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Consumer behavior is a widely studied field. Understanding it completely is

impossible, because it is related so closely to human mind. However, forecasting how a

human behaves in purchasing situations can be estimated. Through previous purchasing

decisions, consumers make buying decisions every day and many people do not even

know the factors that drive them to this decision. Consumer behavior can be broadly

classified as the decisions and actions that influence the purchasing behavior of a

consumer. There are factors affecting the purchasing behavior which focuses by the

researchers such as personal factor, psychological factor and social factor. Each factors

have different connection in every consumer that affects their behavior.

However, they affect consumer behavior in different ways. Many factors that

affect consumer behavior are beyond the control and manipulation. Factors that influence

consumer behavior include motivation, perception, learning, feelings, personal

preferences, thinking, social norms, cultural values, trends, group influence, family

influence, cultural influence, sub-cultural influence, environment, economy, culture,

marketing, age, prevailing circumstances, and personal life.

This paper will discuss the factors affecting the purchasing behavior. The reason

why the researchers choose this study is that the students’ purchasing behavior reflects

their decisions and actions. Through this, the goal of the researchers is to determine the

difference between the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of San

Luis Senior High School.

Theoretical Framework

This chapter reviews theory that is related to the factors affecting the purchasing



Psycho-analytic Socio-cultural
Theory Theory

Factors Affecting
The Purchasing
Behavior Of
Students Of SLSHS

Figure 1

Theoretical Framework

According to the Psycho-analytic theory, Freud gives personally these aspects: the

id, the ego and super ego and states that consumer behavior is a result of the interaction

between these three. While “id” triggers pleasures, the super ego sees the moral issues and

the ego is the go between helping the consumer decide whether to buy or not.

On the other hand, Sigmund Freud also proposed that Psychological Theory where

people learn from their experience and this will determine how they act in future. This makes

sense when seen in conjunction with brand loyalty and repetitive buying. Psychological theory

consists of stimulus response theories and cognitive theories. Stimulus response theory assumes

that learning is a result of a person’s response to a stimulus, which is then rewarded with

satisfaction for the right, response. The cognitive theory deals with post buying behavior and

states that stimulation and want are influenced by the consumer’s awareness, beliefs,

perception and attitudes.

Also, Socio-cultural Theory of Lev Vygotski or called as veblenian model, it labels

man as a social animal whose wants and behavior are shaped by his peer group. Regardless of

personal preferences, people tend to blend in a society.

The Psycho-analytic Theory, Psychological Theory and Social Theory are the theories

which can help the researchers to reduce biases that may sway the researchers’ interpretation

about the factors affecting the purchasing behavior of the students in San Luis Senior High

School. It is also serve as the guide all throughout the research study.

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework of the study shows the flow of the concept, the

process and the result of the study.


Assessment of
Effect of the the factors affecting
following factors in the the purchasing
purchasing behavior of behavior on the
Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS.
students of SLSHS, as
assessed by themselves Recommended
Determining plan for students to
in terms of: the difference between develop good
the Grade 11 and 12 purchasing behavior.
-Personal factor students on the effect
of the factors in their
-Psychological factor purchasing behavior.
-Social factor
Perception of the perceptions of the
students regarding students in their
purchasing behavior. purchasing behavior.


Figure 2

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This figure shows the input variable that contains the effect of the following

factors in the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS, as assessed by

themselves in terms of Personal factor, Psychological factor and Social factor and

perception of students regarding purchasing behavior. While the process contains the

assessment of the factors affecting the purchasing behavior on the students of SLSHS

determining the difference between the Grade 11 and 12 students on the effect of the

factors in their purchasing behavior. Lastly, the output variable shows the recommended

plan for students to develop good purchasing behavior.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the purchasing behavior of

Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS during the second semester of school year 2019-


Specifically, this research intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of the following factors in the purchasing behavior of

Grade11 students as assessed by themselves in terms of:

1.1 Personal Factor;

1.2 Psychological Factor, and

1.3 Social Factor?

2. What is the effect of the following factors in the purchasing behavior of Grade

12 students as assessed by themselves in the above-mentioned categories?

3. Is there a significant difference between the assessment of the two groups of

respondents on the effect of the factors in their purchasing behavior?

4. How do the students perceive their purchasing behavior?

5. What plan of action may be recommended for students to develop good

purchasing behavior?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference between the factors affecting the purchasing

behavior of students of SLSHS.

Significance of the Study

This study may be beneficial to the following:

Students. This research will serve as instrument for them to identify the product

that will satisfy their necessities.

Entrepreneurs. This research will give them knowledge on what consumers’

think and how the consumer feels various product.

Future Researchers. This research will be guide for their study which is related to

this topic with the help of information from this paper.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the purchasing behavior of

Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS and perceptions on their purchasing behavior during

the second semester of school year 2019-2020. The questionnaire and interview were the

instruments for gathering the data.

Moreover, the research study was limited only in the information gathered with

the help of questionnaires and interviews given to the respondents. 100 students of San

Luis Senior High School, wherein 50 students are Grade 11 and 50 students are Grade 12,

during the second semester of the school year 2019-2020 was involved in this study as

respondents. The percentage, weighted mean, and t-test were applied for the treatment of

the data.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally.

Personal Factors. An individual's interest and opinions influenced by

demographics (age, gender, culture, etc). (

influencing-consumer-behavior.html). Under this study the term refers to the influence

the purchasing behavior are lifestyle, economic situation, occupation, age, personality

and self-concept.

Psychological Factors. An individual's response to a marketing message will

depend on their perceptions and attitudes in this study.

( As

used in this study, it pertains to the motivation, perception, learning as well as beliefs and


Social Factors. Influences the decision making of an individual with respect to

the purchase of certain goods and services. It is believed that an individual passes through

two families: Family of Orientation and Family of Procreation.


influence-the-meaning-of-translations/). In this study this term refers to the influencing

consumer buying decision can be classified as reference groups, immediate family

members, relatives.

