Advantages and Disadvantages of Being in A Varsity Team

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Being in a Varsity Team

Group Three
Christine A. Alea
Ma. Jaybee Kreezia S. Araneta
Trisha Allison E. Castillo
Andrei Franz C. Clemente
Ezzel Jan C. Francisco
Roy Khalil V. Granada
Hannah Isabel T. Navarra
Maria Nikka C. Ordoñez
Gwyneth B. Soriba
Crestian I. Tadlip
Grade 10-Excellence
St. Alphonsus Catholic School (Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu) Inc.
High School Department
A.Y. 2019-2020

Adviser : Ms. Mari Auralyn Y. Aguihon
Date Completed : February 18, 2020

The objective of this study is to know the advantages and disadvantages of

being a varsity player in Saint Alphonsus Catholic School. A program and activity
were proposed based on the results. The study sought the following to be answered:
the advantages of being in a varsity team, the disadvantages of being in a varsity
team and the ways a varsity team player can overcome with the disadvantages.

This researchers’ respondents are the varsity team players in Saint

Alphonsus Catholic School. The bases for this research paper were their feedback
and data gathered from online sources.

The results show that the advantages are things such as getting to represent
the school, boosts self confidence, know how to handle adversities, character -
building and values formation while the disadvantages of a being in a varsity team
are level of play on the court overshadows the importance of classroom works, non -
existent social life, injuries, and tiredness from practices.

However, these disadvantages are being countered through planning an

appropriate schedule, being cautious and health-conscious, managing time between
studies and sports, and allotting time for rest. The study recommended an action
plan proposing a sports clinic to be implemented and some seminars to be


Sports undoubtedly have a huge impact on today’s society. Countless people,

across all races, ages, genders, and socioeconomic statuses, participate in sports.
Schools and recreation centers provide plenty of opportunity for organized sports,
while millions of others play recreations outside of such institutions. People tend to
glorify sports and those who play them, which surely contribute to many kids
having dreams of playing sports professionally. The popularity of sports continues
to be strong, especially in regards to youth sports. Similarly, it is possible that
athletic communities in high schools have developed a negative reputation with
respect to academic performance. While a number of researchers studied athletic
participation and academic performance in college (Ferris & Finster, 2004; Gaston-
Gayles, 2005), few studies addressed the relationship between academics and
athletics participation at the high school level.

Researchers have argued that athletics teaches self-discipline, teamwork,

cooperation, hard work, self-confidence, pride in accomplishment, competitive
spirit, and how to cope with failure. On the other hand, some view athletics to be a
down fall. The athletes' attention may be drawn away from academics, as well as
social aspects of the high school experience (Parham, 1993). The term “jock” has
negatively been associated with the average athlete who seems solely concerned
with athletics, but the name is living up to the academic ambitions of athletes today.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between athletics and the
holistic development of these athletes. Specifically, this is set in a catholic high
school inside the Alphonsian setting with the participants focusing on varsity team

The research will elucidate on what the advantages and disadvantages of

being a student athlete is and ways that the students cope with the additional
activities they have. This should give knowledge about the varsity experience in
contrast to being a normal athlete. The possible outcomes of this study shed light to
the long and short - term effects of high school varsity sports on an athlete towards
their school performance and self - development. While some effects can be clearly
beneficial, others may be negative and this research may further educate people on
making an informed decision when choosing to be involved in varsity sports.


Bodily - Kinesthetic
Theory of Intelligence:
Multiple a learning style or
Intelligences intelligence that refers to
a person's ability to
process information
(1983) physically through hand
Dr. Gardner, and body movement,
Howard control, and expression.

Theory of Student This theory indicates

Involvement that active participation
of the student can aid in
the learning process.
Astin, Alexander
Problem/s or Concern/s
This theory states
Social Cognitive that learning occurs
What action or
Theory in a social context
program should be taken
with a dynamic and
based on the findings?
(1960) reciprocal
Albert Bandura interaction of the
environment, and
Theory of Self -

(1985) Activities that would recognize the
Deci, Edward L.
concerns of the varsity players and are able to
and Ryan,
answer these concerns.
It is concerned with the SACS Sports Clinic
motivation behind choices
The school could provide trainings and
people make without just
the external influence and seminars to varsity students that would help
interference. them hone their skills, develop the advantages,
and overcome the disadvantages.

