Mfing 3is Presentation

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•Most students experience money management issues because they lack knowledge of
controlling and managing their financial resources.

•This paper aims to identify students' spending patterns between physical and online
shops, given the advantages and disadvantages of each and its effects on their
financial management.

•This study is conducted to gain in-depth knowledge of the spending patterns of the
Grade 12 ABM students of Negros Occidental High School and help the businesses
around its premises and the students mentioned.


This study's primary purpose is to determine the impact of different shopping

platforms (online and physical shops) and how it affects Grade 12 ABM students'
spending patterns in Negros Occidental High School of the school year 2020-2021.

The paper specifically aims to address the following research questions:

1. What is the level of amount spent by a grade 12 ABM student in a physical

shop in a holiday season with or without a sale when grouped according to:
- Gender
- Age
- Status

2. What is the level of amount spent by a grade 12 ABM student in an online

shop in a holiday season with or without a free shipping fee voucher when
grouped according to:
- Gender
- Age
- Status
3. In what level of impulsive buying does a grade 12 ABM student belong to
when shopping at a physical shop during a sale in a holiday season when grouped
according to:
- Gender
- Age
- Status
4. In what level of impulsive buying does a grade 12 ABM student belong to
when shopping at an online shop during a sale and free shipping deals in a
holiday season when grouped according to:
- Gender
- Age
- Status
5. What do grade 12 ABM students prefer in shopping or buying their needs and
wants between online and physical shop when it is grouped according to its:
- Deals
- Discounts
- Accessibility
- Quality
- Service


 Dijst, M., Farag, S., & Schwanen, T. (2005, November). Attitude Theory Applied
to In-store and Online Shopping.



 This study uses quantitative research because it deals with numerical data and
uses a survey as a research tool.

 The quantitative research approach appropriated in this study is descriptive

research because it identifies characteristics, frequencies, trends, and categories.
Researchers gathered, analyzed, and presented collected data gathered from our
respondents using different methods; this allows us to provide insights into the
whys and hows of research.


 The researchers limited their study to 120 Grade 12 ABM students of Negros
Occidental High School, of which 24 students come from each of the five
sections, namely Compassion, Generosity, Meekness, Sincerity, and Providence.

 Simple Random Sampling will be utilized in this study to select samples from
each group through the use of an online random name picker called wheel of


 The researchers will prepare the list of all Grade 12 ABM students collected from
their advisers. We will then randomly pick 24 students to answer the survey.
 The researchers will discuss and make the research questions for our chosen
research instrument. We will be using Google Forms as a medium for our
respondents to answer. Due to strict health protocols, the google form is the only
way to make a safe and reliable survey.
 The advisers of each section will disseminate and inform the chosen students who
will be the respondents of the survey. The advisers will also supervise the
dissemination of information about the research study that will be conducted.
 The 24 respondents in each section will be advised via messenger before the date
they take the survey. The researchers will also make a group chat in order to
communicate with the respondents.
 The researchers will message each respondent for additional information and will
also send parent consent to those students who are underage. The researcher will
also ask if they could participate in the survey that will be conducted.
 The researchers will disseminate the questionnaire link to chosen respondents
with the help of their section adviser. The survey questionnaire will all contain
instructions about how to answer the survey.
 The respondents will answer the questionnaire in the given amount of time.
 The researchers and advisers will gather the respondents' responses and double-
check if everyone has taken the survey.
 All researchers will finally compile all the survey questionnaire responses for
data collection.
 The results will then be encoded for summary and will be analyzed and finalized.


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