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Organic Waste Management System with Black Soldier Fly

(BSF) Method as a Waste Reduction Technology

Sri Sumiyati1, Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan1, Rizal Adi Wirawan1, Aufa

Rahma Al-Hafidz1, Haekal Awliya Muhammad Salman1
Departement of Enironmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia.

Abstract. One of the waste problems at Diponegoro University is organic waste or

food waste, because the high number of campus residents is directly proportional to
the amount of leftover food produced. Organic waste or food waste at the University
of Diponegro is still not separated from other types of waste and has not been
processed, so it is necessary to plan organic waste processing, namely the Black
Soldier Fly (BSF) method. This plan aims to determine and analyze the existing
conditions and plan a waste processing facility at Diponegoro University using the
Black Soldier Fly (BSF) method. The method used in this planning is primary data
collection by interview and waste sampling (SNI 19-3964-1994) and secondary data
collection and calculation of projected number of campus residents and organic waste
generation until 2030. The results of the planning for the projected results of organic
waste generation in in 2030 that is 401,73 kg/day. Waste management planning at
Diponegoro University is in the form of storage, collection, transportation, and BSF
Facility Processing Planning which has an area of 20x15 m2.

1. Introduction
One of the waste problems at Diponegoro University is organic waste or food waste, because the high
number of campus residents is directly proportional to the amount of leftover food produced. Waste
generated at Diponegoro University is very diverse, one of which is organic waste. It produced from
leftovers from food or snacks students or leftovers from the canteen. In any addition, there is also leaf
litter scattered from the trees in Diponeogoro University. However, the processing of organic waste,
which amounts to 80% of the total waste, is usually only seen as remnants with no economic value at
all (Diener et al., 2011). This is because the manager only sees in terms of the benefits derived from
organic waste management. One concrete example is composting which is not competitive with
chemical fertilizers, which results in low selling prices for organic compost and in the end organic
waste will be transported and stored in the TPA (Diener et al., 2011).
To overcome these problems, it is necessary to have organic waste processing that is also able to
produce a circular economy. One method that can be used is to use the community-based Black
Soldier Flies (BSF) or Hermetia illucens by utilizing the Waste Bank at Diponegoro University. BSF
has been studied to degrade organic waste by utilizing its larvae which will extract energy and
nutrients from vegetable waste, food waste, animal carcasses, and feces as food ingredients (Popa and
Green, 2012). BSF larvae are able to degrade up to 80% of the given organic waste (Diener, 2010).
BSF larvae are able to consume large amounts of food waste faster and more efficiently than other
species (Kim et al., 2010). BSF larvae are known to have a very varied diet. BSF larvae can eat animal
waste, fresh and rotten meat, fruits, restaurant waste, cellulose kitchen waste, and various other types
of organic waste (Alvarez, 2012).
This research was conducted using the organic food waste treatment method using Black Soldier Flies
(BSF). The sample used is leftover food from the canteen in each Faculty of Diponegoro University.
The method used is community-based by utilizing the Diponegoro University Waste Bank so the the
processing of organic waste will be integrated with the processing of the waste bank.

2. Methodology
This research was carried out using quantitative methods using projection calculations and qualitative
methods to obtain information about waste management at Diponegoro University. There are 3
researchers who are students of Environmental Engineering, Diponegoro University. The study was
conducted from February to June 2021.

1.1. Sampling Technique

Sampling of organic waste was carried out by sampling in the canteen at Diponegoro University. The
number of samples can be determined by performing calculations in accordance with SNI 19-3964-
1994. In a pandemic condition that does not allow sampling in the campus canteen, sampling is carried
out using another alternative, namely sampling at stalls around the campus which is a characteristic of
the Diponegoro University canteen with a total of 9 samples obtained. The sample data obtained will
be strengthened by data obtained by interviewing waste managers, canteen sellers, and stall sellers.
Interviews and questionnaires were conducted to determine the number of canteen visitors, estimates
of waste generation, waste management, students, lecturers, employees and visitors to the
canteen/stall. Data sampling will also be validated with the literature that has been done previously.