Purchasing Behavior. Sum total of the attitudes, preferences, beliefs and

decisions regarding the consumers’ behavior when purchasing a product or service in a


terms/12074-buying-behavior.html). In this research study it describes the action of a

consumer in terms of buying.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that are

relevant to the present study. This helps in familiarizing information that is similar to the

researchers’ study.

Related Literature


According to Dudovsky (2015) the topic of consumer behaviour is one of the

massively studied topics by the researchers and marketers in the past and still being

studied. Researchers show different reasons as to why consumers’ behaviour has been

the topic of many academic and researchers. One of the common views is that

understanding consumer behaviour has a direct impact on the overall performance of

the business. Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do

or do not buy a product. It includes elements from sociology, psychology, social

anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the consumer decision making

process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual

consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in order to understand the

needs and wants of people. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from

groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. Consumer

behaviour study is based on consumer buying behaviour, with the consumer playing

three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. This study attempts to study the consumer

behaviour towards two wheeler dealers in Coimbatore district.

Shan(2018) defined consumer behaviour as the selection, purchase and

consumption of goods and services for the satisfaction of their wants. There are

different processes involved in the consumer behaviour, initially the consumer tries to

find what commodities he would like to consume, and then he selects only those

commodities that promise greater utility. After selecting the commodities, the consumer

makes an estimate of the available money which he can spend. Lastly, the consumer

analyses the prevailing prices of commodities and takes the decision about the

commodities he should consume. Meanwhile, there are various other factors

influencing the purchases of consumer such as social, cultural, personal and

psychological. It affecting our purchase decision includes motivation (Maslow's

hierarchy of needs), perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. Other people often

influence a consumers purchase decision. The marketer needs to know which people

are involved in the buying decision and what role each person plays, so that marketing

strategies can also be aimed at these people. Among the factors influencing consumer

behavior, psychological factors can be divided into 4 categories: motivation, perception,

learning as well as beliefs and attitudes.

Hoyer, et. al.(2014) stated that social factors impacting consumer behaviour

arise as a result of interactions of perspective consumers with others in various levels

and circumstances. Targeting members of society perceived as opinions of leaders

usually society proves effective strategy when marketing products and services potential

of opinion leaders to influence behaviour of other members of society as consumers.

Consumer behavior studies individuals and groups when they select, purchase, use and

dispose products, ideas, services or experiences. Consumers seek items to satisfy their

basic needs and desires. Consumer behavior is much more than studying what

consumers buy. It attempts to understand how the decision-making process goes and

how it affects consumers’ buying behavior.

Ramya (2016) explained that the consumer buying behaviour refers to the

buying behaviour of the ultimate consumer. Many factors, specificities and

characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer in his decision

making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he buys or the

retailers he goes. A purchase decision is the result of each and every one of these

factors. An individual and a consumer is led by his culture, his subculture, his social class,

his membership groups, his family, his personality, his psychological factors, etc.. and is

influenced by cultural trends as well as his social and societal environment. By

identifying and understanding the factors that influence their customers, brands have

the opportunity to develop a strategy, a marketing message (Unique Value Proposition)

and advertising campaigns more efficient and more in line with the needs and ways of

thinking of their target consumers, a real asset to better meet the needs of its

customers and increase sales. Introduction Consumer buying behavior refers to the

selection, purchase and consumption of goods and services for the satisfaction of their

wants. There are different processes involved in the consumer behavior. Many factors,

specificities and characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer

in his decision making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he

buys or the retailers he goes. A purchase decision is the result of each and every one of

these factors. Initially the consumer tries to find what commodities he would like to

consume, then he selects only those commodities that promise greater utility. After

selecting the commodities, the consumer makes an estimate of the available money

which he can spend. Lastly, the consumer analyzes the prevailing prices of commodities

and takes the decision about the commodities he should consume. Meanwhile, there

are various other factors influencing the purchases of consumer such as social, cultural,

economic, personal and psychological.


According to Rodriguez (2014), personal factors include taste preferences,

personal financial circumstances and related factors. The impact of personal factors on

consumer decision-making is usually addressed by businesses during market

segmentation, targeting and positioning practices by grouping individuals on the basis of

their personal circumstances along with others criteria and developing products and

services that accommodate these circumstances in the most effective manner. A

consumer does not buy the same products or services at 20 or 70 years. His lifestyle,

values, environment, activities, hobbies and 57 consumer habits evolve throughout his

life. Age and life-cycle have potential impact on the consumer buying behavior. It is

obvious that the consumers change the purchase of goods and services with the

passage of time. Family life-cycle consists of different stages such young singles, married

couples, unmarried couples etc. which help marketers to develop appropriate products

for each stage.

Sandoval (2014) defined that a consumer’s occupation of purchasing power

influence purchasing decisions and buying behaviour. The income level affects what

consumers can afford and the perspective towards money, people, who share similar

occupations tend to have similar taste in music, clothing and leisure activities. They

usually socialize with each other and share the same kind of values and ideas. Income

level effects on what consumer can afford and perspective towards money. Consumer

behavior has been always of great interest to marketers. The knowledge of consumer

behavior helps the marketer to understand how consumers think, feel and select from

alternatives like products, brands and the like and how the consumers are influenced by

their environment, the reference groups, family, and salespersons and so on. A

consumer’s buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological

factors. Most of these factors are uncontrollable and beyond the hands of marketers

but they have to be considered while trying to understand the complex behavior of the

consumers. Consumer is the study “of the processes involved when individuals or

groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to

satisfy needs and desires.”

