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1. Understanding the task is vital:

Remember, you don’t have to use the opinions expressed in the box, but they may help
you to get the ball rolling. Also, you only have to talk about two of the options given,
not all three.
2. The essence of a good essay is a clear structure.
Here you want to introduce the topic in your own words. Your first line should also grab
the reader’s attention, then you should paraphrase the question. Finally, try using a
statistic or a rhetorical question, to involve the reader.
Paragraph 1
Discuss the first option you’ve chosen. Include a good topic sentence and remember to
give reasons for your answer. Describe some of the advantages, and even some of the
disadvantages too. This will give a well-balanced argument.
Paragraph 2
Here’s where you introduce the second option. Again, try to present both sides of the
argument and give reasons for your ideas. Gradually work towards the conclusion.
State your final opinion. This should be a summary of the rest of the essay and point
clearly to which option you think is the most important. Do not introduce any new
arguments at this stage. The conclusion is where you tie-up any loose ends.
3. Vocabulary for CAE
In the writing paper you should use a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis.
Brainstorm some vocabulary related to the topic. Take your time to think of nouns and
compound nouns that you know at C1 level. Really let your vocabulary shine.

4. Use synonyms – a must

 No one likes a broken record. Find synonyms for simple words. You want to use a
variety of language, and try not to repeat yourself too much.

5. Grammar for CAE

 Experiment with different grammatical forms. At this level you’re expected to have
a good grasp on the grammar. You should use a range of simple and complex
grammatical forms with control and flexibility. So challenge yourself with some of
 Participle clauses
 Conditionals
 Modal verbs
 Passive with reporting verbs
 Inversion
 Cleft sentences
 Comparatives
 Relative clauses

6. Use Key phrases

To make your essay flow it’s best to use some key phrases. These will link all your ideas
together, and help it sound semi-formal.

 It is often said that…
 Many people feel that…
 We live in an age when..
 More and more…
For introducing ideas & Addition:
 Firstly, secondly, thirdly…
 On the one hand…
 In addition…
 What is more…
Providing examples:
 For example…
 For instance…
 As a case in point…
For contrasting ideas:
 In contrast…
 On the other hand…
 Alternatively…
 However…
For reaching a conclusion:
 All things considered…
 As far as I’m concerned…
 In light of the above…

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