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a i “gen = of O i's abl Qu lity: | epanactenisties | that defines lon exceed othens hav fon une”, whieh mance, conformance’ he liability mB Vode | # Diffenence” ‘petwee | Guality Assunance Qvality control ~ i (G) Prodvet oniented CW cannot give Solution _ Gith Quality contnol is Comeeting. defeets | OV) Guality. eontno| 16% | Set of aetivities jon | ensuring quality in Prodvels | The activities foeve on Bentifying. clefects 1” th ACWal prodvets pnodveed (v) Reactive pnoe ess (vi) Comective tool i i i i i | | Pnodvet on senvice lity, of Consistently meet eyntom art ~ expectations. Some e defined” quality a6 ~'Fitness typically mea ng its Penfor- safety. durability and nr ~guality- control, And quality, Assurance (i) Process oniented ay 9 Can VE soltion SET ie eae RIP SR 1h aiiy gvaltty assunaneé '5 Preventing. defects: assunange 16% Hyvitted for iy the duels (iv) Quality se} of ern" ensuning quality 1A : Procennes by which Pm ane developed. , (vy) Proactive Pn0lZss Qvid managerial +00] - Scanned with CamScanner baa ‘HE biffenent papecks OR aa 2Contomens $ (dimensions OF Ciptomens. ane intenestéa: OSpeels. of quality defending. i nequnements, which ma any il 9 From @3e to ‘case. er : 4. Penfonmanee t Atonopni até. fone the Pnoduck epeciticat ons on, Shanda, WORK: © < yal € by in piano shonalit) 2 2° €onfonman ee’ Meeting induytty = ImanshiP. g@ Relawility: Ability of Aniitem, to pentforri Q nequinedfynetion, vnder . slated condition | for 0 penis of Hime. . punability + Useful solnibl fige'on longer ot penfonmance of the prodvet on senvice.~ 6 Innovative featunes:, Edna yneful. Chanactenisties of he Pnodvet rr Han the desined Pnimanyiiones ; ) 6. senviee after. Salé: Handling” of oarerey complaints on..cheeking, 0” conlomen Sotisfaetions Granant¥ ete’ Scanned with CamScanner bili Pn $ should pe designed ip “gyeh way that it give, Casy OPTIONS... Or” panera ca arid Senvie ing, 9. pase of Usés sCuntomens. “never. like a Pnodvet eee 1S Complex- fo vhe* Thun | eue of U 2. hayiibecome ond, OF hee | major. asnect, OF quality 9. pesthetics : 189% Cahe oF. conoomere "gies | is oF Utmost ‘vontante 1 | ty a, {1o- othens : Noa-Q—days, nary other caer like safety, health issues eres | st Tuplicationsof. Quality? Te baie’ elements thos aR | quality ane of. four saepn | 1 tunlomens They: “Spi 4pe-ultima: | beneficianies (OF Gualitd nd | 4g .nés (2 focesses: This > ale” ent i Son. tans fonmin “thé 5 Ovipvts.. p NOCESS, ii. 2 ed, foe hich yoed tp . vé gontnoll wa Chsining quality ° employees. ane pb le ud alyy be held peseons! VWalify Scanned with CamScanner Subs . "Sl Employees § Employee: en as. intemal Bunton aS be yeep satisfied In thy’ + Tha quality’ Prodve Iranea neguiaruly a of motivahon ane gill; 3 Aa | Y.. Materials? A> good manus oe . oF have. much +o » canting ef ged q os hee matenialS | ane monn re eid waite fo selection of good 8H | 7S WAPOHIONT Seog (eK | sb WE ROY BS Ad _ Quality contnol § Quality contnol is. a eet | (Of acluities Fon ensuning: nequned . Quality in the Product. The aetivity foe “On Identifying. defects in the ae}val Pnodvets manvfactwied. 