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ad AMIN ( Section- A) Scanned with CamScanner Toireductisn to Materital Handing. Delnidion | Material Hondting 5 ane Function of msying fre right smabtrdal to the raght place ia the teight Hee in the righ amour, ja sequence, and in the right Condition fo minimize dre Production Cast > Malertial Handling aecounk Pores 254. of all emplege es dled becsme damaged 33-5y, OF all maleials hao’ 3 Goals oF madertal Hoodtiag > — The primang geal is fo reduce unt cost Of predach > Overwiew OF Maternal Hendting, Equipments + — Trenspot} Eqtupnu nt TO Extenner L4 > Taterina} - Storage System > Manus ; Pubomaled ~— Conainercs and Vertizing Eavipment - Tdeahceton and Trecking System Scanned with CamScanner > Condiderraions in Mafertal Mending System 2259 Manyal Chapeachers hes 2. Flow Kate 3. Vaal Layout Praneéptes of Matental Randting : A. Planning Pranciple: Al handling achutes shuld be planned: Ko. Sytem Pruaciple, Plan @ system inde gnehing as mang @s possibu and co-ordinating dre Full scope of operssions Spraw Uhlisation: Making optimum use of cubic space. 3. q, Unit Load i Tnenease quantity, size, Weight oF lead endl d 5 Guewity Othe gravity fo handle wbine possible G. Maleruat Flew! Plan an opertafion Seynener and aryrangement to Ophmise mattrial flow. equipment peduce ewmblar ore atwinele Unnecessary 7. om piticahon move ne oT Scanned with CamScanner B Safety + Provide “Br sofety in handling methods and eau) pmua 9 Mechanisation', Use mechanical em automabed “material hans Wing Caycig meat Jor Sruqdandisation: Stundaredise ‘method, type. sive of Mt eqrepreest easibhiny | He Prewibilty® Use metheds and equipment Anat coq perfor a varicy of Jase and applicakens Yo Equipaud Syston! Covisidere all aspects oF maltrial:meve ond method to be wdibsed- 13, Dead weight | Reduce The tatio of dead sper AS pag Tend dq mobile equipenene . el oe = M4, — Eesignstt designed “b messed metres shel be ip movhon. Is, Tate Bees Reduce (dle time of sbett en eauipmect: and MANPIWET + 1o. Maintenance’ Plan for preventive maintenance: on schedule, Repair of al\ handling eqaipmeat Scanned with CamScanner | | hee 17. Obscegceane © pla obsilabe han ding. erethods/ Cawiominds When ‘mene effeclen}: me thad L260 Senprteve | dhe operation. 18 Copesity: Utiuise Pall capacity | 1% Conkeel Use MA equipments do Imprave preduchor Control , inwenorey and shun entre]. Ao. Performance # Petrming efFicacy of performance Ya teams of cost per ang} Factores to consider roik selecting of maken | =08 Nanding €¢Apmunts! [aig Al Prropenhes | OF Meotertals: wrethere 33%s sold, bquid ot gan, and whet Size, ie ys ao be! ™MPVEA , ane . ond Can already. Zhopo 0% weight Jen portent cons) dena } on $ ead Jo 2 Pretimimony dimehetion Prom tue Scanned with CamScanner Tange OF onallabys ecyuipmend wade meVicts , Sto lonty, VS a material ys Frage, Commesive ort toxic This will be Imply thet Certain, handling mdhods and eontninerca Will be preferable. 5 : *Plain dhe pland leyouk C oasidertatioas. in angteva| Manditng system Aesign 7 ~ 2019 \eea e132 Plant Laysut and ehenacherasie of dhe bua \diag play & Vilwl rele in eeoy SelecHun of material quar ment ° Low vel eailing | ™Ay preclude Ane use OF hoists om ETTaness And: the presen of supperetiag’ columm’ 19 awekword) plaas can Jini’ -the sive OF Ae mateal— handling eon mea} | TH Ake building 3s nul - derayed » Cheles ot ramps efor jnduspaal trreeks may be used. Loyouf Scanned with CamScanner eee oe OO ee | Wseth whi \ndteade spre dye of preeductor Operation whaler ib will be @ondinuoun | lnteneitint red podten on-greup and Can Indicate some ‘ems oP equdpmunts thet voill be mone skebe Thon