Leitthema Anatomie: Gesicht Und Körper" in Ausgabe 01/2022: Brief Instructions On How To Design Your Paper

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Leitthema „Anatomie: Gesicht und Körper“ in Ausgabe 


In order to avoid overlaps, here are the topics planned for the issue and the authors inquired about:
authors titles

Prof. S. Cotofana, Dr. K. Frank Einführung zum Thema

Funktionelle Anatomie des Gesichts - Neue Erkenntnisse zur Biomechanik des
Prof. S. Cotofana
Dr. K. Frank Das Superfizielle Fasziale System und dessen Bedeutung für Körperstraffung

Dr. R. Bartsch Der Einfluss der Body Mass Index auf ästhetisch chirurgische Behandlungen

Dr. R.H. Gotkin Facial ligaments and their importance during face-lifting procedures

Dr. S. Sattler Grundregeln für nicht-invasive Gesichtsverjüngung mittels Soft tissue Filler
In order to simplify the work for you and for us and to guarantee a smooth publication process, here is a list of
what to do or what to take note of:

Brief instructions on how to design your paper

1 Here you will find the guidelines for authors with a checklist for completeness checks.
Please design the article according to these guidelines.
Please note the maximum of 30.000 characters (incl. blanks).

Author’s Guide:
Sample article:

Very important! Confirm deadline

2 Please confirm the deadline October 10, 2021 within the next few days. If it is not
possible for you to write the article, please notify the supervising editors and me.
Please send your manuscript to Prof. Sebastian Cotofana and Dr. Konstantin Frank
(Cotofana.Sebastian@mayo.edu; konstantin.frank@med.uni-muenchen.de) and Cc..
please also to me.
Attention when using illustrations

3 Please note that as an author, you are responsible for obtaining written permission
from the publisher or originator who first published the images that have already been
published elsewhere; this is the only way we can publish them.
If the first publishing house is a member of the "International Association of Scientific,
Technical and Medical Publishers" (STM), the procedure may be simplified. All
information can be found here:
Patient photos, Reprint & stm Permissions Guidelines:
IMPORTANT: Should you decide to publish "Open Access", please note that you
must first provide us with proof of the permission of the firstpublisher or
copyright holder of the images, which permits publication under the current
Creative Commons licence BY and thus allows unlimited commercial use.
(Details see:  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


4 We would be pleased if you provide accompanying video/DICOM material to illustrate

your contribution. Videos complement the online version of your contribution as
"Supplementary Material". DICOM studies are published online on springermedizin.de
as an additional service.

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