submis-
sion or a lack of proper peer review could suggest lack of due diligence and/or improper publi-
cation practice. The ORI can develop special training focused on the topic of research publica-
tion and dissemination for young scholars and students.

Grey, et al. (2020) provide a checklist to promote publication integrity to pre-empt misconduct.
The authors write, “the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) advises publishers to retract
articles when there is ‘clear evidence that the findings are unreliable,’ but does not advise on how
to determine whether that is the case. Their ‘REAPPRAISED’ checklist consists of the following
items: Research governance, Ethics, Authorship, Productivity, Plagiarism, Research Conduct,
Analysis and Methods, Image manipulation, Statistics and data, Errors and data duplication and
reporting. The use of this checklist, can help to speed up the identification and correction of flawed
papers, preventing wasted resources ....” All the items in this checklist are not relevant for a
researcher who is seeking to publish or attempting to assess the quality of a journal. However, it is
a comprehensive list and a good place to start. Vigilance to ensure that such practices are not
rewarded has to be an important aspect of research integrity and ethical practice.

Reference management software offer journal match features that can be used to get sugges-
tions on a journal’s potential outlets. However, researchers should validate that manually to
weed out low-quality journals.

Some of the common factors for rejecting a manuscript include (Ali, 2010):

4 Manuscript content does not conform to scope of the journal or the overarching
theme of a special issue or is not interesting to the target audience
4 Manuscript style does not conform with the journal style, format, or guidelines
4 Duplication or significant overlap with existing work (plagiarism)
4 Insignificant results or incremental research
4 Improper rationale of the study
4 Superficial treatment of the subject matter
4 Poorly designed study in terms of statistical tests, controls, etc.
4 Preliminary results that lend to speculative interpretation
4 Lack of clarity in writing

Journals rely on the peer review process to accepted for publication even in some of the
ensure quality and identify plagiarism or most reputable academic outlets (Hvist-
other forms of misconduct. Unfortunately, endahl, 2013).
identifying research misconduct is difficult,
The number of citations a journal receives in a
especially when the authors and reviewers
given year, taken against the total citable
belong to a small community where it is to
items it published over the preceding two-
everyone’s mutual benefit to increase the
year period, determines its Journal Impact
number of publications and citations to those
FactorTM (JIF). The JIF provides an important
publications. This problem is further com-
and objective measure of a journal’s contribu-
pounded when journal publishers and editors
tion to scholarly communication.
also have an interest in increasing the number of
citations to articles published in their journals, A confluence of motivations can result in
which result in subtle and not so subtle efforts at various forms of malpractice ranging from
encouraging authors to cite specific articles or biased reviews arising from conflicts of
journals (Wilhite and Fong, 2012). interest between reviewers and authors,
citation coercion, and inflated author and
Authors, reviewers, and journal editors are
journal self-citations. Building a strong
not the only ones with a stake in enhancing
culture of research integrity along with
the prestige of a journal via the number of
constant vigilance is necessary to curtail such
publications and citations. Publishers want to
misconduct. However, that is not enough.
maintain a portfolio of highly-regarded
Here again, the ORI has an important role to
journals; authors and their employers want
play in educating and training researchers at
publications in prestigious journals to burnish
all stages of their career. Education and
their individual and institutional reputations;
training can be built upon guidance from
and funders are similarly motivated to sup-
COPE, the REAPPRAISED checklist, and the
port researchers who have published and will
Johnson Report on scholarly and scientific
continue to publish highly-cited research in
publishing (Johnson, et al., 2018), among
such journals. An extreme case of corruption
others (See Appendix 1). The ORI can also
has been noticed in journal publications
organize regular discussion groups and
where it is now possible to buy and sell co-
workshops to reinforce an understanding
authorships of articles that have been
and practice of publication ethics.

3.3.3 Translation of Research

Scientific discoveries are regularly trans- knowledge has the power to enhance the
lated into applications to benefit humanity. quality of life and impart positive societal
Public dissemination of the knowledge and impact to the beneficiaries (Pope and Brandt,
products developed by researchers results in 1997).
increased outreach and, hence more atten-
“Technology transfer is the transmittal of
tion to and success of science. Scientific
developed ideas, products, or techniques