ghee. Fleet Conseihy also helps to Jone veay MH LAP MUA | x , a Fort different ty oe, ef \ ayouts + Types Chartac herr ste } TYPICAL MU eaedonmen + Tinea Large prsduct site, Jos Cramer, heist Posten | Preductonrabe Industriel truce Vanahon ia product and a Peers mea Hand trectes ; 'aqz Ao and medium! Rrunge ym Preduchim nedes. Navs i du ie: pn eauet Lymated arte ver vary | Convey onn Rr Wigh prt0 Aue UM eae, Prrodues Plow, truckr qe de ben Componnts do Shhew Scanned with CamScanner M gacd plend loysut ensures wWainura vending On Re albwaaes rehandling. ta the Followir g ay 4. Malentel handling should be minimised and Wy Prssibe jreough™ tte syshemglc plan} layaut 2. The cos} will be more if Worker need to Amavel long distance Fr gosd loyrud ersenn awwalmum travel Per wonkman thes enhancing The predugron time and Climtnak, henting time, 3. Plant Lovout. integrates ay tre movement oF men ood through « well derigne d lose 4. God plant Loy gut’ helps Jo keep rest! lhenditag sherdert > fares and eemanical . Scanned with CamScanner 3.Preduction Prow: Buanhr/ if oF maderialy moaned ' High Comveyorn Cowelvomn Aav tnroin Low |Manuat hon ding Powered Flucky | !! Hand truca | Kt load fay : sy Move ) ) eee erie Ay Cost Cons} dertoti nt Coshing con wely to reach de acl decision » Trvhel dovesiment> Operating and mcintgnemce @st are he majo essds. flex] B Neature of Opercattom'’ Selechun depends mm nahiyw of Openshon Mee Diy dempemany om penmwanenhs onthe Pow i on interven? and materiel Siow podgen vertical or hortitendal COM} mui wr Scanned with CamScanner a\) ue 0 8I 6 Enginertiag Poclors ’ Pactons lke door and eeving Aeeasions, | Ploom spaces eandiiym, and shnuchurre| Sinengtn, % Eauiy mend Reliab iity | Relrabrity 6f eyaipmeat and supplrerr remdutten and often sole service also ple importaar Teo le Qhass S$ medal Hand ines e AMO AL Lo} dle Te lotiue Importance 2018 Sas 2 Obegonies Meimely . Fined pad : Je wee . ye Poly (CUA meats | WW, Moves in df pain ie 1 : me wey or, > MoOMNenat} device , Chauhes, and Dulloy Anive ea dns Cabegony Cnane. ay Scanned with CamScanner Manner Within a yusinected area by verge of Vs deston. The conveysizs aro largeia size Gad Hain hugh” Capacity enables moving 0. larga number of teme, Handling Cunbined Wilh odkere achvities Like Inspection and fre preocessing. |S alo prssible. Loa dtremsfer 1S audomehe and less opertefory atee needed Overhead emanes have & VERY good Teeage in teams OF hauling. onaage ond are wed soe rondlig bulky paw matadds. ” Stocking ond a frowes palleh ring, ih ia The, Cb) Vorable path eqapruals; Wave 0 yest ions e re tq the dinecttn of move may athnagt Hote See Js a deeb +o be given que eon si denaltm 2 5 due sirereA Souc > Por‘ nfs mobile eranen and 7% je Me Porte Ps Boe folic) os ae eategony . Scanned with CamScanner Ane available ta mony ranges 7 thoy Oh MON OCUVRabLL gna vardowr abtachmunts Ome Prrewded +o Ynerease Fhe versadility . | | in five categories! | Alltwese Cacpments ope may be clamifed | or | AlComveyor : Conkawwwr,mers produchor | Openatieas— surwbu Pere skady Plow of mahentals. A Undustrre| Treucty! Mone, Hea bu and K als} Permanently Axed in One ple ce Suite be . te Th larenmittenr — Piteductinr ona henaing. es Ors See and Shspey of mate rats NQide rea, Ce . mse af— aAttuchnem 3 anedlabe | Scanned with CamScanner _8\Cremes aga Hols)s! Move. heavy matcrrols Abrcoug he orentwad speer,. se Puc Ror both qakenndtent and | eonhNauous- production - A Gon)wlacnss ‘Bead’ eontainerea Move heavy nea YCrDads buy amt meve dyemselver and ‘liu’ Gonaives wlth oT setf- araven, “The? pone 1 both cone n aad mere mere rue) and co 2 genated eeresally - @ Ore eet ee eavirum mee an BY