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First to move, or first to react

Project Description:
Some entrepreneurs find success by being a first mover and some find success by being a fast follower.

Fast Follower - A company that quickly imitates the innovations of its competitors.

First Mover – A company that gains a competitive advantage by being the first to bring a new product or
service to the market.

For Project 3, do some online research to name and describe the strategies of a company that was
successful as a startup being a first mover. Then, contrast this with a company that was successful being
a fast follower. Consider marketing strategies, competitive environments, and barriers to entry that each
company overcame.

Summarize your research findings in your own words and write at least 250 words.

Submit your project to Project 3 in Moodle.


Grading Rubric

Grading accepts a start value of 100. Points will be deducted for failure to fully complete or meet the stated
requirements. 90-100 = Represents work of superior quality (A); 80-89 = Represents work of good to very good
quality (B); 70-79 = Represents adequate command of class content (C); 69 and below = Represents work that
shows a need for development or improvement (F); 0 = Represents plagiarized work (F).

MK140: Product Innovation (BCM)


Project 3: First to move, or first to react

Possible Your
Description of requirements
Points Points
After doing some online research, named and described the strategies of 25
a company that was successful as a startup being a first mover.
Contrasted this with a company that was successful being a fast follower. 25
Considered marketing strategies, competitive environments, and barriers 30
to entry that each company overcame.
Summarized your research findings in your own words and write at least 10
250 words.
Overall content has clarity and adequate supporting details 10

YOUR SCORE: ________

Instructor Comments:

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