from a research environment to one of practi- that basic research is conducted without
cal application, and thus is an important proper consideration of the societal implica-
component of the research life cycle.” (Pope tions of such research. However, scientists
and Brandt, 1997). Focusing on practical prob- have often taken moral positions regarding
lems as a source of research ideas and seeking certain scientific advances. Einstein and
applications of research that can be quickly fellow nuclear scientists urged that atomic
brought to the marketplace are efficient energy be used only for peaceful purposes
approaches to technology transfer. Some (Shamoo and Resnik, 2009). Ethicists discuss-
good practices to be followed in ensuring ing the responsible conduct of research have
efficient transfer of academic research findings labeled certain types of research (for exam-
to real-life application are: ple manipulating a germline) to be unethical
because it can endanger potential human and
4 Focus on research that is aimed at real
other life (Siegel, 2018).
world problems.
4 Use of experimental tools and techniques In addition to such weighty ethical issues
that are time-saving and inexpensive there are also mundane aspects of research
without jeopardizing rigour or high quality. integrity when it comes to the responsible
conduct of research. An important part of
4 Use of widely available materials and
research integrity is ensuring ownership,
components, feasible on a large scale, and
recognition, and acknowledgement of intel-
pose minimum hazard to life and the
lectual property. Additional consideration has
environment to aid manufacturing.
to be given to financial conflicts of interest
4 Maintenance of complete records of all when dealing with applications of research,
experimentation, surveys, and so on, so especially when the research is the product of
that technologies can be reliably and collaboration.
efficiently scaled up.
As stated before, explicit and proper documen-
tation of all the rights, responsibilities, and
With respect to institutional support, the
expectations regarding intellectual property
ORI can: at the start of the research project is
4 Develop platforms or communities that extremely important, especially when there is
provide the services, facilities, and networks potential for financial gain. In brief, maintain-
to absorb some of the risks associated with ing the highest standards of research integ-
commercializing new technology. rity, regardless of the nature of the research, is
4 Create mentorship programmes that educate always a good practice both in the short and
principal investigators about obtaining long-run.
patents and advancing product opportunities Finally, although most academic research
that emerge from their research. does not immediately or always yield direct
4 Develop collaborative networks between commercial value, fundamental science often
industry and academia. underpins applied science. Basic research is
4 Support the development of university at times blamed for being disconnected from
incubators/accelerators. the real-world problems and is also criticized
All considerations that apply to research for absorbing a disproportionate share of
integrity also apply to research that is focused government funding.
on applications of basic research leading to
invention and innovation. It is often believed
Institutional Research Programme Management
4.1 Office of Research Integrity
This document provides a general perspec- enforcer, it monitors research activity for
tive on research integrity, which must be potential malfeasance and acts swiftly, with
operationalized at each research institution fairness and tact, when it notices or has
to reflect its own practices, needs, and instances of research misconduct brought to
context. The ORI must be an integral and its attention.
permanent unit within the research infra-
There are resources, governance structures,
structure of the institution, where it plays a
models, and guidance available for establish-
dual role of coach and enforcer. As a coach,
ing an ORI. Examples of such resources are
the ORI encourages and enables a culture of
included in Appendix 1.
research integrity and provides training. As

4.2 Governance
As mentioned, research has always been a 4 Keep abreast of current good practices for
competitive endeavour, but this competition promoting the proper management and
is now global and fast-paced. As competition conduct of research.
for prestige and funding has grown, there is 4 Deploy a research management and
evidence that the incidence of research monitoring system to keep track of grant
misconduct has also grown (Fanelli, 2009). proposals, research projects, publications,
and other research products.
To cultivate and sustain a culture of research
integrity, the ORI must: 4 Ensure that the research incentives are
designed to reward research integrity. For
4 Build upon the principles listed in this
example, incentives that reward high
document by developing its own Code of
quality research over quantity (Finkel, 2019).
Conduct for its context in alignment with
its local traditions, needs, and mission. 4 Serve as a resource for sound confidential
advice regarding research integrity.

4 Develop a checklist and training progra- 4 Whose responsibility is it to report
mmes for researchers to familiarize them misconduct?
with research integrity, potential pitfalls, 4 What is the policy on whistleblowing?
and how to avoid and address them. 4 Who should receive the complaint?
4 Build checks to minimize conflicts of 4 Who will conduct the investigation? Will
interest among reviewers. the investigation be confined to the ORI,
handed off to external reviewers, or to
Each ORI would also have to develop its own another part of the research institution?
guidelines regarding processes and proce- 4 Who has the authority to implement the
dures for dealing with allegations of research penalties?
misconduct. In this context, its role would be 4 Define what is fair and timely adjudication
to: 4 Keep records and document the source of
4 Provide clarity regarding procedures for the allegation, how the allegation was
addressing allegations of misconduct, for addressed, the outcome of the investigation,
example: and the penalties meted out, if any.
Investigations must be timely and be con-
ducted sensitively (Welpe, et al., 2015).