Robots’. ~ eon mahealry ean Ai RMS ecrradt Ost $ such OV Si Coutacy , A Jee OVE NT wir nore AC y seopetin ve on Scanned with CamScanner Expbta saslem ond Gnghfieckene proserte (t0!9) 3 Spstem: AN dia -makental handling and shonage Aehuihes shald be ally jqtegnattd too ewcondinaled Operational Systems The plensing cf Fhesysttrn will be Ph nkegrate od many on passe handbing ahve Posthe and Cr-oredinading. “fe, Rul seope of spercsdions “The openodions nelude, neolving , shrage, prsduehton , inspection, packaging , wanehsusieg, Supoly and tronspercedte Whon all the achvthes are Integrated HW vill be more Conventent to naitkin alk te actiihen. Beijde , or enahag different achvites welt med mene People So System Principle PRs 9 mire cos) ePHeetive enscthed / system, Scanned with CamScanner Simpnt catia: Ta maletich hondiag aehriney le : | 7 M ty “Where aree ater oun, types | | . | oP machine and caipnunds ace used Some of dom ree | Complexe en b openade. Sin pir Freetm preacty le — Of mnertenion [eosin means to make al dhe preocem sSumple by | reaucing jettminating ore cambining unnece ssang, | aaeve rents and (on Cquiprmen) . Encouraging. Sim plificahar wail alles to ran oehiyies more effeetuelyond more | aecyredelys Beeauye whine There ano Complexe Mt taker time and manpewert and also expetttye to handle, anon, The preinerele vil) ve east saviag PY reducing ports st he : fp wed ate oh that mach tm osrehnl 1 ompsned . wells Scanned with CamScanner BI Wie Joon He gatdelnas Pou effec chve “ization OF materaal hendling earereends [2si8) - |e Maremat hand ting shoud be avoided iP mastiote | | 4 Sradendise the handling eqtipments Which | meons Yatincheng@abe “sage, WiliseHon and [essen spare belding , Vessa\ting a regukare prevendive main teaunce |4o eummise he downhme- lgze seleclym, Vertscdilihy and odophbitizy | worse be Qtvenniag eto Weight of Unt load mucp be Mexlmur Wor-siudy aspects, 2liminahay off Vnngegm srt syerunits and Combinchan PReeonr should OM be Considered. I Scanned with CamScanner a Ne. productive opert ations Yo hand ling Such ay Staging, Youdiag err. cheuld be skepp of “MN mam of Stores Should be close an possisi As the plant which uses the matertols . Ls Bepnceathion ef techmquer such an Uusne! mat UAU Sa om o e Can be very ePReeHve ia Oph Me 2quipmen fs. or | 2+ Design oF My SySkm sharia be oSlerple and safc 4o overtade- i yg- method sin dy steal meveren 13. Avad omy oo aan we conducted | on Ayroagh acd 1h ten dine re coor 114. Ensure prepe en draining of wo#rlk mn selector. of euiyms | | { | | Scanned with CamScanner Bvaluaton of MHY Ci) MHL: Mabenral Handling Vutie! ets MHL = ensonnel assigned tb MH Tatul opercting percsetrul The personel “AY Con he meosurerd in Seam OF Te rau mbore oh Rall time cortear ¢ J amount, com be in he tHpenddure . eanrahed . Bnd Rr parr Awe evorkert, ole The pote should be lest ANeaa® dey and o reasonable VW" would be! legs Phen 030, 1 > plat , while te o opeehow! Qe hegero voles, should. bt expecka . } ba UD HEU Hondting Fepnpmunt Utilization Rosie, — Con Id eaght) “moved per het HE v= Seer real copoly , eq wip reat elsse to A. However» The podte shoeld be breakdown, Post scheduling - Pe housckerpit) and burl airs Jeography ear reduce tHe ood maven . Scanned with CamScanner GU) ss + Stage Spores van rede’ Rote - Shape Sper occupied SV at available shyrage sno (WY) MO» Movement operation Raho! Moe mum bor of moves numbar ef product v2 op enahens A nag valu. ndrades team x improvernd. 