Star Wars World Hack Moves

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Episode II

• Cool, meaning cool under fire, rational, clear thinking, calm, calculating, unfazed.
• Hard, meaning hard-hearted, violent, aggressive, strong-willed, mean, physically and
emotionally strong.
• Hot, meaning fucking hot, attractive, subtle, gracious, sexy, beautiful, inspiring, exciting.
• Sharp, meaning sharp-witted, clever, alert, smart, perceptive, educated, skilled, trained.
• Deep, meaning uncanny, wise, prophetic, philosophical, strong in the Force, focused

Hold means you hold onto it to use at your discretion within the context of the move/scene
that generated it
Spend means you choose options at that moment
Forward means you takes the bonus to the next move you make
Ongoing means you take the bonus as long as the situation creating it continues, or until
you satisfy conditions that the move states would cause you to lose it

ap x armor piercing x, where x is how much it reduces the armor by
sealed it protects you from space and harsh environments
stealthy when you are stealthy, and make a move to try and hide or escape, treat a 6- as a
tractor beam Hold 2 at the start of a battle, spend the hold 1-for-1 when making a move to
establish missile lock or pursuit to add +1 after the roll is made.

When you do something under fire, or dig in to endure fire, roll with Cool. On a 10+, you
do it. On a 7–9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the GM can offer you a worse outcome, a hard
bargain, or an ugly choice. In either case, if you want to fight back, now you’re doing battle
with them. On a miss, be prepared for the worst.

[ ] Advanced: on a 12+, you transcend the danger. You do what you set out to do, and the
GM must offer you a better outcome, true beauty, inspiration, or a moment of grace.

When you go aggro on someone, make it clear what you want them to do and what you’ll
do to them. Roll with Hard. On a 10+, they have to choose:
• force your hand and suck it up
• cave and do what you want
On a 7–9, they can choose 1 of the above, or 1 of the following:
• get the hell out of your way

Episode II

• barricade themselves securely in

• give you something they think you want, or tell you what you want to hear
• back off calmly, hands where you can see
…And you can feel free to let them know if they’ve misjudged you.
On a miss, be prepared for the worst.

[ ] Advanced: on a 12+, if they do not submit and do what you want, you choose:
• Disable, disarm, and capture them.
• Humiliate them before inflicting harm as established.
• Killing them outright.

When you attack someone unsuspecting or helpless, ask the GM if you could miss. If you
could, treat it as going aggro, but your victim has no choice to cave and do what you want. If
they can’t, you simply inflict harm as established.

When you’re in battle, you can bring the battle moves into play.

[ ] Advanced: For all the battle moves that give you a choice, on a 12+, you get +1 choice.

When you try to seduce or manipulate someone, tell them what you want and roll with
Hot. For NPCs: on a hit, they ask you to promise something first, and do it if you promise.
On a 10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. On a 7–9, they need some
concrete assurance right now. For PCs: on a 10+, both. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• if they do it, they mark experience
• if they refuse, erase one of their stat highlights for the remainder of the session
What they do then is up to them.
On a miss, for either NPCs or PCs, be prepared for the worst.

[ ] Advanced: on a 12+, only if they’re an NPC, they do it, and furthermore you win them
fully over to you. Tell the GM to erase their threat type and make them an ally. Choose 1:
• Ally: confidante
• Ally: guardian
• Ally: representative
• Ally: friend
• Ally: lover
• Ally: right hand

When you read a person in a charged interaction, roll with Sharp. On a 10+, hold 3. On a
7–9, hold 1. While you’re interacting with them, spend your hold to ask their player
1 for 1:
• is your character telling the truth?

Episode II

• what’s your character really feeling?

• what does your character intend to do?
• what does your character wish I’d do?
• how could I get your character to __?
On a miss, ask 1 anyway, but be prepared for the worst.

[ ] Advanced: on a 12+, hold 3, but spend them 1 for 1 to ask any question you like.

When you read a charged situation, roll with Sharp. On a hit, you can ask the MC
Whenever you act on one of the MC’s answers, take +1. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7–9, ask 1:
• where’s my best escape route / way in / way past?
• which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
• which enemy is the biggest threat?
• what should I be on the lookout for?
• what’s my enemy’s true position?
• who’s in control here?
On a miss, ask 1 anyway, but be prepared for the worst.

