HP-I, Chapter - One, Source of Energy

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Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

I. Course Objectives And Competence To Be Acquired
 Up on completion of this course, students shall be able to
 Acquire the basic concepts of hydropower development
 Plan ,design and analysis of the different hydropower scheme components
 Construct and supervise hydropower schemes

II. Course Description
 Source of energy,
 Hydropower potential, Status and development in Ethiopia,
 Estimation of firm and secondary power, load prediction, demand assessment,
 Classification and types of hydropower development,
 Site selection, layouts for each type and capacity computation,
 Water conveyance structure, intakes, canals, tunnels, water hammer analysis,
surge tanks, penstocks, Fore bays anchors.

III. Course Outline
1. Introduction
1.1. Definition Of Energy
1.2. Sources Of Energy
1.3. Merits And Demerits Of Energy Sources
1.4. Energy- Physical Basis And Measuring Units
2. Development Of Hydropower
2.2. Hydropower Status in the World
2.3. Hydropower potential & Status in Ethiopia
2.1. Merits and Demerits of Hydropower

III. Course Outline
3. Classification and Types of Hydropower Development
3.1. Classification and classification Basis
3.2. Site selection ,Layouts and arrangements for Low, Medium and High Head plants
3.3. Plant Capacity Computation
3.4. Storage and Pondage
4. Estimation of water power potential
4.1. Water Power Potential
4.2. Firm And Secondary Power
4.3. Load Prediction And Demand Assessment

III. Course Outline
5. Water Conveyance Structures
5.1. Intakes And Head Race
5.2. Canals And Tunnels
5.3. Settling Basin
5.3. Water Hammer Analysis
5.4. Surge Tanks
5.5. Fore-bays
5.7. Penstocks
5.8. Penstock Supports And Anchors

IV. Tentative Assessment/Evaluation:
Continuous assessment(Mid+Quizzes+project+Attendance) ----50%
Final exam-------------------------------------------------------50%
V. Course Policy
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the Senate
Legislation of the University throughout this course
Academic dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be
tolerated at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
action and team work is appreciable.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Make sure to silent or switch of your cell-phone during class time.
Attendance Requirements:-A student must attend at Least 85 % of the classes

VI. References:
1. Emil Mosonyi (1987), Water Power Vol. I low head power plant,Budapest publisher.
2. Emil Mosonyi (1991), Water Power Vol. II high head power plant, Budapest publisher
3. H. K. Barrows (1943) Water Power Engineering, 3rd ed. McGraw, New York
4. Harvey, A. & Brown, A. (2004), Micro-Hydro Design Manual, Practical Action.
5. M. Dandaekar & K. N. Sharma (2013) Water Power Engineering, 2nd ed. Vikas
6. P. Novak and Iain Moffat (2007). Hydraulic Structures, 4th ed. Taylor & Francis
7. R. S. Varshney (1977) Hydropower Structures, 2nd ed

Chapter one
1. Introduction

Chapter one
Instructional objectives
On completion of this lesson, the students shall learn about:
1.1. Definitions of Energy
1.2. Sources of Energy
1.3. Merits and Demerits of energy sources
1.4. Energy- Physical Basis And Measuring Units

1.1. Definition
What is energy?
 Energy makes change
 It does things
 It moves cars along the road and boats over the water
 It bakes a cake in the oven and keeps ice frozen in the freezer.
 It plays songs on the radio and lights our homes.
 Energy makes our body grow and allows our minds to think.

1.1. Definition
Energy is:
 The ability/capacity of the body to do work , which may be withdrawn if needed( that
energy is the ability to do work, and work is moving something against a force)
 The amount of work actually performed.

 The entity that neither created nor destroyed, but transforms from one form to
the other.

1.1. Definition
Energy can be found in many things and forms?
 Potential Energy
 Kinetic Energy
 Heat Energy
 Light Energy
 Sound Energy
 Thermal Energy
 Electrical Energy

 How to generate?
 How to store?
 How to use?
1.2. sources of Energy
The source for any kind of energy on earth is the sun.
This also valid for nuclear and fossil fuel when taking into account the genesis of the earth.