67 DL: Damaged Load 5, Raho sf bis = mo-vf Domaged Loads © Taal number Potowds The Rado mer sunen the quality per fra manus oP My Personnel - Bamege do te bee loads curring. Racalvirg, to -enocem meverment, and Shipping should Ae mintred Scanned with CamScanner P46 Tere alan lanes ¥ Vant Loods \ ; . Anil toad is deflad an & numbor of Vome chad mee beret 5 it of gHeWPs arranged such The [neg dan be handled ar le siagle ob'reehy + Ths Con be oceemplished by — Paltehzaden, venrbizeh ea ead conferred wel , Ved) toad dactudes M Prece’ Qavds mackiae pacts. meuldias ede. (Taped ganda + bomen _boruels, peckeged Vdemu ete, © Burke toods y Burk ters jheleede varttour heap - leaded rantlepe and prodeneds ma ferata ] Physsiat and mechani col preaperdl es of bape lead? 2017 7 IL , v Fy Cecmp $92¢, 9 DSpeerhe oeghd Wty Dag wera wy Molsdetite one wy Motinny yyy Angle af fepose , 4 wy Avi ssvily Scanned with CamScanner Lump se 5 TH quantitative Gistrchubren OF Pan kets of bulk load s acconding fo Tbeire sizes 15 Kavun an He granulomehie Composition ore lamp toe ‘slre oF thy lead. x [Dalle Weight: The bute Werght ie detormand on the Prt ctigihtt oF the mafatat vin the container nelehre fo dhe Volume oe occupier. * Specie weights: Specthe wetghts, of a mabeniet 1s the watght oP Ys partles ‘dred ab Semnp erecting, OE iss See 1? de Cayshiind eight, telehve to. He Yolume of wae, displaced by them . * |Msbititus ye ins NY We Vndicades the abitity oh Baw. Scanned with CamScanner Magle oF lapse: Whin a loose. material. Chutte toad) un obshnuctedly. spills on Ke tonal plane, Po amume a slope, “The angk of whrch the horizon}al fs Hs angle oF repsse CQ) Aon Rg. tg ef rapsse i Meistexe oben’ TV's sean ta liqued sre gases. Comtpals the Amount of Vshasion energy .Tha more msishurte. contend Sy Hee possibilty Jovermack, abyr lncieasay, Abonassjvily : Abrassive paicftcter! one sharp 4a bresperdty . Dtypes st Pbreanity ape Braille, Scanned with CamScanner Convegng Cauiprw ats Conve yons! ~~ ane mechavical devicos ort assemble, wed 4 rmave tems 0% package, With minimal efforc. They vrvall consis} of frames ned Seppatk reallons, wheels, Or betsy and may be motor poverad ae manual devier. Belt Convevorn: They Convey mabkeniel with qu hele oF bey. — TY pes! Q) According to He dessgn: Oo Satieny eEMve yorn b. Porjuby ond mobile lCMvevory W According de. py he MPose + Genera ee b Speaa \ : ( ove ° U8 GF temp M460 ong -o5 , a Scanned with CamScanner a0 knows oti QD) According, 40 “Shire pedho of motion rf belts par Horrahy Marcotte br Taeltacd ee Combinnd - Tretind Hot? toda | Horarortat Inctia Qd = Herdtenirt Imelmed nosttonn( Tndined) hepiqwokt Indined fants of Bell Conveyornn! Ar belts! Varveous does of tenhle belts 5 = Comel hoi motetien rieyol he — Duck cotter ~ Reoverdred Require meats *, Ab partseq Lown hygrtececop oaly J ; W) High StrengHh A M1) Lew olen werg nt /eight wv WD Small spedhc ekmgatrn L V) High Pleas uty vYD) High resishiudy do Ply ® viyumy sera Life © Scanned with CamScanner Qe) Lande short moden yt DAM MW) tater ty MAS 1) De elerntert Vlei. Ta tte, @mases, by a) Sold wood, earnvinetton V steal svtentway om 4 SuPPOTU Compreising ea}ymy sf a unex oVerwverh ag WH IA Preller. Meany wed tar Conveyor he HAling bulb load, Less Yremeundly unit loads, while nunaeayy and combined supaords aye prtudemiaa nity used Rye eae, goody, tne Neconding to Veer, locaton om conveyor, Wer Can be elass\ fed on’, : Yprere Corp norchag Tee loaded sinand op, belt) owen Go a YO NdWre Relurn sinend = ©) Scanned with CamScanner 3. Tate vps. A bel conveyer mer hae | ; > Mechonical(senees type) > Cmnktrfraght Coratty type) 1 Oded Info Fave conmiey — Type CHonigentnt) ~ Vernttak # Sere Type" The tensiuning Pulley Gerving on oa \ deflecting HI on Pulley) relees, on « fixed shee Fan best desgy om la deminal bearings (worread dosisn) * Gratily & Tensianing pulley Genve a0 pulley