Related Studies


Tanja (2015) studied about the Factors affecting consumers’ buying decision in

the selection of a coffee brand. The data for this study was collected via an Internet

survey. The author used Google forms to create a self-administered questionnaire. To

understand how people can consume the same coffee brand for so long periods,

consumers were asked to indicate why they are consuming coffee 72.09 percent of

respondents stated that the reason was habit and 13.95 percent said that is was

addiction. To know what coffee brands consumers consume, respondents were asked to

state the name of their current coffee brand. 41 people of 86 stated of using Juhla

Mokka coffee and eight people using Presidentti Tumma Paahto. These two were the

biggest brands given in the survey. The following question was how long consumers

have consumed that brand. It is indicates that 14 people of the age group of 28-45 years

old have consumed the same coffee brand for 1-3 years. 11 people from the age group

of 17-27 years old have consumed the same coffee brand more than five years. This

result is interesting because the age group consists of young people and it can be

assumed that the information about the brand could have come from their family. It can

be that the person might have consumed same brand before moving out from home to

study. The results show that family, friends and neighbours are the important factors

that affect on decision making when selecting coffee brand. In addition, consumers can

also base their selection on beliefs and attitudes of psychological factor. The research

showed that consumers are using different steps of the decision-making process during

purchasing. However, there was indication that consumers make often impulse decision

when the steps of the decision making process are discarded. The results of the study

give the general view that social, personal and psychological factors have some effect

but statistical reliability is not strong. For future studies concerning this topic, it is

recommended to have a larger sample and to create smaller groups when analyzing

data. It could be possible then to find relationships with different correlation tests. In

this study it would have been wise to group at least occupation and age to

smaller groups. Additionally, if the product in this study would have been more

expensiveand rarely purchased, results could have been different.

The study of Tanja (2015) and the researchers’ study are similar because it

tackled the factors of purchasing behaviour of the consumers but the previous study

used internet survey such as Google to understand how people can consume the same

coffee brand for so long periods. The result of the study conducted shows the

psychological factor is most of the consumers based on. While, the present study used

interviews and questionnaires for the students of San Luis Senior High School to

determine the factors affecting the purchasing behavior such as personal factor,

psychological factor and social factor.

Oxford (2015) studied about the cultural factors affecting consumer behaviour

are related to cross-cultural differences amongst consumers on local and global scales.

Culture can be defined as “the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a particular

people or society”, and the tendency of globalisation has made it compulsory for cross

cultural differences amongst consumers to be taken into account when formulating and

communicating marketing messages. This study examined the relationship of consumer

values, needs and purchase behavior in two Asian consumer markets, China and South

Korea. Between self-directed values and social affiliation values, self-directed values

were the underlying determinant of needs to be satisfied by apparel products. Among

the three types of needs identified to be satisfied through apparel (i.e. experiential,

social and functional needs), experiential needs were the most important needs that

influenced apparel purchases of female consumers in both Asian markets. Consumers in

both country markets exhibited brand loyal behavior in apparel purchases, fulfilling all

three needs. However, actualization patterns of each need through brand loyal behavior

differed between the two consumer samples. While for brand-loyal Chinese consumers

experiential image was the most important aspect of the branded apparel appeal to

female consumers, social image with performance quality assurance was a more

important feature of the branded apparel appeal to consumers in Korea. Implications

for brand image management for international markets were discussed.

The previous study and the present study are similar in the sense that it focused

on the social factor in purchasing behavior. But, the previous study from Oxford (2015)

which aims about the cross-cultural differences amongst consumers on local and global

scales. This research also described that relationship of consumer values, needs and

purchase behavior in two Asian consumer markets, China and South Korea. However,

the present study dealt with the cultural changes of the consumer that reflects on the

social factor purchasing behavior within the San Luis Senior High School.

Kumar (2014) conducted the internal and external influences on consumers

purchasing decisions on cosmetic products in Tamilnadu and Kerala. The

instruments of this study involved two parts: the first section of the instrument

consisted of forced-choice questions about demographic characteristics: gender,

marital status, age, occupation, monthly income level. The second section variables

chosen for this study in order to measure the influence of consumer buying

behaviour in cosmetics products. Descriptive statistics, including means, standard

deviations were implemented in order to investigate the demographic data, one-

way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine whether any

significant relationships exist among respondents. In addition, the .05 level of

statistical significance was set at all statistical tests in the present study. The

findings of the study were generalized as follows: Statistically significant

differences were found in Income level by the different brand dimensions like

social, culture and there is no statistically significant difference in dimension of

Personal and psychological. In the end of the study implications and conclusion were


They are both the same of studies because of the content stated on the personal

and psychological factors of the purchasing behaviour. The difference of the both of

them, the study of Kumar (2014) conducted it through focusing income level by the

different brand dimensions like social, culture and there is no statistically

significant difference in dimension of Personal and psychological. Also, this research

used descriptive statistics, including means, standard deviations. But, the present study

assessed the factors in the purchasing behavior of the students through percentage,

weighted mean, and t-test was applied for the treatment of the data.


De Guzman (2016) investigates the factors that influence consumer behavior,

and their prospective online purchase decisions in a dynamic pricing context, through an

exploratory factor analysis approach. A primary research survey was conducted, and

178 samples were finalized for data analysis through a series of web surveys completed

by respondents in Philippines. This study identifies measures and classifies 27 research

items into variables, namely shopping experience, privacy concerns, and awareness

about dynamic pricing, buying strategy, fair price perceptions, reprisal intentions and

intentions for self-protection. These seven factors could be used to explain consumer

behavior in a dynamic pricing situation. Hence, the behaviour patterns, likes and dislikes

are influenced by the people around us to a great extent. They always seek confirmation

from the people around us and seldom do things that are not socially acceptable. The

social factor influencing consumer behaviour are family, reference groups, roles and


Both studies are the same because of the social factor stated and statistical tool

used. On the other hand, the previous study dealt more on the investigation of the

factors that influence consumer behavior, and their prospective online purchase

decisions in a dynamic pricing context, through an exploratory factor analysis approach.

The present study focused on the three factors of purchasing behavior and the

perception of students regarding purchasing behavior.

