THe Universe Is A Beast

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THe universe is a beast. You can't tame it.

All you can do is try to live

inside it.

I wasn't the person I thought I was.

Well, when's the last time you were actually happy?

The right thing isnt always the best thing

It doesn't matter where you are, It's who you are, and that's not gonna change

whether you're in California or Maine pr New Mexico. You know, you can't

So many times in my life I've done the wrong thing, but this is the right thing,

and I have never been more sure of anything. I've wasted so much time sitting

only my hands and imagining what could have been.

Because my life is a mess right now and I compulsively take care of other people

when I don't know how to take care of myself.

How do you make something right when you've made it so wrong you can never go back?

Do you often keep people at arms length? Are you afraid of being known and knowing others?
Self-awareness it's the ability to see ourselves clearly, to understand who we are, how others see us and
how we fit into the world. Self-awareness gives us power. We might not always like what we see, but
there's a comfort in knowing ourselves. In the world of self-awareness, there are two types of people:
those who think they're self-aware, and those who actually are.

Self-analysis can trap us in a mental hell of our own making.

Thinking about ourselves isn't related to knowing ourselves.

Self-awareness gives us a much better shot at finding happiness and success in this crazy
world. To start, we just need to change one simple word. Change "why" to "what." Why-
questions trap us in that rearview mirror. What-questions move us forward to our future. As
human beings, we are blessed with the ability to understand who we are, what we want to
contribute, and the kind of life we want to lead. Remember, our self-awareness unicorns had
nothing in common except a belief in the importance of self-awareness and a daily
commitment to developing it. That means we can all be self-aware. The search for self-
awareness never ever stops. Life goes on. It's up to us to choose to learn and grow from our
mistakes and our tragedies, and our successes. One of the best quotes I've ever heard on this
subject is from Rumi. He said, "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today
I'm wise, so I am changing myself."

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