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A region of the world often known for civil strife, disease &

corruption, hunger and environmental destruction


The region that was the in hot stream discussion for the one of the worst human
condition is Africa. In European references it was named as the darkest continent of the world
this title was given to this continent for both and two school of thoughts to justify this term firstly
because of the unrest the worst living of the people secondly it was in earlier used by a British
geologist because of its hidden potential to European in the early history.

Africa the second most populist continent shares six percent of the land of globe house of
fifty three states. This region was the home of the different lands like desert, rain forest,
mountains, world second longest river Nile and contains very wealthy diamond in its soul. This
region was also home of multi ethnicity and much heterogeneous.

Civil Strife’s of Africa Such Conditions:

This region faces such bad condition from decades and these conflicts
deep routed just after decolonization in the decades of 1980s and 1990s these conflicts flare up
and come as one of the biggest problems of the modern world because after the spread of the
democratic institutes brought up rebellions like Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of
Liberia because of them in 1989 first civil war appear in Libya these forces challenges the
autocratic regime to get into power different groups fight with each other and from Libya these
conflicts spread further and many factors like ethnic differences, poverty, corruption & bad
governance, human right violation, little arms and light weapons multiplication involved in to
spread these conflicts at such large scale.

After colonialism period ended like other countries of world African states also unexperienced
and that people got on the power position that was supported by the colonist powers to full fill
their interest in the region these persons kept the autocratic regime and under such condition the
least focus given to the locals after cold war because of poverty and less resources to produces
and compete with the international markets on the base of privatization external companies get
advantages of African natural resources like coal mines the power persons get advantages in the
form of Luxuries of life supported by the International actors under them their position was
save and the locals remained as workers in mines on their own land.
Bad governess and less attention on infrastructure building create the poverty and tightened
the situation and this led to civil strife’s. Nigerian delta on the riches land of oil resources and
under a research 70 % of these oil resources was stolen and sell and all the profits goes into
pockets of governors and Nigeria due to poverty of locals considered as the poorest country of

Due to poverty a sense of hate towards each other and main reason id the ethnic differences
ethnicity itself is not violent but Africa land of fifty four nation at such metroethnicity and due
to this worst human right violation seen in this region on the bases of border disputes and
ethnic racism. Africa was the land of wonders and famous for its diamonds due to such ethnic
conflicts many different ethnic forces are present and the killed their opposite ethnic people so
easily due to the presences of the illegal weapons the availability of the illegal weapons because
of the diamond that present in the soil of Africa these locals find diamond and sell on the
cheapest rates to buy the illegal weapon to fight and protect themselves according to researches
80% of illegal world weapon used here and due to such weapon availability 35 military coup
remain successful and these locals cannot have such power to challenge there authoritarian
regime . Women was harassed gang raped many of people got killed there houses put on fire and
the glance of such human right violation can be seen in the physical appearance of the locals who
mostly lost many body organs and parts due to such ethnic and civil strife’s they face all this so
they got unable to take part in main stream politics and challenge their government or head of

For instance in Nigeria there due to the militancy human right violation seems that forces locals
to forcefully labor on oil companies and these companies created disturbed environment for
locals and profits of them enjoyed by the militants heads .


Internal world taking step to solve this area problem but until there was the time of
the neo- colonialism and international actors interest stick to this region these civil strife’s
difficult to stop many United Nation human safety organization working on to solve the problem
of the people. In coming future the desert of this region and the forest and increasing interest of
this world make matter more complex.

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