1.2. sources of Energy
The above major sources of energy may also be classified as renewable and non-renewable
sources of energy.

Renewable Non-renewable
Hydropower Petroleum

Solar Coal

Biomass Natural Gas

Wind ETC


1.2. sources of Energy
 Comparison between renewable and finite energy supplies
 Environmental energy flow ABC, harnessed energy flow DEF

1.2. sources of Energy

 The Sun is the primary sources of energy.  Winds have sufficient energy which can be utilized in
 The energy radiated by the sun in the form of electro- wind turbines to derive small generators.
magnetic waves can be utilized for the generation of  Wind turbines make use of the aerodynamic force
power. generated to extract power from the wind
 It can be observed in solar collectors to provide  The method is unreliable as the production of electrical
space or water heating. energy depends largely up on the availability of wind
 It can be concentrated by parabolic mirror to provide pressure.
heat up to several thousands and this high  Ethiopia has total wind energy resource reserve of 3,030
temperature may then be used either for heating Giga Watt and the potential exploitable quantity is 1,350
purposed or to generate electricity. Giga Watt. For technical and economic reasons
 According to the revised Master Plan, Ethiopia’s appropriate wind regions for grid based electricity
average solar energy potential is 5.2KWh/m2/day and generation are those with wind density of 300W/m2
mainly centralized in the north part of the country (wind speed 6.5 m/s) and above.

1.2. sources of Energy
Thermal Power:
Coal, Oil, and natural gases the most commonly used sources of energy
The produced steam from these power is used to utilized in steam turbines coupled to generators for
generation of electric power
 Power production is used only where small power is required, for instance, as stand- by power
The process of use of fuel converts 30 to 40% of energy content of he fuel to electrical energy.
Operational scheme of thermal power plant.

1.2. sources of Energy
Thermal Power:

1.2. sources of Energy
Thermal Power:

1.2. sources of Energy
Thermal Power:
The maintenance and repair costs of a thermal plant are much higher than for a hydroelectric
 Thermal plant needs one month of maintenance each year.
 Operation costs of thermal plant is also high because of high cost of fuel.
 Needs a few hours for their startup.
 Lifetime is about 25 years.
 Lead to environmental pollution if any air-pollution-control systems and cooling towers are
not implemented.

1.2. sources of Energy
 There is a tremendous energy in ocean tides and  Biogas is derived from biological sources
waves but it is very difficult to harness this power. such as dung or sewage.
 These biological materials are fed in to a
 Only a few favorable points exist at the shore point purpose- built digester as slurry with up to
which favors for the production of electrical energy. 95% Water.
 In this case, a small dam or weir with large gates can  The resulting gas is a mixture consisting
be built across the mouth of a estuary and low head mainly of methane and can be used to
hydraulic turbines are installed in the dam. generate power using gas or Steam
 At the time of high tide the gates are opened & Water
is stored in the tidal basin and then the gates are

1.2. sources of Energy
Geothermal Power:
The earth has a molten core. During volcanic action, the material comes out from the bowels of earth
to form volcanic explosions.
As a result it produces steam vents and hot springs. This steam can be used for the generation of
electric power.
The best perspective areas are distributed along the Ethiopian Rift valley system which runs for
more than 1000 km from the Afar depression, at Red Sea to the Turkana depression southwards (NE-
SW to N-S direction).
Ethiopia’s geothermal resources are estimated to be 5 -7 GW of which 700 MW are suitable for
electric power generation.
Geothermal resources are primarily located in the Rift Valley area, where temperatures of 50 – 300°C
prevail in a depth of 1,300 – 2,500 m
A total of 16 geothermal resource areas have been identified by various studies. These resource
zones are all located within the rift valley system. (Aluto Langano, Tullu Moye Tendaho, Danakil
Depression, afar/Asayita, corrbetti….)