Velencina (2015) stated that the lack of information about the consumer

behavior of Filipinos, specifically about the matters of vanity and materialism, influenced

the realization of the paper. 200 Filipino individuals were surveyed for this study which

was mainly intended to find answers to following the hypotheses: 1) Consumer vanity is

positively related to anxiety. 2) Consumer vanity and materialism are positively related.

3) Anxiety is positively related to materialism, 4) The relationship between consumer

vanity and materialism is mediated by anxiety, and 5) There is no difference in consumer

vanity and materialism between Filipino males and females. Substantially, the results

were found to be coherent with the hypotheses, showing evidence of a significant

relationship of vanity and anxiety with materialism independently, and showing no

significant differences among the genders with regards to materialism and vanity.

However, the data failed to show evidence that supports anxiety as a mediator between

vanity and materialism. The study intends to add on to the existing consumer behavior

research, specifically to aid in advertising that targets the Filipino demographic, by

providing significant information on Filipinos’ purchasing behavior and to take

advantage of the rising metrosexuality in the Philippines.

The previous study and the present study of the researchers are connected to

one another because of idea about the purchasing behavior. The previous study based

on Velencina (2015) that the consumer vanity and materialism between Filipino males

and females through giving the information on Filipinos’ purchasing behavior. The

present study focused on the difference of the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of SLSHS

on the factors affecting their purchasing behavior.


The review of literature and study of local and foreign have a huge impact on

the present study of the researchers. They are all related on determine the factors

affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS such as

personal factor, psychological factor and social factor.

In this regard, it contains the relevance of the present study in the research

questions. And, on of the most comparable study was from Tanja (2015) on the

researchers currently study. The reason for this is that the main focus of his study was

all about the family, friends and neighbors are the important factors that affect on

decision making when selecting coffee brand. In addition, consumers can also base their

selection on beliefs and attitudes of psychological factor. This only shows that Tanja

(2015) and present study aims to determine its factors affecting the purchasing


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research method used, respondents of the study, the

research instrument and the procedure in gathering data as well as the statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive quantitative-qualitative method of research

specifically t-test study, Koh and Owen (2019) stated that descriptive research is based

on the premise that problems can be solved and practices improved through

observation, analysis and description. The most common descriptive research method is

survey which includes questionnaires, personal interview, phone survey and normative

survey. According to Kenton (2019) that the t-test study is a type of inferential statistic

used to determine if there’s a significant difference between the means of two groups,

which may be related in certain features.

The researchers adopted these research methods to determine the factors

affecting the purchasing behaviour of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of SLSHS and the

extent of purchasing behaviour as well as the difference of two variables.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study involved the selected students of Grade 11 and

Grade 12 of SLSHS during the second semester of school year 2019-2020. It composed

of 50 students of Grade 11 and wherein 10 ABM, 10 STEM, 10 ICT, 10 HUMSS A and 10

HUMSS B, while 50 students of Grade 12 such as 10 ABM, 10 STEM, 10 ICT, 10 HUMSS A

and 10 HUMSS B.

1.Profile of the Respondents

The following tables showed the profile of the respondents that will give the

readers a background information about the subject of the study.

1.1 Age. Table 1 presents the distribution of respondents by age of Grade 11 and

Grade 12 students.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents by Age of Grade 11

Age Frequency Percentage

15-17 years old 31 62
18-20 years old 19 38
21 years old and above 0 0
Total 50 100

The data showed that 31 or 62 percent of the respondents are 15-17 years old;

19 or 38 percent are 18-20 years old and there’s no 21 years old and above. Most of the

respondents of Grade 11 are belong to the bracket of 15-17 years old.

Table 2

Distribution of Respondents by Age of Grade 12

Age Frequency Percentage

15-17 years old 21 42

18-20 years old 29 58
21 years old and above 0 0
Total 50 100

The data showed that 21 or 42 percent of the respondents are 15-17 years old;

29 or 58 percent are 18-20 years old and there’s no 21 years old and above. Most of the

respondents of Grade 12 are belong to the bracket of 18-20 years old.

1.2 Gender. The table 3 presents the distribution of respondents by Gender of

Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.

Table 3

Distribution of Respondents by Gender of Grade 11

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 21 42
Female 29 58
Total 50 100

The table showed that 21 or 42 percent of the respondents are male and 29 or

58 percent are female. It was evident that the majority of the respondents are female.

Table 4

Distribution of Respondents by Gender of Grade 12

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 20 40
Female 30 60
Total 50 100

The table showed that 20 or 40 percent of the respondents are male and 30 or

60 percent are female. It was evident that the majority of the respondents are female.

Research Instruments

The researchers used questionnaire and interview as their research instrument

in gathering data. The questionnaire included several questions about the topic. The

first part was the profile of the respondents which includes age and gender of the

subjects. While, the second part was composed of statements about the extent of

determining the factors affecting the purchasing behaviour of the students in terms of

personal factor, psychological factor, and social factor. On the other hand, the interview

was conducted by asking questions to the students on their perception in their

purchasing behaviour.

Preparation and Validation of the Instruments

The researchers gathered knowledge and information through the help of

reading in different references such as literatures, theses, and articles from the internet

that are connected to the research study. In this way, the researchers prepared the first

draft of the questionnaire and interview guide questions. After the approval of the

research teacher, the comments, suggestions and corrections were incorporated in the

second draft. It was presented again in the adviser and after the approval, it was

validated by an ABM Teacher. After the validation, the final corrections were applied

and the final copy was printed, replicated and are ready for distribution by the


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought the permission of the principal to conduct the study

through the formal letter of request. After the permission was granted, 100 copies of

the questionnaires were issued to the students of SLSHS. After few days, the researchers

finished the interview and 100 percent of the questionnaires were retrieved. The

researchers then analyzed, summarized and interpreted the data.

Scoring of the Responses

The responses of the respondents were tabulated analyzed and interpreted

using the 5-point scale below.

