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In today’s society, some parents create curfews for their children while others allow their children to

create their own curfews. Numerous people argue that setting curfews for teenagers help them refrain
from taking part in mischief and help them to develop into superior adults. The remaining group of
people state that curfews would make teenagers rebel. Teenage curfews produce many different
positive and negative views in parents and teenagers. Different opinions on curfews are expressed
through parents, teenagers, and mayors; and there are numerous reasons for people not supporting

Parents are normally worried about their child and my parents are no different to that matter. They
establish a strict rule of having a curfew which is only for their daughters which includes myself. It is
reasonable that there are dangerous people who likes to rape or kidnap women at night because of how
fragile and weak our body structure is compared to men. However, a false sense of security exists as one
of the disadvantages of teenage curfews. Parents assume that when they force their children home at a
certain time, they will not participate in anything immoral, but that is not always true. There is a false
premise that suggests most of the criminal activity of juveniles occurs during the overnight hours. The
most likely time for incidents to occur is after school and before dinner, which is a time that curfews
don’t help. This approach cannot be a general answer to all possible problems. The rule of having a
curfew only makes me rebel to my parents. At that time, I thought my parents were being unfair for not
giving me a chance to negotiate and how they do not trust their daughter which only led on destructive
emotions to form. There is no way to develop independence or responsibility if parents or the
community expect someone to be home-bound by a specific time.

Parents only want to do what is best for their children. However, these rules might become the reason
of destroying their bond with the family. Some parents set the rules of a teenage curfew without any
input from those that the rules effect. When you hand down rules like this in such a fashion, then it
removes the opportunity to bring developing negotiation skills. It helps to speak with kids, parents, and
community members to understand their desires and needs while still providing a certain level of
structure for everyone. If we fail to listen to opposing viewpoints, then the message presented to teens
is that their point of view is unimportant. When that outcome occurs, then there is a reduction in the
levels of respect experienced in the family environment. It also creates a communication barrier that can
be challenging to overcome.
One-word teens dread hearing from their parents is ‘No going out. They know the meaning of such
terms very well and how their freedom will be affected thereafter. Teens are already on their adolescent
and they see this as the perfect time to break the chains of house arrests and explore their world. It’s
also the time when they are exposed to the dark side of the world. Most teens start taking drugs and
being involved in careless sex at this age. For that reason, governments may choose curfew as a way of
preventing all that in advance.

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