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Kinnaird College for Women University

Black Slave Trade Effects

Course: Area Study: Africa

Presented To: Dr. Asia Mukhtar

Presented By: Hafsa Waqar

Registration No: F19BAIR026

Dated: February 11th, 2021


Slavery is a phenomenon of forcing a person to use its physical and mental abilities to work
for the other person more or less deprived of its fundamental rights and like a person who is in
the in prison and work for his masters. Humnan slavry is the phenomena set back in the human
history when people on the basis of racial differences used to set in the social structure.

Africa was one of the parts of the world that was much affected by the colonial rule in the
world history. The most highlighted topic that came out to discuss in the present times is the
Black Slave trade or the Atlantic slave trade. Manpower in form of the slave was one of the
biggest eye catcher opportunities attracted the Europeans. It was not the Europeans who started
the slavery in the Africa but there was already the market set by the Arabs Empires but back than
due to the feudal system this market was much smaller in Europe. This slavery market flourish
up when the America was discovered and the population of the indigenous people got much
effected by the colonial rule and the labor gap was created. The marine routes established that
time the Spaniards set the monopoly on slavery income through controlling over the trade routes
along with the Portuguese who have in agreement with the local tribes of the Africa provide then
the weapons and in return got the slaves. The Portuguese and the Spaniards economic growth
resulted from this exchange attracted other world powers and this in future led to a great source
of Income.

By far most of subjugated Africans utilized in estate farming were field hands. Indeed, even on
estates in any case they worked in different limits. Some were domestics and filled in as
steward’s servers housekeepers sewers, and launderers. Others were allocated as carriage drivers,
hostlers, and helpers. Woodworkers, stonemasons, metal forgers, mill operators, coopers,
spinners, and weavers were additionally utilized as a feature of manor workforces

Black Slave Trade & the World:

More than 12 million Africans were coercively eliminated from Africa and shipped across
the Atlantic all the way to the Caribbean islands and the American continent. It because the long
time effect to the African societies on the other hand it much benefited other world.
African slave trade helped the world power to set the base of their economy. The plantation of
the sugarcane, cotton, tobacco was done with the help of these labor before this the world has the
largest lands that was not used and profitable for them because due to lack of technologies tit
was not easy to do the plantation on such large areas. The agricultural product that was goit from
this plantation set the base of the modern times international political economies. Every ranch
economy was important for a bigger public and global political economy. The cotton estate
economy, for example, is by and large seen as a feature of the local economy of the American
South. By the 1830s, "cotton was top dog" in fact in the South. It was likewise ruler in the United
States, which was seeking financial administration in the worldwide political economy. Manor
developed cotton was the establishment of the before the war southern economy. African slaves
capture and send to the American and the Americans from the 16th to the 19th century depend on
these slaves. The large land useless without the slaves that brought by different parts of African.
The trans-Saharan slave exchange had since quite a while ago provided subjugated African work
to deal with sugar estates in the Mediterranean close by white slaves from Russia and the
Balkans. Europe on beginning sugar ranches on the Madeira and Canary Islands off the shore of
Africa. Rice and indigo plantations in South Carolina also employed enslaved African labor. The
Brazil during the colonial period become the largest exporter of the sugarcane and from there its
used in juices and this increased economy the revenue collected from the economic advantages
half of them used to buy more slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.

Present times the mixture of the black men in the modern day nation and the settler of the black
men in the other countries then the Africa is resulted from this slave trade because in 1870 when
the slavery was banned these people started settling in these societies because the past link they
has broken up and then the world goes by the series of the changes and the human rights charted
were presented in the united nation and the all human got the rights of the fundamental rights
than after that the different moments started in which black men struggled to get their equal right
as white men they are successful in it but the sociological mind set up still in cooperated in the
white men that they are superior to the black men and the inferiority complex of havinf their
master still not disappeared from the world.

