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Tele No.


A/15703/ULSB MK-III/1548/OS-17B 08 May 2018


MGO / OS-17B


1. Online tenders on the are invited by the Dte Gen of Ord Services for and
behalf of the President of India for the supply of following stores:-

1 Tener No. A/15703/ULSB MK-III/1548/OS-17B

2 Description and specification of the Items
goods Unit Level Switch Board Mark-III (ULSB MK-III)
Specn No
Technical Specifications of ULSB MK-III as
circulated vide DGQA (L-19) letter No
B/91721/DGQA(L-19) dt 04 Aug 2017
3 Qty 1548 Nos

4 Period and Terms of Delivery (a) Period - Delivery period for supply of
items would be 18 months from the BPC. Please
note that Contract can be cancelled unilaterally by
the Buyer in case items are not received within the
contracted delivery period. Extension of contracted
delivery period will beat the sole discretion of the
Buyer, with applicability of LD clause. D being the
Date of SO
(b) Consignee details - Free of delivery at
consignee’s place Destination COD Agra, Consignee
Comdt COD Agra.
(c) Validity of Bids : 365 days
5 Àmount for Bid Security/Earnest Money Rs 1,76,36,000/- (Rupees One Crore Seventy Six
Deposit Lakh Thirty Six Thousand Only) along with their
bids. The EMD may be submitted in the form of an
Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit
Receipt, Banker's Cheque or Bank Guarantee from
any of the public sector banks or a private sector
bank authorized to conduct government business
(viz ICICI Bank Ltd/Axis Bank Ltd/HDFC Bank Ltd
only) as per Form DPM-13 (Available in MoD
website and can be provided on request).Demand
draft & Banker’s be drawn in favour of PCDA,
New Delhi. EMD is to remain valid for a period of
forty-five days beyond the final bid validity period.
EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to
them at the earliest after expiry of the final bid
validity and latest on or before the 30th day after the
award of the contract. The Bid Security of the
successful bidder would be returned, without any
interest whatsoever, after the receipt of Performance
Security from them as called for in the contract.

The EMD will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws or

amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any
respect within the validity period of their tender.
6 Eligibility Criteria NIL
Registered firms
Unregistered Firms
7 Address from where the Drg & Specns Attached as per appx “A” of RFP
to be obtained

2. The tender reference Number of the subject tender is A/15703/ULSB MK-III/1548/OS-17B. The firm
registered with CPP portal may download the tender document if so desired from

3. Intending tenders may download the Tender docu from the CPP Portal http// The critical
dates with respect to the tender ref No A/15703/ULSB MK-III/1548/OS-17B.


Item Date Time
Published Date 08 May 2018 1730 Hrs
Bid Document Download 08 May 2018 1730 Hrs
Clarification start Date 09 May 2018 1700 Hrs
Pre Bid Meeting 17 May 2018 1200 Hrs
Bid Submission Start 18 May 2018 1200 Hrs
Clarification End Date 23 May 2018 1700 Hrs
Bid Submission End Date 31 May 2018 1200 Hrs
Bid Opening start 01 Jun 2018 1100 hrs

4. Intending Bidders may kindly note:-

(a) Biders are required to spell out the rates of Customs duty, Excise duty, sales tax, in unambiguous
terms, otherwise their offers will be loaded with the maximum rates of duties and taxes for the purpose
of comparison of prices.

(b) Bidders should furnish details about the deviation, if any, from the tender specification failing
which the Offer will be treated as incomplete.
(c) Performance. Tenders who have made supplies of the item in the past should submit their
performance statement indicating details of stores name of the ordering Deptt quantity ordered, D/P
(original) and Qty and dates of supplies made and should enclose copies of inspection notes in support
of the supplies made. Firms not submitting theirperformance statement would be treated as untried.
These can be scanned and uploaded as “Additional Documents” by the vendor at the time of bid
(d) This RFP is being issued with no financial commitment and purchaser reserves the right to
change or vary any part thereof at any stage Purchaser also reserves the right to withdraw the RFP
should it be so necessary at any stage.

Signature Not Verified

(HS Sohi)
Digitally signed by SUNDEEP SINGH DULLAT
Col 16:06:54 IST
Date: 2018.05.08
Location: eProcure
Dir OS(L&E)
for DG OS

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