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Phần thi IELTS reading là một phần thi đòi hỏi thí sinh phải nắm một lượng từ vựng tương đối
nhiều và đa dạng. Dưới đây là 101 từ vựng thường gặp trong IELTS reading để giúp các bạn chuẩn
bị tốt hơn trong phần thi này nhé.

STT Từ vựng Nghĩa của từ Ví dụ trong các sách Cambridge

1 fairy-tale Truyện thần tiên Imagining fairy-tale turrets and fire-
breathing dragons, wicked witches
and gallant heroes, she's creating an
enchanting world.
2 abandon Bỏ rơi Alice has abandoned the kingdom in
favour of playing schools with her
younger brother
3 settle down Chơi thoải mái when they tire of this and settle down
with a board game
4 take turn Thay phiên she's learning about the need to
follow rules and take turns with a
5 emphasis Nhấn mạnh and by the emphasis on 'earlier is
6 leisure Rãnh rỗi, giải trí and to consider implications for
leisure facilities and educational
7 puzzle Câu đố Dr Jenny Gibson agrees, pointing out
that although some of the steps in the
puzzle of how and why play is
important have been looked at
8 possibility Khả năng A strong possibility is that play
supports the early development of
children's self-control
9 predictor Yếu tố dự đoán the ability to self-regulate has been
shown to be a key predictor of
academic performance
10 well-being Sức khỏe play can give us important clues
about their well-being
11 disorder Chứng bệnh can even be useful in the diagnosis of
neurodevelopmental disorders
12 autism Tự kỉ can even be useful in the diagnosis of
neurodevelopmental disorders
13 trivial Tầm thường It's regarded as something trivial
14 fundamental Quan trọng the fundamental contributions it
makes to human achievements in the
arts, sciences and technology.
15 scheme Kế hoạch How Dutch engineer Luud
Schimmelpennink helped to devise
urban bike-sharing schemes
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16 consumerism Chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng an answer to the perceived threats of

air pollution and consumerism
17 initiative Kế hoạch The police were opposed to Provo's
18 prone to Có xu hướng The system, however, was prone to
vandalism and theft
19 work-life balance Đời sống cân bằng The idea originated from workplaces
- usually in the non-service sector -
that emphasized fun and enjoyment
as part of work-life balance
20 hospitality industry Ngành lữ hành the hospitality industry has
historically been dominated by
underdeveloped HR practices
21 obstacle Trở ngại motivate employees to work together,
and remove obstacles preventing
effective performance
22 hypothesis Giả thuyết no evidence exists to support this
23 adopt Chấp thuận Deery (2008) has recommended
several actions that can be adopted
24 merchant Thương gia the son of a successful merchant.
25 artificial Nhân tạo as a source of artificial light
26 evaluate Đánh giá a useful source for evaluating
Henderson's early work
27 enable Làm cho có thể enable him to make a living
28 time-consuming Tốn thời gian time-consuming techniques
29 canoe Thuyền đôc mộc He was especially fond of the
wilderness and often travelled by
30 Record Lưu lại record the principal structures
31 solely Chỉ một to end the reliance on sealed buildings
which exist solely via the 'life
support' system of vast air
conditioning units
32 emission Khí thải The energy use and carbon emissions
this generates is spectacular
33 abandon Bỏ rơi What is surprising is what a rich
legacy we have abandoned
34 detrimental Hư hỏng This assumption has also fostered the
idea that disorder must be detrimental
to organisational productivity
35 bottleneck Vấn đề filled with bottlenecks in terms of
information flow, power structures,
rules, and routine
36 Cutting-edge Hiện đại employing cutting-edge technologies
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37 Likelihood Khả năng xảy ra this appears to be rather a future

aspiration than a likelihood for the
near future.
38 Authority Nhà cầm quyền The British Waterways authority
were keen to create a dramatic
twenty-first-century landmark
39 Hydraulic Thủy lực Two hydraulic steel gates are raised
40 Deposit Thả ra aircraft having deposited dry ice,
silver iodide and cement powder to
disperse clouds
41 Organism Sinh vật be eroded by marine organisms
42 Verbal Bằng miệng in terms of reported verbal
interactions with parents
43 Take account of Tính đến to take account of the many ways
individuals think
44 Outstanding Đặc biệt But scientific progress is not all
theoretical, knowledge is a so vital to
outstanding performance: individuals
45 Interpret Diễn dịch It could be argued that the practice of
interpreting or ‘reading’ each
medium follows different
46 Apprentice Thực tâp reproduction of their creations to their
workshop apprentices
47 Criticism Sự chỉ trích participators criticism which can be
found in abundance in criticism of
classic works of literature
48 Plausible Có lí he most plausible suggestion
49 Descendant Con cháu, hậu duệ who their closest descendants are
50 Spontaneous Bộc phát Now my extroverted behaviour is
51 Launch Phóng, tiến hành He therefore launched a support
group to help others
52 Overlook Bỏ qua the impact of spending by visitors can
easily be overlooked or
53 Mitigate Làm giảm then looked for a way to mitigate the
54 Primitive Tiền sử a primitive, sub-human state.
55 Probability Khả năng in terms of probability
56 Practice Thói quen, cung cách poor management practices
57 Underestimate Đánh giá thấp We shouldn't underestimate the
importance of the style of a particular
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58 Terrestrial Trên mặt đất Joel Berge,who works on the

