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///SPRING 2011 \\\

Author: Respondent:

⇒ Exchange documents, either electronically or on paper.

⇒ Before the reviewer reads the paper, the author should tell the reviewer which aspects of
the writing the author feels are her or his weakest.
⇒ For the review process, quickly read the draft to get an idea of the paper. After the first
read, go through again and be ready to make comments. Be sure to focus on the aspects
that the author asked you to focus on, but make sure you note any time you find the writing
to be confusing or incomplete. For example, the author may make an assertion about the
validity of her argument but offer no compelling reason for why she makes the claim she
did. Point this out to the author and offer a possibility for how to correct the problem.
⇒ In addition to reading for bullets 2 and 3 above, be sure respond to all six points below:

⇒ Remember, point to specific portions of the writing in your response.

1. The introduction captures the reader’s attention and encourages the reader’s attention
throughout the writing?
2. Includes a clear argument that the writer is trying to support. In other words, the author
makes a clear claim a about the issue in the paper?
3. Supports this thesis with evidence?
4. Provides at least 2 sides to the issue at hand?
5. Uses at least 5 academic/peer reviewed sources? At least three of these sources are
academic/scholarly? If you are unsure if a source is either, please ask me and I will weigh in
on the question.
6. Effectively incorporates source materials into author’s own style?

Write 2 – 3 paragraphs in which you summarize and discuss your answers to the above questions;
email or transfer via USB your comments to the author. Remember to be specific in your
suggestions. When replying, be sure to specifically describe what the author is doing well at this
point and what he or she could strengthen. The most important part of this process is providing
reasons for the feedback that you give your colleague.

Finally, provide a reverse outline of the paper to help the author understand how clearly organized
the paper is now. A reverse outline is exactly what it sounds like; your purpose—once you’ve read
through the paper and provided feedback—is to provide a detailed outline of how the paper looks
from conclusion to introduction.

You will be turning in the peer critique that you wrote for your peer.

Criteria Points
Provides a clear research question /20
Effectively uses at least 5 sources to support your argument /40
Considers the conflicting sides of the issue carefully /25
Offers a thoughtful peer critique /10
Grammar/Mechanics/Style /5
Total /100

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