[ ] Advanced: on a 12+, ask any 3 questions you like.


When you Search Your Feelings roll with Deep. On a hit, you gain new insight into your
current situation. On a 10+, the information is clear and decisive. On a 7-9, it’s vague and

[ ] Advanced: On a 12+, you see things for what they truly are. The GM will tell you exactly
what’s going on and how you can best deal with it.

When you help or interfere with someone who’s making a roll, describe how you do it.
The GM will tell you what to roll with. On a 10+, they take +2 (help) or -2 (interfere) to their
roll. On a 7–9, they take +1
(help) or -1 (interfere) to their roll. On a miss, be prepared for the worst.

Amid the general backdrop of pain throughout his body, he slowly discovered that aside from the
bodily ache that stretched from his marrow to his skin, and from head to toe, nothing seemed

He closed his eyes against the bright lights. Pain soaked him.  It left no crack unfilled, no cranny
unpeered, no nook unperched. He moved his limbs. Pain, but no creek, no crackle, no crepitus.
Nothing broken.

Episode II


When you do single combat with someone, no quarters, exchange harm, but first roll with
Hard. On a 10+, both. On a 7–9, choose 1. On a miss, your opponent chooses 1 against you:
• you inflict terrible harm (+1harm)
• you suffer little harm (-1harm)
After you exchange harm, both of you choose. Commit without knowing the other’s choice.
If both of you prefer to end the fight now, it ends. If both of you prefer to fight on, it
continues, and you must make the move again. If one of you prefers to end the fight, though,
and the other to fight on, then the former must either flee or else submit to the latter‘s

When you’re in a chaotic free for all, the mass of combatants suffers harm as established, as
a single gang inflicting harm upon itself, but first roll with Cool. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–
9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You are able to avoid taking any harm yourself.
• You are able to protect another character from taking any harm.
• You add to the chaos. The combatants as a whole inflict and suffer +1harm.
• You are able to calm the chaos. The combatants as a whole inflict and suffer -1harm.
• You are able to take a single short action, uninterfered with, perhaps unnoticed.



To assault a secure position, exchange harm, but first roll with Hard. On a 10+, Choose 3. On
a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You inflict terrible harm (+1harm).
• You suffer little harm (-1harm).
• You force your way into your enemy’s position
• You force your enemy to withdraw


To seize something valuable by force, exchange harm, but first roll with Hard. On a 10+,
choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You inflict terrible harm (+1harm).
• You suffer little harm (-1harm).
• You take definite and undeniable control of it.
• It’s safe, secure, and undamaged in the fighting.


Episode II

To defend something you hold, a position, person, or thing, exchange harm, but first roll
with Hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You inflict terrible harm (+1harm).
• You suffer little harm (-1harm).
• You hold it decisively against your enemy’s advance.
• You impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.



When you lay down fire, roll with Hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a Miss,
choose 1:
• You provide covering fire, allowing another character to move or act freely.
• You provide supporting fire, giving another PC +1choice to their own battle move.
• You provide suppressing fire, denying another character to move or act freely. (If a PC,
they may still act under fire.)
• You take an opportune shot, inflicting harm (but -1harm) on an enemy within your Reach.

When you stand overwatch for an ally, roll with Cool. On a hit, if anyone attacks or
Interferes with your ally, you attack them and inflict harm. On a 10+, choose 1:
• …And you inflict your harm before they can carry out their attack or interference.
• …And you inflict terrible harm (+1harm).
On a miss, you are able to warn your ally but not attack your enemy.


When you keep an eye out for what’s coming, roll with Sharp. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9,
hold 2. On a miss, hold 1. During the battle, spend your hold, 1 for 1, to ask the GM what’s
coming and choose 1:
• Direct a PC ally’s attention to an enemy. If they make a battle move against that enemy,
they get +1 choice to their move.
• Give a PC ally an order, instruction, or suggestion. If they do it, they get +1 to any rolls they
make in the effort.
• Direct any ally’s attention to an enemy. If they attack that enemy, they inflict +1 harm.
• Direct any ally’s attention to a danger. They take -1harm from that danger.


When you’re the bait, roll with Cool. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• You draw your prey all the way into the trap. Otherwise, they only approach.
• Your prey doesn’t suspect you. Otherwise, they’re wary and alert.
• You don’t expose yourself to extra risk. Otherwise, any harm your prey infliicts is +1.
On a miss, the GM chooses 1 for you.


