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Summary Paragraph:

The Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission requests Director of OBM approval to release
$150,000 from ALI C371S2 Am. Sub. H.B. 562 of General Assembly 127 for the
Cultural Center for the Arts project, Canton, Stark County. Comment [dpw1]: This may be auto-filled by
the eCB program (based on the CB Short
Description you put on the main page)
The local project sponsor, being ArtsInStark, has been approved by the Commission for
local administration of their construction project in accordance with ORC 3383.07(A)(2).
The local project sponsor will sign a Cooperative Use agreement and a Capital
Expenditure reimbursement Agreement prior to any reimbursement of state funds for
approved construction costs. Per the terms of these agreements the project sponsor will
be reimbursed on a percentage basis for completed construction with the submittal of a
complete invoice for the predetermined scope of work submitted to the Commission and
approved in Resolution R-09-65 (attached). The percentage of reimbursement is based
on the amount of state funds divided by the total construction cost times the dollar
amount of completed construction.

The local project sponsor is a nonprofit corporation that owns and operates the
Cultural Center for the Arts. Comment [dpw2]: Entered by the Project

Subsequent Paragraphs:

The project consisted of 82,000 square feet of structural renovation to the parking deck.
Expansion joints and curbs were replaced; curbs also were painted. The concrete
surface of the parking deck had been delaminated, and spalled areas were replaced.
The Project is complete and the Sponsor is requesting reimbursement of the Project

The Facility is approximately 330,000 square feet and was built by the Timken Family in
1970. It is home to five arts organizations, an 8,700-square-foot recital hall and the
14,000-square-foot “Great Court.”

SPECIAL NOTE: While most disbursements of state funding through the Commission occur during or immediately
after the construction phase of the approved project, the General Assembly occasionally appropriates funding for
a project after the completion of the capital improvements at the cultural, sports, or historical facility. This
project is one such project. In these cases, the Commission, after taking formal action to make or confirm the
statutorily-required findings regarding the project (see attached Administrative Action), authorizes the
disbursement of funds based on the expenditures submitted by the project sponsor, up to the appropriated
amount. The Commission has received legal advice from nationally-recognized bond counsel that disbursement of
state bond funds after the completion of the capital improvement project is permissible within federal tax code

Related CBRs:

{enter information pertaining to other CBRs for this project}

I:\nurfc request pdfs\files from jillians m drive\NURFC\eCB boilerplate template


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