1.2. sources of Energy
Radio Active substances: nuclear power:
Tremendous amount of heat energy can be by fission of nuclear disintegration of uranium and other
similar fissionable materials
The heat energy so liberated in atomic reactors is extracted by pumping fluid or molten metal like
liquid sodium or gas through the pile.
 The heated exchanger by circulation.
 On the heat exchanger the gas is heated or steam is generated which is utilized to derive gas or steam
turbines coupled with generators there by generating electrical energy.

In our country:

Natural gases are found in ogaden, Borena
Coal - North shewa, Welega, Gonder, South Wello etc
Uranium -Ogaden, Borena, West Wellega
Geothermal energy -lake langano, Afar/Asayita

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages
 Burns clean compared to coal, oil (less  Not renewable source except when
polluting) produced from organic waste/algae
 70% less carbon dioxide compared to other  Finite resource trapped in the earth (some
fossil fuels experts disagree)
 Helps improve quality of air and water (not  Inability to recover all in-place gas from a
Natural Gas

pollutant/ sulfur-free except for sour gas) producible deposit because of unfavorable
 Does not produce ashes after energy release economics and lack of technology (It costs
 Has high heating value of 24,000 Btu per more to recover the remaining natural gas
second because of flow, access, etc.)
 In expensive compared to coal  Expensive to transport when liquefied
 No odor until added  Risky to handle because of vapor clouds and
 Versatile: used as a raw material for petro- danger of fire
chemical  Causes some atmospheric pollution when
used in power plants

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages
 One of the most abundant energy sources  Source of pollution: emits waste, SO2 , Nitrogen Oxide,
 Deposits are widespread in sedimentary areas ash
 Versatile; can be burned directly, transformed into liquid, gas,  Coal mining mars the landscape and creates problems of
or feedstock soil erosion and unproductive land unless remedial work


Inexpensive compared to other energy sources is undertaken, which may be expensive

 High-grade coal contains 70 – 80% of the energy per unit  Liquefaction, gasification require large amounts of water
weight of oil  Physical transport is difficult
 Good for recreational use (charcoal for barbequing, drawing)  Technology to process to liquid or gas is not fully
 Can be used to produce ultra-clean fuel developed
 Can lower overall amount of greenhouse gases (liquefaction  Deep mining can be dangerous, expensive and hazardous
or gasification) to health
 Some kinds of coal are low in sulfur  Solid is more difficult to burn than liquid or gases
 Leading source of electricity today  Not renewable in this millennium
 Reduces dependence on foreign oil  High water content reduces heating value
 By-product of burning (ash) can be used for concrete and  Dirty industry—leads to health problems
roadways  Dirty coal creates more pollution and emissions

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages
 Continuous sources of energy  For most locations, wind power density is low
 Traditionally used in many rural areas. e.g. for  Wind velocity must be greater than 7 mph to be
pumping water and turning millstones usable in most areas
Wind Power

 Clean source of energy and Inexhaustible  Problem exists in variation of power density and
 No emissions into the atmosphere duration (not reliable) Because, Variation in
 Does not add to thermal burden of the earth energy output according to duration and force of
 Produces no health-damaging air pollution or wind
acid rain  Need better ways to store energy and Storage of
 Land can be sued to produce energy and grow electricity when wind velocity changes is
crops simultaneously expensive
 Economical  Land consumption
 Benefits local communities (jobs, revenue)  For large scale production suitable sites with
(Small wind generators can supply electric adequate wind power are hard to find.
energy in isolated regions)

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages
 Powerful energy source: uranium releases  Potential of high risk disaster: Earthquakes can cause damage and
20000 times as much heat as the equivalent leaks at plants
weight of coal and Uranium fairly  Waste produced with nowhere to put it and not in use
widespread in nature  Pollution or contamination of the environment (long term): thermal
 Clear power with no atmospheric emissions waste (heated water dumped into river or sea) threatens aquatic
Nuclear Power

life. radioactive waste is hazardous to health; plutonium used in

 Useful source of energy and Could provide breeder reactors is a dangerous poison
unlimited energy resources through nuclear  Useful lifetime of a nuclear power plant; Storage facilities of
breeder reactors radioactive substances have short life to the life of radioactive
 Fuel can be recycled materials
 Low cost power for today’s consumption  Plant construction is highly politicized, materials can be stolen or
otherwise diverted for use in nuclear weapons
 Viable form of energy in countries that do  Installation of nuclear plants needs much capital and suitable sites
not have access to other forms of fuel are difficult to find
 All existing types of reactors consume more fissionable material
than they produce