Episode II

When you’re the cat, roll with Cool. On a hit, you catch your prey out. On a 10+, you’ve
driven them first to a place of your choosing; say where. On a 7–9, you’ve had to follow
them where they wanted to go; they say where. On a miss, your prey escapes you.

When you’re the mouse, roll with Cool. On a 10+, you escape clean and leave your hunter
hunting. On a 7–9, your hunter catches you out, but only after you’ve led them to a place of
your choosing; say where. On a miss, your hunter catches you out and the GM says where.


When you don’t know whether you’re the cat or the mouse, roll with Sharp. On a hit, you
decide which you are. On a 10+, you take +1 forward as well. On a miss, you’re the mouse.

When you try to outdistance, overtake or pursue another vehicle, roll with Cool,
modified by the vehicles’ relative speed. On a 10+, you outdistance them and get away,
overtake them and draw alongside, or fall into lead pursuit, allowing you to go aggro on
them. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• You outdistance them and escape, but your vehicle suffers 1-harm ap from the strain. Or,
you overtake them, but your vehicle suffers 1-harm ap the same. Or, you fall into lead
pursuit, but your vehicle suffers 1-harm ap from the strain.
• You don’t escape them, but you can go to ground in a place you choose. Or, you don’t
overtake them, but you can drive them into a place you choose. Or, you fall into pure
pursuit. You can go aggro on them, but you must act under fire to do it.
• They overtake you, but their vehicle suffers 1-harm ap from the strain. Or, they
outdistance you, but their vehicle suffers suffers 1-harm ap the same. You can’t establish
pursuit, but their vehicle suffers 1-harm ap from the strain.
On a miss, your counterpart chooses 1 against you.


When you have to deal with obstacles, roll with Cool. On a 10+, you fly through
untouched. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• You slow down and pick your way forward.
• You push too hard and your vehicle suffers harm as established.
• You ditch out and go back or try to find another way.
On a miss, the MC chooses 1 for you; the others are impossible.


To board a moving vehicle, roll with Cool. On a 10+, you’re on and you made it look easy.
Take +1 forward. On a 7–9, you’re on, but jesus. On a miss, the GM chooses: you’re hanging
on for dear life, or you’re down and good luck to you.


Episode II

To ram another vehicle, roll with Cool. On a hit, you ram it aside, inflicting v-harm as
established. On a 10+, you inflict v-harm +1. On a miss, it shoulders you instead, inflicting v-
harm as established.

When you guide a ship through Hyperspace, roll with Sharp. On a hit, the journey is safe
and steady. On a 10+, pick one:
• You arrive at your destination ahead of schedule.
• Your arrival is cloaked from scanners
• You can travel deep within a system before leaving Hyperspace.
• You throw off any pursuit.


• If you’re fighting unarmed, you inflict 1 harm. If you attack an unusable target, you might
also inflict 1 harm, depending on the context. The GM will tell you if you do.
• If you’re fighting armed, within your weapon’s range and against an assailable target, you
inflict 2 harm.
• If you’re fighting when and where your weapon is deadly, you inflict 3 harm.
• Subtract your armor from the harm against you.


Hand Weapons have four ranges: sniper, maneuver, assault, within-reach. A weapon’s range
is within reach unless its listing specifies sniper, maneuver, or assault. Weapons can’t be
brought to bear outside their range. However, the ranges overlap: the nearest part of sniper
overlaps with the farthest part of maneuver, and the nearest part of maneuver overlaps
with the farthest part of assault, and the nearest part of assault overlaps with within-reach.

Weapons are most deadly at a particular range. For within-reach weapons, this breaks
down into five different reaches. These are: on the field (the furthest reach, requiring the
most freedom of motion), then hand-to-hand, then infighting, then brawling, then intimate.
If two combatants have complete freedom of motion, then the one with the further reach
sets the distance at which they’re fighting. If your enemy has reach on you, you can close to
your own preferred distance only if you can keep your enemy from moving freely away

• On the field is when you can sprint, stride and swing your weapon at full reach, in any
direction. Examples: on a field, on a road, in a wide yard.
• Hand-to-hand is when you can approach and withdraw freely, but not circle your enemy
or run in any direction you like. Examples: in a forest, on a bridge, in a wide hallway.
• Infighting is when you are confined to a small space, without room or freedom to charge
or withdraw. Examples: in a boat, in a small room, in a tight hallway.
• Brawling is when you are grappling, holding, and wrestling with your enemy.

