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Function in Art

 Function means practical usefulness

 Broadly speaking, though, all arts have function, for man, the maker, create things he has particular need for

Arts function can be classified into:

1. Motivated (Functional) Examples: Architecture, weaving, furniture-making

2. Non-motivated (Non-functional) Examples: Painting, Sculpture, literature, music, and the theater arts

Art has the general function of satisfying…

 Our individual needs for personal expression;

 Our social needs for display, celebration and communication and;
 Our physical needs for utilitarian objects and structures

The Personal Function

 Arts are vehicles for the artists’ expression of their feelings and ideas.
 The art also serve as means of expression for us.
 Art helps to educate or senses and sharpen or perception of colors, forms, textures, designs sounds, rhythms
and harmonies in our environment.

Social Functions of Art

 One cannot conceive of a society without art, for art is closely related to every aspect of social life.
 Art performs a social function when (1) It seeks or tends to influence the collective behavior of people, (2) It is
created to be seen or used primarily in public situations, and (3) It expresses o describes social or collective
aspects of existence as opposed to individual and personal kinds of experiences

Influences Social Behavior

 It seeks or tends to influence the collective behavior of a people.

 Art is an ideological tool.
 Subliminal forms of social control shown especially in the political game in the Philippines.
 It is used to ridicule people and institutions.
 Religion capitalized the art in spreading faith and doctrines.

Display and Celebration

 It is created to be seen or used.

 One function of sculpture and painting is the commemoration of important personages in society. The statues
of national heroes that grace our parks and plazas are commemorative works as are the commissioned
paintings of leaders or rulers. Often, they serve to record important historical events, or reveal the ideals of
heroism and leadership that the community would want the young to emulate.

Social Description

 It expresses or describes social or collective aspects of existence as opposed to individual and personal kind of
 Serves as clues to the history of certain civilization and generation
Physical Functions of Art

 Tools and containers are objects which function to make our lives physically comfortable.
 Functional works of art may be classified as either tools or containers

Form and Function

 The function of an object is generally determining in the basic form that it takes. A chair is so designed as to
allow the seated body to rest comfortably on it.
 The shapes, sizes, and different parts are harmoniously related to one another and integrated into an object
that fulfills and tells about their particular purpose.


The design of the building is determined primarily by its operational function. What is the building for? Who are going to
use it? How many are they?

 The design that a building takes is also adapted to the climate of the region.
 The architect must take the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of the family into account when he
designs a house

Community Planning

 A community is more than just a group of buildings. It is a group of individuals and families living in a particular
locality because of common interest and needs.
 Community planning involves the efficient organization of buildings, roads, and spaces so that they meet the
physical and aesthetic needs of the community

Community planning takes into consideration the assignment of areas for proper land use. These are:

1. Residential districts

 Special areas are assigned for residential purposes. The present trend is to get away from overcrowded
downtown districts and the attendant problems and settle in areas where it is possible to blend the charms of
rural living with the conveniences of urban living.

2. Industrial and commercial areas

 These areas are usually located near the source of raw materials. A commercial area can be a cluster of small
neighborhood stores, a shopping complex in the suburbs, or a central downtown district. It is usually situated
where it can be reached easily by car or public transport.

3. Civic centers

 A community governs itself; it therefore provides structures where the functions of government can be
efficiently carried out, and which would, in appearance, be symbolic of community dignity and pride.

4. Parks, plazas, and malls

 The need for a balance between manmade structures and natural areas is answered in the design of plazas and
malls. These may provide some relief from problems such as air and water pollution, inadequate facilities for
recreation, and lack of parking space.

5. Streets and roads

 Transportation must function with reasonable ease and rapidity from one area to another. Streets are large or
small according to their function.
Function and Beauty

 Many things remain the same in shape throughout the years because their functional requirements do not allow
for greater variations in their form. Time has proved that their designs best enable them to accomplish their

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