1.2. Data Collecting Technique

The data used for planning is obtained by collecting primary data and secondary data. To support the
completeness of the data, primary data is needed in the form of observations, sampling, and survey.
Secondary data needed in waste management planning is obtained from BPP/Directorate of Assets and
Development, BAAK, Asset Management, and Literature. The collection of waste sampling data and
data management surveys were conducted with the aim of obtaining a calculation of waste generation
and an understanding of the conditions in the field as well as the aspirations of all interested parties in
this planning.

1.3. Data Processing and Analysis Techniques

The data that has been obtained is then calculated and analyzed through several stages. The first stage
is the preparation of a plan by calculating the amount and projection of organic waste generation from
food waste produced by each faculty canteen at Diponegoro University. The next stage is the planning
stage regarding the storage and processing of waste according to the volume of waste generated and its
types and characteristics so that they do not mix with each other. In addition to containers, planning
for the transportation of waste from the collection unit to the BSF Facility is also carried out.
Transportation planning pays attention to time and cost efficiency from the storage unit to the BSF
Facility. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the distance between the container unit and
other container units and the distance from the container unit to BSF Facility, traffic conditions, and
the transportation fleet to be used must meet the specified requirements. in the Ministerial Regulation.
Public Works Regulation Number 3 of 2013 and SNI 19-2454-2002. The last stage is to provide
recommendations so that the waste management system with the waste bank can continue to run.
Recommendations are given based on the data obtained, evaluation of data analysis, and planning that
has been carried out. The recommendations include institutional aspects regarding waste management
authority and strategies to reduce waste that goes to landfill.
3. Result and Discussion
The concept of waste management in this study includes the calculation of organic waste generation,
management, collection, site management and management as well as waste management and
processing systems.

2.1. Analysis of the Existing Condition of Waste Generation

Calculation of the projection of organic waste generation in the next 10 years requires data on the
average generation unit, the projected number of residents of the Diponegoro University campus in
2021-2030, and data on the number of visitors to the canteen. The following are the results of the
calculation of organic waste generation :
Table 1. Projected Total Organic Waste Generation 2021-2030
Years Visitor Weight Volume (liter/day) Volume (m3/day)
2021 29,126 292.00 977.06 0.97
2022 29,714 303.79 1,016.52 1.01
2023 30,303 315.69 1,056.34 1.05
2024 30,891 327.70 1,096.52 1.09
2025 31,479 339.81 1,137.04 1.13
2026 32,068 352.01 1,199.89 1.19
2027 32,656 364.31 1,241.39 1.24
2028 33,245 376.70 1,283.19 1.28
2029 33,833 389.17 1,325.27 1.32
2030 34,421 401.73 1,344.24 1.34

Based on the table above, the projected amount of organic waste generation at the Diponegoro,
Tembalang and Pleburan University Campuses, is increasing every year. This increase is due to the
increase in the number of campus residents so that the number of canteen visitors will also increase. In
2030 the amount of organic waste generation is projected to be 401.73 kg/day and 1344.25 l/day. The
following is a graph of the increase in the projected results of waste generation from 2021 to 2030.

400.00 376.70
R² = 1 364.31
350.00 327.70
Generation kg/day





2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Figure 1. Projection Graph of Organic Waste Generation 2021-2030

Based on the graph, the generation of organic waste always increases every year with a trendline of R 2
= 0.999 for the weight of waste generation. The calculation of BSF facility planning will use waste
generation in 2030 to be able to accommodate and process waste until that year. The generation of
waste will adjust to the number of visitors to the canteen each year by 2030.

2.2. Waste Management Concept

The concept of organic waste management with BSF begins with preparing a special tertiary container
for organic waste in the form of food scraps or leftover snacks in each canteen. Waste will be taken to
the main container. Every afternoon, the organic waste bins at the Unit Waste Bank will be transported
by motorized carts and will be brought directly to the BSF Facility. The person in charge of the
transportation process is the BSF Facility Officer who is in charge of transporting the waste. Organic
waste in the BSF Facility will be counted using a chopper so that the waste will be easily processed by
BSF Larvae. After that, the waste will be put into pre-treatment containers and the overall weight will
be weighed. At the BSF Facility, several processing processes will be carried out, namely BSF
breeding, processing of organic waste in bioponds, and manufacturing of processed products. The
product will be directly sold or used for Diponegoro University. The following is the location for the
planning location for the Diponegoro University BSF Facility located in the Undip TPST area. The
following is a picture of the concept of organic waste management using BSF.

