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Web Programming

Project: HTML, Bootstrap (CSS, JavaScript), PHP and

Baseda Website
Develop dynamic website using HTML Bootstrap (CSS, JavaScript), PHP and
MySQL/SQL-Server etc. (No backend frameworks).

The purpose of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate

use of various techniques we have covered in the course.

You are allowed to use code from various sources on the Internet e.g. w3schools.
However, you are not allowed to copy code from any source ‐ online or offline
without mentioning the source. Please give credit to the original author of the
code where it is due and don’t integrate the external code without developing a
good understanding of it. If asked any group member should be able to elaborate
the application and code.


Your website could be any online system fulfilling following criteria:

1. Either buy a hosting or use a free one to host your project (website) and it
should be accessible 24/7.
2. You can divide your project into two chunks frontend and backend.
3. All image / graphic files must be placed in “graphics” folder.
4. All CSS files must be placed in “css” folder (Use Bootstrap recommended).
5. Only use relative URLs for your internal links to website pages and files.
6. All folder & file names (images, html, script and php etc.) must be lower
case with no spaces in their name.
7. All pages must have consistent look and feel (You can use any frontend
technology/framework e.g. bootstrap to speed up the process of
development but usage of any backend framework e.g. Dot NET MVC Core
will result in negative marking).
8. No broken links (internal or external) should be present in your website.
9. All images & html files must have meaningful names. i.e., it should be
easy to find files just by reading the file name.
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Web Programming
Project: HTML, Bootstrap (CSS, JavaScript), PHP and
Based Website
10.No incomplete pages should be in your website, you must integrate content
in all pages.
11.You can also use one folder for placing subpages of a section if desired.
12.Furthermore, it must contain:
a. CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.
b. Relational database e.g. MySQL/SQL-Server using PHP PDO API with
exception handling.
c. Object Oriented Approach (OOA).
d. Separate panels for Admin and Users of website
• Sign up and sign in pages.
• Cookies and Session Support (Start a session on login and
terminate on logout).
e. For events and DOM manipulation use JavaScript (jQuery)
f. AJAX search or adding a feedback comment and use JSON format
(Creation of an API is desirable)
g. File Uploading.
h. A gallery to view all the uploaded files.
i. Use of transactions (roll back effect) only if your domain requires it.
j. Interactive event handling/user engagement using JavaScript
k. For maximum marks add support for basic security and performance
issues however don’t waste time on this feature if previous points are
not complete. I do not expect every student to accomplish this


 You are required to code/create your own PHP/database and

cannot copy existing projects from the Internet, this type of
plagiarism will straight away get zero marks.
 No two projects should have similar code – All identical projects will be
considered cheating. When you get caught don’t be surprised. Keep
your project code safe from others – this is your responsibility.
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Web Programming
Project: HTML, Bootstrap (CSS, JavaScript), PHP and
 If you would like to help your friends,
MySQL please help them create a unique
Based Website
website (their own database and js/php code).

 You can use any WYSIWYG editors or tools

 You are fully responsible of keeping safe backup of your project – No
excuses will be accepted (e.g., viruses or any other hardware / software


 Name your project folder:

o “YourGroupMembersRollnumbers‐htmlbootstrapphpmysql”
o For Example, if your roll numbers are “203”
and “204” than your Project folder should be
called 203-204‐htmlbootstrapphpmysql or
include a readme file with all the roll
 You will upload the whole project on MS Teams.
 Any group failing to upload project within time will get zero marks, no
leniency this time.
 Each group must have 2 to 3 members.
 Deadline to submit this project is Monday midnight 17th December, 2020
 This is a graded homework of 10 points

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