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

(Advantages and Disadvantages of Being in a Varsity Team)


Sports have been present since the ancient times. It was used as means of
competition to test an athlete's capabilities. These capabilities or intelligences differ
from a person to another, especially the students. Gardner's Multiple Intelligence
Theory in 1983 suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q.
testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences
to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults (Thomas
Armstrong PH. D., 2019). One of the eight different intelligences is the bodily-
kinesthetic intelligence. Bodily kinesthetic learning style or intelligence refers to a
person's ability to process information physically through hand and body
movement, control, and expression. The study is supported by the Social Cognitive
Theory. This theory states that learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic
and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and behavior. The theory
assumes that changes in the environment will automatically lead to changes in the
person. SCT considers the unique way in which individuals acquire and maintain
behavior, while also considering the social environment in which individuals
perform the behavior. The theory takes into account a person's past experiences,
which factor into whether behavioral action will occur. Astin's Student Involvement
Theory (1984), is one of the most important and best known theories in student
affairs. Astin describes involvement as participation in the classroom as well as
involvement in activities outside of the classroom. The theory emphasizes active
participation of the student in the learning process (Astin, 1984). As both student
and athlete, one would not take for granted one’s academic performance. Being a
student athlete, one is motivated towards the goal. The Self-Determination Theory
is a macro theory of human motivation and personality that concerns people's
inherent growth tendencies and innate psychological needs. It is concerned with the
motivation behind choices people make without external influence and
interference. (Deci, 1985).

This study aims to determine the advantages and disadvantages of belonging in
a varsity team in St. Alphonsus Catholic School S.Y. 2019-2020 in order to put into
effect the appropriate program/s for the school’s varsity players.

It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages of being in a varsity team?
2. What are the disadvantages of being in a varsity team?
3. What are the ways to cope up with the disadvantages?
4. What action or program should be taken based on the findings?


This study is conducted in St. Alphonsus Catholic School High School
Department, a private sectarian school located in Poblacion, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu
which is currently managed by the DOLSH sisters and has been accredited as level 3
by the PAASCU accreditation. In this study 77 varsity players of the school served as
the respondents.

In order to resolve and respond to the needs and concerns of the varsity
players, the researchers conducted a quantitative investigation by using the survey
method through research questionnaires. A method of stratified random sampling
has been used. After the researchers have compiled all the necessary data ,these
were then analyzed and obtained in an organized manner. Since the data were
simply reported and noted above, their sensitivity were taken into account and
necessary measures were performed .
The names of the respondents were held confidential to protect any possibility
of personal identification. In this study, varsity team informs the readers in
particular and the people in general thru answering the questionnaires that
belonging in a varsity team has advantages and disadvantages as well.


Investigations involve the respondents providing feedbacks regarding the
advantages and disadvantages and as to how varsity players overcome the

I. Advantages of being in a varsity team

Are the following the advantages of being in a varsity team?

Answers Highest Frequency Percentage
of Responses

a) boosts self- confidence Strongly 57 74.03%


b) enhances sportsmanship Strongly 68 88.31%


c) getting to represent your school Strongly 64 83.12%


d) you know how to handle adversities Agree 65 84.42%

e) character-building and values formation Strongly 54 70.13%


In this question the responses that got the the highest percentage to lowest
percentage are in the following order: enhances sportsmanship with 88.31%
strongly agree, you know how to handle adversities with 84.41% agree, getting to
represent the school with 83.12% strongly agree, boosts self confidence with 74.03%
strongly agree, and character-building and values formation with 70.13% strongly

II. Disadvantages of being in a varsity team

Are the following the disadvantages of being in a varsity team?

Answers Highest Frequency Percentage

of Responses

a) social life outside of the team is virtually Agree 36 46.75%


b) level of play on the court sometimes Agree 33 42.86%

overshadows the
importance of classroom works

c) always tired from practices Agree 29 37.66%

d) injuries and health problems Strongly 55 71.43%


The disadvantages of being in a varsity team are the following: injuries and

health problems with 71.43% strongly agree, social life outside the team is virtually
nonexistent with 46.75% agree, level of play on the court sometimes overshadows the
importance of classroom works with 42.86% agree, and always tired from practices
with37.66% agree.