2.3. Containment
The sorting process is carried out from the source by the canteen owner and carried out by canteen
visitors by putting leftover food into a special food waste container. Diponegoro University will
prepare organic waste containers in each canteen with a size of 40 liters as a tertiary collection and the
main collection in each faculty with a size of 80 liters. The container used is a trash can made of fiber
and on wheels so that it is light and easy to move by officers. The main storage capacity of each
canteen in each faculty has different sizes according to the calculation of waste generation, which is 80
liters with the number of containers that adjusts to the generation. The following are the results of
calculating organic waste containers for each canteen at Diponegoro University in 2030.
Table 2. Organic Waste Container for each Faculty
Generation Primary Container Tertiary Canteen
No Faculty Total
(l/day) (l) Contaner (l) Total
1. FEB 74,055 80 1 40 8
2. FH 115,311 80 2 40 4
3. FIB 97,610 80 2 40 6
4. FISIP 117,915 80 2 40 9
5. FK 127,447 80 2 40 10
6. FKM & FPIK 146,869 80 2 40 7
7. FPP 75,751 80 1 40 5
8. F. PSI 35,618 80 1 40 4
9. FSM 113,301 80 2 40 4
10. FEB Pleburan 37,601 80 - 40 1
11. SV 115,803 80 2 40 6
12. FT 1 94,528 80 2 40 4
13. FT 2 153,438 80 2 40 4
Total 1,344,249 - 21 - 72
Based on the table above, the capacity of the main container used is the same, namely the capacity of
80 l in each faculty canteen, but the number of containers is different because it adjusts to the organic
waste generation of each faculty canteen. As for the tertiary container, use the same 40 l capacity
container for each canteen with the number of containers that adjusts the number of stands for each
faculty canteen so that each stand will have its own container and can facilitate the retrieval process.

2.4. Collection
Waste collection is carried out by canteen sellers in two stages, namely the collection of organic waste
at the tertiary collection in the canteen shop and after it is full it will be transported directly
independently or with the help of janitors into the main primary container. Visitors who have leftovers
can also play an active role by directly throwing their leftovers into the main collection so that all
organic waste will be collected more effectively. Organic waste from the main container every day
will be collected again by officers using motorized carts. As much as 100% of the organic food
leftovers from each canteen will be put into containers and brought to the BSF processing located at
the Diponegoro University TPST.

2.5. Transportation
Waste is transported every day by collecting it in each organic waste container in each canteen whose
service has been determined to be 100%. The transportation is done every 07.00 WIB, because all the
leftovers have been collected the day before. The means of transportation used is a motorized cart with
a capacity of 1.5 m3, a motorized cart will transport organic waste from each designated faculty
canteen. Based on the results of calculations that have been carried out, it is planned that in 2030 using
1 motorized cart with a capacity of 1.5 m3. The motorbike cart will be modified by making a cover so
that it does not cause odors and does not fall during the transportation process. In addition, the motor
wagon container will be coated with plastic as a base layer so as not to pollute and seep at the bottom,
this is because organic waste has a high water content so that it can leak during the transportation
process. In the transportation process, the motor cart route is planned and the calculation of the ritation
time is planned so that transportation can be scheduled properly.
Table 3. Organic Waste Transport Time
Ritation Distance Reach Time Loading Time Total Time
Sequence (km) (minute) (minute) (minute)
F. PSI 0.72 1.44 5 6.44
FEB 0.98 1.96 5 6.96
FK 1.24 2.48 5 7.48
FSM 1.35 2.7 5 7.7
FKM & FPIK 1.43 2.86 5 7.86
FPP 1.7 3.4 5 8.4
FT 1 2.74 5.48 5 10.48
FT 2 3 6 5 11
FISIP 3.48 6.96 5 11.96
FH 3.57 7.14 5 12.14
SV 3.7 7.4 5 12.4
FIB 3.86 7.72 5 12.72
BSF Facility 5.34 10.68 60 70.68

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the first order for organic waste transportation is the
canteen at the Faculty of Psychology because it is close to BSF facilities and ends with collection at
the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. The distance traveled by a motorized cart to transport all areas is 5.34
km assuming a speed of 30 km/hour and an assumed waste collection time of 5 minutes in each
faculty. So the total time needed to transport and collect all the garbage is 70.68 minutes or 1.2 hours.