Episode II

• Intimate is when you have your enemy in your power, unable to move at all.

Tactical Applications:
Starship conflict involves actors at many scales. Thus, it is important to understand what a
particular weapon, on a particular ship, can reasonably target. For instance, a Star
Destroyer is an unassailable target for most any starfighter weapon. However, a starfighter
can target particular pieces of a Star Destroyer (engines, shield generators, weapons
batteries, docking bay) as an assailable target. Similarly, a starfighter is essentially an
unassailable target to a Star Destroyer’s turbolasers. But, not completely. Thus, if used
against starfighters they could inflict 1 harm.

A starship weapon is deadly when it is used for its specific tactical purpose against an
assailable target. The major tactical applications are: lead pursuit, attack run, target lock,
bait and switch, broadsides.

By default, the harm move is in play. the GM might decide to forego them, case by case. This
move is unusual in that a hit is bad for the player and a miss is good: When you suffer harm,
roll with harm suffered (after armor, if you’re wearing any). On a 10+, the MC can choose 1:
• You’re out of action: unconscious, trapped, incoherent or panicked.
• It’s worse than it seemed. Take an additional 1-harm.
• Choose 2 from the 7–9 list below.
On a 7–9, the MC can choose 1:
• You lose your footing.
• You lose your grip on whatever you’re holding.
• You lose track of someone or something you’re attending to.
• You miss noticing something important.
On a miss, the MC can nevertheless choose something from the 7–9 list above. If she does,
though, it’s instead of some of the harm you’re suffering, so you take -1harm.

When you are stable, and take a few moments to shake off your injuries, roll +Harm
checked. No matter what the outcome, heal a Harm slot.
On a 13+, choose one:
• You’re permanently weakened. Choose a slot to have a permanent (if reduced) effect – it
can never be healed.
• The healing is a rush-job, liable to rupture at a moment’s notice. Until you get some
proper R&R, any time you receive Harm, take +1 Harm.
• You’ll feel this one for a long time. Rewrite any superficial Harm slot – not necessarily one
that’s currently filled – and give it a stat penalty.
On a 10-12, choose one:
• You’re mostly fixed up, but you’ll be in and out of consciousness for the next 24 hours.
• You’ll keep feeling the effects of the wound you healed until you get some R&R.
• While you were pulling yourself together someone took advantage of the distraction.


Episode II

Every player starts with 7 damage lines (choose as below). They can be checked in any
order, but once a line that gives a stat penalty is checked, your wounds become unstable.
They will not heal without medical attention.

Choose 4:
__ Angry
__ Blood-soaked
__ Dashingly Scarred
__ Disarmed
__ Fearful
__ On the defensive
__ Out of ammo
__ Sprained
__ Trembling
__ Winded
__ Knocked on your ass
__ Forced back
__ Separated

Choose 2:
__ Enraged (-1 Cool)
__ Shell-Shocked (-1 Cool)
__ Mangled (-1 Hard)
__ Bleeding (-1 Hard)
__ Done with this (-1 Hot)
__ Feverish (-1 Hot)
__ Dazed (-1 Sharp)
__ Hallucinating (-1 Sharp)
__ Stressed (-1 Deep)
__ Exhausted (-1 Deep)

You get this one:

__ Your life is untenable
If you mark this one and nobody can heal you choose 1:
[ ] come back with -1hard
[ ] come back with +1 deep
[ ] change to a new playbook
[ ] die


Episode II

When you ruffle some feathers to get what you need, name who you’re ruffling and roll
with their Faction. On a hit, they’re available and have the stuff. On a 7-9, choose 1:
• Whoever you’re going to is juggling their own problems
• Whatever you need is more costly than anticipated


When you put a face to a name or vice versa, roll with their Faction. On a hit, you know
their reputation; the GM tells you what most people know about them. On a 10+, you’ve
dealt with them before; learn something interesting and useful about them or they owe you
a Debt. On a miss, you don’t know them or you owe them; the GM will tell you which.