9bality eontnol ,. SoncHons Stant.Q$_so0on as the Onoduet | nanvfachming , bepn St isa Wet) meaetve aPPnoach and hepsi inaBdentifying the defeets in the délivenables, 04:0) Thene one nonmallY Four steps in’ | Sveh, éontnol * \ fe eon e ASM aay Scanned with CamScanner 8S SN MON TUE ES aH om Sub: ... =< seling. penehmanks + determine. the ned quality tangat . In, ten. Of & tnade- cost and ality jospgets. CTW Boru pre neq off . bates eer | YQ Sa 2. gomnaising ponban gieck Nbdeyal iie Snonitonin Ong evaluation Oe neee nna fon; meodining key chanaetenctics | of anPo Gohith Can be ‘followed by Appraising. é onmanee. in ce cting. @hen matey: £ eonforinan |3-A # - ‘aeviation hon the benennank hes! “shoud BC Sueh ocewmance: mien \Née2 sb any, Plans any newer | taxen in, “oie fo. avid ; YY. plain must be. | Wuality control. |“ Lowen - pmodvetivitd, 5 ane seeuloul d | Gi loss OF proavetl ye of Bivona, si | Gi loss of matenial © 2) ; |W) Loss of business | (y) Thengased- cost del Wi) Lost ewtomers wy Viiv focsen Profit ye * | (VM Lig bil iy Scanned with CamScanner Ee ost. - Of: Quality oe Ae ee ase "PE NON= CONFORMANCE *UF OR" C) Rework doing. jye Job OVE I ik ware nignt the finst He. Sete Cy Senap~Thnowing ® atoay the “orltet ve Production phocess » become IT 19 lo He neqred standard: plo Mee bien ena pi Sp See” ARS: 1O“dO Th Chih poss Yime= Nok being ORI en dob ; becawe a machine _i5, 00F os one 4 ne oh 5 Ge penieving. Quality] a. conroranee ron Oot” G fi ” Ci Planing: well simvetined PINT Sor | Prevention OF ene oa ; nas the firsh? pays lay the night. thing | ( 4 a poevmentation. fF PavertwonK fo hie bie fnelvdes conitjen instnvedion- .. sot UM Ui Training s Tp haat ine force weston date. — Cha Mia POR geo NY Civ Adit : Sntermal aya dea ae qo ensue Confonmanee 16° poqianemants J) (w Luspzetion: Requian inspec tion - ; a. ee Scanned with CamScanner | | | | | e | eee contno| —> , spate) eft Jicosk’ of gvality — d ovt detect phe rs a ae Sa ie ; = cost of Failune — fr Tntemnal < 20, Control! peer eles ") ©, Won:=€onfor mantey=| - 3 -SeIE.S * ; é re ‘External Urilagg pot Sree Ura Ceuytomen) # Optimum - guality.: wpospe® 3 Ms defect Jevel nop» failune costs aeeline ahile « cefonaisa| plu. pevention, 08ts “ipcheane, This -aponent nade off. Suggests nat an OPimum quality level, exists and that atlemPts © teeters fuitherc Vimpnov.e qua lity above this level ill” jpeneay e'~ total ebst ad deeneoring. Meneial.. Renformance- nom, thigwuleaniwa2e Can i tat. gepo defect (2D) pnough “K Prodram ; PrHinvouy ‘Yn provement” Vs ‘not “Blesays eC Com pany’s beg. eeBono mie “tntenesy, ay Qirh ere J Scanned with CamScanner | L cai vention appnaisal, cost i o Pep | 100% 1004 i 4 Prevention & * appraisal cost Cost Pert Jood Unit of ZESK,.. 3008. Befect ) Quality level Good , v tou beyedciet eosts Fig: Quality costs (Suran Model) i (Allennalive vie)» ad 2ih Leer yerbilbes the @wve tn Hinee oh zones-1- Uppeh Bone df penfeetioni sme ; | Qemiddies toneof iMdifinence.. 