2.6. Processing
Organic waste processing using the Black Soldier Fly requires several units, including pre-treatment
units, treatment units, Breeder units, and BSF Product Management. In determining the unit,
calculations were carried out to determine the number of containers needed, larval weight, waste
weight, and dimensions of BSF cages. The following are the results of planning calculations based on
the number of generation projections in 2021-2030.
Table 4. Number of BSF Products Produced
Larva Total Compost Total
Larvero Total Egg Total (kg) (kg)
Years BSF Generation
12 hari per day (g)
Sell Use Sell Use
2021 200.40 200 17 18.99 12.66 72.15 48.10
2022 208.50 208 17 19.75 13.17 75.06 50.04
2023 216.66 217 18 20.53 13.68 78.00 52.00
2024 224.90 225 19 21.31 14.20 80.97 53.98
2025 233.21 233 19 22.09 14.73 83.96 55.97
2026 241.59 242 20 22.89 15.26 86.97 57.98
2027 250.03 250 21 23.69 15.79 90.01 60.01
2028 258.53 259 22 24.49 16.33 93.07 62.05
2029 267.10 267 22 25.30 16.87 96.15 64.10
2030 275.71 276 23 26.12 17.41 99.26 66.17

Based on the calculation of the BSF planning above, it can be seen the number of BSF larvae and eggs
needed and the number of BSF products produced from 2021 to 2030. The BSF Facility Planning has
a capacity for 10 years so that the calculation of the needs of each unit is carried out using waste
generation in 2030. Following are the calculations BSF Facility planning in 2030 as a unit.

2.6.1. Pre-Treatment Unit

The Pre-treatment unit is a unit that accommodates the arrival of organic waste from each canteen in
the Diponegoro University environment. The organic waste transported by motorized carts that
arrive will be immediately taken to the pre-treatment unit and a sorting process is carried out first so
that it does not mix with other types of waste. After that, the waste will be chopped using a chopping
machine with a capacity of 600 kg/hour and accommodated using a container with a capacity of 80
liters consisting of 17 containers. After that, the entire container will be weighed.

2.6.2. Treatment Unit

Treatment unit is a unit for processing organic waste that has been chopped using BSF larvae. Inside
the treatment unit there is a container for processing organic waste called larveros, totaling 276 units
and the larveros are arranged into one called biopond, totaling 17 and each biopond having 16
larveros, each larvero measuring 50 cm x 40 cm x 25 cm. The calculation was obtained from a
comparison of values based on 1 m2 of larvero containers capable of reducing waste by 60 kg for 12
days (Dortmans, 2017). In this planning treatment unit, vertical bioponds or larveros are arranged on
vertical racks due to the limited building area so that they can accommodate many larveo containers.
The pre-treatment container brought to the treatment unit will be taken using a scoop and put into the
larveo as much as 6 kg of organic waste per larveo. Provision of organic waste in larvero containers
is carried out every 0th day and 6th day. Each larvero will process organic waste for 12 days because
it adapts to the BSF life cycle. Here is a picture of the biopond design.