When you do someone a favor, they owe you a Debt.

When you cash in a Debt, remind your debtor why they owe you in order to...

...make a PC:
• Do you a favor at moderate cost
• Lend a hand to your efforts
• Get in the way of someone else
• Answer a question honestly
• Erase a Debt they hold on someone
• Give you a Debt they hold on someone else

...make an NPC:
• Answer a question honestly about their Faction
• Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction
• Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
• Erase a Debt they hold on someone
• Give you a Debt they have on someone else
• Give you +3 to seduce or manipulate them (choose before rolling)


When you refuse to honor a debt, roll with Hot. On a hit, you weasel out of the current deal,
but still owe the Debt. On a 7-9, you choose 1:
• You owe them an additional Debt
• You lose face with their Faction

On a miss, you can’t avoid the noose. You either honor your Debt or face the consequences:
they pick two from the list above or force you to lose all the Debts owed to you.


Episode II

When you drop the name of someone who owes you a Debt, roll with their Faction. On a hit,
their name carries weight and gives you an opening or opportunity. On a 10+, you keep the
Debt. On a 7-9, you have to cash in the Debt. On a miss, erase the Debt and brace yourself.

Choose one of each:

They owe…
[ ] You consider someone a friend even though the friendship keeps bringing you trouble.
They owe you a Debt. You have +1 with their faction.
[ ] You’re working on something big for someone, and it’s nearly ready. They owe you a
Debt. You have +1 with their faction.
[ ] Someone has enlisted you to protect them from something very dangerous. They owe
you a Debt. You have +1 with their faction.
[ ] Someone lives in your territory, benefiting from your protection. They owe you a Debt.
You have +1 with their faction.
[ ] You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret. They owe you a Debt. You have +1
with their faction.
[ ] You are keeping something hidden for someone. They owe you a Debt. You have +1 with
their faction.

You owe…
[ ] You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help with something. You owe
them a Debt. You have +1 with their faction.
[ ] Someone is hiding you from someone powerful. You owe them a Debt. You have +1 with
their faction.
[ ] You’ve had a dire prophecy about someone, but you don’t know how to help them...yet.
You owe them a Debt. You have +1 with their faction.
[ ] Someone is helping you keep your demons at bay. You owe them a Debt. You have +1
with their faction.

Then, roll 1d6.

On 1-3, choose one:
[ ] Someone is watching out for a family member of yours. You owe them 2 Debts. You have
+2 with their faction.
[ ] Someone keeps pulling your ass out of the fire. You owe them 2 Debts. You have +2 with
their faction.
[ ] Someone keeps you equipped and supplied. You owe them 2 Debts. You have +2 with
their faction.
[ ] Someone hired you for a job and you fucked it up. You owe them 2 Debts. You have +2
with their faction.
[ ] Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble. You owe them 2 Debts. You have +2
with their faction.

On 4-5, choose one:

[ ] Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like you’re protecting them.
You owe each other a Debt. You have +1 with their faction.

Episode II

[ ] You entrusted someone with a dangerous task. Ask them if they succeeded or failed. If
they succeeded, you owe them a Debt. If they failed, they owe you 2 Debts. You have +1
with their faction.

On 6, choose one:
[ ] Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told anyone about them yet. They owe
you 2 Debts. You have +2 with their faction.
[ ] Someone relies on you for training or knowledge. They owe you 2 Debts. You have +2
with their faction.
[ ] Someone broke an important promise to you and swore they would make it up to you.
They owe you 2 Debts. You have +2 with their faction.


[ ] Force Lightning: mark corruption and fire up your Force Lightning. Go aggro on your
target. That shit’s always deadly, area, messy, and ap 2 to boot. If you get a hit and its an
NPC, fry ‘em. If its a PC, they take +1 when they roll the Harm move. This move comes with
a price, slippery slope. When you face a hard choice, all you want to do is skate by, turn
aside, avoid, avoid, avoid. If you try to take the choice head on, and do the “right thing,” you
are acting under fire. This includes almost any case where you could feasibly use the Dark
Side to help you accomplish something, but you roll less than you would like. Even if you
succeed, you will cheat in some way, no matter how small.