3+ Lowen! Zone of imenovement pif ‘ Projects. . ae “VIn bppen zone, theneany tunthen VErY Small Seale improvement spay neiuine | exPonentials jnénease -in pyeyention: 60St land thy total 605+ an well. In lower ‘zone any further. improvement ~ will neqwine too high ipvestmenT = 4 Scanned with CamScanner I 1 | 1 1 ‘In Prevention 2 aetivities: that space iste cos}. Heme, Minin mn 203+ does nofachieved At he--.Point OF. “Lodd. Good” “Quality. $0 WE ~ean Say 4yab| eno defee eoneeP 'S not €Cononiéally ben Fieial 1 ‘Tn dlennalive Viea™~ the minimum. Cost Is | thieves ab the” Point OF 1.004:~good quality | Ohene Prévention and: vappnaisal. cost | Hlatlens oot afjen.: centain,, degiee of | aoc boner is “achieved. Henge. total 0st en not ineneane ~ ANY. more OW VF [ we ean 509 Prat. alternative Wee =! 5 ee betten., Quality Cost than ‘qunan Mode, Scanned with CamScanner Sub,: Treen snsinansnaneinsn canna s nannies SE Inlema)~ cuhlo men? An Yennal curlomen 16 anyone @h @ithin the company on ith: on staffs imheriact Wnside-tne onganizeHons) as a Pant of thein. negulan job: b @onk Lonom 2 Ploye aE Why ane intennal abaiomens +o” | Satisfiea finst to ‘aéhieved ‘ate eg A — Quality 2 SEnployees ane eonsidensd 49 intemal eunjomen s @no $224 posbe iit) | keep satisfied ip onde hE Aelive rh. - quali, pnodvet. We have to satisfied _ tema) Cudtomens | fing tr becawe having. Satisfied ‘iptennal- customens dead - Oo 5 neneane..nevenve And ineneaed bnand- amaneness” Having. satisfied, einploy ees" (isthe Key contnibutor- toa eornPany- “Gyeess enviacially. 1” tough eéon0me’ fimes- Satisfied employees ane extied © Jo come to “onky ane mone ailing to! gre 2tina mile to pleane’ ei somers and ae great, band .avocated - penefits of satisfied em ploees ci) Inenemed employee neherfpion an S4neamlined mveespen and i ienean 2d COMPANY Cohenoivenes a Scanned with CamScanner ‘Sub: Tay penane custom Sw Satis Gnternal cujomens We tne Key pant of | the customer chain: ff they ane not | satisfied then Prodvéetion ean not | Produce good qual ty” Product. of quality Managem 3 guality” as & confowit) cet forth bY nee pt ent: Lae row Absolute? Mn. enosoy define yn specifications to centat | management and not some vague ©? of Goodness’? . Ther] specification ane not po be gat according. | anbifary either: théy mus | +o cuntomer™ need and wants: * | as he explained Four. tee of, gual y Management © aneo . | 4: Quality 18 define | nequinements, or 2 The 542m for i no Appnaisal: (3+ The penfonmanée sfandand mnt bé eng defects, not “avs’ e002 enoven” 4. The mesyunement of guality > poen Price of Nonconfonmane © / not indices - | ‘ Abgolv manée +0 on elegance. Pneventi on 3 as eonsor ns Goodness’ causing quality 1s Scanned with CamScanner Subs “bet! enenée “atid confonmanee gualily OF => pesign Quality (i) gvality of design is the guality connie’ | the. Producer ersvP oe” Supplien: iS indendin’ ' | to offen to the Ccurtomen’ | | cba Sit batiseeh © AY | Pnod vet's Genvicesy | design ate eS | Needs — ae meant to lwtnodveds. Anew Pnodvet On UPRIMA | On existing. A) pnoduet +0 |“ GWSpecification. ae thé tange + (v) Tolenanee dete by designen: es