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About Audi Nepal

Category: Cars & Motors  - Car Manufacturers

Heritage: Germany

Established: 1909

Audi AG is a manufacturer of auto, sports and the luxury German subsidiary of the
Volkswagen group called VAG (Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft ) which holds the
trademark to 99.55%. The head offi ce is located in Ingolstadt in Bavaria.
Established in 55 countries around the world, Audi is present in most segments of
the private vehicle market, including that of prestige sports cars through its two
subsidiaries, Lamborghini and Audi Sport. In 2012, the company sold 1,524,635
vehicles, a record since its creation in 1909, and ranks among the most profi table

The name “Audi” is a play on words between “   Audi ” ( hear or listen in Latin ) and
the patronymic of the founder August Horch ( listen in German) who created the
company on July 16, 1909. Already a manufacturer of sports cars at that time, the
company experienced fi nancial diffi culties which forced it to merge in 1932 with
three other Saxon car brands. The new entity called Auto Union is represented by
four rings, a visual identity still preserved today by Audi. In 1964, Volkswagen AG
acquires Auto Union and resurrects the name, Audi. It was not until the 1970s,
under the impetus of Ferdinand Piëch, that Audi encountered the development we
know today.

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