Gun Trade Exchange for Slave Trade:

The single most significant technologies brought o the Africa was the gunpowder insisted of the
man power. Over the twnty million guns are introduced to the Africa in the eightieth century.
African rulers traded hostages for firearms. Rulers were in rivalry with one another, so the
securing of weapons gave an edge over their opponents. This expanded their drive to catch and
sell slaves. The new accessibility of weapons was an immediate outcome of the slave exchange.
This gun exchange disturb the balance of power between the kingdom with the Africa and the
gun destroyed and weaken the continent internally and while the kingdom busy fighting each
other the European fully manipulated and exploited the people of this land and used there
conflicts for their own benefits because the more slave demand increase the more kings attack
the neighbors to captivate the more people and the more increased demand for the guns in

Till present time the world power exploit these region the civil wars within the continent making
this whole region political unstable and Africa was the largest illegal weapon importer and world
powers fulfilling their interest of the oil and the resources by exploiting the differences between
the groups

Destruction of societies:

Due to less information we have very less information available for the exact slave brought but
according to the research of the 2014 at least the twelve million slaves brought these are just the
number that got successful in crossing the routes lots of the person lost their lives on the way.
There was a long distance and less means of the transportation the slaves forced to walk in
coffles - lines of prisoners shackled or bound together for the longest times.

African slave trade effected different groups of Africa differently. The merchants who sell the
slave grew wealthy even they grow up to the levels when they deal with Europeans on the equal
profitable condition. They have no more affiliated to their own African identity there was no
understanding of being African – character and dependability depended on family relationship or
enrollment of a particular realm or society, instead of to the African landmass. Kingdom of
Dahomey grow the most influential one on base of their slave trade total receipts from slave
exports were an estimated £250,000 per year by 1750
In begging it was just the men but as the time passes there is increased event the child and
women were brought outside the continent and they forced to work on the lands and in the. The
African continent societies destructed from all the side firstly this slave trade cause the
depopulation of the Africans from their own continent. Secondly the conflicts causing by the gun
powder and the civil wars destroying the infrastructure thirdly the Europeans entrance in this
proved the social and cultural structure completely destroyed. This gave the people of the Africa
physiological trauma that they are currently can’t move out from these effects.

Europeans to fulfil their interest but they fully destroyed the African society in a way that they
encourage the ethnic and the cultural division Europeans constrained the economic development
of African states Provoked a culture of political violence and disregard for human life created
widespread attitudes of racism and contempt for African. The civil wars and the worst condition
we used to see in the present times are the bases that set by these Europeans.

African Slaves in Present World:

Africa presently has the most ration of the present day enslavement. There were still the prison in
the Libya that used to captivate the African slave there and they sell them in the market. African
civil structure after beings decades under the political instability completely destroyed. Tis part
of the world was home of the poorest countries and have people living under the worst living
standards. The tussle between the political leaders not let the social structure to develop and the
ethnic conflicts making the matter worst.

The people due to destructive infrastructure have no proper educational system and no jobs
opportunities due to the civil wars but they have large families to support. In modern time the
people worked in different countries different international countries have proper agencies who
work as middle men of modern times. The scope of slave occupations in urban areas was
tremendous. Homegrown workers ruled, yet there were craftsmen, anglers, coopers, draymen,
mariners, artisans, bricklayers, metal forgers, cooks, tailors, sellers, painters, and watchmen.
Albeit most turned out straightforwardly for their proprietors, others were employed out to fill in
as talented workers on ranches, on open works projects, and in mechanical endeavors. A little
rate recruited themselves out and paid their proprietors a level of their income

African slave on one hand benefited the world and tremendous increase in the agriculture
product. But on the other side it also can’t be denied that the African slave one of the world
worst human violation. The world powers back in history to form there bases highly exploited
the other areas and there resources.

The African last colony to be remain under the colonial rule and the effect it has till after the
centuries remains and this can be clearly seen by looking at the condition of the Africa and still
from Africa most of the people work in other countries and source of their family economic
support but the way has changes now they got the salary and the legal contract was done.

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