India Steel 2019 Brochure

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Ministry of Steel

Government of India



For par cipa on, please contact:

January 22 - 24, 2019
For Exhibi on: For Conference: For Reverse Buyer Seller
Mumbai Exhibition Centre,
Kamal Bhardwaj, Joint Director, FICCI Arpan Gupta Meet (RBSM): Mumbai, India
M: +91-9899392930 E: Deputy Director & Head, Mines and Metals, FICCI Sudhanshu Gupta
Mayank Rastogi, Deputy Director, FICCI M: +91-9810572331 E: Senior Assistant Director
M: +91-9717110799 E: Shivam Mohaley M: +91 9873311557
Research Associate, FICCI E:
Pallavi Thakur, Assistant Director, FICCI
M: +91-9953038483 E: M: +91-8573973842 E:


Narendra Naik - Deputy Director, FICCI B. K. Nayak - Deputy Director, FICCI
M: +91-9819501719 M: +91-9945790735
E: E:
Federa on of Indian chambers of commerce & Industry (FICCI) along with makes it a strategic sector for the Governments as well as the economy as a n To create awareness about the latest products, n Networking Opportunity with steel, mining,
the Ministry of Steel is organizing the fourth edi on of INDIA STEEL from whole. technology and services logis cs and equipment manufacturer for
January 22-24, 2019 at Mumbai Exhibi on Centre, Mumbai. It is an Indian economy is rapidly growing with enormous focus on infrastructure n Understanding global steel markets business alliances & partnerships
exhibi on-cum-conference on Indian Steel industry focusing upon the and construc on sector. Several ini a ves mainly, affordable housing, n Most effec ve means of establishing and n Interac on with Government Officials
value enhancement from mining to steel produc on and delivery of the expansion of railway networks, development of domes c shipbuilding maintaining rela onships with exis ng and n Interac on on Emerging Technologies for Steel
steel products to end consumers. industry, opening up of defence sector for private par cipa on and the poten al customers in India
Steel is crucial to the development of any modern economy and is growth in the automobile sector, are expected to create significant demand
n Propaga ng knowledge about new n Showcasing on Mineral Explora on and
considered to be the backbone of human civiliza on. The level of per capita for steel in the country. On the exports front also, the Indian steel industry is
consump on of steel is treated as an important index of the level of socio- producing globally compe ve products and is marking ahead, boos ng its applica ons of steel amongst the user Evacua on Techniques
economic development and living standards of the people in any country. exports. segments n Delibera on on Policy Environment for
Therefore, no developing country can afford to ignore the steel industry. n Unique opportunity to integrate for rapid Fostering Growth of Indian Steel Industry
The Na onal Steel Policy 2017 targe ng 300 MT produc on capacity by
The Indian steel, one of the core industries in India, is currently the world's 2030 is the guiding force for the Indian steel fraternity. INDIA STEEL 2019 is market penetra on n Ini a onof Winning Business Dialogues with
third largest producer of crude steel and is expected to become the second thus, rightly posi oned to lay the roadmap to the vision of balancing the n A represented area where the buyer, the seller Organiza ons having Diversified Business
largest producer soon. With an output mul plier of 1.4 on GDP and supply and demand dynamics. and the finished product can "get together" Interests
employment mul plier of 6.8, the Indian steel industry contributes INDIA STEEL EXPO, since its incep on in 2013, has cemented its posi on as n Most powerful tool for efficient and effec ve n Providing Excellent Brand Visibility
approximately 2% to the country's GDP. the business event for steel and metallurgy industry. It is a convergence business development n Sales via targeted audience of qualified buyers
Steel industry derives its demand from other important sectors like point for manufacturers, suppliers, machinery companies, consultants, n Cost effec ve pla orm for effec ve sales and n An ideal pla orm to launch new products & find
infrastructure, avia on, engineering, construc on, automobile, pipes and engineers, agents, traders, distributors, and experts in the steel industry. marke ng to a carefully selected audience sales agents or distributors in new markets
tubes etc. Thus its intense integra on with other important industries n A lucra ve opportunity to release new n Transfer of technology, investment, joint
products to the market, create brand image, ventures, research and development
establish rela onships with customers and n Supply of plant, machinery, process control
appoint new agents equipment, projects and services etc.
n Understand the current market dynamics and n S h owca s e l ate st p ro d u c t s , m a c h i n e r y,
its effects on your business equipment developments for genera ng
n Highligh ng new growth drivers revolu onizing business
the Indian steel
n Deba ng over opportuni es and challenges in
the path of steel industry in the country for the
next decade
DELEGATES & n Domes c and Interna onal Steel Producers, n Bearings & Sha s