4.3 Training
The research community has responded to 2017). Support for such training from the
growing concern regarding research integ- senior leadership of the university or research
rity by holding conferences (World Confe- organization as well as one’s immediate
rence on Research Integrity, 2020), offering supervisor is an important factor in ensuring
training, (SRA International, 2020) establish- that the training is undertaken and the likeli-
ing policies, and issuing codes of conduct (All hood of it being a success (Vanderbilt
European Academies, 2017) and protocols University, 2020). The ORI should ensure
(World Conference on Research Integrity, development of checklists and other training
2010). materials and delivery of that training on a
regular basis. To enforce awareness and
Education and training are important aspects
adoption, the ORI can consider making the
of developing a culture so that research
training programmes on research integrity
integrity becomes a “way of life”, a habit. Not
mandatory for all researchers and students
only should researchers be aware of what
(Finkel, 2019). In addition, such programmes
research integrity means, but they must also
should lead to a certification based on the
have the skills to put that awareness into
successful completion of a rigorous course of
study. The certification could also be made a
The ORI can play an important role in devel- prerequisite for receiving research funding or
oping and delivering the training (Emerson, promotions.

In addition to a general introduction to To familiarize researchers with the diversity of
research integrity and misconduct, the train- the research enterprise, the ORI can offer
ing should also focus on the different stages training on topics such as informed consent,
of the research cycle and on specific forms of communication (with funders, research
misconduct at each stage, as already dis- collaborators, students, or journal editors),
cussed. and other topics that are context-specific or
pertinent for specific disciplines.

4.4 Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest (COI) arises when a a researcher is called upon to review a grant
researcher can derive personal gain while proposal or a research paper. A researcher is
acting in an official capacity. Conflict of usually asked to serve as a reviewer when a
interest has been defined as: “… a situation in paper or grant proposal is aligned with that
which financial or other personal considerations researcher’s expertise. An obvious conflict
have the potential to compromise or bias profes- could arise if the researcher realizes that the
sional judgement and objectivity. An appar- paper under review is similar to his or her
ent conflict of interest is one in which a research, and there may be some benefits in
reasonable person would think that the delaying the potential publication of that
professional’s judgement is likely to be paper to gain more time to complete the
compromised. It is important to note that a personal research or to expedite it because it
conflict of interest exists whether or not might shed favourable light on a product that
decisions are affected by a personal interest; he or she might be attempting to bring to the
a conflict of interest implies only the poten- market. More subtle forms of conflict might
tial for bias, not a likelihood” (Conflict of arise from personal biases regarding the use
Interest, 2020). of a particular research method or data
source or the way in which the research is
In research, conflicts can arise in subtle and
framed and approached.
not so subtle ways. Conflicts often arise when

To avoid potential conflict of interest:

4Declare any real or perceived financial or professional conflict of interest
4Be aware of and abide by the organizational regulations and guidelines regarding the
management of potential conflicts of interest
4Constitute and follow a policy of complete disclosure especially with respect to the financial
4Focus on the scientific merits when conducting a grant or manuscript evaluation
4Undergo training to uncover personal conscious and unconscious biases and exercise
constant vigilance

Mentoring the Next Generation
Senior researchers are responsible for train-
ing and mentoring students and junior schol-
tant for helping the mentee understand the
rationale for the rules and how they work in
ars. The dominant model for learning how to practice. A good point of departure for dis-
conduct research is the apprenticeship cussion about research integrity is a code of
model, where junior scholars learn by work- conduct.
ing closely with senior researchers. In this
With a formal document as a starting point,
model of learning, mentors are responsible
the discussion can evolve into an interpreta-
for instilling the importance of integrity,
tion of those rules in the context of the
ethical behaviour, and good research prac-
research institution, the mentors' roles and
tice. lack of knowledge among junior mem-
responsibilities as well as expectations of the
bers of a research team is not, under any
circumstances, an excuse for unethical
behaviour. Instilling good research practices Not all mentors are good at such discussions
in the apprenticeship model implies that and this is where the ORI can play a role in
senior scholars and mentors lead by exam- training the mentors. The ORI can also offer
ple. It is imperative that they maintain the training for new students and junior scholars
highest standards of integrity and ethical and perhaps facilitate the discussion
behaviour and serve as role models. between mentors and mentees.

