Reflection Paper: The Flag of Thoughts

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In creating the task 2, choosing the friends to ask about the question within the
activity was the challenging part. It was challenging because I know myself that I have so
many friends that I know who can answer the question but not that intellectually enough
to give the fitted words needed to answer the said question. So, in order to create a
relevant answer on the given question, I hardly choose the right friends to ask for and
gladly they are all free to give time sharing their thoughts about it. As I go along in reading
their answers, I was amazed on how the University impacted and molded people`s mind.

Those answers I had gathered gives me the strength to go on with this activity. So,
what I did next astound me a lot because I already figured out how do those pile up words
that forms on a certain shape in google was created when I am searching a synonym of
a definite word. I am so happy in making the task because it adds up on my ideas on
applications and in my creativity too that I can profoundly use in doing some future
journals and projects. On the other hand, the difficult part on the task was finding the right
word cloud application that gives your expected output be in reality. In my case I do have
installed all the word cloud available on my app market and tried it all just to attain my
expected output for my word cloud. Gladly, after trying it all I already filled up my
expectation and come up with an amazing design of word cloud.

If you are wondering about how I created the title of this task it was too simple to
share it. First, I do consider the contents of the word cloud which is basically the couple
thoughts of different people and what is the content of the question which is focuses on
a university means a school institution that defines the symbol and word Flag on the
shape of the word cloud and title. This title making gives me the ability of strengthening
my observation skills and to think words that catches readers attention.

In conclusion, creating this kind of task makes me happy and underpins my

knowledge on creating word clouds to make my projects not quite boring in the future. It
is also helpful on adding up my knowledge about art application. I am so enlightened to
make this activity because art and graphical designing was my favorite thing to do to
make myself happy whenever I am bored and some leisure time. This task was a great
start to open the subject and I am astonishing on how my instructor has a unique strategy
of learning in creating this one-of-a-kind activity.

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