Organiza ons & Associa ons
Automa on & Instrumenta on
n Cu
ng, Shaping, Bending & Welding
Consul ng Design & Service
Steel Mining Infrastructure Equipment Technology n Cu ng Tools n Extrusion
Producers Organiza ons Developers Manufacturers Providers n Water & Pump Equipments n Finished products, components, assemblies
n Welding Equipment & Services n Flexible sheet metal working
Steel Government Policy Global Steel Engineers & Researchers /
Movers Makers& Decision Makers Organiza ons Architects Scholars n Control & automa on Systems n Forging, Cas ng equipment and accessories
n Quality Control, Tes ng & Analysis n Foundry Engineering
Construc on Safety Financial Trading and Global
n Energy Efficiency Equipment n Furnace and Heat Treatment
Material Suppliers Ins tutes Ins tu ons Marke ng Companies Buyers
n Energy Conserva on n Gears, Motors & Compressors
Logis cs Construc on Steel Interna onal Mining & State n Engineering and Design n Joining, fastening
Suppliers Industry Consultants Steel Associa ons Corpora ons n Environment protec on n Lapping
n Filtra on & Separa on n Laser Cladding
n Induc on Furnaces and Heat Treatment n Lubricants
n Nano-Technologies n Machine Tools and Dies
n Palle sa on n Polishing
Project Management & Consulta on Spray Pain ng Systems
n n
n Pumps & Valves n Surface Treatment & Corrosion Technology

n Refractories n Tube / Sec on processing
n Safety Equipment & Technology n Vibrator De-burring Machines & Consumable
n Scien fic Research & Development n Shaping Equipment
STEEL INDUSTRY STAKEHOLDERS n Scrap Collec ng and Recycling n Signalling Equipment
n Metal producing companies n Sheet metal, tube, sec on (ferrous and non-ferrous)
n Alloy manufacturers n Sintering
n Ferrous metal produc on plants and units n Smel ng and Refining
n State Governments n So ware technology
n Central Government Ministries n Foundry Engineering Units
n Foundry Machinery & Technology
n Welding Equipment &Technology Decision Policy Steel Steel Infrastructure
Makers Makers Producers Consumers Developers
n Rolling Mill equipment
Technology Global Steel Steel Industry Engineers & Researchers &
Providers Organiza ons Associa ons Architects Scholars
BUYING AND SOURCING Logis cs Steel Intensive Construc on Component Domes c &
MINERAL PROCESSING Providers User Industries Companies Manufacturers Interna onal Investors
n Mineral Development Corpora on
n Mineral Processing Units
n Contractors
n Scien fic Research & Development Ins tu ons
n MSMEs and Private companies