III. Ways to cope up with the disadvantages

What are the ways to cope up with the disadvantages?

Answers Highest Frequency Percentage

of Responses

a) planning a schedule appropriately Strongly 43 55.84%


b) allot time for rest Strongly 49 63.64%


c) learning to be cautious and health Strongly 48 62.34%

conscious Agree

d) divide time for studying and practicing Strongly 52 67.53%


The ways to cope up with the disadvantages are the following: divide time for
studying and practicing with 67.53% strongly agree, allot time for rest with 63.64%
strongly agree, learning to be cautious and health conscious with 62.34% strongly
agree, and planning a schedule appropriately with 55.84% strongly agree.

Based on the collected data, the pros and cons of being in a varsity team are
identified. This research study proves that the athletes get more advantages over
the disadvantages. This will only show that they also need help for the
disadvantages cited by them should be overcome in order to exhibit their best

We have discovered that the following explains the advantages and

disadvantages of belonging to a varsity team in St. Alphonsus Catholic School:

1. The advantages of being in a varsity team are getting to represent the school,

character-building and values formation, boosts self confidence, and enhances
sportsmanship. On the other hand, the varsity players also get the opportunity to
develop the value of knowing how to handle and to manage the adversities they

2. The disadvantages of being in a varsity team is that social life outside of the team
is virtually non-existent, the level of play on the court sometimes overshadows the
importance of classroom works, always tired from practices, and injuries and health
problems. There are also disadvantages of being in a varsity team because as a
student they have other responsibilities and sometimes the time they have has
become limited.

3. Time management is the most essential thing in order to get things done, it
should be done by planning a schedule appropriately. To solve the issue on being
always tired from practices can be solved by allotting time for rest. Injuries and
health concerns can be avoided by learning to be careful and health conscious.
Dividing time for studying and practice would solve the problem of sport activities
overshadowing academic activities. It’s is not easy to be a varsity member but it is
not impossible to successfully accomplish things, one must first determine the
problems they are facing and address those problems in order to solve it.

4. Based on the findings, the action plan that should be taken would be sports clinic
program and seminars about related topics.

With the gathered data, a recommendation of an action plan was proposed. The
following programs were proposed for the purpose of solving the problem of
varsity students .

The researchers have proposed that having seminars at least once per
semester will surely improve the performance of the varsity team players. The
school will invite coaches or other professionals willing to teach and share their
insights and experiences that may help the student athletes. The varsity team
players will be attending these services from the school to enhance their
capabilities and skills. This program's main purpose is to improve their skills and
the advantages of being part of a varsity team. It is also to help them gain insight on
how to cope up and develop on their possible problems or disadvantages.

SACS Sports Clinic
It is a school program or activity that will allow the varsity players to interact with
regular students about their sport to help them learn more about it.

This aims to:

• Allow the varsity players a chance to connect with their peers/social circle
• Allow them to facilitate and develop responsibility for others and consequently
• Allow them to have an experience in which they can practice discipline and
management skills

Venue: Saint Alphonsus Catholic School

Due Date: Every 2nd and 3rd Friday from April - May
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
People Involved: Students interested to join
Facilitators: SACS Varsity Teams

Title of Seminar: Advantages vs Disadvantages
Venue: Saint Alphonsus Catholic School Auditorium
Due Date: Saturday
Time: 1:30 -2:30 PM
People Involved: Varsity Students
Speaker: Coaches

A. Transmittal Letter

St. Alphonsus Catholic School (Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu) Inc.


Name (optional):____________________________________________________
Gender: ______

Grade and Section:____________________________________


No. of years being in a varsity team:________

Directions: Using the scale below, indicate through a check mark (/) to what extent
you agree on with each of the following items.

