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Name: Nadhiza Rifa Ghassani

Class: XI MIPA 6

Presence Number: 26

A. Find out a personal letter from any resources you have!

35 Senggigi Raya


75009 Nusa Tenggara Timur

12th January 2014

My Dear Lovely Siti


How are you, sweetie? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after a long time. I am
so sorry, please forgive me. You know we are in Lombok right now. It is so beautiful beyond imagination.
I am writing to you from this really cute little cafe on the Senggigi beach. As you know my mom loves
shopping and decided to write to you while I enjoy my cup of coffee.

You know yesterday we went to Gill Nanggu Island; It is a beach on the southwest of Lombok. The place
is awesome. It is so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. There are beautiful coral reefs everywhere. We
went for snorkeling and we saw most amazing fish ever. I wish you were here; It would have been much
more fun. Mum's making sure we don't miss any sight in the whole city, so we've practically been

I got to go, mum is here. I will see you soon.

Lots of love,


P.S. I'm bringing you a lot of souvenirs and pictures!!


1. Address: 35 Senggigi Raya, Lombok, 75009 Nusa Tenggara Timur

2. Date: 12th January 2014

3. Salutation: My Dear Lovely Siti

4. Greetings: Hello!

5. Introduction: How are you, sweetie?

6. The Content of The Letter/Body: Paragraph 1-2

7. Closure: I got to go, my mum is here. I will see you soon.

8. Closing: Lots of love, XOXO

9. Signature: Lana

10. Postscript: P.S. I'm bringing you a lot of souvenirs and pictures!!

B. Prepare your own personal letter

Hi, it's been a long time right since the last time we met. I hope you are well. Because of this pandemic,
it's really hard to catch up with you even though you're in Bandung. There are many things I want to tell
you, especially about what I've been through these past few years. It has been rough for me, at first I
thought I wouldn't survive. Hahaha. But look at me, I can get through all of it! After we graduated from
middle school, many things have changed. It feels different without your presence, we used to hang out
every weekend, but ever since you went to Malang for your education I feel empty.

Anyway, how is your quarantine going? I wish you the best, always. Let's meet up soon Firra!. Okay I
think, it's enough to get here first in my letter. I will wait your reply to tell the story of your current life.
Stay healthy and hope we can meet as soon as possible.
With love,


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