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A Better Government,

For a Better Future for Jammu and Kashmir

We are the world’s largest democracy and we hold it with pride. Every citizen of a democratic country knows
that the democracy stands on four pillars-

• Legislative
• Executive
• Judiciary
• Media
Out of these four pillars the Judiciary is the most important and the most powerful pillar. The Judiciary
ensures that the citizens get justice. The judgement of the Supreme Judiciary is hardly ever questioned and
debated further and is taken as the supreme judgement. This is because we trust our judicial system, we
know that it is unbiased and is not corrupted. It is the best what an individual or organisation can get.
What I will be proposing here is not exactly related to Judiciary but is actually related to Legislature or
Legislative Assembly (LA) to be more specific. Now we all know how a Legislative Assembly functions. What
I am proposing for J&K is a different type of functioning of the LA, let me call it LA*. Similar to any other LA,
LA* will have MLA*s who will be democratically elected. They will play the same role as the MLAs, the only
difference being that they will not be having the voting right to pass the bill. They will only be the ones to
debate in front of a Board of Administrators. The Board of Administrators (BoA) will act in the similar way as
the Board of Judges act in a court room. They will be having the supreme power inside the house and will
listen to the arguments presented by the MLA*s.
The Administrators will consist of senior Supreme Court judges, Governor and IAS officers and will be
appointed (apart from the governor) in the similar way as the judges are appointed in our Judiciary. The BoA
will be overseen by the Supreme Court. The BoA will listen to all the arguments put forward by the
representatives and will decide whether to pass the proposed bill or not.
The decision process will happen within a council where the BoA, if necessary, will consult, the council
members about the possible benefits and drawbacks of the bill. The council will consist of BoA along with
the heads/chiefs of various institutions like Reserve Bank of India, Research and Analysis Wing, Chief of
Defence Staff etc. In this way the BoA will be able to discuss and get to the ground situation and decide
properly, whether the passing of the bill will be beneficial or not.
In this way due to the happening of proper consultation with relevant experts outside the house and debate
between the MLA*s inside the house a better functioning of the government will be ensured and the bill will
be passed or rejected in an unbiased manner. As currently the MLAs belonging to the ruling party vote in
favour of the bill and the ones belonging to the opposition try to get it rejected all together at the same time.
We all are very well aware of the condition of Kashmir and what some fraction of its residents want. In that
case, if at all in the future, by some way or another, if people favouring those fraction come to power, as it
happened in the case of East-Pakistan (Bangladesh), then there will be a chance of destabilisation of the
political structure of the state due to the non-overlapping views of the centre and the UT or state in the
future. These non-overlapping views is healthy when it comes to other Indian states and UTs with legislature
but can be destabilizing for J&K.
Council members for consultation

J&K Legislative Assembly

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