andteil) is placed on a movable Canuage whichis pulled backwards by mean OF a slee) nope and dePlechag_ Pulleys. tra ues a TM verdict counlerfray ght pulbey Coarshs oft 2 putieys (2 dePlechag + 4 tensiening) and ore inskted on Return strand of CONVEY Ory « Scanned with CamScanner ABe le Cleanen’ ye In caro sf dry particles 7 Cleaned by Sercapner, 7 \ , p winen op Tr case sP wefand shckey materials’ > vol ving brush one used * Scnapnerm are meouaktd on | end pulle Belt oleanaps One 'mounked ney fre discharge pulley, Scanned with CamScanner ZCeatercingy PREG. A umber af Maser ey euse jus belt fo run Crtssked dike — ~ Bocaamic Loading ~ Seiling ~ SHeliag oF Ihe makericls to the pulleys and meters etc. To prevent tee belt From running off He rollers, especial "Delt Tharing Ldlae® of varaeus! Besigeh) ane ied, Tage, Wier Ouchomafitety maatatota belt abgh ment ait Tespect ty a deve cated Cenbating! de vtee S. Drive, Unilst Tn belt ervey stn, motive Power I's Tronsnatted cfoithe, belt by tacten am Hb wraps! ardund tee sraving pulley tuatted by an elechic meter 3 the dreive yee TS ales Comprises of 3 ports . ~ The pulve 4 * » 7 Mepp — (The transmission oe Iranimission geen between the euvhre aad a pate : Scanned with CamScanner Drives of tadinnd conveyors include! a brealern, devia, which prevents — sliprlag back oF tu Yoaded bet undere dhe Weight of the, maberaet Conveyed if jhe current subplyiny the motor t { \s inkrnsebed . Fs Leading & Discharging! Loading depends on Ke nahine and | Chanactenishics of “he load Conveyed And the method of loading Example: Chareging Por. vicee gosds 9 Vanious tynes f chutes | ane directly” \woded ends bel Fon losse moberdals > Feed hopper ‘ Dischareg ms Gansrally “employed bye oe Sercappest, ploughs — fF Thro ofp Carniage knswn ox Tripper Cour enakericly only) Scanned with CamScanner ge Aafomafed held back brakes: A sudden stoppage of o - loaded Inckeard ber conveyor MAY. Cause slépping buck of the toaded beth. “Tas Ill happen if lengrtadinel Component of load weight BW AS larger Than tee forees of Frictional podsiaace po bel+ meitm . — Teo prevent this type cf spantuencus mevenrahk of- AWwebelh, a special held back brake is meunjed on the main Shed} wy —Ti's a special Predectag device Which auf — matially disemarefs the ahuve # WKAIKe belt slips On the pulley. Scanned with CamScanner 9, Conveyor Frame} 2 > Supporting sfructure + aleehically wel dad > Consist of leagitudiae.l beams} Up-rights and ertess plecer > Reght + Yoo won MM > Spacing FT Right Convey ory Qonsst of essentially of open trough security on frame Work, oleag With runs the paring, mempere po Rited He tereminal sprtechets and od patleys ad tales ‘hs evttn CET We iethely fensrsmed dy Fe Ur- Scanned with CamScanner 7 js a Brielly describe Werkncy franeple of Flaght comeyon .Drard fhe dierent Flight shapes wed in "4 Lasig a woortking Principle’ 4. The molenial to be toaded emveyed is-lended velo dhe Hhrough at ang Polat alsng dhe certying Run and pushed by the Ags a, Discharge Can be ePRected at ang point hnaugh. ogemags in, dhe Frou in » shut Wilh gates on shang, door, { 8, Orth tke Vodee and mpoan grands of phe cenveyerr Can sere an leaded stands. Penaorgn 4, When aceessany si cen Convey mederdials Somuljancously “a” oO ppasite direct om. x Agn vs DyPtenanae ee 6 wed Ia Aight coneyorm one aren below: Scanned with CamScanner AS | vr figure Aye ical Plaga hep oy Scanned with CamScanner biowiy _ righ ALR pcan Rogoreds ketyy Snape and Can be 1 (a) Trap egoide| @) Rechmg wloe Hh shueag kr ) sho y VO Thee. aft 1 eS : Wo. Q8Knern- sing le or double, ©) for eanveyojun with jd fsaded ! sands, diste WY pe il se tevinl ty Ofrkope conveyors . Tr undengr cund emyveyrary designed Pre heulage of — coat &) anguier reled Shack ae on Vy) Forged plac Mighds arte employed Vn Scanned with CamScanner ee ——————| Dyrace The Ny pica Aight shapes. Whak one {hs | Compeppive advantages of fight conveys | Oveye PI) conveyor, (219) “13 Fiigh} coaveyonr Corvsish of oper Jrewu gh gecuned | Fen Pameconke okeng vith mum ste pathag | | memebers Pited > Ae tereminal spresclads jam frum drive units and aad | | pulteys and totus oh me | i deajomned bg Fak ups. | (Bet Comeyor ane dic ma which Convey motniay rhe oo belts Supper bed by idler. using Varro? te | ; |p wa Cansidope The advonages of beth Hel haye > Ore compehlive Comveyorm, Fyryghy Conveyor advantagey Then oF bel Conveyor Scanned with CamScanner Prigh) convey or» Cen Hreaasporel hol @shes and slags and also Car CHE In bol diveehon: Bud belt conveyors aaah Aransyared tral aad also We Yorn ely omg directs a Frighl Caavegsrea ean darity Wad ot toload ab ony prink whenesn bell conveyor only do That on Axed poshon. As bol: cmvevoyy CAN". Convey more demperaduned madgyaats bud Maw) eonve yoren car So 14's wed Forraining coal. Pgh emucysin can, ‘convey various powdered, arcenelar and Frise loving lump mabtraals | and in Jee eases of belt Convey area Whit cantt be done. Scanned with CamScanner ApPecontbe He coorebetag. preinci ple of sumn Emveyary (2019) 6 and paeumahic conveys Straw Conveyeryy | The — osnveyut ase ally. consists of a shat} — mounted screw tetedting in ateegh and of the drive wath selfing! ae the shaft a Kodama, mshi. He the sheaf} rohks., the moteial, ed to H's moved finwond by the longitudinal aus of dha, Urshaped trough! The mobeual & be Convegad., ts, filed tab fue dreugh by Te oft mone ) fead hoppers. The priacipk bg nich. tne maknial is made fo side aleng dae Parsugh 1k Smile, te The monn ia WHC & net pruvenkd from retating receives rans lobny vention whan the sere Hed lado ib 15 toracd. Scanned with CamScanner 2014 Thre load is prevented from. Furiniag wrth the} serews, by, 7 Ae waghh of dhe material and by dhe Fricton of ye malerial agetash he Wally of he thoghe. The . ! brsvibea og maktral is dischonged at the end of dhe Anough Ore aleng Fhe jun Hanough openings ia the rough button. i } Dickartqe spurs ane fired belovs Ihe opening ¢, Intermediate ' ' openings have gotes thaJ- are opened when disdarege ot ) folg , poinis aleng fhe nun is desired Preumati c Canvey! ‘Paeumedte oe BYU Conveyera senve ‘to conveg bulk mateniels (on endl ile In speela) Carriexs) ‘la Sineam. of aire mnsvieg Shrough 4 Qed The opercchag. Sgstewc — prancipl commen b ae tyres of pease handing lashilmuads is Shad motion 15 imparted to ke load Scanned with CamScanner po 4 4 fas) -moving sheam of- oar. An eliarnohve mthed of mreumabe Raadling Is dhe agytalion of puwdered and small ~ lumped Tree - Flowing mattruals which thus Acasire Alundity : Devices Openccing on thy prumedple taclude Prtamadre cae) Prange treaghs Lenowr as “alnclades” an plodes, preamalfe disehorgers of drffecat design which tovsen, He Lmelenel and contre) its discharging Sam hopper and silos, \ Unrt loads in Sandondized Cantera cute conveyed ia, Pypes Under pressure, Scanned with CamScanner Depending OR Ihe method by which +he pressure drap . required + produce aim current inthe ire FS ancaled, A ee 5 atin pacumahic conveyors ame divided ido, sudimy undin pressure, and Those usixg beth suction and “pmessuge . Q\ Show the} the Volue of tre prlan distance of bucte} ‘teadius PF nadiatton i.e. dhe dishiace! fam Hee \ Canter of gravity A Of He load. in, dhe beclt to the, Pulley centre o > mms 2 scerleraton OF the Free oF Grew jy 1 ra /see™ Force oF qnavity | P= ng The centages