Figure 2. Biopond Design

2.6.3. Breeder Unit

This unit has several stages, namely when the BSF stage becomes a pupa for 7-10 days which is put
into a container measuring 20x30x16 cm3. 3 kg of larvae that have been separated for breeding will
be brought to the BSF cage. There are 4 BSF cages that can accommodate 3 larvero that will be bred
into BSF flies. The BSF cage has dimensions of 70x70x140 cm 3 which can accommodate 17,000
BSF flies. The calculation of the number of flies based on 2 kg of pupae can hatch into 14,000 BSF
flies (Istirokhah, 2012). After the pupae hatch, in about 2-3 days the BSF flies will mate and lay eggs
in a place that has been provided in the form of a wooden arrangement. The egg laying place will be
taken after 3-4 days and transferred to a container and will be weighed 1 gram (DLH, 2019). After
that, the eggs will be put into egg containers according to the weight that is weighed into a total of 23
containers and fed with bran mixed with 0.25 grams of water per container. The egg hatching rack
has an optimum temperature of 28-35oC (Rachmawati, 2010). After 5 days the larvae will be
transferred to larveros and fed with organic waste. The optimum newly hatched larvae live at a
temperature of 28-35°C with a humidity of around 60-70% (Holmes et al., 2012). Therefore, the
design of the BSF facility building was built with a high roof and ventilation to maintain
temperature. The following is a picture of the design of the BSF egg hatching rack and cage.

Figure 3. Egg Hatching Rack Design

Figure 4. BSF Cage Design

2.6.4. BSF Product Management

The BSF product management unit functions as a processor for processed products and BSF larvae.
The results are fertilizer products from sustainable organic waste reduction and dried BSF larvae.
After 12 days, the larvae from the processing unit will be transferred to the post-processing unit
weighing 43.5 kg for larvae and 165.4 kg for fertilizer yields. Data obtained based on BSF larvae are
able to reduce canteen waste by up to 60% (Sipayung, 2015). 60% of the product in the form of dried
larvae will be sold and 40% will be used for chicken coop feed at Diponegoro University. Products
in the form of compost will be packaged using sacks weighing 20 kg and totaling 8 sacks. As for the
dried larvae products will be put in the oven. Dried larva products will be packaged with a weight of
26.1 kg with a weight per package of 500 gr. The larvae used for Diponegoro University will be
immediately brought to the chicken coop weighing 17 kg using a container. Products from BSF in
the form of larvae are very effective for use as animal feed because they contain high protein ranging
from 31% to 33% and fat content ranging from 30% to 34% (Monita, 2017).

2.7. Financing
The financing of the BSF Facility comes from the Building and Operational Budget Plan and there is
income from the sale of BSF Products.
Table 5. Total Cost
Description Total (Rp)
1. BSF Facility Construction 619,763,241
2. BSF Facility Operational 130,980,400
Total 750,743,641

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the total cost for planning the BSF Facility is Rp.
750,743,641 which is planned to be obtained from investment and funds from Diponegoro University.
The following is a calculation of the costs incurred for the operation of the BSF Facility and the
revenue generated from the sale of products from 2021 to 2030.
Table 6. Total Income
Operational Cost (Rp) Income (Rp)
2021 337,078,500 735,588,000
2022 339,625,275 765,122,571
2023 349,628,489 795,097,513
2024 355,220,882 825,337,627
2025 360,945,573 855,832,428
2026 366,805,587 886,571,951
2027 372,804,047 917,546,723
2028 378,944,182 948,747,733
2029 385,229,317 980,166,408
2030 391,662,887 1,011,794,584
Total 3,637,944,739 8,721,805,539

Based on the table above, the total operational costs incurred from 2021 to 2030 are Rp.
3,637,944,739, while sales revenue from BSF products with 100% sales is Rp. 20,426,380,854
obtained from 2021 to 2030. Products from BSF can be potentially profitable due to the conversion of
organic matter by BSF larvae, a very attractive recycling technology with low operating costs and
economic potential (Bullock et al, 2013).

4. Conclusion
The generation of organic waste (food waste) produced by Diponegoro University based on the
calculation of the projected generation of organic waste in 2030 will reach 401.73 kg/day with a
volume of 1,344.25 l/day. Planning for organic waste management at Diponegoro University is the
BSF Facility with a building area of 20 m x 15 m. The larvae need 40 cm x 50 cm x 25 cm as many as
276 units and can accommodate 12 kg of waste per larvero. Then it takes a BSF cage with a size of 70
cm x 70 cm x 140 cm which can accommodate 17,000 flies that will produce 23 grams of eggs. The
products produced by BSF are compost fertilizer weighing 165.4 kg and the resulting BSF larvae
weighing 43.5 kg. The total cost required for the construction and operation of the BSF Facility is Rp.

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