Weight Interval Verbal Interpretation Symbol

5 4.50-5.00 Very Great Extent VGE

4 3.50-4.49 Great Extent GE

3 2.50-3.49 Moderate Extent ME

2 1.50-2.49 Less Extent LE

1 1.00-1.49 Not Evident NE

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used to have a better understanding on the

meaning of the data gathered.

Percentage. A frequency distribution is display of the data that specifies the

percentage of the observation that exist for each data point of groupings of data points.

It is particularly useful method of expressing the relative frequency of survey responses

and other data. The formula below was used

P= *100


p= Percentage

f= frequency

n= number of respondents

100= constant

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the factors affecting the purchasing

behaviour of the students from the given scale. This formula was used

∑ fx


WM= Weighted Mean

x= weight point of each option

∑ fx = the sum of the products of frequency and weight

n= total of respondents

T-test. This was used to determine the difference between the Grade 11 and

Grade 12 students of SLSHS

M 1−M 2


T= T-test

M1= mean of Grade 11 students in the factors affecting the purchasing behavior

M2= mean of Grade 12 students in the factors affecting the purchasing behaviour

SeD = Standard error of differences between two means

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered

from the respondents through questionnaire and interview.

1.1 Extent of Personal Factor affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 students.

Table 5 shows the extent of personal factor affecting the purchasing behavior of

Grade11 students.

Table 5

Personal Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11 Students

Indicators WM VI R
1 .Consider financial stability during shopping. 3.88 GE 1
2. Know the economic situation in buying a product. 3.76 GE 3
3. Age determines the things to buy. 3.80 GE 2
4. Only buy products that suit personality. 3.50 GE 5
5. Often change the buying preferences through lifestyle. 3.54 GE 4
Average Weighted Mean 3.70 GE

The average weighted mean of 3.70 denoted that the extent of personal factor

affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 students is to a great extent. This was

a manifestation that the students consider financial stability during shopping with

the weighted mean of 3.88 great extent. It was showed that they know the

economic situation in buying a product with the 3.76 great extent. While their age

determines the things to buy which the weighted mean of 3.80 great extent. It

showed that the students only buy products that suit their personality to a 3.50

weighted mean great extent. The revealed that Grade 11 students often change the

buying preferences through lifestyle with the weighted mean of 3.54 great extent.

The findings implied that the personal factor affects the purchasing behavior of

Grade 11 students is to a great extent. The study related with these results was

came from Oxford (2015) which examined the relationship of consumer values,

needs and purchase behavior in two Asian consumer markets, China and South

Korea. Between self-directed values and social affiliation values, self-directed values

were the underlying determinant of needs to be satisfied by apparel products.

1.2 Extent of Psychological Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade11

Students. Table 6 shows the extent of psychological factor affecting the purchasing

behavior of Grade11 students.

Table 6

Psychological Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11 Students

Indicators WM VI R
1. Believe in checking the durability of the product before buying. 3.76 GE 1
2. Get motivated to buy the latest product. 3.46 GE 5
3. Encourage the self to buy the products which needed. 3.82 GE 1
4. Buy products based on perception towards the company/seller. 3.68 GE 3
5. Use beliefs in buying. 3.58 GE 4
Average Weighted Mean 3.66 GE

The data revealed that the extent of psychological factor affecting the

purchasing behavior of Grade 11 students is to a great extent with the average weighted

mean of 3.66. This was a manifestation that the students are well informed about the

factors affecting the purchasing behavior.

It was revealed that the students of Grade 11 believe in checking the durability

of the product before buying to a great extent with the weighted mean of 3.76. The

students also get motivated to buy the latest product with the weighted mean of 3.46 to

a great extent. They encourage themselves to buy the products which needed with the

weighted mean of 3.82 great extent. It was noted that the students buy products based

on perception towards the company or seller with the weighted mean of 3.68 great

extent. They also use their beliefs in buying with the weighted mean of 3.58 to a great


The findings implied that the extent of psychological factors affects the purchasing

behavior of Grade 11 students to a great extent. It was supported by Ramya (2016)

which studied about identifying the measures and classifies 27 research items into

variables, namely shopping experience, privacy concerns, and awareness about dynamic

pricing, buying strategy, fair price perceptions, reprisal intentions and intentions for self-


1.3 Extent of Social Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11 students.

Table 7 shows the extent of social factor affecting the purchasing behavior of

Grade11 students.

Table 7

Social Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11 Students

Indicators WM VI R
1.Take in consideration society beliefs in terms of buying. 3.88 GE 1
2.Family affects decision on what products to purchase. 3.68 GE 2
3.Society culture affects buying behavior. 3.50 GE 3
4.Care about people opinions when buying things. 3.36 GE 4
5.Buy things only because of the influence of the friends/peer. 3.26 GE 5
Average Weighted Mean 3.54 GE

The average weighted mean of 3.54 denoted that the extent of social factor

affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 students is to a great extent. It was

showed that the students take in consideration society beliefs in terms of buying with

the weighted mean of 3.88 to a great extent. The students' family affects decision on

what products to purchase weighted mean of 3.68 to a great extent. It was noted that

society culture affects buying behavior with a weighted mean of 3.50 to a great extent.

The students care about people opinions when buying things with a weighted mean of

3.36 to a great extent. It was showed that they buy things only because of the influence

of their friends or peer with a weighted mean of 3.26 to a great extent.

The findings implied that the extent of social factor affects the purchasing behavior

of Grade 11 students. The study that supported De Guzman (2016) indicates that this

was study of the behaviour patterns, likes and dislikes are influenced by the people

around us to a great extent. They always seek confirmation from the people around us

and seldom do things that are not socially acceptable. The social factor influencing

consumer behaviour are family, reference groups, roles and status.

Summary. Table 8 shows the summary of the effect of the factors in the purchasing

behavior of Grade 11 students.