Mi Quality oF asian ei meet Cwtomen neureren pmingd ls ‘gvality. oF conformance | cogvauity of confonmance, ) ('S the, ability of ¢ a Phoduet, Process, on \senviee -to,meet Ldesign shee! Fleatlon diy A fits beteoren the | attnibute_of.an actual ive Produck L an “ti. gvality, OF. » con fonmones is the Cau e whim aetenminen a@hether the pao aes [9 being. manufal getond ing. ne desig.n galthout mer ceviatl oy. wider! valven the tage+ iy aye? hold the tolendnee, Scanned with CamScanner | TT Slalislieal Quality conino EE WES AO ad ® slatistical guality Control C S00): gercnibed th €.is the fenm Wed to bse of stastical tools: S3€ nesens {a Ue Of. | statistical “methods saat ‘monitoring. and, mmedntalp ae et lor frodvers ana sen 1 ee [new the: guality ee ae en | j \@ Statistical «Process sonnel (500)! j eee: metod of qialit9' orto!» | pied employs statistical mMethoasto monitor’ “and ceontnol A Process is 4 heles to ensure that bye pnoe oN lopenates” , effrerently, producing. a | Speerficaton, Conforming proauels i235 Coote eye PY NSD Adevewy oc “ \E51 a weatyty eutlings dd | ' j 4 + z zag 5) a2 pi! / f ! ) oe iL yy ay ' 4 t i SoA ‘ Scanned with CamScanner Subs : SBtSGY MGM Tye woo 1 measutie » analyze and. ths fone, a ‘decision neganding. host of matters: oe — > vanjavilit’ of Wality:, afcmatiens Charactevishs —-seonsisteney Of Penfonmancey > pvenage level of qwality chanaetensties. | Statistical gvality contnol Can be yieco ed (as a set of Statistieal fools and techniques |ahich 4 influence deeisions neganding- | 4. speerfications 2: Production Control ener: 3. eve] of insPeetion 4. peceptance Statistical fools | 2. shewhont eontnol chant’ This analy2e pe | eument level and {nend of guality ehana “enisties ith nespeet to Given vppert | and lower -[imitd ~ of. tolenanées: | | | | | 2 capacity Analy sis® This Provides abot the capacity of the Process = fo = meet the fanget Sreelficatio, en Cohethen qa on AOR | | 3. Hypothesis Testi ng: venisi Certain decision 15 come Scanned with CamScanner ‘yy. Nece planee sampling > plan sy. ; “Inspecting a lange sum of ore | neithen fearible mor possible: =< ici Sa shi aml the jdea of «sampling a sma ft pant of, iid) PeP moog, iss efgreient Z Ce PR am 4 be gine A ‘a 2 ; | SION alee. Ka ra d | : Pp yl " y 4 , \ ; \ : \ pera ci oS! pw vbisag pos De Kiedy se . ‘ in) J f { sey : we } AGEL ael Leckie Scanned with CamScanner Process carovilil) Aralyers a ey '@ hocess Gafabilitd Palysis is a statistical tool Which NeVuner Collecting. data fnom the Process » consinvelina. A histogrom ,dnaving- a cwve that fits the histo-grom and then finding out ~ what rencentage of ‘dato goe ‘ovlside, the vob and Lobo yj 29" \Méanunemant of process capability barieoll) “means ‘“Quontifi€ation, of thé Capability of ‘OAskble Process +o Prodvee Pants saith the sreeification limits . Five! most €or"70 Uned indice) ane: it < ake 1 Co= mocess Potential, inde% oy. 2 Cx= Process — fenfonmanée Inder 2 (3-Cry = upper Process Pen foromance ind | E xs eee Lid Sx - 4€9 =lowen ‘Paacess | Panfonmame’ 5 k= frocess centering MIE nr ®aenenal concepts i Fon Any Par speei fication limits ang allowable Process sinead We of foe “™Pontant goneenn A | fnocess ne called a Ie ‘It the Process strand’ 6T is equal tot \Pidth of the specification limit Gf ib per | SYdieiea ty beyond thené specifi catlot limts He pores i¢ guages nat cata ble” Scanned with CamScanner but Q socFig: eopeees of Mnaness © Y eatabiit @onee mocess “stability is achieved» thene ane joo statistical Panameten hich. ajfett “Process Gara ilit?