Masonic Charity

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Masonic Charity

Including the 7 Irish Masonic Charities of the Grand Lodge of Ireland

What is Masonic Charity?

• Freemasons are taught to practice charity and to care, not only for their
own, but also for the community as a whole – both by charitable giving,
and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals. From its earliest days,
Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of widows, orphans, the
sick, and the aged.
• Freemasonry is not a money-disbursing organization – we are a fraternity
that takes care of our own – and others who are in need
• Charity – for the needy as well as deserving
• Origins - from the days of building of the great Manors and Cathedrals by
the Operative Masons
A Quote in Context

• Masonry is kindness and fidelity at home.

• Masonry is honesty, sincerity of truthfulness in professional relationship.
• Masonry is compassion, help and assistance to weaker sections in life
through charity.
• Masonry is reverence and obedience to God.
• Masonry is a reward to make a good man a better man in life.

- Bro. Norman Vincent Peale

(Author of “The Power of Positive Thinking”
Is Freemasonry a Charity?

• Freemasonry is not a charity, but as in any fraternal setting, the need of a brother,
or his dependents, will receive the sympathy and support, not always or necessarily
financial, of his brethren. Charity is a natural off-shoot of brotherly love and is
promoted explicitly in the masonic ethos, but it is not the raison d'être of the Order.
• The hackneyed criticism of the Order that "it looks after its own" is totally spurious
and without validity, as it is entirely acceptable to provide for a "class" of
beneficiaries, viz. The Poor and Indigent Roomkeepers Society, the Presbyterian
Orphans Society, etc. This does not mean that masonic charity is restricted to
masonic beneficiaries; and more and more it is directed to any deserving case or
cause providing these do not infringe the terms of the 1938 Declaration. Also in his
everyday life, and in his personal capacity, a freemason is fully at liberty to support
any charity which excites his sympathy.

- M. W. Bro. Michael W. Walker, Hon. Past Grand Master, Past Grand Secretary of the
Grand Lodge of Ireland
So what is Masonic Charity?

• Three Masonic virtues - Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth

• Relief to a suffering Brother, or to his widow or orphans
• A helping hand, a kind word, or any assistance that brings relief to
• Any assistance, whether material or in kind
• Though financial assistance is one aspect of Masonic Charity, it is not the
sole definition of Charity
• A Mason’s Charity must extend from the greatest heights to the lowest
Almoner and Steward of Charities

• The eyes and ears of the Lodge

• Their role is to determine those are in need of assistance and to ensure
that they get the desired assistance
• Any request for assistance (as part of Lodge business) must be made to
the Almoner
• Would be reported in Open Lodge in the item “Lodge Almoner and
Steward of Charities would present their Report”
• Steward of Charities would ensure that request for assistance is fulfilled
• Secrecy and privacy must be maintained to the most practical extent
• Applications to the Grand Lodge of Ireland Charities to be routed
through the Provincial Grand Lodge
Investiture Charge to the Almoner

• Brother (X) I now invest you as Almoner with the Insignia of your
Office. Your duty is to attend to the comfort and comforting of the
aged and unfortunate among your Brethren and their dependants.
You are to seek out the needy, visit the sick, administer to and, if
possible, anticipate their requirements, remembering always that,
in the particular sphere of your activities, you can bring joy and
comfort to those who are in need”
Role of the Almoner

• Keep regular contact with the Widows, orphans and distressed Brethren
• Check on Brethren not attending Lodge
• Maintain up-to-date details of dependents
• Maintain up-to-date details of Widows including their first name
• Attend Almoners Seminars
• Administration
• Liaise with the Provincial Almoner
• Liaise with the Charity Funds
• Ensure that Policies are implemented and adhered to
• Develop a system with other Lodge members to gather information
• Keep the Lodge fully briefed
Investiture Charge to the Steward of

• Brother (X) I now invest you as Steward of Charities with the

Insignia of your Office. Your responsibility is to see that the
Brethren are at all times aware of the needs of the Charities and
the necessity to support them to the utmost of their power. Your
regular attendance at meetings will ensure that these ideals are
kept to the forefront of our thoughts and actions.
Role of the Steward of Charities

• Raising and collecting money.

• Keeping accurate records of donations
• Administering funds and keeping them safe.
• Disbursing funds as and when required and authorised.
• Forwarding all forms to the DCC on time
• From time to time, organizing Brethren to give of their time and
efforts to charitable activities inside & outside the Order.
Grand Lodge of Ireland Charities

• The Victoria Jubilee Masonic Benevolent Fund

• Masonic Girls Benefit Fund
• Masonic Boys Benefit Fund
• The Masonic Welfare Fund
• Masonic Medical Research Fund
• Masonic Havens Limited
Masonic Medical Research Fund

• Set up in 1989 after a Grand Master’s Festival of Charity, its

purpose is to facilitate medical research in Ireland.
• In the past it has supported research into cochlear implants for
autistic children and into renal failure and is presently assisting
with research into the causes and treatment of MRSA and other
related diseases.
Masonic Havens Limited

• The Mission of Masonic Havens Limited is the Care of the Elderly

by the provision of residences and/or appropriate financial and
other assistance, so that their quality of life may be enhanced,
their independence fostered, and their dignity preserved.

• Masonic Havens Limited currently runs three projects
• Carrick Manor
• St. Joseph’s Nursing Home
• St. John's Close
The Victoria Jubilee Masonic Benevolent Fund

• The Board may consider a Memorial which has been submitted on

1. of any distressed Freemason of the Irish Constitution provided
that the Freemason concerned is a subscribing member of a
Lodge or Lodges under the Irish Constitution.
2. any distressed spouse of a deceased Freemason provided that
the Freemason concerned had been a subscribing member of a
Lodge or Lodges under the Irish Constitution.
Masonic Girls’ Benevolent Fund

• Eligibility to apply to the Masonic Girls Benefit Fund for assistance

is open to members of the Order of Ancient and Free and Accepted
Masons of Ireland for the cost of the maintenance, education,
advancement and benefit of:
1. Daughters and legally adopted daughters of deceased
Freemasons resident in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland
or elsewhere.
2. Daughters and legally adopted Daughters of Freemasons who are
financially distressed and who are resident in the Republic of
Ireland, Northern Ireland or elsewhere.
Masonic Boys’ Benevolent Fund

• Eligibility to apply to the Masonic Boys Benefit Fund for assistance

is open to members of the Order of Ancient and Free and Accepted
Masons of Ireland for the cost of the maintenance, education,
advancement and benefit of:
1. Sons and legally adopted sons of deceased Freemasons resident
in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or elsewhere.
2. Sons and legally adopted sons of Freemasons who are financially
distressed and who are resident in the Republic of Ireland,
Northern Ireland or elsewhere.
The Masonic Welfare Fund

• The fund was established to relieve cases of poverty, hardship,

sickness and distress among Freemasons, their wives, widows,
children and other dependants who may not be eligible under the
criteria of other schemes.
• Its objectives include furthering the education of such persons by
awarding scholarships, maintenance allowances, outfits, clothing,
tools etc. to assist entry into a trade, profession or service, or to
set up business.
Local Masonic Charities

Masonic Charities under the aegis of the Provincial Grand Lodge of

Ireland in India
1. The Provincial Grand Master’s Fund
2. The E. G. Reporter Fund
3. The Capt. Sam B. Aga Memorial Fund
In Closing

Please contact
the Lodge
Almoner for Thank
Applications / You
the Provincial
Grand Secretary
for Details

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