Table 8

Summary of the Effect of the Factors in the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11


Aspects AW VI R

1.Personal Factor 3.70 GE 1
2. Psychological Factor 3.66 GE 2
3. Social Factor 3.54 GE 3
Composite Mean(CM) 3.63 GE

The composite mean of 3.63 indicated that the extent of purchasing behavior of

Grade 11 students is to great extent as assessed by themselves. Topmost in the rank

was the personal factor to a great extent with an average weighted mean of 3.70.

Second in the rank was the psychological factor wherein the extent of purchasing

behavior of Grade 11 students is also a great extent with an average weighted mean of

3.66. Last, the extent of purchasing behavior in terms of social factor is to a great extent

with an average weighted mean of 3.54.

2.1 Extent of Personal Factor affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 12 Students.

Table 9 shows the extent of personal factor affecting the purchasing behavior of

Grade12 students.

Table 9

Personal Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12 Students

Indicators WM VI R
1. Consider financial stability during shopping. 4.50 VGE 1
2. Know the economic situation in buying a product. 3.72 GE 3
3. Age determines the things to buy. 3.80 GE 2
4. Only buy products that suit personality. 3.66 GE 4.5
5. Often change the buying preferences through lifestyle. 3.66 GE 4.5
Average Weighted Mean 3.87 GE

The average weighted mean of 3.87 denoted that the extent of personal factor

affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 12 students is to a great extent. This was an

indication that students consider financial stability during shopping to a very great

extent with a weighted mean of 4.50. It was noted that they know the economic

situation in buying a product with a weighted mean of 3.72 to a great extent. The

students age determines the things to buy with a weighted mean of 3.80 to a great

extent. They only buy products that suit their personality with a weighted mean of 3.66

to a great extent. The data also revealed that they often change the buying preferences

through lifestyle with a weighted mean of 3.66 to a great extent.

The findings implied that the extent of personal factor affects the purchasing

behavior of Grade 12 students to a great extent. It was supported by the study of Kumar

(2014) conducted the internal and external influences on consumers purchasing

decisions on cosmetic products in Tamilnadu and Kerala. The instruments of this

study involved two parts: the first section of the instrument consisted of forced-choice

questions about demographic characteristics: gender, marital status, age,

occupation, monthly income level.

2.2 Extent of Psychological Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12

Students. Table 10 shows the extent of psychological factor affecting the purchasing

behavior of Grade12 students.

Table 10

Psychological Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12 Students

Indicators WM VI R
1. Believe in checking the durability of the product before buying. 4.32 1

2. Get motivated to buy the latest product. 3.70 GE 4

3. Encourage the self to buy the products which needed. 4.22 2

4. Buy products based on perception towards the company/seller. 4.14 3

5. Use beliefs in buying. 3.68 GE 5

Average Weighted Mean 4.01

The data revealed that the extent of psychological factor affecting the

purchasing behavior of Grade 12 students is to a very great extent with an average

weighted mean of 4.01. This was a manifestation that students believe in checking the

durability of the product before buying with the weighted mean of 4.32, very great

extent. It was also revealed that the Grade 12 students are encourage themselves to

buy the product which needed to a very great extent having a weighted mean of 4.22.

It was noted that Grade 12 students buy products based on perception towards

the company or seller to a very great extent having a weighted mean of 4.14. It was also

showed that the students are get motivated to buy the latest product with a weighted

mean of 3.70, great extent. Furthermore, Grade 12 students use beliefs in buying as

evidenced by the lowest weighted mean of 3.68.

The findings implied that the psychological factor affects the purchasing behavior

of Grade 12 students to a very great extent. It was supported by the study of Tanja

(2015) which stated that the results of his study show consumers can also base their

selection on beliefs and attitudes of psychological factor the important factors that

effect on decision making when selecting coffee brand.

2.3 Extent of Social Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12 Students.

Table 11 shows the extent of social factor affecting the purchasing behavior of

Grade12 students.

Table 11

Social Factor Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12 Students

Indicators WM VI R
1.Take in consideration society beliefs in terms of buying. 4.12 VG 1

2.Family affects decision on what products to purchase. 3.80 GE 4
3.Society culture affects buying behavior. 3.84 GE 3
4.Care about people opinions when buying things. 3.88 GE 2
5.Buy things only because of the influence of the friends/peer. 3.78 GE 5
Average Weighted Mean 3.8 GE

The data revealed that the extent of social factor affecting the purchasing

behavior of Grade 12 students is to a great extent with the average weighted mean of

3.88. It was showed that the students take in consideration society beliefs in terms of

buying a weighted mean of 3.80 to a great extent. The society culture of the students in

their buying behavior with a weighted mean of 3.84 to a great extent. It was showed

that the students buy things only because of the influence of friends or peers with a

weighted mean of 3.78 to a great extent.

The findings implied that the extent of social factor affects the purchasing

behavior of Grade 12 students. This result was supported by the study of Tanja (2015)

that it can be that the person might have consumed same brand before moving out

from home to study. The results show that family, friends and neighbors are the

important factors that affect on decision making when selecting coffee brand.

Summary. Table 12 shows the summary of the effect of the factors in the purchasing

behavior of Grade 12 students.

Table 12

Summary of the Effect of the Factors in the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12


Indicators AW VI R

1.Personal Factor 3.87 GE 3
2. Psychological Factor 4.01 VG 1

3. Social Factor 3.88 GE 2
Composite Mean(CM) 3.92 GE

The composite mean of 3.92 indicated that the extent of purchasing behavior of

Grade 12 students was to a great extent as assessed by themselves. Topmost in the rank

was the psychological factor to a very great extent with an average weighted mean of

4.01. Second in the rank was the social factor wherein the extent of purchasing behavior

of Grade 12 is also to great extent with an average weighted mean of 3.88. Last, the

extent of purchasing behavior in terms of personal factor is to a great extent with an

average weighted mean of 3. 87.

