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Head’s Report to the Governing Body

Tuesday 9th July 2013

Roll: The roll is currently 121 children. One child has joined Year 1 and another has
joined Year 4.

Staff: Mrs Pepper has been appointed to the staff on a full time contract for the Autumn

The other vacancy remains unfilled at present.

We were unable to recruit for the vacant Cygnet Club position. We will readvertise
in September. LEADERSHIP TEAM…

Special Needs:
One child has been referred to CAMHS for an assessment.

One child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs has applied to join our
Year 1 class in September.

I was invited to report on an ongoing case to the Early Intervention Panel.

CAN THE DIMINISHED STAFF COMPLIMENT – 2 staff deal with the current issues we

Child Protection:
I attended a Child Protection Case Review at the Town Hall. One family remain
on a Child Protection Plan for a further term as it was considered that the children
were still at risk of considerable harm.

French School Visit
We hosted a party of 42 children and adults from our French twin school Paul
Emile Pajot at the end of May. The party enjoyed a fabulous stay despite the
atrocious weather. Activities included a walk around Marlow, meeting the Mayor
at the Guildhall, a visit to Windsor Castle and an evening BBQ at school.
Key Stage 1 Moderation
We were visited by a team from the School Improvement Section of the Local
Authority to moderate our assessment of the progress the children had made in
Year 2. The team were content that there was sufficient evidence to match our
judgements. What actions are we taking to ensure the recommendations are taken
up and implemented.

Phonics Tests
The phonics test was conducted for all the children in Year 1. The children in Year
2 who had not reached the standard last year were also tested.

Royal Institution Maths Masterclasses

We hosted another series of Maths Masterclasses on the Saturdays in June. This
year 62 children from 22 schools in the Royal Borough enjoyed activities and
solving puzzles including algebra, probability, building a leisure park,orienteering
and Fibonacci sequences in nature amongst others.

Bisham Abbey
Class 4 (Year 3,4) visited the old Abbey Building as part of their Tudor studies.

Sports Day
We were lucky with the weather this year and Sports Day was held as scheduled.
There was something for everyone: exciting competition, fantastic achievements,
sportsmanlike behaviour, cool refreshments and many happy faces.

Thorpe Park
We took 15 of the Year 6 children to Thorpe Park for the annual leaver’s treat. The
weather was fine and the children enjoyed a great day out.

Fire Brigade Visit

Key Stage One were treated to a visit from the fire brigade. The visitors
conducted fire safety sessions with the children and then demonstrated a fire
engine, managing to get everybody wet in the process.

Visit to the Bracknell Lookout Centre

Class 2 (Year 1) spent the day at the Lookout Centre engaged in a series of outdoor
science activities. They had a perfect day and thoroughly enjoyed the activities.

Adventurous Activities
Class 3 (Year 2) spent a brilliant day canoeing at Hurley with the RBWM Outdoor

Future Events:

By the time of this meeting Class 4 will also have enjoyed a day canoeing at

Warwick Castle
Class 1 (Reception) Class 2 (Year 1) and Class 3 (Year 2) are planning to travel to
Warwick Castle on Monday 8th July.

Long Service Recognition

We are planning to hold a special afternoon tea to congratulate Mrs Nina White on
her 20 years service at the school.

The Swanupping pageant was canceled for the first time ever last year. The event
and special film making arrangements which were also canceled last year are to be
revived in July. We have been invited to work with the film makers who are
making an educational resource about this annual event.

School Play
We are working hard to produce two performances of our summer play
Rumplestiltskin. We plan to perform the show on Tuesday 16th July and Thursday
18th July.

Leaver’s BBQ
We are planning to hold the Year 6 leaver’s BBQ on the evening of Wednesday 17th

Leaver’s Service
The annual lever’s service will be held in All Saints Church Bisham on Monday
22nd July at 9.30am.

Last Day of Term

The last of term for the children will be Tuesday 23rd of July. We will be holding a
Teacher Only Day on Wednesday 24th July.

Farewell Dinner
We had to move our planned Staff and Governors dinner to farewell the staff who
are leaving from Barouche to the Bull Inn. Barouche indicated that they would not
after all be able to cater for the numbers we expected to attend.

Bisham Abbey Works

Bisham Abbey have begun an extensive new building project. This will affect the
main gym building, the accommodation block (which is to be replaced with a 100
bed facility) along with all-weather pitches. Starting from this week there will be
many truck movements removing spoil from the site. These lorry movements will
use the gate at the entrance to Church Lane. The constructors are working with
the school to minimise disruption.

FOBS: FOBS have run a series of Ice Cream Fridays.

Plans are in place for a film night before the end of term.
The Summer Fete is scheduled for Sunday 21st July from 1.00pm to 4.30pm. We
hope as many of you as possible will be able to support this event.


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