Alif Mahfudzoh Strong Why To Learn English - 1

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Alif Mahfudzoh

Panggih 01/03 Trowulan Mojokerto

“Strong why to learn English”

1. Why I should learn English ?

Because in my opinion, learn English is future investment. And learning English is very
positive activity in this growing era. It’s not just about skill to show others but it’s about
how we expand our knowledge of an international language that certainly very useful for
our future. And personally, for me people who can speak English is have a greet skill.
And my other reason, like teenagers in general I also have a dream to go abroad one day,
whether it’s just for a vacation or there is something I haveto finish.
2. Whith whom I should learn English ?
I learn English with Ms. Alexa in her English tutoring group. I also joined telegram group
from the tiktok English learning account.

3. Where I should begin to learn English ?

Personally, I usually like to read news articles. And sometimes I start reading some
articles that published in English, so I can also learn English with it. And usually I also
learn from my favorite English songs, and some new videos of my favorite actors that
also performed in English.

4. When I should to start learn and when is deadline to reach my dream to fluent inEnglish ?
I have to start from now of course even though I also just walking slowly. And actually I
don’t really set a fast time to learn English because I also not English student and I have
one area that must be my prioritize. But if according to my wish, maybe about 2 or 3
5. What I should to prepare?
I have to prepare anything that can push me to achieve my expectations. If in learn
English, of coure I have to memorize a lot of vocabulary, understand grammar, and learn
pronounciation correctly.

6. How to reach my dream to fluent ?

I have to be consistent and have strong determination. Beside that, I also have to force my
self to always make time to study when the lazy feeling is come.

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