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Law of Demand

The law of demand states that, if all other

factors remain equal, the higher the price of
a good, the less people will demand that
good. In other words, the higher the price,
the lower the quantity demanded. The Note that a change in price results in a large

amount of a good that buyers purchase at a change in quantity demanded. An example

higher price is less because as the price of a of products with an elastic demand is

good goes up, so does the opportunity cost consumer durables. These are items that are

of buying that good. As a result, people will purchased infrequently, like a washing

naturally avoid buying a product that will machine or an automobile, and can be

force them to forgo the consumption of postponed if price rises. For example,

something else they value more. The chart automobile rebates have been very

below shows that the curve is a downward successful in increasing automobile sales by

slope. reducing price.

Elasticity of demand Close substitutes for a product affect the

elasticity of demand. If another product can
Elasticity of demand is an important
easily be substituted for your product,
variation on the concept of demand.
consumers will quickly switch to the other
Demand can be classified as elastic, inelastic
product if the price of your product rises or
or unitary.
the price of the other product declines. For
An elastic demand is one in which the example, beef, pork and poultry are all meat
change in quantity demanded due to a products. The declining price of poultry in
change in price is large. An inelastic demand recent years has caused the consumption of
is one in which the change in quantity poultry to increase, at the expense of beef
demanded due to a change in price is small. and pork. So products with close substitutes
tend to have elastic demand.
Elasticity of demand is illustrated below.
Inelastic demand is illustrated below.
If the elasticity coefficient is equal to one,
demand is unitarily elastic as shown above.
For example, a 10% quantity change divided
by a 10% price change is one. This means
that a 1% change in quantity occurs for
every 1% change in price.

Note that a change in price results in only a Utility and Demand

small change in quantity demanded. In other A consumer usually decides his demand for
words, the quantity demanded is not very a commodity on the basis of utility or
responsive to changes in price. Examples of satisfaction that he derives from it. Utility of
this are necessities like food and fuel. a commodity is its want-satisfying capacity.
Consumers will not reduce their food The more the need of a commodity or the
purchases if food prices rise, although there stronger the desire to have it, the greater is
may be shifts in the types of food they the utility derived from the commodity.
purchase. Also, consumers will not greatly Utility is also an economic measure of how
change their driving behavior if gasoline valuable, or useful, a good or service is to a
prices rise. This does not mean that the consumer. The key to the law of demand is
demand for an individual producer is that the utility generated declines as the
inelastic. For example, a rise in the price of quantity consumed increases. As such, the
gasoline at all stations may not reduce demand price that buyers are willing to pay
gasoline sales significantly. However, a rise decreases as the quantity demanded
of an individual station’s price will increases. Those goods that generate more
significantly affect that station’s sales. utility are more valuable to consumers and
Unitary Elasticity is illustrated below. thus buyers are willing to pay a higher price.

Law of Diminishing Utility

This states that all else equal as consumption

increases the utility derived from each
additional unit declines. Diminishing utility
is derived as the change in utility as an
additional unit is consumed. Utility is an
economic term used to represent satisfaction Supply
or happiness. This is the incremental
Willingness and ability to supply goods
increase in utility that results from
determine the seller’s actions. At higher
consumption of one additional unit.
prices, more of the commodity will be
This means utility may decrease into available to the buyers. This is because the
negative utility, as it may become entirely suppliers will be able to maintain a profit
unfavorable to consume another unit of any despite the higher costs of production that
product. Therefore, the first unit of may result from short-term expansion of
consumption for any product is typically their capacity. In a real market, when the
highest, with every unit of consumption to inventory is less than the desired inventory,
follow holding less and less utility. manufacturers will raise both the supply of
Consumers handle the law of diminishing their product and its price. The short-term
utility by consuming numerous quantities of increase in supply causes manufacturing
numerous goods. costs to rise, leading to a further increase in
price. The price change in turn increases the
Marginal Utility
desired rate of production. A similar effect
Marginal utility is the change in total utility occurs if inventory is too high. Classical
due to consumption of one additional unit of economic theory has approximated this
a commodity. For example, suppose 4 complicated process through the supply
bananas give us 28 units of total utility and 5 curve. A supply curve shows slopes upward
bananas give us 30 units of total utility. because each additional unit is assumed to
Clearly, consumption of the 5th banana has be more difficult or expensive to make than
caused total utility to increase by 2 units (30 the previous one, and therefore requires a
units minus 28 units). Therefore, marginal higher price to justify its production.
utility of the 5th banana is 2 units.
The Law of Supply
Usually, it is seen that the marginal utility
Like the law of demand, the law of supply
diminishes with increase in consumption of
demonstrates the quantities that will be sold
the commodity. This happens because
at a certain price. But unlike the law of
having obtained some amount of the
demand, the supply relationship shows an
commodity, the desire of the consumer to
upward slope. This means that the higher the
have still more of it becomes weaker.
price, the higher the quantity supplied. input are employed on a given quantity of
Producers supply more at a higher price fixed inputs, the total output may initially
because selling a higher quantity at a higher increase at increasing rate and then at a
price increases revenue. constant rate, but it will eventually increase
at diminishing rates. In other words, the total
output initially increases with an increase in
variable input at given quantity of fixed