American pronghorn and other large
terrestrial mammals
59 Predator Động vật săn mồi upward by night to seek food,
downward by day to escape predators
60 Resemble Giống The pronghorn, which resembles an
61 Plain Đồng bằng if they can't pass through again in
autumn, escaping south onto those
windblown plains, they are likely to
63 Ailment Bệnh tật identical twins are more similar to
each other with respect to an ailment
than fraternal twins are
63 Determine Quyết định understanding the interplay of nature
and nurture in determining our
64 Underscore Nhấn mạnh his use of dialogue underscores the
dizzy quality
65 Ubiquitous Phổ biến We are probably all familiar with
background music in films, which has
become so ubiquitous
66 Embark on Bắt đầu we could never have embarked on our
ascent to unparalleled power over all
other animals
67 Take for granted Đánh giá thấp since in everyday life its triumphs are
usually taken for granted
68 Come up with Nghĩ ra Who could possibly have come up
with such a nifty contraption?
69 Inhabitant Cư dân New Zealand is a small country of
four million inhabitants
70 Authentic Chính xác exhilarating outdoor activities and
authentic Maori culture
71 Remarkable Đánh kể Cork - the thick bark of the cork oak
tree (Quercus suber) - is a remarkable
72 Thrive Phát triển Like grape vines, the trees thrive in
poor soil
73 Moisture ẩm ướt putting down deep root in search of
moisture and nutrientsThermal
74 Desertification Sa mạc hóa and prevent desertification in the
regions where they are planted
75 Antique Đồ cổ They'll look for, say, antiques that
they can buy cheaply and expect to be
able to sell at a profit
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76 Fossil Hóa thạch many collectors amassed fossils,

animals and plants from around the
77 Porcelain Đồ gốm through the wax and porcelain of later
centuries, to the plastics of today's
78 Ethical Thuộc về đạo đức The regular instructor is a colleague
who appreciates the kind of ethical
79 Expertise Chuyên môn these need not even concern the
acquisition of marketing expertise as
80 Scrutiny Kĩ lưỡng hence both deserve scrutiny
81 Volatility Sự không ổn định including extreme weather, long-term
climate change, and price volatility in
input and product markets
82 Transparency Sự minh bạch Many participants and commentators
emphasized that greater transparency
in markets is needed
83 Adequate Đầy đủ whether adequate stocks and supplies
are available
84 Magnitude Độ lớn climate change increases the
magnitude and the frequency of
extreme weather events7
85 Distribution Phân phối Direct food distribution systems
86 Civilization Nền văn minh the last capital of the Inca civilisation.
87 Accompany Cùng với His companions showed no interest in
accompanying him up the nearby hill
88 Wonder Tự hỏi He wondered whether it could have
been the birthplace of the very first
89 Archaeologist Nhà khảo cổ One question that has perplexed
visitors, historians and archaeologists
alike ever since Bingham, is…d
90 Bilingual Đa ngôn ngữ According to the latest figures, the
majority of the world’s population is
now bilingual or multilingual
91 Phenomenon Hiện tượng Some of the most compelling
evidence for this phenomenon, called
‘language co-activations
92 Associate with Cùng với Neurological roots of the bilingual
advantage extend to brain areas more
traditionally associated with sensory
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93 Adolescent Trẻ vị thành niên When monolingual and bilingual

adolescents listen to simple speech
94 Counterpart Bên tương ứng Surprisingly, the bilinguals’ brains
had more physical signs of disease
than their monolingual counterparts
95 Inhospitable Thù địch This inhospitable environment is
home to the giant Galapagos tortoise.
96 Exploitation Khai thác This historical exploitation was then
97 Breeding Sinh sản The aim was to use a helicopter to
move 300 of the breeding centre’s
98 Unprecedented Chưa từng thấy This unprecedented effort was made
possible by the owners of the 67-
metre yacht White Cloud
99 Vaccination Tiêm phòng A While many diseases that affect
humans have been eradicated due to
improvements in vaccinations
100 Reputation Danh tiếng the Venetians gained a reputation for
technical skill and artistic ability in
the making of glass bottles
101 Beverage Đồ uống many beverages are sold in glass

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