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Name: Calasag, Keith G.

Year and Course: 2ND BSTM

Date Accomplished: August 24, 2021

The Importance of Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Marketing plays a key role in building a brand, attracting new customers and in
maintaining loyalty. The hospitality industry is no different at all. Tourism agencies take
into consideration and understand the importance of marketing in the hospitality industry
and on how to provide a cutting edge above others.
According to the Geeta Group of Institutions, the hospitality industry is mostly
made up of tourism so a consistent brand identity is also very essential. Marketers want
to ensure that brand awareness exists so that customers will use their services
repeatedly. Repeat customers bring in a splendid portion of revenue, so marketing
strategy must be split between maintaining relationships with past customers in order to
look out for new ones.

They said that through marketing in the hospitality industry, clients can have a
variety of hotels and other hospitality services to choose from. Through marketers,
factors that make customers choose a specific hospitality service is recognized because
of the research that they do. By interacting with current and former guests, taking
customer reviews on websites, reviewing industry data and more, these help the
marketers learn what actually clients need.

As price is a factor in marketing, so is brand awareness very important to attract

customers. If potential customers don’t know about a service, they can’t purchase it.
Through marketing, it is made sure that information on hotels, resorts and restaurants is
simple to find and always up-to-date. These can be done by doing advertisements on
relevant travel sites and collaborating with other noncompeting hospitality services in the
same market.

The Geeta Group of Institutions further states in their article that it is best to
market and attract customers and do promotions during certain times of the year,
typically when business is slower. An attractive way is to offer incentives to achieve this
and clients will grab the market. Marketing promotions are a never-ending process.
Good customer relationship is important and so it must be maintained though another
marketing strategy which is customer loyalty programs. Discount vouchers and coupons
are great promotional and marketing materials.

According to an article published by Study.Com, because the hospitality industry

focuses heavily on creating experiences and relationships with customers and patrons,
marketing that inspires customer loyalty while also reaching out to new customers is an
important part of ensuring a member of the hospitality industry's success.

Additionally, Study.Com states that hospitality marketing includes not only

tangible products, such as room accommodations, tickets and food, but also intangible
items such as creating a luxurious, fun, exciting, or relaxing atmosphere. Hospitality
marketing is as much about selling products to consumers as it is creating a complete
experience that will keep visitors coming back for more. According to the article, with a
little research, hospitality marketers can employ a variety of strategies that will boost
awareness of their brand and encourage customer engagement, with the goal of
building life-long relationships.

Tourism marketing is associated with marketing strategies in the field of tourism.

Today there are many countries in the world, where tourism plays a major role in
enhancing their economy. In such cases, tourism marketing becomes an important


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