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American Revolution

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American Revolution

Taxation and the Stamp Act

The American and British relationship could have lasted if not that the British

Government started taxing the Americans, something I think the Americans did not support. The

stamp act of 1975 was also another issue (A New System of Government, 2021). Imagining it

can happen today, I am sure nobody will accept neither their creditor's rights to be violated nor

their markets to be closed. I think the same case applied to the Americans because the British

Government did not support even Massachusetts. After the British realized this, they decided to

cancel the Stamp Act, and tension relaxed. However, this did not take long as the Townshend

Act was passed later in 1767. As a result, the British Government deployed the Army to stop the

protests, resulting in the Boston Massacre in 1770 and following a lot of demonstrations. 

Jefferson's Contribution

I think the Declaration of independence drove them because neither the constitution nor

the Bill of rights had mentioned anything to do with equality (A New System of Government,

2021). As a result, I think people were motivated to bring a new change that can accommodate

everyone. We all know the world is changing, and nobody wants to be left out, and promising

people inclusivity will serve as motivation to do whatever they are supposed to do.

Intolerable Coercive Acts

I think the Coercive Acts were not that friendly to Americans. Imagine somebody

throwing people out of work, closing the Boston port, and changing Massachusetts' Government

(The Coming of Independence, 2021). I am sure that this must evoke anger amongst people since

they have been rendered helpless. I can therefore attest that this was enough reason for

Americans to start protests again.



A New System of Government. (n.d.). Annenberg Learner. Retrieved April 10, 2021, from

The Coming of Independence. (n.d.). Annenberg Learner. Retrieved April 10, 2021, from

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