Rng, Fe my . Scanned with CamScanner The pesubhnd of “Ihase too Pree s 2 chaage. i Tude. | magna hs and direction ar the buckey funns. Zp, however: "Ve tee Salton} Ve Cope Ros e@bended ts CROss Jhe Vege kel line naijed | in The pulley Cena. The VeobR of Rao R will enoss +he said vertical ab one nd Hectome bolt iq and Posh of Hu bce | The 6 wld he Pole. Scanned with CamScanner Ce 2 It follows aa BARR srilan) Jaangle fs, bA0e ete = noe FR 78 a peen F ee =. a 77 a 7 4 fp ae A Bt ae m (Co) mar . \ GBX BOO # oe GATX WS XH 895 a 's that the value of polar distance depends only on the rpm of the pulley. Scanned with CamScanner Q.Wrale down lhe Advan, Arsadvantare and Opphiatrons OF bucket elevabry \21%) in oredere. to pull Ar on i CCR obyeat up qo o contin height: Hurt 0°, Buclud elevators ane used is needed bo ede} pee bulw mnatenial Only gnavitehmat free is acting on the mate ols | 1 The advantuges, dadvacdages acd apelica4rans Of bucktd eleva, ame deserobed bel oo! # Advantages) D TRE capadly is 9-160 w/b Nn) Smodk Jrar'spopjation OF guvds ) MW) Less madoterane, sequined W) Long serwice life yY Lew draving peste w) Tytewverse } Compactnens vil) Aeitity fo. roise load up fo Bom in bight Scanned with CamScanner -13 Disadvantages! > ) Verny sensitive -b overload ») Must be loaded at a unrfirem load i 1 Aplications, | . D Used + conved mobertialy gia rund ships aq molecia ¢ D Comey, vardus powder ) Granular and lumpy malertiak y) Clmital and fod indesdely 7 uy Scanned with CamScanner : 7 QIDiseuss geranal theory of conveying Mackie, Leg bulk toad Capacity, Qs Load pen metre of machine Leng x Rate oP conveyor aly yim ) ae kgf” be @ = 4600/1000 ‘av tons pert huuri_g i Hownlg Gap ocr = 36 Ww ahs/ nour Fort bulk load! TE Fre load ha a bulk Weight of | tons per cubic m and is conveyed ina Carfinuons shea having & Chess Sectonadl orea of F Square om, Han, Ore (000 Fe (htm Je?) oe om = Fe tos 7, = }ovo Fe ba fn ——@ Scanned with CamScanner Phen ake, material iy conveyed. jin, & yreugh os tube navieg arte ss Sechmal area of Be sym leading. ° fice ency LW) \ qin ey pstoed Then, FER WD q = looky W et Pe ang i 1 When The makenial 1s meved h Separate Cour each having a elurn, ob Item, illed to a capacity, of | likes and the Combiner, ane spaced a welery part. ari /a am Pr /a ‘balm! 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Sewe pants oP buctad elevebra are t a) Chain &) bucket, 0) Che Drive Sprockets D Tas up 2 Vpperc Caring Sysieen i i , Bucket elevator are speoerfied fore he Cmveyaner of Various pawdened, granulo, aad lumpy Makeried, > Trtansyense Gompactness’ 4 bY Fe Rabie Mads’ to Considerable roghd Cupte Som) and capaci ey Yeangiag fram Sto 160 mB /mn are main merits of Scanned with CamScanner 2019 bucked eke verosun THe uct they are Sensitve to lovenleads and mush be loaded a> o uafom [reale Vs der maa digadvantage: wile conveying | IND) Perefort m auc aching py used for perforcsien, Hydraulic Conveyors are mos 4 woh (L -le chnologiat prrocess Wee Quenching J Conveying. « la moving. [Myareaulic, CONVLYOTA ape @Onss Ajrroug h$ (chancel) bute matery al s along pipes 0% Ha a Skeam of-vsctere. The coontling priadele | loP Yt 40 perform Tetuk will ber A) The minhure of mattriel and Wolter hide, ty wed ia ty Punnase termed on pulp: To Pressure Sonveying systems sth pele ochune| move & by pressure ane sed by o 9 a Scanned with CamScanner A190 dySrerene tn Wels ore bY means oF mechorical deur in droughs and gravity! fie systeam te jt Prous dosa an dem inching - Hydrraube Convey errr have Tre Wah Capacity and Considenable Amve yiag leng-He _ Camparerively simple, and ofku lower Running cosh. Besidan ;-the transporte oan be ermbingd WH