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Name : Mutia Saraswati

Student Number : 1006659344

Faculty/Class : MIPA/K

1. Title of the article : Wanted : Mars . . . Dead or Alive?

2. Author : Geoffrey A. Landis
3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article
Knowing the relationship between stress and heart disease is important because in daily life
we usually get stress as the effect of tense activity. Therefore, by reading this article, we can
prevent the possibility of getting heart disease.
4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about
Stress because of bad relationship or chronic strain at work, can cause heart disease. The
more someone gets stressed out, the more heart disease can attack them. The problem is
the doctors don’t have any longer time to diagnose their patient’s feeling, so there are still
many cases about it. The best advice to reduce stress and to decrease the possibility of
getting heart disease is trying not to be stressed out.
5. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The writer wants to show that stress is harmful for our body especially heart and to give
advice for preventing it.
6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
Stress may be difficult to be prevented but by doing the stress-free activity, it can be
reduced. Therefore, we can live healthier and get low possibility being attacked by heart

Name : Mutia Saraswati

Student Number : 1006659344

Faculty/Class : MIPA/K

1. Title of the article : Emotional Intelligence

2. Author : Patricia Holt
3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article
Understanding the emotional intelligence is essential for us because it can determine our
success in life. Moreover, this topic is rarely exposed in our society eventhough it’s
4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about
This article talks about a research by Daniel Goleman named The Marshmallow Challenge
proving about the emotional intelligence can effect person’s character. It’s all because of a
lone neuron in the brain. If the bad emotions pile up in the brain, it will enslave us for the
rest of our lives. However, this research isn’t exposed in society yet. In fact, it is very
important because the bad temper can be prevented by learning emotional intelligence
from childhood.
5. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The writer wants to inform us especially women, children, and school reform that are
marginalized in the society about the importance of emotional intelligence. By knowing this,
the writer expects them to have a better life in the future by learning emotional intelligence
right now.
6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
Having emotional stability is more important than having a high IQ in determining our
success in life. We should have self-controlled for encourage it.

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