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F Sub. er is a management e hat nefens to onganiza tio ip jont to ee quality - Jt Seg gests involving. evenyone in the ongani zaticn in a West of Suality. ® hal implies — Evenything- Qvality implies — degree of excellence: @ranagement. Anbact on cay of onganizing. And Goninol- ilosoPhy aide In TQM, €untomen is the focal Point, 2S business '6 dniver by evnjomens. @rain Distinguish ehanactenisties OF TQM? 7.) 4 suggest eontinval imppovement 2) The main foevs is, given on contomens (3)9} ses team apmmoach 10 sove dhe Problem aw Employee has the empowenment fort Bying- oleécisions a | as Scanned with CamScanner sus C5) A enables onganizalion aide aelivit J: (a) Aleoays Consilen competitive be webmianwng- CDEvenyone in the onganization hay the knowledge of Jools (s) Jnlemal and exlennal both eunjomens ane nemained salisfiad: (9) Long. fenm nelalionshiP ith the supplien. Basie objectives: 5a@2H InJenpretotion what [What do J need to investigate 2 2- why |Why ig this happening.2(genenallon ofdefects) |3-Whene| whene Uoeation) is The sounee of defect - wher| when (Hime) does the Problem oecunt 5. Who |who is nesponsible fore quality problems2 6 Hows mueh How myer cost is involved in Sliminating emionst 4. Fb How How @anJ identify Problems and eliminate tore t Scanned with CamScanner * Beyen barie pols « “of “Fan io 8¢. Tools ‘gne thé banié gu | 00s, Vapieh helps: sin’ sOMIM EG, qualily ». “jesven “thnough data collection ality -igbarhicl> |Analysis pala »gaentifieation of RO | caure and. 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