Pla num Co-Sponsor Associate Lunch Conference Kit
n Cas ng, Forging and Foundry Industry
Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor
n Component Manufacturers
n Consul ng Service providers Lanyard & Cafeteria Registra on Conference Wi-fi
Badges Sponsor Sponsor Counter Sponsor Souvenir Sponsor Sponsor
n Iron and steel produc on
n Non-Ferrous Metals Produc on Session Conference Proceedings Tea / Coffee Pen Notepad
n Sheet metal fabricators Sponsor Pen Drive Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor
n Sheet metal products, components, assemblies VIP Lounge Event Route-Guide Exhibitors Directory Key Chain Visi ng Card
manufacturers Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Holder Sponsor
n Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry
n Steel &Aluminium Construc on
n Tube and Pipe Sector
n Water Supplier Sector
n Trucks, Wheels & Tyres
The CEO Round Table would be the main highlight of the event. It is a face to face interac on between the Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) and planned B2B sessions was organised during India Steel Expo 2017. A
industry CEO's and the Central & State Governments. The Round Table gives a pla orm to both the total of 1602 mee ngs were organised for delegates from 37 countries. In con nua on, the same will be
exis ng as well as the new players to discuss their vision, opportuni esand challenges regarding the organised during India Steel Expo'2019. More than 250 Foreign Buyers will be invited to encourage foreign
Indian steel industry. It would also provide them with an interac ve pla orm to discuss the Vision 2030 as investment to new areas of the Indian steel sector. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of
laid in the Na onal Steel Policy 2017. India has agreed to extend its support to India Steel Expo 2019 and to provide financial assistance for invi ng
relevant and focused Foreign Buyers for the products/ services of the exhibi ng companies during the event.

Delegate Registra on Early Bird Discount FICCI Member Group Discount Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Burundi,
(3o Sep 2018) Discount (3 or more) Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Comoros, Democra c Republic of the Congo, Djibou , Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Georgia, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon,
Indian Rs 5,000 10% 10% 10%
Lesotho, Malawi, Maldives, Mauri us, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal,
Foreign US$ 100 Nigeria, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan,
Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Uzbekistan,
Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Types of Spaces Minimum Area Par cipa on Charges (Per sq .mtr)
Shell Space 11,000 330 Major Activities of the Ministry of Steel:
Bare Space 36 10,000 300 Co-ordination and planning of the growth and development of Iron and Steel Industry in the country (including Re-rolling Mills,
Alloy Steel and Ferro Alloy Industries, Refractories) both in the Public and Private Sectors;
Ministry of Steel
Government of India
Formulation of policies in respect of production, pricing, distribution, import and export of iron & steel, ferro alloys and
refractories; and
Development of input industries relating to iron ore, manganese ore, chrome ore and Refractories etc., required mainly by the
steel industry.

HOSTED DELEGATE COMPOSITION Established in 1927, FICCI is the largest and oldest apex business organisation in India. Its history is closely interwoven with

OF FOCUS COUNTRIES: India’s struggle for independence, its industrialization, and its emergence as one of the most rapidly growing global economies.
A non-government, not-for-profit organisation, FICCI is the voice of India’s business and industry. From influencing policy to
n Government Steel Procurement Department Head encouraging debate, engaging with policy makers and civil society, FICCI articulates the views and concerns of industry. It serves
its members from the Indian private and public corporate sectors and multinational companies, drawing its strength from
n Public Sector Undertaking Head
diverse regional chambers of commerce and industry across states, reaching out to over 2,50,000 companies.
n Manufacturing Plant Head
FICCI provides a platform for networking and consensus building within and across sectors and is the first port of call for Indian
n Procurement Manager industry, policy makers and the international business community.
n Steel Trader
n Steel Importer
n Automobile Manufacturer SUPPORTED BY:
n Infrastructure, Oil and Gas Pipeline and Real Estate Material Suppliers The Department of Commerce formulates, implements and monitors the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) which provides the
n EPC Contractor basic framework of policy and strategy to be followed for promoting exports and trade. The Trade Policy is periodically
n Railway, Shipping, Defence Vendor reviewed to incorporate changes necessary to take care of emerging economic scenarios both in the domestic and
n Rolling Mill Importer Department of Commerce
international economy. Besides, the Department is also entrusted with responsibilities relating to multilateral and
Ministry of Commerce bilateral commercial relations, Special Economic Zones, state trading, export promotion and trade facilitation, and
n Investor & Industry, Govt of India
development and regulation of certain export oriented industries and commodities.
n Trade Journalist
n Other allied Organisa on / Ins tu ons relevant to Steel Industry

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