~ | 2. Loéation ean of avendge:' | 2vaniabitits: ‘Ook 3 r Thene.qne Heb” C30Y5 In ‘wnieh, Q Process Can be ‘udged” um lCaribten: Sadao be 4. the Pnocess.. iB nots eeue os 2-The . Process, is, cenlened too Clone ito a SL \= avr |3-me Protess Vanlability. is exeennven no cess not One able | Reinet Scanned with CamScanner 88 Earability ‘Can “be Oude iin 400 Ways: 7 | \q.oserving- the Qarhical didtnibvtidn: 2 | 1 graphical dintnibution «Plot» can Provide ies jd “abort. Process CaPAbILITY this does | ‘fain fapvide exact quaribified valuen oF Y cavavility: This: gravnical | OT ee Nee \conal Chante be “qtothematical meanune) "=, vb oa idven can | reid quanti tied valee of Process Catability. @naxin @ wpnosess “adeabte nay ead 201K none Of the 420, ANGI5 ON \both ANAS. ' 4. Riu ment in Pant. cnanaclenisties- maning | ithe Pmocess capable is ©asy if the Pon (Chanachenisti @ iS Adgustavcle: F font | 2 Adjustment in pnocess “ehanoctenis ties a5 | (Chora ebeni sties one not il signi i 00233 ehangen may. ~ nAune- } | | | | i Scanned with CamScanner 1 Ca ose "a fioaess Polewbial index? Pacers cena nato 160 3 : sia {istica, bodes. panausli9 “naliO. Cp is a 2b e measme, of process earabil ability of @» \pnocess to Pits OUtpu}... within Sp2Eifical\on it jo be The Potential of @ stable Proeess iy ) Caavle aepends only on the vaniaell Of he» pppeessY OSs WD ALO & MAS Aldwable “Process spread ape Bayou sheeification jays > \\ 1o sy Hh wn0G888 ola Nac boat rovieiee) bye Clitbimens GH $5 eB OWL Carability ~ test = bee abs. yt LO Ly > 2 US iS sth may Scanned with CamScanner _+ | | ‘BG > |usi- Estl | Oppocess Capable | } } } t | a Cp >t > Susie sel > 6¢ | Cpnocess Cavable \ | \ on tet [lower ect only] Scanned with CamScanner Sub.: "Process — henforrmanee. Inder The penformance Of & \Process must be gelate the Pmocess Potential +o we location, meauned &y p doz xX 4 val C255 % nea = ROCESS Aelval vrpen pno z 5 Prete {y | a font) x6e = Be” , Crp = min (Cov, Cos ) (Cr = main USL—-é MASE = 30 races eGp- Con =1 » Pnetess Adbenati Ag rakothe bordenling. 50 the | Gidth of Specification’ : wal with the “Cid Of the protess er 7 5, Process. 15 ferfeeHy Pentehed ‘att Cop =O, Process mean is aven~ lapping” eaith one OF the \SLe means. k-LSL=0 OM USL-— I =O Lé- vse Le Scanned with CamScanner | | so a a7 if “Cee | Process, | Pneanesha; sao beyond ond PF the srecisication limits, val | | ven Epgis negative: Wy {od 3 if. 0kC £1; ‘process = # 30m | Stecificition limits * 68 | Auoeess 65 -ovtside@ OF he.