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Nahda University

Faculty of Engineering
Quality Assurance Unit

Course name: building construction 2 Academic year: 2016/2017

Course Report

A- Basic Information
1- Title& Code: Building Construction 2 (BLD 225 )
2- Program(s) on Which This Course is given: Architecture Engineering
3- Year/ Level of Programs: : 2016-2017 / second level
4- Units/ Credit hours:
Lectures: 1 Tutorial: 4 Practical: 0 Total: 3
5- Names of Lecturers Contributing to the delivery of the Course: Dr. Eman Badawy
Course co-coordinator: D
External evaluator:

B- Statistical Information
1- No. of Students attending the course: No. 12 % 100

2- No. of Students completing the course: No. 12 % 100

3- Results:
- Passed: No. 12 % 100
- Failed: No. 0 % 0
4- Grading of successful Students:
- Excellent: No. 0 % 0
- Very Good: No. 5 % 40
- Good:No. 5 % 40
- Pass: No. 2 % 20
- Grading of successful Students:
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D
0 2 3 2 1 2 2

Nahda University
Faculty of Engineering
Quality Assurance Unit

C- Professional Information
1- Course teaching
Week Topics actually taught No. of Lecturer
W1 (wall - Shallow – Deep) foundation 6 Dr. Eman Badawy
W2 roof covering methods (wood- concert- steel ) 6 Dr. Eman Badawy
W3 identify the types of timber 3 Dr. Eman Badawy
W4 wood joinery (windows- doors) 6 Dr. Eman Badawy

W5 Metal Works, (doors and windows 6 Dr. Eman Badawy

W6 finishing works tiles, plaster, paint 3 Dr. Eman Badawy

- Topics taught as a percentage of the content specified:>90 %  70-90 % <70 %

- Reasons in detail for not teaching any topic: None
- If any topics were taught which are not specified, give reasons in detail: None

2- Teaching and learning methods:

- Lectures: 

- Practical training / laboratory: 

- Seminar / workshop: 
- Class activity: 
- Case study: 

- Other assignments / homework:

- If teaching and learning methods were used other than those specified, List and give reasons:

3- Student assessment:
Method of assessment percentage of total
Written examination 70%
Oral examination 0-
Practical / laboratory work 0
Quizzes/ Other assignments / class work 30%

Nahda University
Faculty of Engineering
Quality Assurance Unit

Total 100%
Members of examination committee: Dr. Eman Badawy
Role of external evaluator: None
4- Facilities and teaching materials:
- Totally adequate 

- Adequate to some extent

- Inadequate
- List any inadequacies None

5- Administrative constraints
- List any difficulties encountered None

6- Student evaluation of the course:

Response of course team List any criticisms

7- Comments from external evaluator (s): N/A

Response of course team:
8- Course enhancement:
- Progress on actions identified in the previous year's action plan:
Action State whether or not Completed and give reasons for any non-

9- Action plan for academic year 2017 – 2018:

Action required Completion date Person responsible
Quiz 1 5-6-2017 Dr. Eman Badawy


Nahda University
Faculty of Engineering
Quality Assurance Unit

Quiz 2

Final exam

Course coordinator: Dr. Eman Badawy



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