Decalogue Dedicated To All Front Liners During The COVID

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Decalogue Dedicated To All Front liners During the

COVID-19 Pandemic.

1. Leading the battle against this pandemic to protect the citizens.

During these trying times, everyone has been challenged in one way or
another, especially healthcare workers, yet you continue to put the lives of others
before your own. For this, you are heroes and will be appreciated forever. You are
models that we look up to and you serve as a beacon of hope that yes, we can get
past this difficult period together. Many people wrote off 2020 but I believe that is
extremely unfair on the healthcare workers who have continued to save millions of
lives day in and day out. Thank you again for your commendable and brave effort
and I hope for you all the best as you continue to fight this pandemic.

2. Deserved gratitude and recognition from every single people around the

You have been pushed to the brink multiple times and yet you still work to
keep our families alive and cared for. I cannot even begin to imagine the world you
have been living in during Covid. Please know that while non-healthcare community
members adapt to this temporary normal, our thoughts are with you. You make us
stronger and hopeful.

3. Selfless service commitment to the Country.

A selfless service to help so many people around the world. I know it might
often be a thankless job but please know there are so many of us out here that are
so appreciative of you. You touch many peoples lives with ripples, you will never
know that are making a difference. Shown such a selfless commitment to our
community. I hope you continue to place other beings before yourself. You are truly
our heroes!
4. Showing up every day in incredible times.
Thank you for showing up every day in incredible times, both onsite and
offsite, for performing your work with excellence for those we serve, and for
supporting not only our patients but for each other. This epidemic shall pass, but in
the interim, we need to continue to operate as an amazing team or bayanihan and
be here for our community. We will do this together.
5. Constant sacrifice and generosity that you present as members of the
frontline workers.

The love and care you present to mere strangers has made a remarkable
impact on their lives and the world. It must be truly exhausting working the tireless
nights and enduring hours, yet you achieve this everyday you are truly our real- life

6. Not afraid to face the death, a real warrior of life indeed.

Like soldiers, health workers also face considerable mental stress. It is often
forgotten that as humans, they feel the sorrow of loss when their patients succumb to
the virus. They too have families, and so will also naturally be fearful that the virus might
reach those they love most. By that we must give these health workers all the support
they need to do their jobs, be safe and stay alive.

7. Kindness, compassion and dedication are the core keys of their soul.

The kindness of the frontliners is the greatest on earth. You have revealed to
the world, which a true Super Hero is. They’re compassion, sacrifice, dedication,
willpower and commitment is highly appreciated and allows the rest of us a degree of
reassurance that we will overcome this virus.

8. Carries all the Burdens with a fearless

Something draws the best among us to serve others. This terrible time is
asking too much for those in the frontliners. Yet you carry the burden and I hope you
always take pride in the comfort and care you've provided. With gratitude!
9. Working a truly humbling and so impressive.

They work is a truly humbling and so impressive. You continue to fight each
day for our country, and that is so amazing. They have changed so many lives and I
am certain that all of you are loved and appreciated by so many. I have never felt so
inspired and truly moved by a group of people ever before. There are no words that
can sufficiently describe how truly incredible all of you.

10. Served as a Guardian Angel, a hope of the future.

You are the angels we know and the backbone of our hopes. When the
darkest times find you, please know that we have deep gratitude for their skill, the
hours, and their hard work. Each and every one of you is appreciated, loved, and
your grace is without equal. In these dark times it means so much to know that there
are people like them, stepping up to care for others and tirelessly battle this virus. A
deep and sincere thank you for all that you do for our community.

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