5- Strongly agree 3-Undecided 1- Strongly Disagree

4- Agree 2- Disagree

5 4 3 2 1
1.) Are the following the advantages of being in a varsity
a) boosts self-confidence
b) enhances sportsmanship
c) getting to represent your school
d) you know how to handle adversities
e) character building and values formation
2.) Are the following the disadvantages of being in a
varsity team?
a) social life outside of the team is virtually
b) level of play on the court sometimes overshadows
importance of classroom works
c) always tired from practices
d) injuries and health problems
3.) What are the ways to cope up with the
a) planning a schedule appropriately
b) allot time for rest
c) learning to be cautious and health conscious
d) divide time for studying and practicing



Agenda - a plan of things to be done

Athletics - the sport of competing in track and field events, including running races
and various competitions in jumping and throwing
Disposition - a person's inherent qualities of mind and character
Elucidate - to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis
Jock -an enthusiastic athlete or sports fan, especially one with few other interests
Notion - a conception of or belief about something
Overshadow - appear much more prominent or important than.
Recreation - activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
Reputation - a widespread belief that someone or something has a particular habit
or characteristic
Varsity - the principal team representing a high school or college in a sport or other
Virtual - almost or nearly as described, but not physically existent
Adversities - difficulties
Cognition - the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and
understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.


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La Morte (2019). “The Social Cognitive Theory” Retrieved from


Pertuit,N. (2011). “High-School Athletes’ Implicit Theories Of Ability Generalize

Across Sports And Academic Domains” Retrieved from

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Sitkowski,L.S. (2008). “The Effects of Participation in Athletics on Academic
Performance among High School Sophomores and Juniors ” Retrieved from

Super, S., Hermens, N., Verkooijen, K. et al. (2018). “Examining the Relationship
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Uyan,U. (2017). “A Study Between Sports Participation and Academic Performance”

Retrieved from


Name: Andrei Franz C. Clemente
Gender: Male Age: 16
 Parents: Charlote C. Clemente
 Erwin B. Clemente
 Address: A. Tumulak St. Gun - ob, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0915-033-8421
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Never give up.”

Name: Roy Khalil V. Granada
Gender: Male Age: 16
 Parents: Dorothy V. Granada
 Rolo M. Granada
 Address: 2732 Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0965-644-5585
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Nothing is impossible with God.”

Name: Crestian I. Tadlip
Gender: Male Age: 16
 Parents: Portia I. Tadlip
 Crecenciano l. Tadlip
 Address: Calawisan, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0999-457-6799
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Give God your weakness and He will give you His strength.”

Name: Christine A. Alea
Gender: Female Age: 16
 Parents: Rufina A. Alea
 Salvador A. Alea Jr.
 Address: Basak Iba , Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0932-256-7359/260-0177
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “I can do everything through Christ, who strengthens me.”

Name: Ma. Jaybee Kreezia S. Araneta
Gender: Female Age: 16
 Parents: Mary Joy S. Araneta
 Avelino P. Araneta
 Address: Timpolok, Babag , Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0936-980-3057
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Expect the Unexpected.”

Name: Trisha Allison E. Castillo
Gender: Female Age: 16
 Parents: Aileen Castillo
 Gilbert Castillo
 Address: Humay - Humay, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0961-395-2757
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men

Name: Ezzel Jan C. Francisco
Gender: Female Age: 16
 Parents: Johna C. Francisco
 Roberto G. Francisco
 Address: Bouganvilla Village, Ibabao, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0928-973-6466
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Strive for progress, not perfection.”

Name: Hannah Isabel T. Navarra
Gender: Female Age: 16
 Parents: Leonora T. Navarra
 Norberto T. Navarra
 Address: Sudtunggan, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0906-976-8982
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own


Name: Maria Nikka C. Ordoñ ez

Gender: Female Age: 16

Parents: Florence C. Ordoñ ez

Voltaire S. Ordoñ ez
 Address: Humay-Humay Rd., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0935-363-9125
 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “Love God in all that you do.”

Name: Gwyneth B. Soriba
Gender: Female Age: 16
 Parents: Jasmin B. Soriba
 Restituto M. Soriba
 Address: Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City
 E-mail Address:
 Contact No.: 0977-3234-632

 Educational Attainment: Primary Education Completer

Quote: “God is within her she will not fall.”


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