$ Lés a | Baie Z Kot mean (5 1 @, pant ‘6 ak the paciticat on t ! L3L USL Ae Cn >L; Procees iZ well mini fhe él. lanl Scanned with CamScanner K Provides a helationshie o Centen of Hie Aewal proces NO Sg Centen of the specificcition |jmnirs - The €enten or midpoint of sneha limits Nan = USLFLSL fen Pi eNes 4 1 ‘the Pnocess.is not he e a, tien the Pnocess ‘centen on mean °c9i] exactly eviveide with the centen 0 Z age oa Wimits- o>) hi his }fenence- betwieen the. “yoo - y ls i a m/ | { \ } 1 . q ist. Se at Mn = SW OG Wo il Fig aBe.8' center. Shiffed in one ihe gy nay dnom mid free Amount | of / Shift of fat ee ent | | aor mmocess| smead) Fa fpf 2 fam RAYS = pestis ~~ s- 05a i) Scanned with CamScanner | a 1 NOT, GOO “PRP oEES oe a1. > Enitieals PROCESSES Ced1 > beter MeCEES,-, or ‘aii Process penfonmanee , can be compared. dl sh T significa ngOn MGR a Boe OL Ae S SSiaeliey Ep Yue ya) a? /fnom Scanned with CamScanner i Sub. "Civ To “imPnove? meawed by the Pnopen te “of Cp Cuvee Te uve vecome Steerer. lth the Inenea) € of. Co, 3 { ont a Commonly aceePlad notion Ir - vali} “Control 1s +0 ave Ce valvé bee (233 fon. an estabilished:. and. StbblA H “mani $a ctisiing: procese. St xSbS ie 'Gnificance Of ES Init Se iC > KORO | ?) CaPability Of Process” noah dL ™ME@an eanbe meon@ Ck = rnin (Crys PCOS. aves Misc Sit Sr oeey CP Cli Cog Bere es es Di\\ A> Fy ions Meany oy pee about lo@ation pei < xf ep Su tp when.’ pe. Sepr pnd Cro =P: ae AN 'S' ae ytoned-| 99 Civ) Ep, Can bis | a ete vem th: ington te the Meg MV Pe BHst gil Steci $ICaNon a SigUtsrweroth Myhiohnns \n0 t 9008 for oe Process Cr Ais Scanned with CamScanner Subs W) Cet the. Process. hai, eee rtavle G@aPabi\ity:' ‘ yer olbsd 9 bai yeh) Cp ht i 20r? CONE, meat — curtomen? neqnements. ) “ FeWhat is. Imeayrt lis); -—Rroeesé copability 2 What ane the . Punpone of vitt } => Process Camability: 9) i a Se ee ~ PHI o Cabability” is” dlefined as the Vaniability of A ehaactenistic ° a a Product Gt nepnenents thei wenfonmace thoes oe proteess 0Ver0 periods of ».isfavle ONS A Process 18 said tobe caravle when the out . pot S$ Shecifieations 1. Uways eonfonms fo, prow = ALSE AS al USL x 3 Fig: concept of Pnocess capability - Scanned with CamScanner pone of Process Cara! itm Sind out whether. the Process 1S Carablé of meeting speci fication imide : | diti Ob Proeenn Capabilitj indieate> De ee. And. if Any defeet ane found rim" it QChons Can be ywase. coit AWS %0 a5 O& Prediétion d50 ime Bee f Gil Duning QO quality imenoverment PF foi Suehor.sin sigma axmiots Panga 2stimate 1s the etsy fener pats the level of So fi in en the . 0CCuned. 2 an ft a. > Civ) Refleet the non-eondonming- ss of a Pnocess, bY enmessing th ferformanee orth dap Fig \ fate" Scanned with CamScanner SUDE enn sennnunnanssmnmussai Explain why Cox vole can never Peper. than oP : Cp is neloted DP hhocess potential index CP cenh to Process vanability - While Pro a 10 both ferkmmonee ndex Cox is nelare Jeney Vaniation tenden and center te” Hons (Of the Pnocess. Th the barie VA OF Mmeonwring. Cp and Cee Me shane ly | é lObnenved sits noleeable that he? too meanunes one baiéally the td lwhen the disinibution is not Shiftes. nothen. exottly centened. A difference -belween the two