The relationship between the doctoral super- Researchers, particularly at a university,

visor or advisor and students is both personal serve multiple roles. They serve on commit-
and professional in which trust plays an tees at the university and for professional
important role. Most doctoral programmes have societies. They may also be called upon to
formal or informal statements regarding the share their expertise with the larger commu-
roles and responsibilities of students and their nity of which the university is a part. They
doctoral advisors. However, knowing the voluntarily contribute their time to conduct
rules however, is not the same as knowing peer reviews for scholarly journals and
how to interpret the rules. Discussions research funders. Over time, mentors should
between the mentor and mentee are impor- provide opportunities for mentees to teach

and mentor other students. Mentors must 4 give constructive and critical assessments
encourage mentees to serve the profession of the candidates' work
and professional societies by offering them
4 ensure timely feedback, preferably in
opportunities to help with research confer-
writing, regarding progress
ences and reviewing papers. The apprentice-
ship model is particularly well-suited for such 4 assist students with non-academic issues
training and for imparting experiential learn- and if necessary, direct them to the
ing. With mentors and mentees working side- appropriate student services offered by an
by-side, mentors can gradually give more institution
responsibilities to their mentees.
4 engage external expert help, where
Even before joining a doctoral programme, a needed, to supplement the internal exper-
student has the opportunity to learn what it tise within an institution for comprehen-
means to be a beginning researcher. Doctoral sive guidance.
training, unlike earlier education and train-
The students are responsible to:
ing, is about becoming an independent
researcher. While one can be taught the 4 know what it means to be a scholar in good
means of becoming a good researcher, the standing with respect to the rules and
curiosity and motivation to be a successful regulations of an institution
and creative researcher comes from within. 4 be systematic and rigorous in the conduct
Good advisors, generally: of research

4 engage with students in preparing a 4 carefully plan and execute research

research project protocols

4 make students aware of ethical research 4 follow safety procedures

practice and help them comply with the 4 diligently maintain accurate research
formal aspects of ethical and intellectual records
property regulations
4 seek advice of senior faculty or researchers
4 guide students through an institution's regarding ethical questions and practices
rules and regulations that govern the
proper conduct of research 4 disseminate findings in a timely manner in
appropriate outlets
4 provide academic advice, including
specific guidance on how to conform to the 4 present the findings in an unbiased, ethical
norms and expectations of the academic manner in accordance with the highest
field standards of research integrity.

4 support students in developing their

career both during candidature and beyond

This document provides a framework for good
research practices at academic institutions. It
data collection, storage, and retrieval; inter-
pretation; sharing data and results; present-
recommends the creation of an Office of ing and publishing results; training and
Research Integrity (ORI) at each institution. mentoring students; and contributing to the
Each institution is different and may use this professional community. Another aspect of
framework as it best applies to its own con- academic honesty is the proper acknowledge-
text. It is hoped, however, that the framework ment of contributions drawn from earlier
will help place the research enterprise of an research, fellow researchers, and collabora-
institution on a firm ethical foundation. tors.
An important role of the ORI is to make appro- It is not always possible to know in advance
priate recommendations for defining and when a particular line of research might lead to
refining an institution's focus on research undesirable societal outcomes. In instances
integrity and ethical practice and behaviour. where the likelihood of adverse outcomes is
The value of good governance cannot be high, careful procedures and constant monitor-
overemphasized in establishing the ORI, ing are necessary to mitigate such risks.
whose activities will be informed by evidence
Unfortunately, self-regulation does not
that is open and available to an institution's
always work. Regular training, seminars, and
community and beyond. Partnering with
workshops conducted by the ORI, actively
researchers in participatory management of
promoted and supported by the senior leader-
the ORI will inspire confidence in its leader-
ship, are potentially effective ways of sustain-
ship and help the managers of research
ing a culture of research integrity. The ORI
achieve their goals in collaboration with
must also have systems for research manage-
ment to provide institutional support for
Individual honesty yields trust, and trust is research. Research integrity is vital for science
paramount for a research community. It to thrive. The values articulated here can form
applies to the whole research enterprise, a sound foundation for a research culture that
including but not limited to: peer review of emphasizes integrity in the daily practice of
research and research proposals; defining every scientist.
research questions; seeking and allocating
resources for research; conducting research;

Contributing Authors
Bhushan Patwardhan
Vice Chairman
University Grants Commission