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages
 Abundant  Found principally in areas of tectonic activity
 Environmental pollution possible
 Can generate electricity and provide  Release of sulfur components
Geothermal Energy

heat economically in relatively small  Highly mineralized hot waters

power units  containing toxic materials may have to be re
injected into the field
 Where district heating or greenhouse  Thermal pollution may be created when used to
heating is required, geothermal heat can generate electricity
be produced at very low cost  Technology for obtaining energy from geo-
pressure zones and hot rocks not yet developed

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantage Disadvantage

 Abundant, accessible & deposits are Nonrenewable

widespread in sedimentary areas Requires considerable capital investment
Causes atmospheric pollution through combustion
 Highly versatile Cost of production from tar sand and oil shale is
higher than from conventional sources

 High-grade fuel is obtained by refining and  Offshore exploration and drilling is more expensive
processing petroleum than on land
 Extracting oil from deep-sea areas beyond the
 Petroleum and its by-products are used for: continental shelf involves technological and legal
Transportation, Heating, Lighting, Cooling, problems
Lubricating, Medical products, Animal  There are growing difficulties in maintaining
protein, Fertilizer, etc. equilibrium between supply and demand

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantage Disadvantage
 Renewable  Organic municipal waste produces low-grade fuel

 Easily obtained  Large-scale collection could be costly

 Solves problems of waste disposal  Technical problem to handle non-organic solids

and related environmental pollution

 Renewable  Possible only in areas where difference in

tide levels is high enough to generate electricity

 Nonpolluting
 Output is intermittent and depends on tide cycles

 Installations are complicated and costly

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages

 Easily obtained & Inexhaustible  Limited hours of sunlight and variation of

solar intensity
 Direct use of heat for water and space
heating, cooking, drying crops, desalination  Solar collectors can only provide low-grade
of water, evaporation to produce salt heat on a small scale
Solar Power

 Nonpolluting and safe

 Technical difficulties in using on a large
 Considerable potential for space cooling and scale
water pumping
 Power system entail high initial cost
 Possible use for extraction of hydrogen from

1.3. Merits and Demerits of Energy Sources
Sour. Advantages Disadvantages
 Renewable  Provides less heat per unit of weight than
other fuels, such as coal and oil
 Provides heat for domestic purposes
 Inefficient conversion causes smoke pollution
Wood (Bio-Mas)

 Less polluting than other fuels.

Although the burning of a tree releases  Other industrial uses, such as construction and
CO2, an equal amount of CO2 is removed paper production, may yield a higher return
from the atmosphere when the tree grows. than its use for energy
Thus, so long as the trees that are burned
are replaced by growing new trees, the net  Forests are far from industrial centers
emission is zero

1.4. Energy-Physical Basis And Measuring Units

1.4. Energy-Physical Basis And Measuring Units
Unit Application Conversion
1 J = 1 watt-second
Joule Metric SI-unit = 1 Newton meter (NM)

Very common; disadvantage: mixing up the time 1 kWh = 3.6 x 106 Ws

Kilowatt-hour units second and hour = 3.6 x 106 J

Calorie Obsolete 1 cal = 4.1868 J

Coal equivalent Obsolete 1 kg SKE = 29.3 x 106 J

British Thermal Non-metrical; used in the Anglo- American area. 1 Btu = 1 055 J
Unit (BTU) = 2. 93x10-4 kWh
Various Btu are in use, Which differ only slightly
J m
Watt Metric SI-unit 1W  1 1 N
s s

Horse power (metric) Obsolete 1 PS = 736 W

Horse power (English) 1 HP = 746 W


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