The Law of Supply and Demand inputs, but it starts decreasing after a point
of time.
When supply and demand are equal (when
the supply function and demand function A correct understanding of the law of

intersect) the economy is said to be at diminishing returns both as to its

equilibrium. At this point, the allocation of application, economic law stating that if one

goods is at its most efficient because the input in the production of a commodity is

amount of goods being supplied is exactly increased while all other inputs are held

the same as the amount of goods being fixed, a point will eventually be reached at

demanded. Thus, everyone either which additions of the input yield

individuals, firms, or countries is satisfied progressively smaller, or diminishing,

with the current economic condition. At the increases in output.

given price, suppliers are selling all the Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost
goods that they have produced and
The marginal cost of production measures
consumers are getting all the goods that they
the change in the total cost of a good that
are demanding.
arises from producing one additional unit of
In the real market place equilibrium can
that good. The marginal cost is computed by
only ever be reached in theory, so the prices
dividing the change in the total cost by the
of goods and services are constantly
change in quantity.
changing in relation to fluctuations in
demand and supply. The marginal costs of production may
change as production capacity changes. If,
Law of Diminishing Return
for example, increasing production from 200
Law of diminishing returns explains that to 201 units per day requires a small
when more and more units of a variable business to purchase additional equipment,
then the marginal cost of production may be firm may have several alternative production
very high. In contrast, this expense might be methods that it could use. One may require a
significantly lower if the business is lot of labor but only a little capital whereas
considering an increase from 150 to 151 another requires a lot of capital and only a
units using existing equipment. little labor. A third production method may
require a lot of land but relatively little of
A lower marginal cost of production means
both labor and capital. In order to maximize
that the business is operating with lower
its profits, the firm should choose the
fixed costs at a particular production
production method that costs the least.
volume. If the marginal cost of production is
high, then the cost of increasing production Output
volume is also high and increasing
production may not be in the business's best When physical units are involved, efficiency
interests. is measured by;

Marginal revenue increases whenever the Output ∈Physical Units

Physical Efficiency=
revenue received from producing one Input ∈Physical Units

additional unit of a good grows faster—or This kind of efficiency can never exceed
shrinks more slowly—than its marginal cost 100%. However, when money is the
of production. Increasing marginal revenue material, effective utilization is measured
is a sign that the company is producing too by;
little relative to consumer demand, and that
Income ∈Pesos
there are profit opportunities if production Economic Efficiency=
Cost ∈Pesos
Unless the economic or financial efficiency
Physical and Economic Efficiency exceeds 100%. However, the investment of
Physical and Economic efficiency is related capital, from a strictly financial viewpoint is
to the value rather than the physical amounts not recommended. A common measure of
of all inputs used in producing a given financial efficiency is the so-called rate of
output. The production of a given output is return given by the formula;
economically efficient if there are no other Annual Net Profit
Rate of Return=
ways of producing the output that use a Capital Invested
smaller total value of inputs. For example, a
This is the most universally accepted
measure of financial effectiveness. Another
measure of economic efficiency is the
payout period; Selection of Material

Capital Invested Involves selection among materials available

Payout Period=
Net Annual Cash Flow that will result in the most economical
product and give the best results.
This ratio determine the number of years
necessary to recover the amount of the Selection of Method
invested capital from the earnings of the
Two or more different methods may give the
same satisfactory results. Involves selection
of the most economical way to accomplish
Compromise between Perfection and
Economy Selection of Design

“Always aim for perfection” is a well- The design to be selected must be best suited
known management principle. Frequently for the work to be done with particular care
used terms such as ‘zero defects’, ‘zero being given to the one which will do the
inventories’, ‘First Time Right’ are work with the utmost economy.
illustrations of this pursuit of perfection.
Site Selection
Achieving perfection has clear advantages,
Costs relevant to selecting sites must be
but strangely enough also a number of
carefully considered such as land cost,
disadvantages. As the products and services
construction cost, cost of available labor,
no longer have any defects in the perfect
and cost of transporting equipment and
world, the customer will – hopefully – want
to pay more for these products. In addition,
some costs will also decrease. Comparison of Proficiency of Workers

Achieving perfection is not easy and as you Bear in mind that workers have varying
approach perfection, it becomes increasingly efficiency and proficiency. Worker
difficult to improve even further. proficiency can be translated into monetary
Economy of Tool and Equipment

Consider the costs of acquiring tools and

equipment and the costs of maintaining

Economy in the Utilization of Personnel

Only a certain number of personnel will lead

to the highest productivity; increasing this
number will not cause a proportional
increase in productivity.

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