Certoda teehnolegical PrLOCRSSU>: at) 4 A oberent dake A) Perinat Ynmedrate | schisthange of mederdlal ¢ Seow Genveyriry cree Unad in onder po perk saten- mediate Hseharge of matwdatl, The sertew, spiral ore Lowrim Conteyor — Usually Corsigts OF a Shot} - mounted Scpacd Tlofufing ba a trough and of jye drive wih Sethng jhe shah} ia arteany mehon - fy The Scanned with CamScanner Shoft notukes, dhe malenrat fed jo yo moved Brwerd bg Phe dhrust of sere ore PUGNS: Th shaft aad sereed edhe alg: the logiredtaat ds of The L-shaped Jrough: Tee maferu at is Ried toto Anough by me be MOQ feed hoppera . The load iy prevented by Th fie and 4 Friction, agelayd walls. que wnukeriol 13 drsthorge oF The end of dhe drova oF 8 hy The semecs, CMVEY OT, Sher py ua do—maintain aad most effective akin ws Formby fed. Scanned with CamScanner SE 2oyg-4Q 32 (D Convey material Upto a ,diskinu: of Go0/m | horutoatalty © , Bela CONVE Yor arte USed madaly fo covey mmabtrtals For a long Steen VF Mads to be belt cmveyerey ane Awe most suruble fp do Puy wens Beli cmHveyous mainly covey mma herd aly wing ne help of Wald. They can convey greap vardiety of adi and bull loads. They Can coring areheles of \ighe weight Ja Une pris duetan! Pum one operation so onedherc. Belt conveyornn have high capadhy of Fea- Gave _— or Mone, simple me Calg dk the bitty Jo trenspbrep toads) Pose tng. dujunce Tee, Menge IS: freer ‘Sve ea rene ‘1 acm verdent conveying amore than that, 279) | system Fore Ing, asta ee Cmve ying rij Scanned with CamScanner “) Convey Vio} asthe, ot sslug’s Plight conveyor ane ned Daye Ahay: purpose. Sotva-Pight conveyor could of c7er Jregh, seounad om frame work ,cheng we wri ch nuns the pulling” member Ded with Fransver ic Semaperes 6Te fights. The pulling number 2acteces Te ib I and +e YW tenrsiaal Spreockeds, and wlleqs ws \ Lash from drive uct an dis Taihelly jenormd by discharge \ eke Ups The material's loaded on trough an can be dow ot any point of trgh Aight Aully closed drough and Comsarour flow, Convey sr ane , tle ly duster operaliim predudi C9 sequeaty 1 Comp! ie a ‘t loss 6 makrual, Fine Gnd explosion proc? tnandliag. ° Ths dype of eoentyort. will hand ony Precfloworeg, Jonanulan pruodared and torped mater atin lumps » $7 H+ can preefikibly’ be employed Faye comeing htc of Slugs : Scanned with CamScanner 29\G 1) Convey: abrassive materuals! my a a. Belt caavey orn gers csaveyer> ean belused Brody purpose poey gecanclly cenvey makeni2y wih the hele of hele. Tease ong 3 i bs and uw employed smsjfly te Convey Snes variety ef bulu and wr Mea aleg & how aental ar ently inclined Poth. A orden range of moderial Gun be handled hich Pare problems iq olkan “Itanspbictation | means: Belts Conveyor Can ve wsod An abrasive, watrdrgs shcky on darcy ' + makiu dd: Tre site of dee motel. 15 Linarktd, by the cod of both, Bett can bethampered became ot. abrasive, materials co-eds 5 Fl gene.” Despate tis bet conveyere yreCauhins Gre then dnt; ee Despy 5 Con hand, highest amount of materials Comilertabh le coere cost, Scanned with CamScanner (y) Digging up dhe suvestt |! : o fe Hydrawte convey ets 08% re used Pre digging & Raven: bs yQ— Camshs af iq moving. bute chao amederials “alorg Plees Ort Freughhens ) ja ce Sleam of walert: cee eovedune OF ata — Conve 40 es rnake raat end watercis Called paps sed Qube ts Line ted snby a ttitne RRR eres by a aedunat difference ta level $ Ot by meare of me chard vat - Ariaug he and! greedy Pics sysjemn 4 fleas down an Mane, od hyAtcoltre eenweyarts can wont uglier! he gh" pressurte, aod Woh voledhy of waterc, Sojt Can be wed (Br. digging 4p vera Scanned with CamScanner

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