anines only when the center is shit The shitting Is “Mmeonuned wing k: Herne, K pnovides O. OQ nelationehiP between the Center OF the actwol Pnotess aya center of the Specification limits. Both Cp, and Cp relat? the Gtandaid deviation and eententng of the froéess Abovt mid promt af the allowarlé tolenance S Pecifiegtions- Ay estimate of Cpe = C4-1e) Go he mnaximim valve of K Is 1’ Qnd yninimon valve fonk is O', 4 K=O; Co =Cy .f Perfectly contened poe Scanned with CamScanner | ad; Coe ‘Zeno: \ Since the maxi rnvm.-valv@ fork line valv@ of Gey is always: equal,ton less ‘than ewal: Also, ae knoo. tha), the ae ‘ne vave OF Cm the vettencts ithe. eapauainy ‘of the Process +0: produc] Pants: criti \spacificotion ‘while only Process variation “Inblyehoe CpNaNe- “both variation Ond Cenhere “pendency in fl VEre® (Cx vale thatr ‘ony Cp'rs alevay a: be mneaten than Cp. et ; Pisces with the help of the siege 4 ithycical SiQnificange Wf negatives valveet ey 1? Process” penSonmanéar —inderc ACOH. 4 ~ ''8 0. stolistical 100 vite eo ann | Re foes ays popes en don limit, OF 0 Process ot that, BP Pont hich han the ighest Chante C2 ony | ng beyond Jimike When, CPx is 1296" al i Pe hensinast St a Ope feran {Pie on negative ithe Process 1)— Ce oa r Qs incatable:: A negative. Coe pial | |dicalion that the Process mean a toy : 1a SU gg xe od pal | Oven ether the Uy ppeare srecificalio” i i can | e lowen E Og We SpaceticZaHon limi Scanned with CamScanner . | S@enanio~1: a Pnocess wee Sis elosest. toe : ‘ ete Gn tis EwMe- “tSinee Proéess (AVENGE © 41g 1es$: thaniLol » “ie is. negative x, fonts ane nejected - The Arodede aienige * 4 Lig 1254 H0.:tye vepert |; | Process-ise nob : | Coroble. [vsc— Leet Zbor j \Cps sis USL AGS Oe Guy Ses. | hen poe vaniation exceed’ he Specification himit IpPUUytoy ti Fe. ai ndicaten-thak Cpe Phisinobrc oF 2 {Gocs condition =fore Process. CP24, Ree he | fig "Process cone ' fyilfill eutoreet # feces ie {50 %e-Can say | gn Hie? \eitnas ion. | Inconatie. Ut UDAOREM (Proce vaniation \ess than tes \4h nN Process vaniation 1e6s rian C SPecitication, limif. It. indigat 2 p>. we know, that | the eaten tn valve oF CP ; lef beHen is tye Caravility, 2 ar re Pnocess. When Cprd thé, een | Process 18 eenlenead and symmeinie: S _ 20 9 that. the focess 1s anal vipr ole ificat gs oy VSL Scanned with CamScanner Gib Process manginally meets specification Process manginally meets’ 13 Us2) specification indicatér Go=d; oL-LsL = 6 Both the tails torch the | Specification jimits: CP= : xe, 4 16 the enitieal ‘value Of Cr-Jgt abo at indicaten to. be a Good) wnden oo" Process if the curve is conten This. Process (5 Cahacle Joaad # Discuss the significance Of Cp=0-64- => frocess. potential . index. Cp -in nelated +o Process» Vaniability, the Potential, , Of & ‘Stables Pnoteny to,.be CaPable depends only on, the: voniabi lity (OF a the Process. Jn.onden 40 quantity — Cp. itis necennany to mecnune Mlowovlé Process spnead ang aewe! Process. $ Pnead. sinsit ete ed AMlowgll2 Rnocenyr Sinead y6L-Lo ky. heal” Ripdess Spread = LEO SINCE fon ood . System, actual SPread2 