Anand Desai
Policy and Assessment Advisor
Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

Anamika Chourasia
Sr. Director, Government & Academic,
South Asia and South East Asia

Subhasree Nag
Sr. Solution Consultant

Rakesh Bhatnagar
Vice - Chancellor
Banaras Hindu University

Expert Group Members

Rakesh Bhatnagar (Chair)

Vice - Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University,

Arvind Pachhapur
Vice President and Head, South & South East Asia,
Clarivate, New Delhi

Partha Pratim Chakrabarti

Former Director, Indian Institute of Technology,

Praveen Chaddah
Former Director, UGC-DAE Consortium for
Scientific Research

Virendra Kumar Malhotra

Member Secretary, Indian Council of
Social Science Research,
New Delhi

N.V. Varghese
Director, National Institute of Educational Planning
and Administration, New Delhi

Syed E. Hasnain
Vice - Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard Deemed to be
University, New Delhi

Shridhar R. Gadre
Distinguished Professor, Interdisciplinary School
of Scientific Computing, Savitribai Phule
Pune University, Pune

Appendix 1: Reference Model Documents
There is a good set of reference documents Research Integrity in particular. For ready
that can add further insights into Good reference we include a list of such documents
Academic Research Practices in general and and few highlights here.

International and National Guidelines

4 University Grants Commission, India 4 Korean Federation of Science and Techn-
(, 2018) ology Societies

4 National Health and Medical Research 4The Manual for Research and Publication
Council, Australia, 2018 (NHMRC, 2018) Ethics in Science and Engineering
(Hwang et al., 2016)
4 European Federation of Academies of
Sciences and Humanities-ALLEA (All 4 Australian Code for Responsible Conduct
European Academies, 2017) of Research (2018) on Research Integrity
(WCRIF, 2020)
4 Research Council, Sweden(, 2017 The
Swedish Research Council Report on 4 Singapore Statement on Research Inte-
Good Research Practice) grity (World Conference on Research
Integrity, 2010)
4 Ministry of Higher Education and
Science, Denmark (, 2014, 2017, 4 Montreal Statement on Research
The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research
Integrity — Uddannelses- Collaborations (WCRIF, 2013)
ogForskningsministeriet, 2014; The
4 Council of Canadian Academies (Coun
Danish Committee on Research
-cil of Canadian Academies Expert Panel
Misconduct — Uddannelses-
on Research Integrity, 2010)
ogForskningsministeriet, 2017)
4 The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO)
4 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine, USA (NASEM,2017) 4 “Integrity and high ethical standards in

research, as well as robust and fair representing over one hundred universities
methods to address poor practice and in the UK
misconduct” (UKRIO, 2020)
4 Concordat to support research integrity
4 Universities UK, a membership organization (Universities UK, 2019)

University Guidelines
The following webpages contain few exam- 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ples of statements on research integrity and (MIT, 2020)
codes of research integrity from universities
4 University of Cambridge (University of
around the world.
Cambridge, 2020)
4 Australian National University (ANU, 2020)
4 University of Cape Town (University of
4 Delhi University (University of Delhi, 2020) Cape Town, 2020)

4 The Clarivate Analytics journal selection self-correction (Oransky, 2020)
criterion provides several criteria for
4The Society of Research Administrators
determining journal quality (Clarivate
International offers certificate programmes
Analytics, 2019)
on research integrity (SRA International,
4The Retraction Watch to examine retractions 2020)
as a window into the scientific process of

The text below outlines highlights from some of the

international and national guidelines:
Good research practices guidelines have during various phases of the research life-
been made available by a variety of stake- cycle—planning, conducting research, and
holders including government, funders, publishing the results thereof (, 2017—
associations and think tanks. These guide- The Swedish Research Council Report on
lines describe best practices to be followed Good Research Practice).

Research Design
The Swedish Research Council Report (, tionships, collaborations, peer review etc.
2017)and the Singapore Statement on The ethics document of the Medical Research
Research Integrity (World Conference on Council UK (Medical Research Council, 2012)
Research Integrity, 2010) advise researchers urges researchers to include an assessment
to understand thoroughly the state-of-art in of all resources needed to ensure feasibility
their domain and undertake projects that will of the study within the available means.
not cause societal harm. However, most of Further, all previously listed guideline docu-
the guideline documents (European Science ments advise:
Foundation, 2011; Wellcome Trust Guidance
4 Rationale of the study to be supported by
Document, 2020; Wellcome-Sanger Institute
scientific literature.
Research Guide, 2020) refrain from com-
menting on the wider ethical context of 4 Well-documented and easily traceable
science but focus on research integrity. records for clear outcomes and end points.

