11-Memo Style10

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Kathy Fox

From: Kathy Fox

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 12:34 PM
To: jepepjr@aol.com
Cc: Tony Capaci; Chris Bruner; 594@ocfcsp.oasfc.local; JRohr@Graydon.com;
dmurphy@nurfc.org; Donald's Yahoo; BReece@nurfc.org
Subject: RE: Contractual Papers....

Dear John, 
Yes, I received your email of 12/24/10 at 5:30 PM.  As mentioned in a prior email, our office is closed for mandatory Cost 
Savings furlough days this week.  The office will reopen on Monday 1/3/2011.  Could you please have your attorney 
forward his question to me since my staff is not available this week?  I will be speaking with our legal counsel this 
afternoon, so if there is a new question it would be helpful for me to know what it is today. 
The status of the Freedom Center project review remains unchanged from my last email:  our Commission Treasurer is 
reviewing the Commission staff’s draft report.  I expect the Treasurer’s feedback next week.  On Monday when our 
office reopens and Tony Capaci is available, he can review any new information that Ben may have provided.   
Best regards, 
Kathleen M. Fox, FASLA
Executive Director
Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission
100 E. Broad Street, Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43215-3661

Vox: 614.752.2770
Fax: 614-752-2775
e-mail: kfox@culture.ohio.gov

visit our website: www.culture.ohio.gov

Building Culture in Ohio's Communities: The Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, formerly the Ohio Arts & Sports Facilities Commission, oversees
capital improvement funds appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly and Governor for community cultural facility projects including non-profit
theaters, museums, historical sites and publicly owned professional sports venues. You are invited to visit www.culture.ohio.gov or call (614) 752-2770
for more information on the Commission or to learn how we can assist your cultural facility project.
From: jepepjr@aol.com [mailto:jepepjr@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 12:11 PM
To: Kathy Fox
Cc: jepepjr@aol.com
Subject: Contractual Papers....

(Dictated but not read by John Pepper)

Dear Kathy,

I just want you to know that I’ll be getting the contractual papers you sent me back to the appropriate office
early the week of January 10. I’ll mail out the week prior to that. My lawyer has raised one, I think relatively
minor, question with your staff.

I’m assuming you’ll let Tom and Ben know if there are any “missing pieces” as far as you’re concerned,
preparing for the review with your committee in February.

Also, and very importantly, I would like to process the additional $450,000 at that same time. I think you have
my earlier e-mail. My wife and I will guarantee that. Given that, I don’t think you will be incurring any risk.
Furthermore, as pointed out and I think Ben will be getting back to you, our latest cash flow numbers show that
$450,000 as being vital to carrying us through to the point where we believe Federalization funds will be

Feel free to give me a call if any part of this is something that would benefit from our talking.

Best regards,
John Pepper
(513) 293-7474

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