3. Difference between the Extent of the Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of

Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. Table 13 shows the difference between the extent of

the factors affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.

Table 13

Difference between the Extent of the Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of

Grade 11 and Grade 12 Students

AWM df tc cv Interpretation
on Ho

1.Extent of the factor

affecting the purchasing
behavior of Grade 11
There is no
students. Rejected
98 88.8507 1.964 significant
2.Extent of the factors the Ho
affecting the purchasing
behavior of Grade 12

The data revealed that there was significant between the extent of factors

affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of SLSHS. This was

supported by the computed t-value of 88. 8507 while the critical value of 1. 964 as the

level of 0.05 level of significance using 98 degrees of freedom. The above findings led

the researchers to reject the null hypothesis.

The findings implied that the extent of the factors affecting the purchasing

behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS have significant difference.

4. Perception of Grade 11 and 12 Students on their Purchasing Behavior

Based on the interviews of the researchers to the respondents, the results

revealed that the personal factors among the three factors are perceived by Grade 11

students. They said that it depends on the money on how much they have in purchasing

which only shows that they consider the financial stability. With the help of their daily

allowances they parents give to them, Grade 11 manage and budget their money what

is the best thing to spent for. The respondents are very practical on the daily necessities

in life because of they consider personal than others which are not more important. On

the other hand, psychological factor which perceived by the respondents of Grade 12 in

purchasing behavior by believing in such belief coming from their parents or even their

grandparents that they adapt it in purchasing the product they want to purchase. The

students still checks the quality or durability of the products that they going to buy in

the market. They consider or depend on their own perception towards the name of the

company or seller and the history of it. The Grade 12 students perceived the most in

their purchasing behavior by the psychological factor.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings revealed in the study, the

conclusion drawn based from the findings and the recommendations offered by



This study was undertaken to determine the factors affecting the purchasing

behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students of SLSHS during the second semester of school

year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this research intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of the following factors in the purchasing behavior of Grade

11 students as assessed by themselves in terms of:

1.1 Personal Factor;

1.2 Psychological Factor, and

1.3 Social Factor?

2. What is the effect of the following factors in the purchasing behavior of Grade

12 students as assessed by themselves in the above-mentioned categories?

3. Is there a significant difference between the assessments of the two groups of

respondents on the effect of the factors in their purchasing behavior?

4 .How do the students perceive their purchasing behavior?

5. What plan of action may be recommended for students to develop good

purchasing behavior?

The descriptive quantitative- qualitative method of research was utilized in the

study with the questionnaire and interview as the main data gathering instrument. The

respondents involved in this study were 10 students each from Grade 11 of ABM, STEM,

HUMSS A and B, ICT and Grade 12 of ABM, STEM, HUMSS A and B and ICT with a total of

100 students of San Luis Senior High School during the second semester of school year



The following findings were revealed from the data gathered in this study:

1. Extent of Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11 Students.

1.1 Personal Factors. The data revealed that the extent of personal factors

affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 students is to a great extent with

weighted mean of 3.70. the students showed that they consider financial stability, know

the economic situation, determine the age, buy product suit their personality and

change buying preference through their lifestyle are to a great extent which ranging

from 3.50 to 3.88. The findings implied that the personal factor affects the purchasing

behavior of Grade 11.

1.2 Psychological Factor. The average weighted mean of the extent of

psychological factor affecting the purchasing behavior of grade 11 students is 3.66 to a

great extent. The students encourage themselves to buy the products which needed

with the highest weighted mean of 3.82 is to a great extent. While, some of them

believe in checking the durability of the product before buying with an weighted mean

of 3.76 is to a great extent. The Grade 11 buy products based on perception towards

company/seller with the top three in the rank of 3.50 to a great extent.

1.3 Social Factor. The data revealed that the extent of social factor affecting the

purchasing behavior of Grade 11 students is to a great extent wherein 3.54 is the

average weighted mean. The respondents take in consideration society beliefs, their

family affects decision on what products, the society culture affects the buying behavior,

core about people opinions when buying and they buy only because of the influence of

friends/peers with the weighted mean of 3.26 to 3.88 to a great extent.

2. Extent of Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 12 Students.

2.1 Personal Factor. It was stated in the extent of social factor affecting the

purchasing behavior of Grade 12 students with an average weighted mean of 3.87 is to a

great extent. The students of Grade 12 consider the financial stability during shopping

with the highest weighted mean of 4.50 is to a very great extent. The age of them

determines the things they buy which is the weighted mean of 3.80 is to a great extent.

On the other hand, they know the economic situation in buying a product with the

weighted mean of 3.72 is to a great extent.

2.2 Psychological Factor. The average weighted mean of 4.01 to a very great

extent is the extent psychological factor affecting the purchasing behavior of Grade 12

students. They believe in checking the durability of the product, encourage themselves

to buy which is needed and buy products based on perception towards the

company/seller are to a very great with the weighted mean of 4.14 to 4.32. Though

some of the respondents get motivated to buy the latest product and use their beliefs

im buying with the weighted mean 3. 70 and 3.68 is to a great extent.

2.3 Social Factor. The data revealed on the extent of social factor affecting the

purchasing behavior of grade 12 students with the average weighted of 3.88 is to great

extent. Most of the students take in consideration society beliefs in terms of buying with

the weighted mean of 4.12 to a very great extent. They care about people opinions

when buying things with the weighted mean of 3.88 to a great extent. On the other

hand, the society culture affects buying behavior with the weighted mean of 3.84 to a

great extent.

3. Difference between the Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Grade 11 and

12 Students. There is a significant difference between the extent of the factors affecting

the purchasing behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students on personal factors, psychological

factors and social factors.

4. Perception of the Students in their Purchasing Behavior. After conducting the

interview it was found out that Grade 11 and Grade 12 perceptions regarding their

purchasing behavior are the Grade 11 said that it depends on the money on how much

they have in purchasing which only shows that they consider the financial stability.

