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Instruction: Look for the meaning of the next slangs and write it.
Airhead Gotcha – disparar
All-in Gotta – tengo que
Beemer Laid black – relajado
Big shot Lotta – lot of
Bling Love handles - rollos 
Bomb Pickled - encurtido, conservar en vinagre
Bummer Ripped - rasgado . arrancado
Clobber Shady - sombrío sombreado
Cook-eyed Six-pack – cervezas
Crummy Tea – te
Cushy To chill out - relajarse
Delhi belly To conk out - morir 
Dicey To go bananas - volverse loco
Dilly-dally To have a bit on the side - a sexual
Dive (noun) relationship with someone who is not
married to you,  ***
To have a blast - divertirse
Dud (adj) – fake
Trashed – destrozar
Dunno - I don't know:
Wanna - querer
Fed up (adj) – harto
Whodunit- a story about a crime and the
Flip (noun) - dar la Vuelta*** attempt to discover who committed it,
Foxy – astuto o sexy
Wuss - gallina cobarde ***
Gimme- give me -
Zit - espinilla
Gonna – going to , ir a
Zonked - extremely tired: ***

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct slang. Use color red.
1. “Hey, we’re going on a road trip. Do you want to come with us?” “I can’t, I’m
sorry. I’m totally __zoonked________________, I can’t even get up.”
2. Ted is such an ______airhead ______. He doesn't know what the capital of
England is.
3. Stop being such a ______wuss ___ . This lake isn't even deep. Go into the
4. Kate's brother got _______trashed___ at her wedding party. He drank too
much alcohol.
5. Nidia always wears a lot of __bling________. She loves jewelry.
6. I haven't got any dosh ____________________. Can you lend me some?
7. She won the Miss World crown in 2000. She is a very pretty and ____
foxy___ woman.
8. Sorry, but I can't help you in the garden today. I'm ___________ and need
to rest. ****
9. Her uncle is a ____cockeyed_______ in local politics.
10. You have a big __zit ______ on your nose. Use this ointment.
11. When I was a kid, I read a lot of ___whodunit ___________.
12. 'Where are you? I'm ____gonna_____ get you!' he said...
13. Then he grabbed hold of me and said '___gotcha__________!' *****
14. The robber: 'Just shut up and __gimme______ the money!'
15. 'Sorry, I can't stay. I _____gotta ________ go now.'
16. What's his name? / I _______dunno_
17. Go away! I don't ______wanna ______ talk to you!
18. 'This is going to cost you a whole ____lotta________ money.'
19. I'll never have a bit on the side_________! I'm faithful to my husband!
20. A BMW is also called a ______beemer_______.
21. If you don't stop immediately, I'll _____flip______ !
22. I have decided to go on a diet to get rid of those _____love

23. Even with a T-shirt, you can see his ____ six pack____________ !
24. My holidays in Vietnam? Five days in bed with _____delhi belly__________
because I drank tap water.
25. She’s being _________. I think she’s pregnant. ***
26. What on earth is all that __ripped / crummy ________ you're wearing? You
look like a walking jumble sale!
27. The young pilot was dying to take a clobber flip in the new aircraft.
28. “Have you seen George recently? He’s so ____________!” “What?! No way!
He used to be so overweight.” ****
29. I don't think that your wife will be very impressed with that
____crummy__________chair that you've made her!
30. I'm ___fed up ________ with kicking my heels waiting for them to turn up
so I'm off.
31. “Have you ever been to the park around the corner?” “Yeah, I like it there.
The place is very ________cushy _________.”
32. “We’ll be driving to the beach to go swimming. Do you want to come with
us?” “I’m a bit busy. Anyway, _________chill out__________!”
33. The car had performed brilliantly for thousands of miles but finally
_____conck out within sight of the finish.
34. 12. Don't _______laid back ______boys! We've got to walk many miles
before camping tonight.
35. The nightclub was a real ___go bananas__________: the sort of place
where you hesitate to sit down.

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