[ ] Dark Rage: mark corruption, and Rage! While in your Rage you destroy anything around
you can get your hands on. Unless you are facing some serious fucking opposition, the GM
should consider most of your foes unsuspecting or helpless. They are just gonna die
anyway, why draw things out? If they put up concerted resistance, take +1 ongoing to go
aggro and to all battle moves. This move comes with a price, unbridled wrath. When
someone pisses you off, you have to do something under fire to NOT go aggro on the
punk. Even if you succeed, you only delay their doom. Write down that person’s name.
They will feel your wrath in the future.

[ ] Consume Essence: mark corruption and consume your foe. Call on the Force. If you
hit, you pull from your enemy, and into yourself. You might damage your target and heal
yourself. If you do, heal 2 harm, and inflict 2 harm. You might steal memories. If you do,
ask your target any two questions. Your target will answer truthfully. You might pull
knowledge and skill. If you do, mark experience, take +1 forward, and leave your target a
whimpering ball on the floor. This move comes with a price, consumptive compulsion.
When you get something you want, its never enough. Not only do you want more, you want
to take more. You want the consumption to be forced, not willing. If you want to avoid
taking more, you will be acting under fire. Even if you succeed, you will take more from
someone, sometime. Write it down, and don’t forget to take when you have the chance.

[ ] Fear: mark corruption and unleash Dark Side terror on your foe. Manipulate your
target. If you hit, you will frighten, intimidate, and impress them alright, but not only that.

Episode II

You will fundamentally rend their willpower. Until, if, they can overcome their new
knowledge of the Dark Side’s power, they will not be able to face the slightest challenge
without faltering. They will be endlessly paranoid, and hopelessly frightened. This move
comes with a price, gloat bloat. Its not enough for you to win any more. You have to crush
your enemies. And not just their body, their soul. But, before you do that, you have to show
them you will crush them. You have to tell them how you will do it, because, well, its not
like they could escape or defeat you. In fact, you have to give them the opportunity to
defeat or escape you, just so you can show them how futile it really is. If you try to finish an
important enemy before doing all of that, you are acting under fire. If you try to finish an
inconsequential enemy before giving them a taste of how small they really are, you are
acting under fire. If you succeed at tempering your gloating, you will be angry at yourself
for not giving your might and glory its due. That couldn’t be your fault. Blame one that is
close to you, or works for you. Hurt that person, and please, be cruel about it. They deserve

[ ] Memory Walk: mark corruption and manipulate your target. If you hit, force your
target to relive exaggerated versions of their memories. Send them into a nightmare
dimension within their own mind. It will destroy them, leaving their mind a shattered
remnant of what it once was. They will come back with alien desires and goals, only
tangentially related to the person they were before. If they hold a position of power or
importance, this new “them,” will destroy, or at least disrupt, everything they had
previously worked for. If they are not important, you will just have the pleasure of watching
them flounder about. This move comes with a price, envious eye. Whenever you see others
dedicated to something other than their own gain, you are filled with envious spite at their
“self-righteousness.” This includes those that are dedicated to you, a cause you pursue, or a
master you serve. When you see such sickening “self-righteousness,” you are compelled to
stamp it out. You immediately set about destroying them, whether it be physically, socially
or mentally. If you try to do something else before you complete this task, you are acting
under fire. Even if you succeed, you still have to destroy them. But, it can wait. Write
down their name. They will get their just desserts when its time.

[ ] Possession: mark corruption and seduce your target. If you hit, your target is
completely in your power. They will do anything you ask, up to and including, killing
themselves or those they love. You may even take over control of their physical body, as you
force their mind deep into the psyche’s recesses. When they return from this, they will be
forever haunted by the experience. While you control their body, yours rests in a coma-like
state. If your body is assaulted but not killed while in this state, you return to it
immediately and fully awake. If your body is killed while in this state, you remain inside the
person you possessed. This move comes with a price, lustful longing. You are the best, and
everyone knows it. They all want to be with you, and around you. Precious few get the
opportunity, but all desire it. Should you find a pretender, someone that puts up airs, as if
your preeminent desirability is in question, you must rectify. Seduce them, and failing that,
destroy them. Should you choose not to, you are acting under fire. Even if you succeed,
you are only delaying the inevitable. But, if you delay, their slights towards you will become
untenable. Seducing them will no longer be an option. You must destroy them. Write the
name down, and see that it happens.

Episode II


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