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Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure 2021/2022

Subtopic 2.1 : Bohr’s Atomic Model

Mode : Tutorial NFTF (Week 5, 1st hour)

Teaching Learning Objectives :

1. Describe the Bohr’s atomic model. (C1)
2. Explain the existence of energy levels in an atom. (C2)
3. Calculate the energy of an electron using : where RH = 2.18 x 10-18J (C2)
4. Calculate the energy change of an electron during transition : (C3)
where RH = 2.18 x 10-18 J
5. Calculate the photon energy emitted by an electron that prodices a particular wave length
during transition: (C3, C4)
E = h ,  =

Questions :

1. Describe Bohr’s atomic model of hydrogen atom. (C1)

2. State the possible energy level of an atom. (C1)

3. Calculate the energy of electron at: (C2)

i. n =1
ii. n =5
iii. n =∞

4. Why the value of energy of electron at every energy level is negative? (C3)

5. a. Calculate the difference in energy between (C3)

i. n=1 & n=2 (where ni =2, nf =1)
ii. n=2 & n=3 (where ni =3, nf =2)
iii. n=3 & n=4 (where ni =4, nf =3)

b. Deduce the trend of energy differences above. (C3)


MODE : TUTORIAL FTF (Week 5, 1st hour)


1. Calculate the energy change (in Joules) that occur when an electron falls from the n = 5 to
n = 3 energy level in a hydrogen atom.

2. An electron of hydrogen is excited to the fourth orbit. Calculate the:

i. Energy of the electron at the excited state
ii. Energy of the photon emitted when the electron falls to the second orbit
iii. Frequency of the photon emitted in 2 (ii)

Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure
Subtopic 2.1 : Bohr’s Atomic Model
Mode : Tutorial NFTF (Week 5, 2nd hour)

Teaching Learning Objectives :

1. Describe the formation of line spectrum of hydrogen atom. (C2)
2. Illustrate the formation of Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series. (C2)
3. Calculate the photon of energy emitted by an electron that produces a particular wavelength
during transition : (C3, C4)
E = h ,  = , where h = 6.6256 x 10-34 Js , c = 3.0 x 108 ms-1

4. Perform calculations involving the Rydberg equation. (C3, C4)

1  1 1 
= R H  2 - 2  , where R H = 1.097 x 10 7 m −1 and n 1  n 2
  n1 n2 


1. Explain why the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom is a line spectrum. (C2)

2. How the second line of Lyman series is produced. (C2)

3. a) Illustrate the transition of an electron which produces the first four lines in Balmer series.
b) Draw the line spectrum for above transition. (C2)
c) State the region of the above spectrum. (C2)


MODE : TUTORIAL FTF (Week 5, 2nd hour)


1. The energy emitted by a photon in Paschen series is -1.55 x 10-19 J. Determine the electron
transition. (C4)

2. An electron of a hydrogen atom is excited to an energy level of n = 7 and falls to a lower

energy level to produce the Paschen series.

i. State the energy level to which the electron falls.

ii. Calculate the energy of the electron in the excited state before it falls to produce the
Paschen series.
iii. Calculate the wavelength of the photon emitted (in nm).

3. The first line of Balmer series has a wavelength of 656.3 nm. Calculate its frequency. (C4)

4. Calculate the wavelength (in nm) and frequency of the fourth line in Lyman series. (C4)

5. i. Calculate the wavelength and frequency of the light that forms the third line of Brackett
ii. Calculate the energy of an electron at its excited state before it drops to produce the second
line of Balmer series.
Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure
Subtopic 2.1 : Bohr’s Atomic Model
Mode : Tutorial NFTF (Week 5, 3rd hour)


1. With the reference to the table below:

a. Calculate the energy emitted in the formation of red line and green line. (C4)
b. i. Calculate the value of n for each line when electron at its excited state. (C4)
ii. Sketch the energy level diagram to show the transitions of electron that
produced the red, green and blue lines.(C2)
iii. Draw the line spectrum to show the red, green and blue lines. (C4)

2. FIGURE 1 shows the first four lines in the Brackett series of hydrogen emission spectrum.

a. State the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the series is found. (C1)
b. Which line corresponds to the shortest wavelength of the radiation that produces the
line. (C4)


MODE : TUTORIAL FTF (Week 5, 3rd hour)

Teaching Learning Objectives :

1. Calculate the ionization energy of hydrogen atom from Lyman series. (C3)
2. State the limitation of Bohr’s atomic model. (C1, C2)
3. State the dual nature of electron using de Broglie’s postulate and Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle. (C1, C2)


1. a) Define ionization energy

b) By using the Lyman series, calculate ionization energy for (C4):
i. 1 electron
ii. 1 mole of electrons (in kJmol-1)