Psychological factor which perceived by the respondents of Grade 12 in purchasing

behavior by believing in such belief coming from their parents or even their

grandparents that they adapt it in purchasing the product they want to purchase. They

consider or depend on their own perception towards the name of the company or



Based on the findings revealed in the study, the following conclusions were


1. The extent of the personal factor of Grade 11 students is to a great extent.

2. The extent of the psychological factor of Grade 12 students is to a very great


3. There was a significant difference between the Grade 11students and the

Grade 12 students on the factors affecting their purchasing behavior.

4. Most of the students of SLSHS perceived their purchasing behavior through

considering their own perception and attitude that falls on the psychological



1. The students should be aware of the factors affecting their purchasing behavior.

2. The students must weigh which factors affects their decision on buying that will

have them to a better purchase.

3. The teachers should give topics discussing the factors affecting purchasing

behavior of the students in order to strength the basis of their purchases.

4. The entrepreneurs must focus on determining consumers’ preferences in

purchasing products.

5. The future researchers may do further research about the factors affecting the

purchasing behavior of the students and applied it to wider scope of




Parasuraman, A. (2007), Marketing Research, Second Edition









Name: Nicole Anne B. Macalintal

Address: Calumpang West, San Luis, Batangas

Date of Birth: October 11, 2001

Status: Single

Father: Cristopher L. Macalintal

Mother: Jean B. Macalintal


Junior High School: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

Taal, Batangas

2014 - 2018

Elementary: Calumpang Elementary School

Calumpang West, San Luis, Batangas

2008 – 2014



Name: Carmina Mae A. Melchor

Address: Manggahan, San Luis, Batangas

Date of Birth: September 28, 2001

Status: Single

Father: Lamberto C. Melchor

Mother: Gimelyn A. Melchor


Junior High School: San Luis Academy

Calumpang West, San Luis, Batangas

2014 - 2018

Elementary: Calumpang Elementary School

Calumpang West, San Luis, Batangas

2008 - 2014



Name: Ronalin I. Moredo

Address: San Isidro, San Luis, Batangas

Date of Birth: May 13, 2001

Status: Single

Father: Rufino M. Moredo

Mother: Leonora I. Moredo


Junior High School: Sta. Monica National High School

Sta. Monica, San Luis, Batangas

2014 - 2018

Elementary: San Isidro Elementary School

San Isidro, San Luis, Batangas

2008 - 2014




Areas of Persons Time Expected

Objectives Strategies
Concern Involved Frame Outcome
Application on Understanding -Conduct a Teachers Year A high
the factors how consumers symposium in Students Round degree of
affecting the decide on a
purchasing regards with the knowledge
product they
behavior of
can fill in the demographic on the
Grade 11 and
12 students in gap in the profile which factors
SLSHS. market and
affects the affecting
identify the
products that purchasing the
are needed and behavior. purchasing
the products
-Provide activities behavior
that are
obsolete. that will emphasize
the attitude or
perceptions in
purchasing as a

and its effect to
buying behavior.
-Create a program
that the students
show how the
influence of other
people affects their

February 2020




Dear Ma’am:

Good Day!

We, the undersigned Grade 12-ABM students of San Luis Senior High School, are
conducting a research entitled “The Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of
Students of San Luis Senior High School”.

With your expertise, we are humbly asking your permission to validate our
questionnaire for the said study.

We are looking forward that our request would gain your positive response.

Respectfully yours,






Jenny Lou M. Guansing

Research Teacher

February 2020




Dear Madam:

Good Day!

We, the undersigned Grade 12-ABM students of San Luis Senior High School, are
conducting a research entitled “The Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of
Students of San Luis Senior High School”.

In connection with this, we are humbly asking your permission to conduct an interview
and distribute questionnaire in your school and utilize the Students as respondents.

We are looking forward that our request will merit your kind consideration and
approval. Thank you and more power!

Respectfully yours,






Jenny Lou M. Guansing

Research Teacher

Approved by:


Principal II

February 2020

Dear Students,

Good Day!

We, the undersigned Grade 12-ABM students of San Luis Senior High School, are
conducting a research entitled “The Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of
Students of San Luis Senior High School”.

In connection with this, we are hoping for your honesty and cooperation in answering
the provided questionnaire. Rest assured that the information gathered will be

Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,






Jenny Lou M. Guansing

Research Teacher

Approved by:


Principal II




The researchers will conduct a study to determine the factors affecting the

purchasing behavior of students of SLSHS. The information gained by the researchers

will be confidential.

I. Profile of the respondents

Directions: Please check (/) the information that applies in you.

1. Age

_ 15-17 y/o _ 18-20 y/o _ 21 y/o and above

2. Gender

_ Male _ Female

3. Strand


II. Extent of Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behavior of Students of San Luis Senior

High School

Directions: Please indicate your level of agreement on the statements.

5 – Very Great Extent

4 – Great Extent

3 – Moderate Extent

2 – Less Extent

1 – No Evident

Personal Factor 5 4 3 2 1
1. Consider financial stability during
2. Know the economic situation in
buying a product.
3. Age determines the things to buy.
4. Only buy products that suit
5. Often change the buying preferences
through lifestyle.

Psychological Factor 5 4 3 2 1
1. Believe in checking the durability of
the product before buying.
2. Get motivated to buy the latest
3. Encourage myself to buy the products
which needed
4. Buy products based on perception
towards the company/seller.
5. Use beliefs in buying.

Social Factor 5 4 3 2 1
1. Take in consideration society beliefs in
terms of buying.

2. Family affects decision on what
products to purchase.
3. Society culture affects buying
4. Care about people opinions when
buying things.
5. Buy things only because of the
influence of friends/peer.



The researchers’ respondents answered the questionnaires and conducted a

survey to determine the factors affecting the purchasing behavior of students Grade 11

and Grade 12 of San Luis Senior High School.


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