allowable SPnéad, Cp valve must bertk | 4 Cp= Scanned with CamScanner ene, Ce= 0-64 G0, Coes, thats: idieaten dliowasle SPnead -seatee J edi ist ges Common. Cale: The Common cawen of _ Variations OCCUR ne l2ss, of. how) well ‘the Pnoeess is designed, the Prgeets | fonamerens ane set, the openatons ane hnained, On how. PProPriate, +hO materials shave been selected, Ge. Syeh kind oF notinal vaniations ‘ane Uneontnollable hich | kesult fromsnumenour Small: Baber yn. | Majonity of the,Carer the €arer eaunep emaind Unfound- Most Commonly, Vaniadions Jtom these Canes Remain nandom, and | nal = hi magnitude: Thun. thé: Pnoeess 15 Congidened 4o7 bein -sqatistieal- eontno]. 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Scanned with CamScanner YM Om TUE WD a * ER "AE A Phanmaceviical aompany is Pnodveina lablels whene favlet mean eight ts Needed lo gram and. Standard deviation 0-74 Fram: But wean weignt obtained 10.1 Mom Jnom the sample size NOP deformine the tenfonmanee of thé tablet — Production -Pnoeess eonsiden ing %=S9. And 1049. SS Hene 3 +4S0eQNy i Null Hyfothesis He > K =10 ; Altermotive iyfotnesis Hy: MeLOL Se y Slandond deviation ¢ 20:1 Sample size n =9 Fon %=69.=005 ; “p= 0-025 (pa 2%=m@ 101-10 Mi =I" | 8, Anea=1-0°05 ont =095 i Let : = j ver = OF | Fnom table x Say sh3e “Bay 3 Boye 5G (Rony) Scanned with CamScanner Sub. —_ vosaras ‘hene Balermine> > Zenit¢ea 154) “the Null. hypothesis 's nejeeted: Thata..mean the tustess mean ase | neally Chita, {| i r ; pinete = tears O- 1; . 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Akal means, the mean neérronne time 6 bee exceeds 45 milizec- | \ LAT this Sruation | 969. confidenee level and 2Sida oe 208 Y2= 0-025 grea, 1-9 Zenitiea| = Leys PIL = 0996 Table 25,-). | ony know, gonfidence intenval A= 1:96 he MEANK, With variance T Kx + Pog Me Ht Lop SZ rr 79-25 — 196 is < 2 Has 2 25H Ibi “F6ALY < Me are i | i | | i I | i | | | i | | Scanned with CamScanner Ne Gp “chart CPno Portion *' non - eongfonming) cine Chast. (number non- een) | clive. Chant (cout chart) yaa bik |e anon pibigie La ae A 46..a dure oss Nc bc short wed. to. parte bee the Propontion OF: 7on- (Conforming « Units vin Gs samele i Whene pis known oa a Pmi Loy When 30° ae lit chon UCL p = Pe D 2 Lp= P+3\|/PCER G-2 é 5 3 =p ; ois . 4p)~ t LéL = 5 af gt ! A when pis unknowns 3 af = 4 ay A “3 = 0 = Peete P= ae ci mesa. TS 0 : ~~ Scanned with CamScanner Sub. "ae Example: Tbe Light festing- San Manino Jube Gut limited 16 ~ Famour tybe light manufas hunt g Company’ in Nonth Conolina, Pnoduéing— Qnovnd “boon peice ‘of \iayt Perr.day. The Walil¥ Conlno| expent$; Planned +o eh Samples of size 60 Units each eg day. the Combany coonked' 22 SONS OM the: monty undere Consideration To test fore, Quality the! iexpent Qbo' nannhets WEiip-ehart what arnt ") Se ap Sameie | NO OF | Sompl,NO OF | Sample! NO OF | NO cip| Failanes Nati) Faijnes(s) wot) + Fallinen (ei) 1 3 ti 5 134 |. G45 2 2 g re - Joyo 4 & | Bis eh 2h | —_ 3 9, regi sik: 2 16 4; Aw i uy 2 vol g fats Gar 4 Scanned with CamScanner

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