Designing good research practices for cer- 4 Compliance with all the applicable regula-
tain fields need addressing additional tory, ethical, and governance requirements.
requirements, such as protection of the rights 4 All the required licenses, and permissions
of human test subjects, care of laboratory to be secured before initiating research.
animals, safe laboratory practices, and
prevention of the misuse of the research 4 Appropriate research governance systems
findings (Irish Council for Bioethics, 2010; in the institutions.
NASEM, 2017). For example, the National Several other guideline documents from
Institutes of Health (NIH, 2009) has identified India (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2018)
nine core areas of responsible conduct of including those listed above and others from
research instruction which include guidance various international agencies prescribe the
on conflict of interest, handling of human and best practices for data collection and handling.
animal test subjects, mentor-mentee rela-

In order to discourage a rat-race for publica- in peer-reviewed journals, there are guidelines
tions, and thus to prevent researchers from by the Committee on Publication Ethics
publishing in low-quality journals that do not (COPE) (Wager and Kleinert, 2012) and the
follow rigorous peer-review procedures International Committee of Medical Journal
(“predatory journals”), several regulatory Editors (ICMJE, 2006) for the roles and
bodies advise publishing only in high-quality responsibilities of various stakeholders (edi-
reputed journals. With respect to publishing tors, writers, others) including peer review.

Collaboration and Authorship
Contemporary science has developed into a Agreements, which should be embodied in
truly collaborative and international activity. the formal documents that establish the
The Coordinating Committee of the OECD collaborative project (OECD, 2008; All
Global Science Forum recommends estab- European Academies, 2017). A similar state-
lishing an agreement for collaborative ment on research integrity in cross-boundary
research for responsible conduct in research research collaborations was developed as
and describes the procedures for the investi- part of the 3rd World Conference on
gation of allegations of research misconduct Research Integrity, 2013, in Montréal, as a
within the project. The Committee has pro- global guide to the responsible conduct of
duced a boilerplate text for International research.

Several government and regulatory bodies When research misconduct is reported,
have published a draft guidance mandate prompt and appropriate investigation and
that research institutions should have appro- actions are essential as per the defined
priate procedures for expeditiously address- process and guidelines (The Danish Committee
ing allegations of misconduct and irresponsi- on Research Misconduct, Uddannelses-
ble research practices and for protecting ogForskningsministeriet, 2017), including
whistle blowers (National Policy on Acad- correction of the research record.
emic Ethics, India draft, European Science
Research institutions should develop and
Foundation; The Office of Research Integrity,
maintain an ecosystem that promotes
responsible conduct of research and research
Plagiarism of any kind is unacceptable and integrity through appropriate guidelines and
researchers are encouraged to use their novel training (World Conference on Research
and original ideas and provide proper Integrity, 2010, 2013). Finally, regulatory and
acknowledgement and citations (, government agencies have developed
2018) while referring to prior research work several research assessment and evaluation
by self or others. Plagiarism-checking soft- frameworks for evaluating research quality at
ware must be used and evidence of plagia- individual or institutional levels (Cagan, 2013;
rism can disqualify theses, grant proposals, Hicks,et al., 2015).
along with manuscripts.

Appendix 2: References
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Professor Him Chatterjee, Department of Visual Arts, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla

The UGC Portrait

This emblematic portrait of the University Grant Commission captures an essence of the
education philosophy from our traditional knowledge systems.

The Orange colour scheme represents Knowledge. The Swan represents Goddess Saraswati
spreading her wings of Knowledge. The merged icons from the national emblems, the lion and the
Dharma Chakra signifying forward and onward movement and Buddhi in the form of the open
books below is the emblem of UGC. The owl eyes stand for the Goddess Laxmi and Ghara
representing wealth in the form of Grant. The space between the Gyan Chakra and Sahasara
Chakra signals transcendental knowledge and consciousness.

Further, the image in totality communicates the balance of thoughts from an array of disciplines
acquired through the logical-analytical processes by the brain's left hemisphere brain and the
creative and artistic disciplines acquired through the brain's right hemisphere. The zodiac signs in
the foreground symbolize the different characters, thoughts and opinions. Each head has its own
world, while the question marks inscribed on the eyes signify curiosity and inquiry which are
integral to education, teaching and research.

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