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4:Consistency and standards:

From headings and body text fonts to the colors used in the interface, the system

must be designed as a whole. The branding guide and design system are helpful in

these examples. The user should not feel as they move from one screen to another

when they arrive at a new website.

This screenshot is show of the Atlassian website showing Consistency and standards.

There salient visual cues to identify the active window and vertical and horizontal scrolling

possible in each window. But you can’t choice menu lists presented vertically.

There are certain patterns that are associated with any interface over time. For example, the

location of a logo on a website is at the top left, the search bar is at the top right, and the cart is at

the top right. However, the site is currently under development, so we do not have the logo on

the site. The color scheme is different from most university pages and the information is

organized by tabs. It looks like a list of services. In general, search bar, style, links, etc.

Multiplication creates a very contradictory and confusing atmosphere.

5:Error prevention:

It is always better to design interfaces that prevent bugs. Improve data quality to reduce the

presence of errors. Evaluate common user errors. Always provide appropriate training

information to support data quality and ensure information is easily visible. For example, the

range of general or suggested data should be displayed in the default format, if available, or

easily accessible to users. The system must remain stable. Do not allow automatic changes to the

measurement system (for example, pounds to kilograms) or do not override a critical threshold

after the system has crashed. Users should be notified of significant changes and updates before

starting work to minimize potential errors due to unforeseen actions. It is also important to

eliminate mistakes. For example, incorrectly or incorrectly selected items or entries may be

misleading, and the dangers of wrong selection and misrepresentation may already exist. Figure

1 shows another common case of error where the input area is not wide enough to view the data

entered. This increases the chances of choosing the wrong drug with names similar to the desired

drug. All situations that cause user error should be considered in design and avoided.

Provide automatic validation of entered data and provide inappropriate data warning data entries

to minimize errors. Alerts should be consistent with and with the messaging framework. For

example, note that the desired food is unusual. Being able to integrate the alert system into a

more complex messaging structure in the clinical environment. Supporting alerts about
conflicting apps is a good example. Details about the warning style can be found in the error


Not enough information about user connection processing. The user has no idea where the links

go, so they may get lost in the navigation. Displaying tooltips in some content can prevent the

user from engaging in unwanted behavior and provide appropriate feedback. This usually applies

to a university site as well, so the reason is the high level of the website and not the functionality

of the catalog. Appropriate feedback should also be provided when search results are not found.

Instead of leaving the page blank, consider alerting the user with the message "No service found

in your search.".

6:Recognition rather than recall:

The sign indicates that the control is in the hands of the user and is constructively appreciated

without any criticism or criticism from the user.

Enter a name for this PO error messages Error messages are grammatically correct and also

avoid exclamation points

Minimize user memory by viewing items, actions, and options. The user does not need to

memorize information from one part of the interface to another. The information needed to use

custom layouts (such as field labels or menu items) must be visible or easily retrieved.

The search drop-down list allows you to search for words by mouth. These searches do not

reflect the usual search behavior and although they support identification, the words may not

reflect the words the user wanted to search. Because of this it is not available. Consider

eliminating scroll search altogether.

7:Flexibility and efficiency of use:

Provide keyboard shortcuts for power users. While hosting and terminal applications can be

difficult to learn, keyboard navigation speeds can be impressive over time. Web applications

shouldn't underestimate this performance potential - a powerful hotkey for power-hungry users.

For data entry screens with many fields or in source documents may be incomplete, users also

can save a partially filled screen. The system uses a pointing device, users have the option of

either clicking on fields or using a keyboard shortcut. Data entry screens, users also have the

option of either clicking directly on a field or using a keyboard shortcut.

On menus, users have the option of either clicking directly on a menu item or using a keyboard


8:Aesthetic and minimalist design:

All information essential to decision making displayed on the screen and meaningful groups of

items separated by white space. Aesthetic and Minimalist design is not about adding white space.

It's about providing relevant data and removing all unwanted items. Catch users should pay

attention to the action there. Or give them exactly the data they want to see. Do not include

irrelevant data and items to confuse users.

9:Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors:

Help users identify errors exactly and suggest ways to get rid of them. If the user does not

receive help for an error, they permanently suspend the product.

Errors in user travel are unintentional. It is important to check whether the errors are explained in

language that the user can understand. For example, I entered the wrong username and password,

and the error message I received was the wrong username or password. Here we do not notify the

user if the username is incorrect or the password is incorrect. If an exception is handled on

request, it should be checked so that relevant messages can be shown to the user. Empty status

messages, 404, 500, etc. Here are some examples. There is no shortage of modern 404 pages on

the web.
10:Help and documentation:

Information is easy to find, visual layout well designed and users easily switch between help and

their work. the user changes the level of detail available users resume work where they left off

after accessing help. menu items are ambiguous, the system provide additional explanatory

information when an item is selected. Data entry screens and dialog boxes supported by

navigation and completion instructions.

Having a user on the help page shows that our product is not so intuitive (in most cases) but if we

keep thinking that our design is perfect then we need to pay more attention to such users.

Therefore, help and documentation are essential for a better user experience. We need to

categorize the different fields appropriately so that the user can select the field and fix it and then

find a solution. Additionally, we may add a FAQ section to see possible bugs and solutions from

previous users. It would be a good idea to add an add button to get user support, as some users

prefer voice dialing before viewing help documents.

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