2. State the limitation of Bohr’s atomic model. Give two other species that obey Bohr’s Atomic
Model. (C2)

3. State the dual nature of electron using de Broglie’s postulate and Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle. (C1)
Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure
Subtopic 2.2 : Quantum Mechanics
Mode : Tutorial NFTF (Week 6, 1st hour)

Teaching Learning Objectives :

1. Define the term orbital (C1)

2. Explain all four quantum numbers of an electron in an orbital : (C2)

i. principle quantum number, n
ii. angular momentum quantum number, l
iii. magnetic quantum number, m
iv. electron spin quantum number, s

3. Sketch the 3-D shapes of s, p and d orbitals (C3)


1. State the differences between orbit and orbital. (C1)

2. Draw and label all the three-dimensional shapes of: (C3)

a) s orbital
b) p orbitals
c) d orbitals

Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure

Subtopic 2.2 : Quantum Mechanics
Mode : Tutorial FTF (Week 6, 1st hour)


1. Complete the following table: (C4)

maximum number of
n l m subshell s

2. 3d, 7s, 2d, 4p

a. Which of the above subshell are allowed? (C4)
b. Determine the maximum number of electrons that can be occupied in each allowed
subshell. (C4)
c. Give sets of quantum number for the electrons in the allowed orbital in each subshell.

3. Which of the following quantum numbers are not allowed? Explain your answer. (C4)
(a) (1, 1, 0, +1/2 (b) (3, 1, -2, +1/2)
(c) (2, 1, 0, +1/2) (d) (2, 0, 0, +1)

4. Draw and label all the three-dimensional shapes of the following orbitals. State the
difference(s). (C4)
a. 2s and 3s orbital
b. 2px and 2py
c. 2px and 3px

Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure

Subtopic 2.2 : Quantum Mechanics
Mode : Tutorial NFTF (Week 6, 2nd hour)

Teaching Learning Objectives :

1. Explain all four quantum numbers of an electron in an orbital : (C2)
v. principle quantum number, n
vi. angular momentum quantum number, l
vii. magnetic quantum number, m
viii. electron spin quantum number, s

2. Predict the electronic configuration of atoms and monoatomis ions using spdf notation and
orbital diagram. (C2, C3)

3. Justify the anomalous electronic configurations of copper and chromium. (C2, C4)


1. Determine the maximum number of orbitals and electrons that exist in the shell n = 3? (C4)

2. Draw the shape of orbital when (C4)

a. n=1, l=0
b. n=3, l=2, m=-1

3. Give a set of four quantum numbers of an electron that occupy the 4dxy orbital. (C4)

Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure
Subtopic 2.3: Electronic Configuration
Mode : Tutorial FTF (Week 6, 2nd hour)

Teaching Learning Objectives :

1. Predict the electronic configuration of atoms and monoatomis ions using spdf notation and
orbital diagram. (C2, C3)

2. Justify the anomalous electronic configurations of copper and chromium. (C2, C4)

1. By Using Aufbau Principle, Hund’s rule & Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, write the electronic
configuration by using spdf notation and draw its orbital diagram. (C3)
a. Aluminium (Z=13)
b. Phosphorus (Z=15)
c. Zinc (Z=30)
d. Vanadium (Z=23)
e. Mg2+ (Z=12)
f. S2- (Z=16)
g. Fe3+ (Z=26)
h. N3- (Z=7)

2. Chromium, Cr and Copper, Cu are transition elements in the periodic table. Write the
electronic configuration of chromium and copper. Explain the anomalous electronic
configuration in these elements. (C4)

Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure

Subtopic 2.3: Electronic Configuration
Mode : Tutorial NFTF (Week 6, 3rd hour)

1. The proton number of element T is 20.
i. Write the electronic configuration of element T.
ii. Predict the stable oxidation number of element T. Explain.
iii. Draw the shape of orbital and give a set of quantum numbers for the
electron with the highest principal quantum number in T.
2. Write the electron configuration for 24X and 24X3+.

Chapter 2 : Atomic Structure

Subtopic 2.3: Electronic Configuration
Mode : Tutorial FTF (Week 6, 3rd hour)

1. Given the set of quantum numbers for the highest energy electron in atom X:
(4, 1, 0, +½)
a. Write the electronic configuration of X. (C4)
b. What is the most stable ion of X? Write its electronic configuration. (C4)
c. Draw the shapes of orbitals occupied by the electrons with the highest (C4)
principal quantum number in X.

2. The orbitals of the first two principal energy levels of atoms are shown below.

In an atom of element J, orbitals A, B and E are full of electrons while orbitals C and D are
half full.
a. Write the electronic configuration of J. (C4)
b. State the charge of J ion. Briefly explain your answer. (C4)
c. State the quantum number n, l and m for orbital D. (C4)


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